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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Transcendental Meditator, Mystical Experience Doctor, Professor, Teacher, Writer, Workshop Facilitator, Researcher, Doctor in Comparative Religions, Humanitarian, Editor, Lecturer, Trainer, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Robert K.C. Forman is uniquely qualified, both personally and professionally, to re-imagine the spiritual goal and the path to it. Personally, Dr. Forman hasn’t missed a day of meditation in 40 years. He broke through to the first major life shift he sought during a nine-month meditation retreat, just two years after beginning Transcendental Meditation. Further developments have continued through his gaining of a Ph.D. in mystical experience from Columbia U and his 20 years as a Professor of Comparative Religions, through his lifetime of yearly solo meditation retreats, self-reflection, 18 years of psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic training, his marital work, his teaching, writing and leading of workshops, and his research into and national leadership role in the "spiritual but not religious" community.

His curiosity and confusion about his early spiritual breakthroughs led him to a Ph.D in Comparative Religions (Columbia U), where he specialized in the nature of and philosophical issues around mystical experiences and the spiritual life. He has often been called “one of the leading voices in the academic debates on mysticism," because of his work in the international scholarly debate about mystical experiences, which came to be known as “The Katz-Forman debates,” the work for which he has been awarded numerous grants and, just last year, an honorary doctorate. A tenured professor of religions at Hunter College of the City University of New York and a professor at Vassar College, Union Theological Seminary and the New School for Social Research, he often taught courses on mystical experiences and spiritual goals in every tradition, and his books are used in classes around the world.

Many of his insights about the spiritual path and goal came from his work as founder and Executive Director of the Forge Institute for Spirituality and Social Change and the Forge Guild of Spiritual Professionals, a non profit dedicated to helping people from any religion or spiritual path live “soul to soul.” He routinely gives lectures, trainings and workshops around the world. He was the co-founder and is executive editor of The Journal of Consciousness Studies , which has become the principle journal in the field. He is also the author of ten scholarly books on spirituality, mysticism, consciousness and world religions.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Traveler, Dancer, Flower Essences Researcher and Developer
Guest Biography:

Elizabeth Sheehan - author of, The Trail: A True Tale of the Camino

How does one move forward in the turbulent decade after college? What happens when community evaporates, a job ends and relationships crumble? And what’s a girl to do when all three fall away simultaneously??? This was the crossroads that faced Elizabeth as she set off on the ancient Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Following the intuitive nudge from a recurring dream, she embarked on a six-hundred mile trek across Spain. The thousand-year-old pilgrim route carried her from high in the Pyrenees in France to a place on Spain’s Atlantic coast known as the end of the world. Along the way her solo journey would transform itself into a communal life filled with a cast of international characters, a group that would give her the chance to lay the past to rest and find new love.

Elizabeth Sheehan was born and raised on a farm in rural New Hampshire. She attended Bennington College where she trained as a modern dancer with Terry Creech and Dana Reitz. A particular focus of her dance work was on the evolving field of emergent improvisation. Her interest in this field led to a post-graduate year working for Bennington College. After Bennington, Elizabeth danced in New York City before taking a one year teaching internship at the Putney School in Putney, Vermont.

After Putney, Elizabeth decided to walk the ancient pilgrimage route from St Jean Pied de Port in the foothills of the French Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela on the west coast of Spain. Begun as a solo trek, this journey became an exuberant experience of community. Her abiding love for the Camino led her to walk the five hundred mile Camino three times and write a memoir about her first Camino called, The Trail: A True Tale of the Camino.

At present, Elizabeth works in research and development as well as in the main office at Green Hope Farm Flower Essences. During her trips on the Camino, she created three different Flower Essence collections for Green Hope Farm: The Camino Collection, The Healer’s Toolbox and Camino Tres. Her Flower Essences are sold worldwide.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Health & Lifestyle, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Doctor of Medicine, Hospitalist, Writer, Author, Consultant, Researcher
Guest Biography:

Dr Mark Davis received a Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD) from State University of New York, Syracuse (1978), and hundreds of postgraduate credits in medicine, nutrition and other sciences and 33 years in medical practice with concentrations in nutrition, internal medicine, bariatrics, geriatrics and as a hospitalist. He has written hundreds of articles on health care, nutrition, weight control, politics, government intervention in heathv care and writes for the Baltimore Examiner and other media outlets. His book The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide to Rapid Weight Loss evolved with the help of thousands of patient’s input. It is a protein based diet that has been used extensively and peer reviewed. His second book Demons of Democracy describes how lawyers are undermining every tradition and institution in America. He publishes approximately four articles a week on various topics. His third book in the works describes the challenges and pitfalls of socialized medicine and how the new American health legislation will interplay in peoples lives. Dr Davis is the president of a research firm called Heathnets Review Services which provides consulting services to the media, government, industry, the legal profession and private individuals. He has three adult children, and has been married 38 years. His wife is a dentist.

The Millenium Diet: The Practical Guide for Rapid Weight Loss

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Wellness Coach, Nutrition Educator, Culinary Expert, Author, Entreprenuer
Guest Biography:

Jackie Keller, Founding Director of NutriFit, LLC, is a licensed and certified wellness coach, nutrition educator and Le Cordon Bleu-trained culinary expert. She is also the author of Body After Baby The Simple 30-Day Plan to Lose Your Baby Weight Fast (Avery/Penguin Group; May 2007), and Cooking, Eating & Living Well, a cookbook and guide to nutrition-related lifestyle change.

