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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Author and Speaker
Guest Biography:

Barbara Coloroso is an international bestselling author and for the past 38 years an internationally recognized speaker and consultant on parenting, teaching, school discipline, positive school climate, bullying, grieving, nonviolent conflict resolution and restorative justice.

She has appeared on Oprah, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and NPR. She has been featured in the New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Time, Newsweek, and other national and international publications.

Her uniquely effective parenting and teaching strategies were developed through her years of training in sociology, special education, and philosophy. It has also been field-tested through her experiences as a classroom teacher, laboratory school instructor, university instructor, seminar leader, volunteer in Rwanda, and mother of three grown children.

She is the author of four international bestsellers:

kids are worth it: Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline

Parenting Through Crisis—Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief and Change

The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander—From Pre-School to High School, How Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle of Violence

And, Just Because It’s Not Wrong Doesn’t Make It Right—From Toddlers to Teens, Teaching Kids to Think and Act Ethically.

Barbara’s latest book is Extraordinary Evil: A Brief History of Genocide…and Why it Matters.

She also has two critically acclaimed video programs Winning at Parenting...without beating your kids and Winning at Teaching...without beating your kids. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and a former Jesuit.
Guest Biography:

Robert L. Weber, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and a former Jesuit. Recipient of the American Society on Aging’s 2014 Religion, Spirituality, and Aging Award, he is an advisory board member for the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology’s Center for Psychotherapy and Spirituality. He lives with his wife in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., is founder and editor-in-chief of Fierce with Age: The Digest of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration, and Spirituality. The author of more than 20 books for and about the Boomer generation as well as popular blogs on Huffington Post, PBS’s, and, she has served on the faculties of Georgetown University, Loyola Marymount University, and Pepperdine University. She lives with her husband in Madison, Tennessee.

Guest Category: Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Lawyer
Guest Biography:

William Francis Pepper is a barrister in the United Kingdom and admitted to the bar in numerous jurisdictions in the United States of America. His primary work is international commercial law. He has represented governments in the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Asia. Today, Pepper represents Sirhan Sirhan, the gunman convicted in the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in June 1968.

Bill Pepper was a friend of Martin Luther King in the last year of his life. Some years after King's death, Bill Pepper went on to represent James Earl Ray in his guilty plea, and subsequent conviction. Pepper believes that Ray was framed by the federal government and that King was killed by a conspiracy that involved the FBI, the CIA, the military, the Memphis police and organized crime figures from New Orleans and Memphis. He later represented James Earl Ray in a televised mock trial in an attempt to get Ray the trial that he never had.

He then represented the King family in a wrongful death civil trial, King family vs. Loyd Jowers and "other unknown co-conspirators." During a trial that lasted four weeks Bill produced over seventy witnesses. Jowers, testifying by deposition, stated that James Earl Ray was a scapegoat, and not involved in the assassination. Jowers testified that Memphis police officer Earl Clark fired the fatal shots. On December 8, 1999, the Memphis jury found Jowers responsible and found that the assassination plot included also "governmental agencies." The jury took less than an hour to find in favor of the King family for the requested sum of $100.

William Pepper is heavily involved in Human Rights Law, for a time convening the International Human Rights Seminar at Oxford University, during which time individuals such as Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, accepted invitations to address the seminar. He lives in the US currently -not primarily- but travels frequently to England.


William Pepper’s lonely journey

Today, June 5th, is the 46th anniversary of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. The circumstances around his death are clear and convincing, and the evidence, including autopsy, ballistics, forensics and eyewitness clearly show that RFK was shot from behind by an unknown gunman (or gunmen) while people wrestled with Sirhan Sirhan in front of him*. There is no doubt about that.

The RFK assassination is perhaps the hardest to swallow, as it seemed at that time that hope died. There was no one else then, and none have stepped forth since to fill his shoes.

William Pepper has been Sirhan’s lawyer since 2007, and is struggling to get evidence into the legal system through an evidentiary hearing. He is blocked by a magistrate. His greatest fear is that Sirhan will be assassinated while in prison before this happens.

Pepper worked for James Earl Ray for 37 years. Ray died in 1998 from Hepatitis C. His was a preventable death – he was effectively killed by the Tennessee legal system when it refused to allow him access to health care. In 1999, having been blocked in all other venues, Pepper took on the family of Martin Luther King as clients, and sued a bar owner named Loyd Jowers (and other unknown conspirators) in Memphis court for the assassination of King. The trial lasted thirty days and over seventy witnesses appeared. The jury’s verdict was that Jowers did indeed participate in a conspiracy to do harm to Dr. Martin Luther King along with governmental agencies including the Memphis Police and Fire Departments, the FBI and United States military.

The transcript of that entire trial can be accessed here. Judge for yourself.

Remarkably, aside from a Memphis TV reporter, not one major American news outlet attended the 1999 trial. As Pepper says in the interview that follows, the American news media is “so well controlled” that the trial was not covered and most people don’t even know it took place.

I doubt Pepper is so dumb as to imagine we can have a real investigation of RFK’s murder in this country. We are far too corrupt, and no judge would allow a fair trial. Anyone sitting on the bench has an intuitive sense of where power lies, and knows that messing with the RFK assassination is inherently dangerous. People do not attain such positions without understanding our system. The only objective, then, is to keep the truth alive, as with passage of time lies become official history unless there are vigilant citizens working to expose them.

Below the fold here is a transcript of an interview with William Pepper from May 12 of this year. Again, as you read, please understand that the innocence of Sirhan Sirhan is not in doubt, that the evidence exonerates him in total, and that the whole of this matter is cock-blocked by both our courts and media silence.


*Many suspect, as I do, that Sirhan was firing blanks, since the real assassins were behind Kennedy and might have been hit by real bullets. However, there is no physical evidence to support this.


