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Juan Rey
Cover art Juan Manuel Rey Single

Working on various projects since the turn of the millennium, Juan Manuel Rey has released countless albums chalked full of solid pop rock.His latest release, "Such a Hard Time," has the essence of the Pop/Rock best years with its guitar-driven harmonies led Juan Manuel Rey rock vocals. It is just the latest in his long line of releases. From his debut, De Mares y Desiertos to Never Forgot. He's impressed along the way. Having played everywhere in South America from Buenos Aires to San Luis.
The Moon and You


I am writing to you in hopes of booking folk Americana duo, The Moon and You, at The Musician  for August or November of 2018.  They are based in Asheville NC, USA in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains of the South.  The Moon and You tours the States and Western Europe.  This will be their 5th tour of Europe.

Following up after months of performing, Big Boosta Is releasing his 5th solo project, ‘Till I Die (The Album).  The first single “’Till I Die” debuted on Streets 94.5 in Atlanta Ga.  The single began to spread throughout the South and up through the East Coast all the way to Shady 45 on Sirius satellite radio.  Big Boosta has performed with artist like Colonel Loud, Shawty Lo, Celo Green and many more.  The wait is fin

Fall With Grace
We're a rockband from Sweden called Fall With Grace and we think you will really like our stuff. Why? We are so passionate about our creations, we focus on combining music, melody and words to get out the exact feeling we want to share with our music. It's all about touching hearts with our music and we really love what we do and want to share it with you guys. Hope you like what you hear! 
Have an awesome day!
Best regards,
Fall With Grace