Jackie and her partner/husband Phil Yaney, formed NutriFit LLC in 1987. NutriFit specializes in fresh, gourmet, customized and delivered meal programs that are tailored to accommodate an individual's health and lifestyle needs. Their goal is to promote long-term health by providing full service nutritional support, including delicious, gourmet meals, wellness coaching, and health-related products.

NutriFit manages hundreds of clients' personal preferences and health issues. With over 2,200 NutriFit recipes, "we are far from your standard catering company," says Jackie. "Ours is a comprehensive approach to understanding the needs of each client - taking into account their goals, nutritional needs, allergies, likes and dislikes, exercise regimen and family health history."

Jackie's father passed away from a heart attack when she was just a teenager. She has made it her mission to help people live longer and healthier lives. "I have a personal commitment to help people circumvent heart disease and other chronic ailments," she explains. "It drives almost everything I do. It is my passion."

As a certified wellness coach, Jackie conducts one-on-one sessions both in person and virtually, during which clients set achievable goals in six "wellness" areas: fitness, weight, nutrition, stress, health, and the life issues that impact health. Over the course of three months, she reports that clients typically reach 80% of their first priority goals and more than 70% of second priority goals.

Jackie holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern California, and received her culinary training from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition
Guest Occupation: Fitness Expert, Video Workout Series Developer, Fitness Trainer, Casting Director, Choreographer, Writer, Proucer, Violinist, Vocalist, Songwriter, Aerobic Instructor, Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Marina Kamen aka MARINA who has lost 100 pounds and is the winner of the People’s Choice Award for her catalog of over 1,200 Musical Fitness audio & video Workout Programs, 400 Original songs and 50 albums Online for Download

Marina is also a 53 year old mother of 3, a Certified Fitness Trainer, Casting Director, Choreographer, Billboard Charting writer/producer/violinist & vocalist. Infomercial Television products call on Marina to actually find those people and transform them into those beautiful before & afters we see on TV. She gets them to lose weight, teach them about fashion & styling and transforms them into shape! Marina has worked closely with some of the country’s hottest photographers, makeup artists and designers.

She has written hundreds of songs we hear everyday in our fitness classes and on runways for over 25 years charting in Billboard and charts around the world. Marina has pioneered the health & fitness industry as one of the original aerobic instructor at BodyDesign by Gildas in NYC 1979. Her roster of celebrity clients have included Faye Dunaway, Madeline Kahn, Lauren Hutton, Liza Barbara Feldon and countless others. Marina pioneered the Reality Television industry starting in 1999 appearing on PBS”-In The Mix”, Noggin’s “A Walk in Her Shoes” The Discovery Health Network “I Lost It” The Tyra Banks Show” in addition to having a Pilot shot of her in NYC back in 1999.

She has co-owned Kamen Entertainment Group since 1987 together with her husband of 28 years, Roy Kamen, which has received 150 Television, Radio, Commercial, Music and Fitness production awards over the past 30 years. Marina’s music and voice has been heard on numerous commercials including Verizon, Poptarts, Exxon Mobile, Equinox and Tourneau.

She has worked with a multitude of celebrity talent including Liza Minnelli, James Earl Jones, Patti LaBelle, and Carnie Wilson. Marina has also choreographed for companies including Columbia Records, BMG Records, and The Naras Foundation. Marina has been covered in Prevention Magazine, Woman’s World, Billboard and The New York Times. Marina’s charting music has been heard in health clubs, retail stores, runways and gyms around the world in addition to being used by various fitness clients including Jazzercise, Dynamix, Jackie Chan’s Cabel Flex. Marina’s latest projects have been The Firm Express Get Thin in 30/Gaiam, Jillian Michaels/Gaiam, Ab Shake/Ab Coaster/Tristar Productions, The Rack, Cardio Karate/Urban Group Exercise and Michael’s Olajide’s Aerobox for All Star/ Script to Screen

Guest Category: Design, Fashion, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Self Help, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Author, Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contactee, Orion Channel, Hypnotic Regression Channel
Guest Biography:

Stan Romanek, International Bestselling Author, may be the world's most documented extraterrestrial contactee. The multitude of unexplainable events involving Stan Romanek and hundreds of witnesses continue on a near monthly basis. The sheer volume of trace, video and photographic evidence is astounding. Aside from any individual interpretations or opinions about these experiences, there is much for humanity to learn on these very important matters. Stan Romanek's case has created a stir in the scientific and UFO communities. He has received national news coverage, including a guest appearance on Larry King Live.

Stan Romanek’s hypnotic regressions, transcribed in The Orion Regressions, provide a dramatic explanation of why some of the ETs are here, their goals and purposes, and the far-reaching changes on the earth we may expect in the near future. The equations Romanek received during sleep and hypnosis suggest the involvement of an advanced ET intelligence. They have deep physical meaning, and convey new ideas far beyond Stan’s ability to fabricate. The regressions provided the chance to interact directly with this intelligence, to pose questions and receive answers

Stan Romanek books released this year:

Answers is more than the sequel to the bestseller Messages. When Stan Romanek walks into a UFO conference, he brings more than his whole life with him—he also brings the concealed story of our inseparable connection with extraterrestrial beings and celestial guides. Answers is his new conversation with all of us about how the universe is far more brilliant and beautiful than our fondest hopes. It will change everything you believe to be true at a quantum level.