Host: Len Osanic

Guest: William Pepper, Attorney for Sirhan Sirhan

Date: May 12, 2014, Black Ops Radio

Osanic: Thank you so much for taking time to join me today. This coming June is going to be another anniversary of the assassination of Robert Kennedy. There are a lot of people tuning in. I have been doing the whole month, show after show, with all the various people who have been doing good work in the research, and of course I wanted to start with you.

I guess, highlight what we know about the assassination so many years later, and anything we can do about it, and of course people most likely know that you are handling Sirhan’s appeal. I guess we could start with that and go backwards. What is the latest state of the case?

Pepper: Well, there isn’t a great deal to report in that respect. The magistrate has been sitting on our petition now for going on to a year. He has refused to issue a recommendation to the court for, I guess now the last nine months. He did at one point issue a recommendation, a draft recommendation, and then invited comments, and we delivered and extensive response and comments and he has not moved since then. They changed the judge. We have a new judge. But this case is, of course, in the hands … of the magistrate. This magistrate has for all of these years been successful in avoiding [providing] an opportunity for a new trial, or even an evidentiary hearing which would enable us to put forward all of the new evidence that has surfaced.

So it’s not a happy situation for us, and we are caught in a very difficult situation because magistrates can take whatever time they need in these kinds of situations.

Osanic: I guess you would have to say this is on purpose. They don’t want to make a decision.

Pepper: I think they have a very serious problem. The evidence of Sirhan’s innocence is so overwhelming, and he was so badly represented at the original trial by a counsel who was himself under a pending indictment, a federal indictment, and who did not challenge the state’s ballistic evidence, did not put up any kind of a defense, but effectively just rolled over and allowed the guilty plea and, at that time, the capital punishment sentence to be issued. It was a horrific situation, both in terms of representation, and in terms of the evidence even then, particularly with a focus on the autopsy report that showed that Sirhan was innocent.

We have since done extensive work, bringing Dr. Dan Brown from Harvard, who a specialist in hypnoprogramming and [who] pretty much determined and put forward very strong cogent arguments that Sirhan was, in fact, hypnoprogrammed through the use of hypnotism and chemicals. And we have even, pretty much, now identified the place where that took place and the psychiatric team who were involved in programming him.

So they just don’t want evidence of this sort to see the light of day. By “they” I mean forces that have buried this political assassination and want it to remain underground until Sirhan passes away, presumably, or is assassinated himself in prison.

Osanic: Are you at liberty right now to discuss any of that hypnoprogramming? You said you know the location now …

Pepper: I can’t … anyone can go to the court record and can read our filings which include the statements of Dr. Brown. Those are available.

Osanic: OK. I will make a link. [Click on “read our filings” link at this location.]

Pepper: Yeah, you can make a link to put up on the website. I don’t want to get in to discussing those details. We believe that the whole process took place over a period of about two weeks. There are two missing weeks in the course of his history there. And so we believe that’s when it took place. But in terms of some of the other details, we would like an opportunity to be able to present them before a judge or before a judge and jury. And that’s basically where we are on the case at this point.

Osanic: Going back to the actual event, how did you come to represent Sirhan?

Pepper: I, as you know, have been involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King now for 37 years, and just basically finished the third book, a trilogy of work on that came that is the end of the story as far as that case is concerned, with the degree of detail and evidence that we have now … it’s so strong. I don‘t think there is a political assassination in history that has had the amount of evidence and information unearthed that we have in that case. But I was of course still involved in that case back in 2007 when Larry Peter, who was Sirhan’s counsel at the time, passed away. [I] was approached by people who had an interest in the case and by Sirhan’s brother, and I had assumed, in the King case, that [James Earl] Ray was innocent. I first met him in ’78 and it took me until ’88 to be convinced he was an unknowing patsy.

And I guess the gut reaction was the same in the case of the assassination of Bob Kennedy. But then when I was shown the evidence, I became convinced that that evidence was stronger than I had seen in the King case … of this man’s innocence. I mean, Bob was hit with three bullets from behind, the fourth one went through his shoulder [?pad?], and three of them hit him in the back – two in the back and one behind the ear at powder burn range.

And Sirhan … we have thirteen witnesses who placed him in front of the senator, never ever behind him, and another six who have sworn that they saw his hand pinned to the table – his shooting hand pinned to the table after the second shot. And he kept pulling the trigger with his hand down there but the bullets went all over the place. There’s no way that he could have put three bullets in Bob Kennedy at powder burn range from the rear. And the autopsy report itself is evidence of that.

So I took that case on at that point in time in 2007 and have been involved with it ever since. It’s not an easy matter to crack through the criminal justice system bureaucracy and force these cases to an evidentiary hearing, but that’s basically what we tried to do in the King case. We failed. Of course, James had a liver disease, hepatitis C, and even though I arranged a liver transplant for him at the University of Pittsburgh, Starzl Institute, I was denied the opportunity to take him there in Tennessee, and that of course was the final death sentence that James faced. We were not successful, and what we had to do eventually – I represented the King family – we all totally believed, the family and I believed that James was innocent. That’s why I got involved in that one.

We eventually did a civil trial where we sued one of the perpetrators in civil court in Memphis, and in a three-day trial with over seventy witnesses and all the evidence we had then, in 1999, was put forward. Most Americans – most people – do not know that trial ever took place because the mass media is now so well controlled, being subject to consolidated control, that that trial was not covered and most people don’t even know it took place.

So, we’re stuck in a similar situation with Sirhan. I believe the evidence is very strong and we are still before the court trying to get an evidentiary hearing, at least, so that there can be a record created. If we are denied we can take it up on appeal. If our petition is denied, we of course will go to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and push form there. And the outcome can be anyone’s guess.

