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Cy Jackson
Cy Jackson

The journey to self-discovery is often littered with tears of frustration, heartache, pain and self-doubt.  When you are a songwriter, naturally your life experiences are made transparent to the world through the songs you create.  Imagine a collection of songs littered with tears of frustration, heartache, pain and self-doubt but NOW, imagine them through a “filter” of a Faith Monger and an upright woman of GOD.
Jennifer McGill
Unbreakable by Jennifer McGill

Jennifer McGill

“The All-New Mickey Mouse Club” Star is


Technically speaking, Jennifer McGill is making her official worldwide debut as a singer/songwriter with the abundantly anticipated album Unbreakable. But even though she’s being tagged a “new artist” for the very first time knocking unashamedly at the door of 40 while insisting you’re “never past your prime of purpose,” this is far from her first foray into entertainment.
Lyndon Rivers

Hi there , 

I am submitting my latest release "To The Beat By Lyndon Rivers [Producer] "

Out on Juine 30 th .


Thank you !!