The Orion Regressions, a companion volume to Answers, contains the full transcription of five regression sessions conducted by Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle to explore Stan Romanek's contact with extraterrestrial beings. During Stan's regression sessions it became apparent that something other than Stan was using his body to communicate. The Orion Regressions contains messages given through Stan Romanek by beings claiming to be True Orions. These beings brought forth a wealth of information vital to humanity. Shared by an Orion who calls himself Grandpa, the richness of this amazing information could only be realized fully by compiling the transcripts word for word in a book worthy of the information.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Paranormal, UFOs, Medium & Channeling, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Physician, Metaphysician, Author, Psychologist, Minister, Editor, Writer, Musician, Farm Worker, Philanthropist
Guest Biography:

Rev. Dr. Todd Michael is a retired board-certified physician, a metaphysician with books in seven languages, a degreed psychologist, and an experienced minister.  He now lives in his home town of Ames, Iowa, where he makes his living giving Evolution Angel Life Readings and editing others writing projects.  If you are interested in booking a reading with him, it is suggested you read the page about readings on this site, and also read his first book The Evolution Angel, A Physician’s Lessons with Death and the Divine, easily available on


Rev. Dr. Todd Michael
board-certified physician, metaphysician, psychologist, and experienced minister

BIO - Rev. Dr. Todd Michael is the author of 15 self-help and spiritual books. He had addressed over 5 million people via radio shows like the Art Bell show, the Uri Geller show syndicated to 50 countries, and countless personal appearances at New Thought churches and conferences around the country, including a three day workshop at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. in Virginia Beach.

He spent the bulk of his career as an ER and Trauma physician, logging over 25,000 hours over twenty years and being elected as the the medical director of a level three trauma center for three years--before he retired permanently from medicine to pursue his writing and speaking and ministerial activities, and giving personal readings via the Evolution Angel, a group of wise souls that have taken an interest in working with him.

He has degrees in both medicine and divinity, is an initiate of the Mensa society, and a dual-degreed psychologist and philosopher from Iowa State University. He did not go to medical school until age 32, and was a blue-collar worker, musician, and farm worker before that. This period of incubation, so to speak, is something he is very proud of, and formed the basis of his personality in his early years.

He is the single father of Julian Michael age 16, an honors student and captain of his high school football team. His interests are golden retrievers, fitness, mountaineering, oil painting, photography, and multitrack recording. He has lived most of his adult life in Boulder, Colorado and is now building the Twelve Conditions of a Miracle Children's Foundation with his friend and colleague Lama Thubten Rinpoche. His ultimate goal is to become a successful philanthropist and feed and clothe as many needy children around the world as he possibly can through the sale of his books, audio books, and readings. He counts himself a proud and enthusiastic member of the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living, with Rev. David Alexander, which he now calls home

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Writer, Poet, Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Birgitte Rasine is the author of "The Serpent and the Jaguar: Living in Sacred Time," short stories "Confession," "Bakaly," and others, and countless other works ranging from journalistic articles to independent screenplays.

She also serves as the Chief Evolution Officer (CEO) of LUCITÀ Inc., a hybrid design and communications firm.

Birgitte holds a BA in Film Aesthetics from Stanford University, studied cinematography at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles, and completed a professional masters degree in international relations in Spanish at the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset in Madrid, Spain. She is a Founding Circle member of the Association of Women in Water, Energy and the Environment, as well as member of other professional organizations, and sits on the board of directors of the American Fund for Czech and Slovak Leadership Studies, a non profit organization in New York City dedicated to supporting the leaders of tomorrow. She lives in Northern California.

The Book, The Serpent and the Jaguar, by Birgitte Rasine

Guest Category: History, Divination
Guest Occupation: Independent Researcher, Author, Adjunct Professor, Traveling Ambassador, Guitarist, Vocalist, Poet, Editor, Webmaster, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Gary A. David is an independent researcher and author who has been intrigued by the American Southwest since his initial trip there in 1987. The following year he lived for about six months in northern New Mexico, where he studied archaeological ruins and rock art. In 1994 he moved to Arizona and began an intensive study of the ancestral Pueblo People (sometimes incorrectly referred to as the Anasazi) and their descendants the Hopi.

In 2006 after more than a decade of fieldwork and scholarly inquiry, his nonfiction book The Orion Zone: Ancient Star Cites of the American Southwest was published. This volume describes a pattern of Hopi villages and ruin sites that precisely mirrors Orion, with an ancient site corresponding to each major star in the constellation. (See map page.) The sequel released in 2008 is titled Eye of the Phoenix: Mysterious Visions and Secrets of the American Southwest. In 2010 the third book in the series called The Kivas of Heaven: Ancient Hopi Starlore was published. In October 2012 the next in the series titled Star Shrines and Earthworks of the Desert Southwest will be released. All four books are available from Adventures Unlimited Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and fine bookstores everywhere.

His articles or interviews have appeared in Ancient American, Atlantis Rising, Fate, Four Corners, Sagenhafte Zeiten (Erich von Däniken's "Legendary Times"), World Explorer, and UFO magazines. One of Gary's essays was also published in Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: a Graham Hancock Reader. Read a review of this anthology.   