Osanic: Now what was the item that tipped the scales for you? You said that you kind of assumed that Sirhan may be innocent, but as you dug in to the material you found even more. What would be a point that tipped the scales for you? I mean, for myself, when I heard there were powder burns on the back of his head, I thought that’s crazy – how could you be in front and shot from behind?

Pepper: Yeah, well that’s really the most powerful piece of evidence – the actual physical and ballistics record in the case and the location of the shooter, the actual assassin, in comparison to where Sirhan was, plus the fact that the witnesses saw him in front and that his hand was pinned to the table and then the long sessions, over three years, that Dan Brown spent with him indicating clearly, both under hypnosis and in free recall, that he was effectively set up for this hit, a patsy, and he was controlled by a woman who was placed on the scene for that purpose on that evening.

It’s a cumulative amount of evidence that has come forward. And when you mix it all together and you look at the job that his previous lawyer did, the defense that he had, there is little doubt that the man was railroaded and has been in prison for a crime he didn’t commit – and I imagine are many, many other people. I got involved in this one – I’m not really an assassinations buff or anything but I’ve become involved in this whole phenomenon of political assassination because one goes back and looks at it, looks how it’s been used throughout history, not just in the Untied States in the 60’s, but throughout history, to remove people or leaders who could not be controlled. It’s a pretty persuasive activity for that purpose, and unfortunately, Bob Kennedy was about to be president in most of our views. I had known both Martin King in the last year of his life and Bob Kennedy. I had worked for Bob Kennedy in ’64 when he ran for the senate. I was his Citizens’ Chairman when he ran for the senate in Westchester County. I had a connection with both of them and they were two significant leaders that had to be removed.

Osanic: Fletcher Prouty had a line, he said assassination is a business, and assassination is the business of big business. This is something that would be astounding to people see this pattern you mentioned, removal.

Pepper: I think what we now see, in these assassinations, along of course with that of John Kennedy, which I’ve not gotten involved with or done much work on, or Malcolm X – that these assassinations in particular, one could view them as being prelude to oligarchy. And I think one has emerged following the sixties and into the seventies and up to the present time. It’s the development of an oligarchic state in America. I think representative democracy I is gone, and we’re in a situation where we are truly an oligarchy. And these events have certainly made it possible for this to happen.

That’s where we are. I think Paul Craig Roberts and others have also said that.

Osanic: What are a couple of issues and items of evidence that people should know about that are in this case? You mentioned the idea of hypnoprogramming and this is probably foreign to a lot of people. They may say “I’ve never heard of this before” but there are some of the issues here that people need to know about?

Pepper: Hypnoprogramming is nothing new. It’s not a new tactic or device. It goes back to the agency in developing these guilds back in the fifties some while after being created. It’s an ability to control behavior up to the point of creating assassins whose memories can be wiped clean of things that they have done and who can be controlled by the use of not just hypnotism – that’s where there’s a lot of confusion because you’re not just hypnotizing – but it’s a combination of the use of hypnosis, certainly and electronic invasion as well as chemicals. And the combination of these things has been used in various degrees and percentages for quite a long period of time to control individuals.

So that was evident in this particular case with the particular patsy. It was not used in the King case and there was a different system and style that have been used in that case, obviously equally effective when you can control the means of information, effectively the investigation. The coverup is easy – and the media as well, by the way, that does not get involved in investigative journalism anymore – you control their results and you control history. You rewrite history and you write it for future generations. That is where we are.

In terms of the events in this case, it’s pretty clear that one can just read the autopsy report and get the details on how Bob Kennedy was killed, where the fatal bullet was, how it was fired, how close the pistol was to behind his ear as well as the shots in his back. That is powerful, powerful evidence. So we’re just looking for a chance, obviously, to put it forward and we’ve not gotten there yet, and I don’t know that we will. We struggle. We just hope that he is not killed in prison. That’s a problem.

Osanic: Sandy Serrano spoke of this woman in the polka dot dress. Are we any closer to identification of that person?

Pepper: Yes.

Osanic: OK. So that’s something that would come out in trial.

Pepper: [laughs] it could very well be, yes.

Osanic: That’s excellent news. So, the thing is that you are actually sitting on a large amount of information that exonerates him, and the legal system is actually very reluctant to let this out at all. It would just be another instance of, well, they have been lying to us about this, what else have them been lying to us about?

Pepper: Sure, that is the case. That is certainly the case. We just plug away and hopefully we will get a ruling or recommendation from the magistrate and then a ruling from the judge so we know where we can go. Obviously right now we don’t have it. That’s where we are.

Osanic: Do you have any opinion as to the motive for removal of Bobby Kennedy – he was somebody that was going to make changes, he had mentioned that if elected he would reopen the investigation into his brother’s murder? Do you have any comments about that?

Pepper: Bob Kennedy was somebody who was out of control, for the ruling forces of this society. He was going to reopen the investigation of his brother’s death. He was going to end the war in Vietnam, which would have saved probably another thirty thousand [American] lives if he had gotten in. That’s the additional number we lost between ’68 and when the war ended in ’75. He was going to go probably in a different direction in terms of the economic needs of the masses of people in this country, and would have been a vibrant force for continuation, rejuvenation of democracy.

He was unacceptable, from a whole range of standpoints, and he had to be removed. Los Angeles was the place picked for that to take effect.

Martin King was actually supposed to have been killed in Los Angeles, and they moved that one finally into Memphis. Martin was in Los Angeles, they kept James Earl Ray there for a long time, and then eventually they switched. I guess, logically, you couldn’t have two major assassinations in the same city. They had to change locales, and Memphis was always high on the list because of [former FBI agent and Director of Memphis Police and Fire Departments Frank C.] Holliman, who had run Hoover’s office and who had been special agent in charge for a period of time, and then who was returned as director of police and fire.

Memphis was a very good place this type of activity, as well as was Los Angeles, witness the official history (laughs).

