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Guest Name
Todd Michael
Rev. Dr. Todd Michael, Physician, Metaphysician, Author, Psychologist, Minister, Editor, Writer, Musician, Farm Worker and Philanthropist
Guest Occupation
Physician, Metaphysician, Author, Psychologist, Minister, Editor, Writer, Musician, Farm Worker, Philanthropist
Guest Biography

Rev. Dr. Todd Michael is a retired board-certified physician, a metaphysician with books in seven languages, a degreed psychologist, and an experienced minister.  He now lives in his home town of Ames, Iowa, where he makes his living giving Evolution Angel Life Readings and editing others writing projects.  If you are interested in booking a reading with him, it is suggested you read the page about readings on this site, and also read his first book The Evolution Angel, A Physician’s Lessons with Death and the Divine, easily available on


Rev. Dr. Todd Michael
board-certified physician, metaphysician, psychologist, and experienced minister

BIO - Rev. Dr. Todd Michael is the author of 15 self-help and spiritual books. He had addressed over 5 million people via radio shows like the Art Bell show, the Uri Geller show syndicated to 50 countries, and countless personal appearances at New Thought churches and conferences around the country, including a three day workshop at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. in Virginia Beach.

He spent the bulk of his career as an ER and Trauma physician, logging over 25,000 hours over twenty years and being elected as the the medical director of a level three trauma center for three years--before he retired permanently from medicine to pursue his writing and speaking and ministerial activities, and giving personal readings via the Evolution Angel, a group of wise souls that have taken an interest in working with him.

He has degrees in both medicine and divinity, is an initiate of the Mensa society, and a dual-degreed psychologist and philosopher from Iowa State University. He did not go to medical school until age 32, and was a blue-collar worker, musician, and farm worker before that. This period of incubation, so to speak, is something he is very proud of, and formed the basis of his personality in his early years.

He is the single father of Julian Michael age 16, an honors student and captain of his high school football team. His interests are golden retrievers, fitness, mountaineering, oil painting, photography, and multitrack recording. He has lived most of his adult life in Boulder, Colorado and is now building the Twelve Conditions of a Miracle Children's Foundation with his friend and colleague Lama Thubten Rinpoche. His ultimate goal is to become a successful philanthropist and feed and clothe as many needy children around the world as he possibly can through the sale of his books, audio books, and readings. He counts himself a proud and enthusiastic member of the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living, with Rev. David Alexander, which he now calls home