Mr. David earned a bachelors degree in Arts from Kent State University and a Master of Arts in the literature of the American West and creative writing from the University of Colorado.

He has worked as a adjunct professor of English and creative writing, a traveling ambassador for the South Dakota Arts Council, and a professional lead guitarist/vocalist.
Gary is also the author of a number of poetry books, including A Log of Deadwood: a Postmodern Epic of the South Dakota Gold Rush (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, 1993) and Tierra Zia: Poems and Petroglyphs from New Mexico (Nine Muses Books, Winston, Oregon, 1996), both available from  In addition, he is editor and webmaster of Island Hills Books, an online publishing house, distribution center, and showcase for literature that focuses on the spirit of place.

Mr. David recently appeared on the History Channel's programs "Brad Meltzer's Decoded" and "Ancient Aliens." He continues to give lectures and national or international radio interviews on his work. Gary lives with his wife and an aging cat in northern Arizona, where the skies are still relatively pristine.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Science
Guest Occupation: Paranormal Investigator, Coordinator, Occult Consultant, Ordained Minister, IT Professional, Psychic Awareness Researcher
Guest Biography:

James Sangster - HGR Director / Investigator

Responsibilities: Interviewing, investigation coordination, Cleansing, Occult Consultant James has been involved in the paranormal investigation for over 10 years. His book, Help! I’m Haunted – Dealing with Ghosts is based on work in the paranormal field. James is also an ordained minister and enjoys educating HGR clients about paranormal phenomenon while coaching them through the process of spiritually re-claiming their homes. He is an IT professional by trade and is currently studying the use of hypnosis to enhance psychic awareness.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Channel of Ramtha, the Great American Channel, Spiritual Leader, Inspirational Speaker, Ascended Master Teacher, Humanitarian
Guest Biography:

My Guest on Saturday is JZ Knight who is the unique channel of Ramtha and author of the best-selling autobiography, A State of Mind, My Story. Historians and religious experts who have studied her life's work call JZ Knight the Great American Channel and recognize her as one of the most charismatic and compelling spiritual leaders of the modern age.

JZ Knight and Ramtha have captivated and inspired audiences worldwide for the last three decades, bridging ancient wisdom and the power of consciousness together with the latest discoveries in science. JZ Knight has appeared on national TV shows, such as Larry King and The Merv Griffin Show, offering spiritual insight and inspiration to thousands of people from all over the world and all walks of life, including many well-known figures from the entertainment world.

JZ Knight is the president of JZK, Inc and Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, a unique academy located in the foothills of Mt. Rainier in Washington State. The school was established in the 1980s and hosts over 10,000 students from the United States and 60 foreign countries. JZ Knight is the "channel" through which Ramtha delivers his message. Ramtha is an ascended Master Teacher who learned in his lifetime the unlimited potential of our minds for creating reality and the extraordinary in our lives. Ramtha lived as a human being on Earth 35,000 years ago. In that lifetime he discovered the true nature of the human person, the power of the mind, and the malleable nature of physical reality. Through his study of the nature of reality he achieved the supreme convergence of spirit and matter and became an ascended master. His powerful message of hope for humanity has already changed countless lives - none more powerfully and dramatically than JZ's own life.

The School's approach is unique and innovative, combining many threads of contemporary scientific research that support the principle that God lives within each of us. The physical body and the material world are only one aspect of the real world. They are the product of a broader reality constituted by consciousness and energy. The human being is best described as consciousness and energy creating the nature of reality. We are divine beings by nature. Thus, a spiritual life that incorporates the material world rather than rejecting it and is accessible to everyone.

Ramtha's choice to channel the teachings through a woman, rather than use his own physical body also makes the statement that God and the divine are not the prerogative of men alone. Skeptics who deny the existence of Ramtha as a conscious entity capable of using another entity's physical body are thus left with a brilliant woman who can teach on all manner of subjects for days on end without fatigue or notes. It demonstrates that women are worthy expressions of the divine, capable of genius and of being God realized.

JZ Knight is also the President and owner of JZ ROSE, formerly The Outback Boutique, a treasure chest that offers vintage style gifts and collectibles, home furnishings, fine antiques and everything beautiful. JZ Knight's personal love for fine art, timeless antiques, and the nostalgic romanticism of the Victorian style inspired her to create a store where she could share the things she loved with other people.

Some of the main humanitarian charities JZ Knight has sponsored through the JZ Knight Humanities Foundation she created have been the empowerment of women, world peace, and education scholarships for children. Since 1988, JZ Knight has contributed more than $1,200,000 to 200 graduating High School seniors so they could pursue their educational goals. She has helped local church's charities aiding communities in Africa. She has also participated as the address speaker in international women's conferences affiliated with the United Nations and was one of the keynote speakers at the Prophet's Conferences inspired by the movie, What the Bleep Do WE Know!?

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Princess, Journalist, Speaker, Interviewer, Author, Commentator, News Broadcaster, Producer, Director, Talk Show Host, Diplomate, Peace Activist
Guest Biography:


The granddaughter of the Meiji Emperor, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru spent her early childhood in the Forbidden Castle in China. While at Columbia University and in graduate school, she furthered her research into international politics and since 1970, as a journalist, has interviewed kings and presidents, prime ministers and business people from many countries, and has given speeches, written books, and appeared on television as a commentator on international political affairs. In 1973, she was acclaimed in the U.S. magazine, Newsweek, as the "World's No.1 interviewer," and the Washington Post described her as "one of those rare women in the world with an outstanding international sensitivity."