Osanic: You mentioned this new book is about to be released you’ve just wrapped it up, so I’d be very interested to have you one another time to specifically talk about that. But I guess as we wrap up today, maybe wrap up Bobby Kennedy, and what he meant America at that time, and this assassination by this unknown person who turns out not to have any memory at all of the event, is – if you’re from another country you just scratch your head and wonder how can this go on?

Pepper: I think that’s true. Very difficult situation. Bob Kennedy was, in my view, one of the last hopes that could have been a force for democracy and justice in this land. When they took him from us, as they took Martin from us, we were just increasingly set back. That’s why I think that those sage voices who see us in oligarchic situation are probably correct at this point in time. It’s likely to get a lot worse before it gets better.

On that sad note, that’s pretty much where I see us.

Osanic: There doesn’t seem to be anybody on the horizon that is even a glimmer of hope.

Pepper: No.

Osanic: Catastrophic colossal letdown of Barack Obama – the only person on the horizon is a Hillary Clinton [this is snark], the whole thing is … I’ll just leave it like that. I don’t know what to say about the state of our world. Thank you so much for your time and effort trying to do the right thing, to expose these assassinations of the 1960’s – at least if we learn from them, what is the state of research, what are the facts that are known today, and we’ll figure what we can do about that, but for now just try to make an effort to bring those responsible at least to the information age so people can realize that this is what did happen. And you certainly did that with the trial in Memphis where you brought out so much information. You can’t do anything about it now, like you mentioned, with James Earl Ray passed away, the one dollar settlement – it’s not about money. Here’s what happened.

The same thing with Bobby Kennedy and Sirhan sitting in a jail cell not having memory of it, gunshots from different directions, the evidence destroyed, maybe the [Polish reporter Stanislaw] Pruszynski tape, that will offer additional evidence as well to the number of gunshots fired. I think the timing of the shots too is very important piece of evidence.

Pepper: The direction of the shots also. That scientific study showed not only that there were about thirteen shots fired, but that they came from two different directions. That’s very important to understand. Sirhan was firing one direction, but the actual shots killed Bob were fired in exactly the opposite direction, since Bob was facing Sirhan. All of those things would be fully aired if we had opportunity to get into a court room.

So anything anyone can do to run to the federal district court and the magistrate in Los Angeles urging that we be given that opportunity would be greatly appreciated.

Osanic: How can someone do that?

Pepper: Well, they can write. They can write letters. Magistrate does not like to receive letters. I’m not really technically supposed to encourage people to bombard the magistrate, but there’s nothing to prevent people from demonstrating, making contact from actually trying to get a hold of a link – this is where you can help, to do a link to all of our filings so that anyone who is interested can follow.


The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Hardcover – June 21, 2016

by Dr. William F Pepper Esq

William Pepper was James Earl Ray’s lawyer in the trial for the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., and even after Ray’s conviction and death, Pepper continues to adamantly argue Ray’s innocence. This myth-shattering exposé is a revised, updated, and heavily expanded volume of Pepper’s original bestselling and critically acclaimed book Orders to Kill, with twenty-six years of additional research included. The result reveals dramatic new details of the night of the murder, the trial, and why Ray was chosen to take the fall for an evil conspiracy—a government-sanctioned assassination of our nation’s greatest leader. The plan, according to Pepper, was for a team of United States Army Special Forces snipers to kill King, but just as they were taking aim, a backup civilian assassin pulled the trigger.

In The Plot to Kill King, Pepper shares the evidence and testimonies that prove that Ray was a fall guy chosen by those who viewed King as a dangerous revolutionary. His findings make the book one of the most important of our time—the uncensored story of the murder of an American hero that contains disturbing revelations about the obscure inner-workings of our government and how it continues, even today, to obscure the truth.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Singer,Songwriter,Musician,Producer
Guest Biography:



Born John Waldo Waybill in Omaha, Nebraska. The name Fee came by way of a bass player who thought Waybill looked like the King of Fiji, pictured on the cover of a National Geographic magazine, and began calling him “Fiji” which eventually was shortened to Fee.

Fee was raised in Scottsdale, Arizona where he sang and acted in elementary school assemblies which led to musical comedies in high school and then on to Arizona State University as a drama major. 

After moving to the mountains of northern Arizona to find his muse and living on brown rice and imagination he was enticed, without much difficulty, into being a roadie for the “Red White and Blues Band” on their way to San Francisco to make it big in the music business. Fee started singing background vocals and eventually the band combined with another Arizona band to become “The Tubes” in 1973 with Fee as frontman and lead singer.

The Tubes recorded ten LPs for A&M and Capitol Records from 1974 to 1985 and were headliners on their first tour, with 8 dancers, 7 band members, 6, 32” onstage TV monitors, wild acts and and entourage of 35 including a pyrotechnic advisor, a video supervisor and two costume mistresses. 

In 1984, Fee recorded his first solo album “Read My Lips” and collaborated for the first time with Richard Marx. The pair has gone on to co-write over thirty songs for their own projects as well as for other artists.

Fee left The Tubes after the 1985-86 tour to write and act and take a break from 14 years of touring. Moving to Los Angeles in 1986, Fee has since written lyrics for movie soundtracks as well as musical artists such as The Tubes, Richard Marx, Kenny Loggins, Toto, Steve Lukather, Pat Leonard, Vixen, Emerson Drive and others. Since 1991, Fee has won six BMI Performance Popularity Awards in recognition of his outstanding songwriting.

His acting credits include Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventures, Ladies and Gentleman the Fabulous Stains, Private Eye, Bouncers, SCTV, MTV guest VJ appearances, along with three books on tape and various voice-overs on commercials. 

1994 brought The Tubes back together with Fee for a long tour of Europe and a welcome reunion. The band has continued to play their unique brand of rock and roll, adding new songs to the mix of the already popular.

