Ric Da Vinci Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap Ricky Walsh, known more popularly as Ric Da Vinci, was born on October 30, 1995 in the suburbs of Philadelphia. From an early age, music played a major role is his life. His father, Rich Walsh, played guitar and was Da Vinci's first mentor in music. Ric Da Vinci mastered guitar, drums, and is currently attempting to master the piano. However, rap was not in Ric's playlist until his middle school years. His first role model in rap was his next-door neighbor, Gladly Mistaken, who gave Da Vinci his first opportunity to rap on a microphone. The first song Da Vinci out into the public realm would come to be his most embarrassing moment of his life at that time, for it was terribly received as a parody and he was labeled as a wannabe rapper. That didn't stop Ric though, for he decided to keep writing, but in the form of poetry. He compiled over 1000 poems by the time he finished high school. Da Vinci attended Drexel University in the fall of 2014 and was immediately inspired by his roommates and their affinity for hip hop culture and rap music. Da Vinci began to study the game heavily, and resumed his rap career. He had significantly improved his writing abilities and delivery. By the time his freshman year had terminated, he had written his 2000th song, which would lead to his first mixtape, which was recorded in Boston, MA at Bristol Studios in the Berklee college of Music. When Da Vinci moved back to Philadelphia, he had a steady following in the Drexel campus. His close friend and roommate, Mike Dicioccio, was the main producer on the Vision To Vendetta album, marking Da Vinci's first full-length project of his career. Ric and Mike continued to release several singles until Ric transferred to HeatFactory Studios, where he released his second album, "The Code." Most Recently, his hit singles "Drifting", "leave Me Be", and "Vendetta" have accumulated a total of over 168,000 plays on SoundCloud. These three singles will be featured on his upcoming third project, "Vision To Vendetta 2". Contact: davincimusic610@gmail.com 6102414584