Later, she was producer, director, and interviewer of her own Japan/U.S. talk show, for which she traveled to war-torn areas around the world and carried out positive discussions with the heads of state of those countries. Among those were Colonel Gadhafi of Libya and then-president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein--figures that were considered hostile by the West. Nakamaru even covered the frontlines during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) and video taken of it was shown to President Hussein who suggested that the war be immediately halted. The images of her broadcast on TV pressing President Hussein with the question "Why is this war being continued?" and asking Colonel Gadhafi, "Are you really a terrorist?" drew strong reactions. From those experiences, she exerted her energy into "personal diplomacy," serving as a go-between among warring countries, using her own funds.

In order to finance her "personal diplomacy," she bears all expenses. Kaoru's network of contacts include many "big names" of whom the staff at TV stations say "Even with our connections, there is no way we can approach these people," and this is linked to the fact that Kaoru, who is not affiliated with any organization, travels the world at her own expense and as a private citizen. Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gadhafi, top North Korean leaders, and other important figures that western journalists are unable to meet, talk with her-- the main reason being "Princess Nakamaru is not a person who is moved by personal motives and so we considered a meeting with her."

In response to her personal diplomacy Kaoru established the "International Affairs Institute for World Peace" in New York in 1985, and in 1991, the "Following the Sun Association" was organized for people aspiring toward peace. In doing so, royalty and presidents from various countries as well as cultural figures signed their names to the statement, "I endorse all of your activities," and these people have been welcomed as advisers and special members. Accordingly, this began in earnest a movement of enlightenment in which the realization of a "one world" policy where the "path of life" is based on mutual understanding and trust, and not on a "one world" policy where the "path of power" is based on military power and tension. Since her days as an interviewer, she has so far traveled to as many as 186 countries.

Nakamaru's aim is for a "world peace through human renaissance. Wealth, fame, power do not make humans happy, as true happiness is borne from a heart filled with love, harmony, and peace. When there is peace within the hearts of each person, from VIPs to average citizens, then world peace is realized. The phrase "one world" mistakenly conjures up a religious movement, but Nakamaru has absolutely no religion ties. Nakamaru believes in a religion of her own, but does not belong to any group, saying that "The world transcends all the many religions, races, ideologies so there cannot be just one.

As for her personal life, in 1966 she married Tadao Nakamaru, an actor who worked with Toshiro Mifune. She has a son and a daughter. In addition, she has maintained a close friendship with South Korea through its former prime minister, Kim Jong-Pil, and with North Korea through the late Kim Il Sung as well as Kim Yong Sun the Secretary of North Korea's Worker Party (who died in 2003 in a car accident), and has strived to improve relations between Japan and both Koreas as a bridge between the Japanese and Korean governments by bringing about the temporary return of a Japanese woman while at the same time acting as a mediator in bringing about a summit meeting between South and North Korea.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Writer, Columnist, Major, Justice Party 2012 Presidential Nominee
Guest Biography:

Rocky Anderson - Justice Party Presidential Candidate

Rocky has always been committed to the principle that justice - social justice, environmental justice, and economic justice - must be an essential aim of public policy. His heartfelt commitment to social justice is reflected in many of the numerous articles and columns he has authored for local publications. For instance, he has written articles for magazines on such diverse topics as ethics in politics, combating racism, and criminal justice reform. He also wrote a weekly column for The Enterprise, a Utah business newspaper, covering issues such as tax reform, valuing diversity, and the importance of character in public life.

Having been the only major city mayor who advocated the impeachment of President George W. Bush because of his disregard of intelligence data indicating that Osama bin Laden was about to attack the U.S. and his dishonesty to the American people in the lead-up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq, Rocky has proven himself to be "non-partisan," forcefully demonstrating that the rule of law has been severely undermined by both major parties and by both Presidents Bush and Obama. Anderson has persuasively argued that despite his earlier belief that the Bush Administration would be merely an "aberration" in the history of the US, "President Obama has institutionalized some of the worst abuses of the Bush Administration" and has gone even further in establishing an imperial presidency that has fostered a two-tiered system of justice in the United States.

On August 11, 2011, Rocky denounced the Democratic Party and resigned his affiliation with it. He wrote in a letter to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that "The Constitution has been eviscerated while Democrats have stood by with nary a whimper. It is a gutless, unprincipled party, bought and paid for by the same interests that buy and pay for the Republican Party."

On January 13, 2012, Anderson accepted the presidential nomination of the Justice Party, a new national political party. The Party's primary principles are integrity, justice, and liberty for all.

The emphasis of Rocky's campaign is the promotion of the public interest through the defeat of the systemic corruption that has caused massive failures in public policy. Rocky advocates an immediate end to the on-going wars; essential health care coverage for all citizens; urgent international leadership by the U.S. to prevent against the most catastrophic consequences of climate disruption; adequate revenues to balance the budget through fair taxation; treatment of substance abuse as a public health, rather than criminal justice, issue; control of the Federal Reserve by the Treasury Department and Congress; a balanced budget (or a surplus) except in times of war or major recession; an end to the legal concept of corporate "personhood;" a constitutional amendment to overrule Citizens United and to allow limits or prohibitions on the corrosive impact of money in our electoral system; and an end to the stranglehold on our government by the military-industrial complex.