“Don’t be Scared by These Hands” was released in 1996, Fee’s second solo CD, followed in 1997 by the eleventh Tubes release, “Genius of America”, the twelfth, Tubes World Tour 2001 and latest CD and DVD release in 2004, The Tubes Wild West Show. 

Fee continues to live in Los Angeles. He enjoys scuba diving, water skiing and hiking with his dog. He is also an avid polo player and owns four horses. He supports animal rights causes and participates in a number of celebrity charity events eachyear including Richard Marxs’ CF charity show, Alice Coopers’ Solid Rock Foundation Golf Tournament and ESPNs’ annual charity golf tournament. His interests also include Mayan ruins, history and art of the American West and Bikram’s hatha yoga. 

Fee is also a member (aka “Barnie”) of The Barn Theatre in Augusta MI, the oldest for profit summer stock theatre in the US, and has reprised his role as Frank N Furter in The Rocky Horror Show six times. 

Since Fee’s first tenure at the Barn Theatre in 1999 he has revived the theatrical presentation of The Tubes show including props and more than ten costume and character changes in the current show. After a busy summer schedule Fee is thrilled to take a break and reprise his role, for the 6th time, as Frank Furter at the Barn. Fee says, “It’s like a vacation for me to come back to The Barn to do Rocky again, it’s so much fun and I feel so welcome. I guess old “Barnies” never die they just start stumbling over their lines, and high heels”.

In July 2015, The Tubes started a 40th anniversary European tour, including dates in Germany, Sweden and the UK. Dates in the U.S. followed.

Some of The Tubes biggest hits include …"Don't Touch Me There" "White Punks on Dope" "Prime Time" "Don't Want to Wait Anymore" "Talk to Ya Later" "Gonna Get It Next Time" "She's a Beauty" "Tip of My Tongue" "The Monkey Time" and "Piece by Piece."

The Tubes continue touring the U.S and Europe in 2016. 

The Tubes Current Band Members:

    Fee Waybill

    Roger Steen

    Prairie Prince

    Rick Anderson

    David Medd

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Sex, Society and Culture, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Musician,Singer and Songwriter
Guest Biography:



Albert Castiglia arrived on the International radar after Buddy Guy's iconic harp-blower, Junior Wells, heard the young bluesman sing and invited him into his solo band for several world tours. The gig was a shop-window, and though Wells sadly died in 1998, Albert stayed busy, joining the great Atlanta vocalist, Sandra Hall, for national tours in the late-'90s, while he held his own in onstage jams with artists ranging from Pinetop Perkins to John Primer. He has been named "Best Blues Guitarist" by Miami New Times, the respected alternative music magazine and honored by Roots Music Report with a Top Blues Album of 2011 and 2012. Castiglia was born in New York and raised in Miami to an Italian father and Cuban mother and combines all influences to create his unique style of modern day blues with a traditional core.

After five acclaimed albums and decades of blazing blues-rock shows, you might argue that you've already made his acquaintance. But by the Florida bandleader's own admission, Big Dog is the first release to truly get under his skin. "I just wanted to make a record that best represented who I am, as a musician, singer, guitarist and live artist," explains Albert. "With every release, I've come close, but this time, producer Mike Zito helped me nail it. He and label boss Thomas Ruf wanted me to make a raw, rocking blues record. That's what I'm about. That's who I am..."

Released in 2016 on Ruf Records, Big Dog confirms that Albert is a different breed to the lightweights and arrivistes who dominate the modern music scene. At 46, he's slugged his way into contention the old-fashioned way: writing from his heart, bleeding into his performances, eating up the road. "I have no illusions about what kind of guitar player and singer I am," he states. "My style is raw, unadulterated, crude and heavy. I don't have the technical proficiency of other players, but I play what's in my heart and what I feel at that moment. When I write songs, they have to mean something."

Recorded at Dockside Studios, Louisiana, there's not an ounce of fat on Big Dog's eleven tracks, with Albert darting between self-penned originals, cherished covers and co-writes with some of his closest compadrés. "You could smell the mojo in the sweet Southern air," reflects Albert, "and you could feel the mojo in the recording studio. We had a studio-savvy band with an incredible amount of soul, and Mike's role as producer was the wildcard."

In 2014, Ruf debut Solid Ground was declared "smouldering and intense" by The Blues Magazine. Now, Big Dog ups the ante, offering eleven new songs to get your teeth into, and supported by a full international tour that promises bark and bite. If you thought you knew Albert Castiglia, you don't know the half of it. "I think this album is a major game-changer for me," he says. "No matter what happens after Big Dog's release, I'll always be proud of it. When we tour this album, you can expect a balls to the wall, rockin' blues show. Expect to get what I've always given you - my 100%..."

Official Website:



Guest Category: Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, and Activist
Guest Biography:

Derrick Jensen has been called the "poet-philosopher of the ecological movement."

Derrick is the author of "The End Game" and several other eco-minded books.

He is also co-founder of Deep Green Resistance, an environmental organization committed to taking strong action to prevent the destruction of our planet.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Pets and Animals, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Anti-Aging, Wellness, and Lifestyle coach
Guest Biography:


I am an Anti-Aging, Wellness, and Lifestyle coach in Los Angeles, originally from Canada. My passion in life is helping others to LIVE longer, LOOK younger & FEEL better! I believe that in order for all of us to look and feel our best, we must start from the inside out by releasing fears, blocks, and obstacles while also taking full control of the outside…our health, lifestyle, and overall appearance.

Life hasn’t always been easy for me but I have learned to turn my challenges into opportunities for growth and I use this attitude with each of my clients along with the latest products, services, and techniques for a full Body, Mind, and Spirit approach.

I have spent many years as an international model, actor, fitness trainer, food and health industry expert, massage therapist, and energy worker and have combined all of these experiences to help YOU create zest for life while looking and feeling your best!

