Artist Trendy Figga is an indepedent Artist out of Wichita Kansas with unique style of lofi , rnb , chill hiphop . with a very versatile style .

I’m not quite sure when I realized God wanted me, but I know I’ve been running all my life. But, everywhere I went, there was a rep for my Lord and Savior waiting for me! I ran, drugged, loved, and made my life all about me! Big mistake...if God wants you, he’s gonna get you. And now he has me, ALL OF ME!!! My music is given to me from Him and it’s made to bring glory to Him.

Ric Da Vinci Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap Ricky Walsh, known more popularly as Ric Da Vinci, was born on October 30, 1995 in the suburbs of Philadelphia. From an early age, music played a major role is his life. His father, Rich Walsh, played guitar and was Da Vinci's first mentor in music. Ric Da Vinci mastered guitar, drums, and is currently attempting to master the piano. However, rap was not in Ric's playlist until his middle school years. His first role model in rap was his next-door neighbor, Gladly Mistaken, who gave Da Vinci his first opportunity to rap on a microphone.

Monique is known for her passion and dedication to music. She has evolved over the last six years from cabaret singer to her new home as a soulful recording artist transcending traditional genre barriers (music knows no color).