Guest Category: Legal, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Performer, Musician, Writer, Songwriter
Guest Biography:

David Rovics grew up in a family of classical musicians in Wilton, Connecticut, and became a fan of populist regimes early on. By the early 90's he was a full-time busker in the Boston subways and by the mid-90's he was traveling the world as a professional flat-picking rabble-rouser. These days David lives in Portland, Oregon and tours regularly on four continents, playing for audiences large and small at cafes, pubs, universities, churches, union halls and protest rallies. He has shared the stage with a veritable who's who of the left in two dozen countries, and has had his music featured on Democracy Now!, BBC, Al-Jazeera and other networks. His essays are published regularly on CounterPunch and elsewhere, and the 200+ songs he makes available for free on the web have been downloaded more than a million times. Most importantly, he's really good. He will make you laugh, he will make you cry, he will make the revolution irresistible.

Guest Category: Music, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Singer, Entertainer, Speaker, Vocal Coach, Writer
Guest Biography:

Cindy Ashton is a Toronto & Los Angeles based singer, entertainer & speaker who frequently tours internationally.  She is also a vocal coach, the author of Kiss Your Monsters Goodbye and has received President Obama’s “Call to Service” award for her outstanding volunteerism.

Audiences rave about her vocal versatility and infectious energy. They love the element of surprise as they enjoy her unique blend of comedic tales & inspiring stories mixed in with Broadway, Cabaret & Jazz repertoire.

Cindy has performed numerous times on stage, in recordings and on film including playing the lead roles of “Cindy” in the musical Suds and “Miss Hannigan” in Annie, singing opera arias for the Downsview Symphony and making audiences laugh as a company member of R9 Comedy Troupe. Her debut album, Don’t Rain On My Parade, was released in 2006.

Born with only a 20% chance of living, Cindy underwent three heart surgeries by age 14 and was left in chronic pain and with a damaged lung. Recovering beyond doctor’s expectations, she has gone on to complete an Honors Bachelor’s degree in Music and Kinesiology from York University as well as study with Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts, Second City and Livent of Canada.

As a speaker, Cindy has given over 100 motivational talks across North America, sharing the stage with such motivational powerhouses as Barbara De Angelis, Lisa Nichols and Bob Proctor. Now she is dedicated to empowering fellow artists & speakers with tools to create their persona and generate a massive buzz.

An internationally published writer, Cindy was published in Performance Magazine, alongside Donald Trump and Tony Robbins. Amongst hundreds of media, she has been featured on CBC Radio, Metro News, Living Clean Show on CTS and was on the front page of the TIMES, lifestyle section in PA.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Accoustic, Reggae, Rock, Funk, Ska, Hip-hop, Musicians, Band, Music Artists, Songwriters
Guest Biography:

The word synergy means: Forces coming together to be greater in magnitude than the sum of their separate parts. SYNRGY takes this definition into the realm of the music they create, and their relationship with their audience.

Formed in Flagstaff, Arizona in 2007, SYNRGY fuses reggae, rock, funk, ska, and hip-hop grooves with conscious lyrics depicting the state of our nation, relationships, love, dreams, and the journey of everyday life. Since relocating to the Pacific Northwest in late 2008, SYNRGY has toured the western United States relentlessly, gaining a strong following of listeners through their highly-charged live show!

In early 2010, SYNRGY released their first studio album "Live in Love". Live in Love has 11 original SYNRGY tracks including hits such as: Breaking All The Rules, Good Dog Down, Sincerely Guilty and Tell Me Why. In spring of 2010, SYNRGY's Lead Singer, Brian Zach, released an 18 track acoustic album called "Dream On." Dream On includes songs such as Hypocracy, Bombs Away, Blow Those Clouds Away, and Back To Where I Came. Live in Love and Dream On are both available for sale on Itunes.

SYNRGY is currently on tour sharing music from their recently released album "SYNRGY" featuring the beautiful song Embrace The Change.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Radio Show Host, Casting Director, Manager, Producer, Actor, Radio Personality, Advisor, News Broadcaster
Guest Biography:

James Martinez

In the past 15 years Mr. Martinez has participated in the psychological elimination of over $800 million dollars of alleged credit card debt through legal countermeasures. More important than the virtual currency of alleged debt is the necessary reframing and re-education of the public through acoustic reconditioning processes that allow clients to understand and overcome obsolete thinking strategies in an age where debt behavior is the norm and socially conditioned mental illness installed through ignorance and media extensions of the central nervous system via the credit card are now our collective dis-ease. While these strategies are not limited to credit cards Mr. Martinez has successfully fought for the public in foreclosure issues on properties and successfully has empowered clients and listeners to take there power back and stand for there right to be free. A media ecologist by trade Mr. Martinez has made history in broadcasting by being the first in many platforms including initiating the Cold Fusion meme to the world and accurately predicting the media stance on man's greatest invention since the wheel. Since then has launched and the public and media have positively responded. Coming soon via James Martinez appears in "The Believers" discussing the ramifications of Cold Fusion and the technological effects that face the the public and culture at large. Mr. Martinez delivers complete "pattern interruption" with shocking delivery and humor in aims to wake the public up from the deep electronic hypnotic sleep where most of America resides. The "Cash Flow" show is the first Executive Produced radio broadcast in history that accurately predicted the release of cold fusion to the world months before its public announcement on "60 Minutes" thanks to Bob Neveritt and his team which was responsible for delivering mankind's greatest invention ever. Free energy.