We can all live with more happiness, health, balance, inspiration, and vibrancy. It is my mission to share my expertise with you inspiring you to live a stellar life, put a smile on your face, de-clutter your world, discover your personal style, get lean and toned, create a harmonious home environment, and experience fewer wrinkles while you’re at it!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Self Help, Sports & Recreation
Guest Occupation: Healing Arts Practitioner, Song Writer, Chinese Translater, Musician
Guest Biography:


Jon Gartner, or Jon G., was born in Detroit and grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina. He studied Chinese, Linguistics, and Economics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He started working as a ‘digital nomad,’ editing and translating Chinese Academic work and traveling in Asia and South America, meeting shaman, monks, and yogis, and learning about the healing arts—all the while bringing a guitar along and writing songs. After moving to New York and working for National Geographic, Jon began exploring the powers of meditation and Raja yoga. The songs that started coming out were a combination of the rap records he grew up listening to and the esoteric knowledge he had picked up in his journeys—it is Alt-Folk Swag-Rap.

Four years later, Jon has labored over learning a mixing deck and recording studio and is able to share his songs with the general public at a commercially competitive level. His first release, The Demonstration EP, is completely written, produced, mixed, mastered, and published by Jon, and has the confidence of southern rap records with the spirit of protest found in 60s folk records, combined with the worldly knowledge of his travels and some fancy guitar work.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure
Guest Biography:

Guy McPherson is an energetic speaker and talented moderator. He has been labeled an anarchist and eco-terrorist by senior members of the Obama administration. He readily pleads guilty to the former and probably also the latter, depending upon how it is defined.

McPherson has appeared before countless audiences to speak about the two primary consequences of our fossil-fuel addiction: global climate change and energy decline. Because these phenomena impact every aspect of life on Earth, his talks reach a wide variety of audiences such as universities, associations, nonprofits, and numerous educational and scientific symposia and conferences. Selected presentations are available at McPherson’s YouTube channel or, more recently, Nature Bats Last’s YouTube channel, but each presentation is uniquely prepared for the specific audience. A host’s perspective in the wake of Guy’s departure.

Guy is professor emeritus of natural resources and the environment at the University of Arizona, where he taught and conducted research for twenty award-winning years. His scholarly work, which has for many years focused on conservation of biological diversity, has produced more than a dozen book and hundreds of articles. He lives in an off-grid, straw-bale house where he puts into practice his lifelong interest in sustainable living by fully engaging with his rural human community.

Guy developed a comprehensive set of durable living arrangements in response to the ongoing collapse of the industrial economy and global climate change. He shares property in a rural area developed specifically to provide abundant supplies of food and water as well as maintaining comfortable body temperature in the absence of fossil fuels. He is available for consultation if you are serious about doing the same.

Because the topics of his presentations sometimes induce despair, Guy became a certified grief-recovery specialist in January 2014. The certification came from The Grief Recovery Institute.

Guy McPherson on Extinction Dialogs: How To Live With Death In Mind



Extinction Dialogs: How to Live with Death in Mind is a candid conversation between Guy McPherson and Carolyn Baker. The text addresses the scientific research regarding abrupt climate change as well as how humans who grasp the likelihood of near-term human extinction can prepare emotionally and spiritually for the demise of many species on Earth, including ours. Synthesizing scientific and psycho-spiritual perspectives, McPherson and Baker provide a manual for understanding our terminal status and therefore allow this knowledge to shape every aspect of our relationships and behavior in humanity's last hours.

Carolyn Baker, Ph.D. is a former psychotherapist and professor of psychology and history. She is the author of Collapsing Consciously: Transformative Truths For Turbulent Times, Navigating The Coming Chaos: A Handbook For Inner Transition (2011) and Sacred Demise: Walking The Spiritual Path Of Industrial Civilization’s Collapse (2009). Carolyn offers life coaching for people who want to live more resiliently in the present as they prepare for the future.

Guy McPherson is Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona. He taught and conducted research for 20 award-winning years before leaving the university for ethical reasons in 2009. McPherson established a homestead and continues his prolific writing and teaching from there.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, History, News, Politics & Government, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Palestinian Rights Activist
Guest Biography:

Amena Ashkar, the granddaughter and great granddaughter of other Nakba survivors, who has known no other home than refugee camps.  Amena is here with Mariam, now 86 years old and respectfully known as Umm Akram (mother of Akram), has spent the last 68 years in crowded, makeshift refugee camps in Lebanon. She has raised three generations in the same camps, all waiting to return to their home in Palestine. She has lived through five Israeli invasions of Lebanon, as well as the 1976 Tel al-Zaatar camp massacre that killed more than 2000 of the refugees there.

On May 14, 1948, as Zionist leader David Ben Gurion was proclaiming a Jewish state in Palestine, his heavily armed troops seized the ancient Palestinian Arab town of al-Zeeb and drove out most of the inhabitants. 18-year-old Mariam Fathallah was one of them. She and her young husband Mohammed Atayah and their families were forced to flee to Lebanon, along with most of the town. By the end of the year, the 4,000 year old community had been leveled to the ground. More than half the Arab Palestinians in Palestine were killed or expelled and more than half of the cities, towns and villages of Palestine were made to disappear, a crime that Palestinians call al-Nakba (the Catastrophe).

Amena and Umm Akram have a different message from other Palestinians.  They are among six million Palestinians not living in Palestine – more than those who are.  They are citizens of no government at all, not even the Palestinian Authority.  They are not living under Israeli occupation. Israel does not allow them to visit their homes, much less live there.  Amena has never met an Israeli, and Umm Akram not since 1948. As exiles, they have a different perspective from Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the part of Palestine that became Israel.


Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Radio Host
Guest Biography:

MICHAEL RIVERO is the webmaster of whatreallyhappened and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network. The whatreallyhappened website is now in its 18th year.

Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan", "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0". Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism.

Michael's foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster.

Since that sudden beginning, Michael's website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddam's non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran.

Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Angel Readings & Workshops
Guest Biography:

Direct from Steffany's Factbook page

Working with angels and spirit people began for me at a young age. But with school, friends, activities, and family diversions, the abilities I had became dormant for many years.

I graduated at the top of my class in nursing in 1996. I went on to work in surgery, telemetry, and mother-baby before embarking on my greatest journey.

In 2001, after much encouragement from my own angels and human friends, I decided to become more open to exploring what once seemed so natural.

I am a Karuna Reiki Master -- the highest level of achievement in Reiki.

I feel passionately about this work and have dedicated my life to making a difference.

My family is my biggest support and my staff. David, my husband, functions as my business manager and traffic controller. I am blessed by his assistance.

We have two daughters, Zoey and Zanna, and our new addition Zircon who are simply my angels. 

Thank you for your interest in my work, but thank you even more for allowing yourself to explore and nurture your spirit. You will not be disappointed!

Angel blessings to you!

Guest Category: Courses & Training, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Washington D.C. Businessman and Political Activist
Guest Biography:

Adam Eidinger is a Washington D.C. businessman and political activist, known for his role in spearheading Initiative 71, which legalized cannabis in the District of Columbia in 2015.

Eidinger has been involved in a wide range of political actions, on District and national issues; a 2014 profile by the Washington Post stated he has been arrested 15 times. Key among his causes have been the marijuana and hemp politics, GMO labeling, anti-war, and social justice.

Hemp Advocacy

Eidinger was the publicist for Vote Hemp and the Hemp Industries Association before opening Capitol Hemp. He has been a frequent speaker at Seattle Hempfest. He was instrumental in uncovering the diaries of USDA botanist Lyster Dewey, who grew hemp on the land that is now the Pentagon. In 2009 he was arrested along with other activists for planting hemp seeds in the front lawn of the DEA headquarters in Virginia.

Medical Marijuana

Eidinger was President of the non-profit organization DC Patients' Cooperative, which was founded in the Spring of 2010 and disbanded in 2012. He, his business partner from Capitol Hemp, and colleague Nikolas Schiller ormed the non-profit organization to educate District residents about the medical cannabis law and to apply for a license open a cultivation center and dispensary. Unlike other for-profit groups vying for a license from the DC government, his non-profit organization was more concerned with patient access and affordability. Over the course of the next two years, he helped organize town hall meetings and press conferences to educate the public and urge the District government to move forward with the long-delayed program. The DC Patients' Cooperative ultimately did not apply for a cultivation center or dispensary license because the DC government required applicants to sign a form admitting they were violating federal law. He said the organization decided it wanted nothing to do with a program “that treats us like criminals.”

Adam has also organized a 300-mile march from New York City to Washington, DC and a cross-country tour of art cars in support of labeling GMO foods. He has also organized acts of civil disobedience, including planting hemp on the lawn of the DEA campus and publicly harvesting hemp and pressing hemp seed oil in front of the White House, to protest federal policies preventing U.S. farmers from growing industrial hemp in the U.S.

Initiative 71 for marijuana legalization

A canvasser for the DC Cannabis Campaign soliciting signatures for Initiative 71

In an interview with the Washington Post, Eidinger attributed his inspiration to legalize marijuana to his experiences in the 2011 raids on Capitol Hemp. In early 2013 Eidinger formed the DCMJ organization to press for decriminalization of marijuana in the District; after seeing no movement from the city council, he submitted initial paperwork for a decriminalization ballot initiative, which was rejected by the city on technical budgetary grounds. Eidinger then refined his initiative, but strengthened it to call for full legalization of marijuana.

The DC Cannabis Campaign's Initiative 71 was approved by the District in April 2014, and went on to gather over 55,000 signatures by the July deadline, assuring the initiative's place on the ballot. The initiative ultimately succeeded, winning with approximately 70% of the vote in the 2014 mayoral election. When Congress attempted to block action on the initiative as part of budget negotiations in 2015, Eidinger led protests in the capital, blocking traffic on Massachusetts Avenue.

Following Initiative 71's taking effect at 12:01 on 26 February 2015, Eidinger publicly smoked a joint and planted hemp seeds before a gathering of national and international press in his home, which also served as campaign headquarters.

Adam was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1973 and currently lives in Washington, DC. He enjoys spending time with his daughter Arundhati.


Guest Category: Business, History, Medicine, Philosophy, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Award-winning American author and a Spiritual Archeologist
Guest Biography:

Harvey Kraft is an award-winning American author and a Spiritual Archeologist. He is pushing the envelope of research into the evolution of higher consciousness by linking the Universe, Existence, and the Mind. He has unearthed ancient evidence showing the inherent capacity of the human mind to expand consciousness beyond perceived limits—an “evolving talent” that may be critical to navigating the future of the species and the planet.

Harvey Kraft is the author of 'The Buddha from Babylon: The Lost History and Cosmic Vision of Siddhartha Gautama' (SelectBooks, NYC), and the upcoming visionary sci-fi novel, The Waker: Portal of Perfect Light.

The Buddha from Babylon is a double Gold Winner of the USA Best Book Awards for two non-Fiction categories: Eastern Religions and History (World), plus it received the 2015 IPPY Silver Medal for Religion (Eastern/Western) from the Independent Publishers Book Awards.

Adept at interpreting meanings in ancient mythic language, Harvey Kraft explores the hidden messages of history and story from a spiritual/intuitive perspective, rather than traditional studies influenced by military conquests or religious agendas. His research method employs a vast array of resources, including archaeological findings, ancient cosmology, cross-cultural linguistics, oral teachings, historical events, and mythic literature.

