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Hard North

I’m not quite sure when I realized God wanted me, but I know I’ve been running all my life. But, everywhere I went, there was a rep for my Lord and Savior waiting for me! I ran, drugged, loved, and made my life all about me! Big mistake...if God wants you, he’s gonna get you. And now he has me, ALL OF ME!!! My music is given to me from Him and it’s made to bring glory to Him.
Penn Johnson


I'm a 27 year old song-weaver. I just released this healing acoustic medicinal folk song today. I think your audience and the general public are gonna dig it and I hope it resonates with you. I've been living in Florida for the winter up near St Pete. Would love to talk more about my life and travels. I'll be releasing more music shortly. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I operate my music career independently and will get back to you promptly.
in service,
Penn Johnson
Adam Rose

Adam Rose is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist living in Pittsburgh, PA. He avoids categorization, simply playing what he loves, and his compositions reflect a wide variety of influences in which he has immersed himself. His musicianship shines most notably through his guitar playing, as he is an experienced guitarist of nearly three decades.
Ben Osborn

Ben Osborn is a British singer, songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist based between Berlin, Germany and Bristol, UK. Fast Awake is Ben’s debut single and it is due for release on 23rd November 2018 via Nonostar Records, the label founded by German experimental violinist and producer Alex Stolze. Fast Awake is a taster for Ben’s debut album, Letters From The Border, due for release via Nonostar in Spring 2019. Letters From The Border was produced and composed by Ben and Alex during a residency at Alex’s studio complex on the German/Polish border in Summer 2018.
Isaac Wright

Isaac Wright is an acoustic singer, songwriter and musician based in the small town of Geelong and his influences come from bands such as The Classic Crime, The Icarus Account and Mayday Parade.

Isaac delivers performances that tug on the heart strings of the listener through the message in his songs but then quickly balance out by his comedic on stage shenanigans and down to earth connection with the audience.
&Y Myles

From the ashes of Stone Antica, the group's singer AnWy Myles started to wander in the landscape of alternative/ rock. Myles relocated to Stockholm to seek like-minded musicians for collaborations, including Erik Fernholm and Anton Sällberg from pop/ rockband Atlantic Driftwood. Former bassist of Stone Antica, Jon Liedberg, is also frequently appearing in Myles new loose-knit lineup.