Mr. Martinez has had a unique experience working in media. He's worked as a Casting Director, Manager, Producer, Actor and Radio Personality. Throughout his years in media Mr. Martinez began his education on the Board of Advisers of The Freedom of Thought Foundation with such luminaries as Walter Bowart author of "OPERATION MIND CONTROL" Col Thomas Bearden "The Excalibur Briefing" and Col. Fletcher Prouty "The Secret Team" during which time Mr. Martinez collaborated with Universities and members of the mental health profession fighting for cognitive liberty. In 2007 Mr. Martinez was elected Director of Public Affairs for S.O.M.A. Corporation (Semiotic Off-screen Media Arts) the first consulting company ever designed to use media to heal the public through the use of film and television.

Prior to any of the current news today on International Banker abuse against the public and planet Mr. Martinez discovered the real crisis. A crisis in consciousness associated with our collective idea of money through the use of credit cards and the effects of living within the digital environment in a world where the acceleration and speed of information has now made proper accounting of our collective idea of money impossible. This has clearly been illustrated in hours of interviews regarding credit card identity theft, hacking and unaccounted for trillions of debt all over the world. While meeting with representatives from The World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Bank of Warburg Mr. Martinez discovered the real truth and decided to release this to the world.

Mr. Martinez has collaborated with the late Aaron Russo "Freedom to Fascism" prior to his death regarding digital currency and since then has interviewed some of the biggest movers of culture in the world. Civil rights leaders such as Russell Means and Donzaleigh Abernathy. Currency expert and historian Andy Gause. World re-known security expert and author Marty Kaiser. Top scientist's in the field of Cold Fusion. Astronaught Brian O'Leary. Former House of Representative Ken Gordon. Media ecologist and author Douglas Rushkoff. World re-known author and Co-Developer of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler. Artist and media theorist Chad Scoville. The original wikileaker John Young. Film maker James Scurlock "Maxed Out". Danny Schecter "In Debt We Trust" and many more.

Since then Mr. Martinez has been interviewed on multiple radio stations and his material has been the inspiration of Universities in Canada and the US. Websites such as The Misery Ghost and others come forth from his work in radio as well. James Martinez has appeared in Sovereign Mind Magazine and was recently published in "The World I Dream Of" by Curt Butz with a hundred people that were changing the world for the better. Additionally, he has been feature on multiple radio interview all over the US and appeared Nationally on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp speaking about representing the public on the future of energy regarding

Based on his work he formerly served on The Board of Advisers for the Marshall McLuhan Center on Global Communications along side Bob Neveritt and the Presidential Medal of Freedom winner and Father of the Internet Vint Cerf.

Without a doubt "Cash Flow" will down in history as one of the greatest broadcast shows in history breaking new ground where no one has dared done before thanks to Bob Neveritt, Dr. Carolyn Dean and ION taking to the air waves and introducing RNA Drops to the world and listeners to Non-Physical on Wednesday's. History has been made and the powers that be are tuning in.

Guest Category: News, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Expert Dream Interpreter, Psychology Doctor, Media Expert, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Dr. Michael Lennox, one of America's most recognized and respected dream interpreters. For more than twenty years he has been interpreting dreams, illuminating the meanings of thousands of dreams in workshops, in the media, and for corporate and private clientele. He read Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams when he was 15 (and precocious), studied at the Jung Institute Los Angeles, and obtained his Masters and Doctorate in Psychology from The Chicago School, formerly California Graduate Institute.

A highly sought-after media expert, Dr. Lennox has been seen internationally by millions of viewers on many television shows, beginning with the Sci Fi Network's The Dream Team with Annabelle and Michael, for which he filmed 65 episodes beginning in January 2003. Since then he has also been featured on the Emmy Award winning reality show Starting Over, Soap Network's Soap Talk, MTV's Myths and Urban Legends, National Lampoons Editorial Desk, The Wayne Brady Show, The Gregory Mantell Show, as well as local news broadcasts across the country, from Los Angeles to Denver to New York. His frequent radio appearances showcase his work on a monthly basis on Sirius Satellite Radio's Playboy Channel, The Rolonda Watts Internet Radio Show and on Canada's premiere talk jock Andrew Krystal's show in Toronto. Other radio guest spots include Miss Jones in the Morning in New York City and Philadelphia as well as with Kevin Foxx in Toronto.

Dr. Lennox's works have appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers, including Women's Health, Star Magazine, Today's Woman, 360, and TV Guide (including a special edition dedicated to interpreting the dreams of Soprano's character Tony Soprano). He is continually sought out to appear in all forms of media to offer his insightful wisdom in an easy, extemporaneous and humorous style. His doctoral dissertation, Astrology and Personality, was published by Lambert Academic Publishing in Spring 2009.