After a lifelong study of the vast compendium of Buddhist literature, he wrote his breakthrough biography of Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha from Babylon—challenging elements of the sage’s historical legend and connecting him to the proto-sciences and natural philosophy of his time. Most importantly, he has identified the Buddha’s original teachings designed to explore the meaning and scope of Enlightenment, as an expression of cosmic consciousness.

Painting the image of an unparalleled seer and observer, philosopher, cosmologist, and the founder of psychology, Harvey Kraft examines the grand scale of the Buddha’s integrated, advanced system of Existence…revealing insights about time, space, scale, dimensions and the origins of Life that are millennia-ahead.

Harvey Kraft states, “Based on modern revelations of the Big Bang, Genetic Code, Quantum Mechanics, and Brain Waves, scientific awareness has shifted to a deeper engagement with the nature of Existence, ironically an area of exploration once central to ancient seers.”


"(The Buddha from Babylon) is the most comprehensively written and researched piece intertwining cosmic, religious and political history. As essentially a theory of everything, this seminal work offers…a new understanding of Buddha’s role, our origin, our interconnectedness and thus the transformational strategies we need to truly shape our shared future."

— Wanda Krause, PhD, former assistant professor, Qatar Foundation and University

Guest Category: History, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Writer, astrologer, Sabian symbols, Black Moon and Eris, website developer and co-creator of the Oracle Report
Guest Biography:

Andrew Foss has worked as an internet marketing consultant, since embracing unemployment from the Great Repression of 2008.  His personal blog is designed to uplift in a world that challenges a positive outlook.  Thus began “Happy Monday Affirmations”.

Having discovered Laura Walker’s Oracle Report through Jean Haine’s 2012 blog, he asked Laura if he could share it on Facebook.  It was spun off into its own group due to popularity, and to the amazement of both reached 1,000 members at the end of 2012, and is now considered “the home for wise owls” at the 8,700 member mark!

Andrew has worked extensively with Laura, redesigning and developing her site, The Mahavidya Project in 2013.  Our monthly New Moon Phone calls began, and have continued since.  2015 brought us the Parliament of Wise Owls, and our community and mission keep growing.

Laura Walker is the author of, a daily overview of energetics based on the Sabian symbols of astrology, and books on the Black Moon and Eris, which are available for free download on her site.

Before devoting her time fully to astrology and study of the ancient Gnostic teachings, Laura directed not for profit, grassroots sexual assault crisis agencies and was a leading advocate for victims of human trafficking.

Laura's work at focuses on forwarding the Spiritual Renaissance that is underway, while monitoring and analyzing the collapsing control paradigm's attempts to maintain dominance over humanity using astrologically-timed rituals.

Guest Category: Cosmology, Cosmogony, History, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: SomaEnergetics Certified Teacher
Guest Biography:

Gail is PASSIONATE about SomaEnergetics!  Join us as we explore Vibrational Chair Massages, Distance Vibrational Sessions and much more.  Hear how Gail went from hating rubbing her fathers feet as a child to starting her career as a foot reflexologist!

Guest Occupation: Heart Point Technique Master healer, Alchemist and Channel.
Guest Biography:

Pam’s quest for truth has had a dramatic positive impact on her curiosity of life and fueled her spiritual evolution. Pam is a gifted and uniquely-qualified Heart Point Technique Master healer, Alchemist and Channel.

Through the discovery of a variety of spiritual energetic healing modalities, she released blocks and limiting belief’s from her own life, awakened her spiritual gifts, and developed a passion for empowering others.

In personal sessions Pam uses an “in the moment” approach as she connects with clients drawing from her tools as an Alchemist and her wisdom as a Heart Point Technique Master as her foundation. Her role as channel is the central point of her personal evolution and foundation for assisting others.

Pam serves a worldwide clientele in releasing habits and limiting beliefs, awaken spiritual gifts and much more, both in private sessions or courses such as Creating Your Personal Power Field.

Sessions and courses can be in person, over the phone and internet.

With the Archangels and Ascended Masters as her guides, she continues to expand and evolve both personally and in her role as a way shower.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Science Department Teacher, SPARK Talks Coordinator
Guest Biography:

Works at Brandon Hall School as:

Science Department Teacher

SPARK Talks Coordinator

Varsity Girls' Basketball Head Coach

Science Olympiad Coach

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Fiction Author, Freelance Journalist, Former News Reporter, and Fiction Writing Instructor
Guest Biography:

Fiction author, international freelance journalist, blogger, and former news reporter, Anju Gattani grew up in Hong Kong under the influence of cultural tides from the east and west. Anju has also lived and been published in India, Australia, Singapore and USA in a variety of genres from fiction, feature, travel and news, to cover stories, interviews and perspective pieces. Her debut novel, ‘Duty and Desire, A Tale of Modern India’ was published in 2011. She is a member of several professional writing organizations, participated in numerous book events, and is a writing instructor.

Her curiosity about cultures, the traditions imprinting people’s values and the effect on their lives was the beginning of her journey. Anju observes how fixed impressions, predetermined mind-sets and habit-to-stereotype define people’s thinking patterns and behavior. With family and friends scattered across the globe, Anju questions why, despite leaps in technology and communication, meaning is still being lost in translation; her characters explore these concepts.

She is currently at work on her third novel in the Winds of Fire series and hopes her books will one day Bridge Cultures and Break Barriers.

Guest Category: Literature, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: CPA
Guest Biography:

Jerry Catalano, President, has been representing musicians and recording artists for over 25 years and has extensive expertise in the complexities of royalty accounting, tour accounting and tax compliance. Jerry is a frequent instructor on accounting for the entertainment industry. He is a member of the Illinois CPA Society, American Institute of Certified Public Accountant, National Academy of Record Arts and Sciences, and the American Association of Composers and Publishers.

Jerry is also a vocalist and plays the 12 String Guitar with the band, The Fource.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Music