Currently, Lennox lives and practices in Los Angeles, California. His speaking career is managed by two speaker's bureaus: Eagle's Talent on the East Coast and Corporate Artists out of Las Vegas. Media opportunities are handled by Both Flight 33 Productions and The Discovery Channel are in discussions for dream-related television projects featuring Dr. Lennox.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Behavioral Therapist, Author, Educator, Television Host, Radio Host, Voice-Over Artist, Columnist, Speaker, Columnist, Dream Expert, Writer, Empowerment Facilitator, Humanitarian
Guest Biography:

Cynthia Richmond, a board-certified behavioral therapist, author, educator, television host, radio host, voice-over artist, columnist and speaker. Cynthia has written a weekly column for the Arizona Republic. "In Your Dreams," first ran weekly in the Los Angeles Times for over three years. In addition her column interpreting the dreams of school children ran for over a year and solicited invitations to speak at schools throughout Southern California. For two years Ms. Richmond was the popular host of the daily, live, national television program "State of Mind" on the NBC cable television network from New York. She has appeared on The Oprah Show, Dr. Phil, The View with Barbara Walters, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Beyond with James Van Praagh, Donny & Marie, Leeza, Entertainment Tonight, Later Today Show, Men Are From Mars, Montel, Maury, Ricki Lake, Soap Talk, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox news networks, and on many other television programs local and national. One highlight was when she was interviewed by Anderson Cooper, "He actually read the book!" She said. Currently she is the dream expert on InfiniteQuest the personal growth website created by psychic medium John Edward. "Along with keynotes, I am often booked to speak as the 'Spouse Program' for corporate retreats. One of my favorites was at the Ritz Carlton on Amelia Island, Florida, with Alan Greenspan.

Cynthia's book, Dream Power, How to Use Your Night Dreams to Change Your Life (Simon and Schuster hardcover c.2000.) helps readers to remember and interpret their dreams and use the insights gained to make life-goals a reality. The paperback version (Fireside Books in March 2001) is in its fifth printing. The trade paperback version of Dream Power was featured in a national promotion for the Oil of Olay, night cream collection of products. Cynthia has been featured in print media from The New York Daily News to Ladies' Home Journal magazine to Men's Health and is a freelance writer for magazines and newspapers. In demand as a speaker and educator, Cynthia has led numerous workshops and classes as well as individual sessions helping people to empower their lives. She has also worked as a fill-in host for radio programs in New York City and Sacramento, California, and has been a frequent guest on hundreds of radio programs across the country.

Cynthia is in demand as a guest and as a host on programs as diverse as morning news and entertainment programs, to health, and advice shows. She has interviewed celebrities, newsmakers and motivational experts. Cynthia is a sensitive and perceptive interviewer. Media producers love her ability to think on her feet and listen. In humorous or serious matters Cynthia is at home in front of a camera, microphone or live audience. She was interviewed in Hong Kong for an Indian magazine and has traveled all over the world researching dreaming and its influence in diverse cultures.

Richmond has met, been interviewed by or interviewed many of her personal heroes; authors, actors and others who have made a positive impact on the planet, including, to name a few: Martin Luther King's children, Dr. Maya Angelou, Shirley McClain, Maryanne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Brian Weiss, Barbara Walters, John Edward, Les Brown, Oprah Winfrey, Isabel Allende, Henry Mancini, Dick & Jerry Van Dyke, Donnie & Marie Osmond, and Louise Hay.

Cynthia wrote the curriculum for several courses including: Change Your Thinking Change Your Life, How To Talk To Practically Anyone About Practically Anything, Build Confidence And Self Esteem and How To Be Happy and taught at the Learning Tree University in California for many years. She is the recipient of the American Legion Award for Courage and Leadership.

Cynthia is devoted to service work and is on the board of the Verde Valley Sanctuary, a shelter for abused women and children, and is actively involved in several causes including, a Scottsdale based charitable group which builds orphanages, famine relief efforts, educational centers, and other activities, which works to expose and eradicate contemporary slavery world wide.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Divination, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, Ufologist, Ufo Researcher, Ufology's Gold Standard, Ufo Secrecy Historian
Guest Biography:

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading historians of the UFO phenomenon.

He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, as well as an analysis of the future, A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact. He is currently writing UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: A New Primer on the Greatest Mystery of Our Time, due out later this summer.

Richard’s work covers all aspects of the UFO subject, including its extraordinary history, the deep political implications, the mysteries of contact and abduction, ideas about the intelligences behind the phenomenon, the many scientific implications, the evolution of ufology, and considerations about the likelihood and impact of “Disclosure.”

He has written numerous articles, spoken at conferences around the world, is a frequent guest on radio shows such as Coast-to-Coast AM, and has done a great deal of television work.

Richard’s writing is widely seen as ufology’s gold standard. His seminal history, UFOs and the National Security State, has inspired such statements as “the best history ever written about UFOs” by best-selling author Whitley Strieber, and “masterful and important” by Dr. Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14.

A.D. After Disclosure, which Richard co-authored with Bryce Zabel (creator of the television series Dark Skies), has been widely hailed as among the most original works in all of UFO literature, a fearless and analytical “what if” scenario that discusses the deep impact that would be brought about by the end of UFO secrecy.

Richard was born in Brooklyn, New York, studied at Alfred University and Oxford University, was a finalist for a Rhodes scholarship, and completed his graduate work in history at the University of Rochester. Prior to his interest in UFOs, he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, Soviet history and culture, and international diplomacy.

Richard lives in Rochester, New York, with Karyn Dolan and their two children.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, UFOs, Politics & Government, Technology