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George Araman

Wonder why you've always attracted to Bad Boys or Wild Seductive Women that end in a crash and burn? Or maybe why you are nearly always relegated to "friend" status? Or worse, you're relationships always start out with sparks on such a high note and come to a disappointing end?

George Araman is a Relationship Engineer, Incessant Reader and Incurable Romantic. He wroteThe Grey Dance of Love to help people like himself to find love that lasts. By "dancing" between his heart and his mind, George is devoted to spreading some much-needed love to this world and bringing down the high rate of divorce with his 50-year vision. 


By dancing between his heart and his mind, George Araman has created a 50-year vision of spreading some much-needed love around the world …so get ready for the Relationship Entrepreneur. 

George was blessed to have been “friend-zoned” by his ex-best friend, as this allowed him to discover his life’s purpose. Since then, he has dedicated himself to researching, experimenting, and writing. He wrote The Grey Dance of Love to show singles, “friend-zoned” individuals, and couples how to create sparks-- and how to be and grow in a magical relationship. 

George believes that all the world’s problems can be solved if we never give up. His message to you: “Your greatest treasure lies in your greatest struggle. If you never give up, even life itself will want to help you and make everything possible for you.” 

He plans on traveling around the world with his life partner. He has already seen more than 30 cities in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, and he has been exposed to 26 different nationalities. 

George is a proud member of Loudspeakers Toastmasters Club. He is also an avid reader of personal development books. 

Meet George and discover your Relationship Character Type

Jimmy Twyman

St. Francis Goes to Broadway

NY Times Bestselling Author and Famed “Peace Troubadour” James Twyman

Will Travel the U.S. Penniless, Performing His New Musical Based on the Life of 

St. Francis of Assisi on the Way to Off-Broadway 

Trusting in the goodness and generosity of others to provide transportation,

housing and sustenance, in the same manner as St. Francis,

Twyman will cross the U.S., inviting ticket holders

and even the homeless for a night of inspiration

The “Brother Sun, Sister Moon Musical Tour” will arrive in Portland, Santa Barbara, Phoenix, Sedona, Santa Fe, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago, Cleveland and Philadelphia

New York, NY--  James Twyman has always had a special affinity for St. Francis of Assisi, so much so that the NY Times bestselling author, film producer and internationally famed “Peace Troubadour” recently took orders as a Franciscan Hermit and was inspired to write his most recent book Giovanni and the Camino of St. Francis.  

But now, Twyman will bring his stirring new musical on St. Francis Brother Sun, Sister Moon to Broadway on February 20-March 1, 2020--and with the beloved saint as his model--will travel a continent penniless, on foot and with whatever food, housing and further transportation that God will provide to get him there.

Along the way, Twyman will perform the one-man show as St. Francis in Portland, Santa Barbara, Phoenix, Sedona, Santa Fe, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Cleveland and Philadelphia. Committed to the saint’s values of love for all and support for those in need, Twyman will feed the homeless and invite them to the performance for a night of physical and soul nourishment. 

“That’s how Francis would have done it,” Twyman said. “His life was centered on serving humanity in simple, down to earth ways. If he was alive today he’d probably embrace things like social media, but he’d also travel with no money and no possessions. In my case, I’ll hitchhike, walk when I have to, and rely upon others for food and places to sleep.”

It’s part of Twyman’s effort to make St. Francis and his teachings relevant today. Often regarded as the patron saint of animals, pictured surrounded by birds, wolves, or an assortment of other forest creatures, St. Francis of Assisi, who lived eight hundred years ago in Italy, is depicted on statues that abound in gardens almost everywhere you look today. For most people, he’s little more than the “birdbath saint.” But his values of inclusion, respect for all living beings and peaceful co-existence are a clarion call in a world so divided and dissonant.

“I’ve always been in love with St. Francis,” he said. “When I was eighteen I left home and entered the Franciscan order, but chose a secular path instead to become “The Peace Troubadour.” That felt like a natural progression. Now, after finally taking vows, I’m actually getting to express myself as St. Francis himself--through this musical. I wrote all the songs as well as the dialogue, and it feels like stepping

back in time. It’s actually the most fun I’ve ever had, and the chance to perform it in New York for two weeks feels amazing.”

Brother Sun, Sister Moon will grace the stage at The Church in the Village. The pre-show routine will be anything but usual for these Off-Broadway performances. Says Twyman: “We’ll have a team of people who’ll join me around the theater and we’ll be handing out free tickets to homeless men and women, inviting them to come as our guests. Then before each show begins we’ll share a meal of soup and bread together, both the paid ticket holders as well as the guests. Once again, I want to get as close to how St. Francis would have done this as possible. He would have wanted people of every group to come together, not just those who can afford the ticket.”

This undertaking would seem like a radical endeavor to most people, but to James Twyman it’s just the latest in a long list of unconventional ventures. In his role as “The Peace Troubadour,” known and revered internationally, he has performed his peace concert in such countries as Iraq, Bosnia, South Africa and Northern Ireland, often while wars and conflicts raged around him. In 1998, he was invited to perform in Baghdad by Saddam Hussein, and several years ago gave a peace concert on a hill overlooking a village in Syria held by ISIS. On his show Real Time, Bill Maher called him "the idiot singer from Portland,” a label Twyman embraces, but this new project strikes even closer to his heart.

It evolved from his authorship of Giovanni and the Camino of St. Francis. Says Twyman, “The book is a novel, one I’m very proud of, but I couldn’t figure out a good way to share it on tour. It’s hard to talk about the story without giving too much of it away. Then I was watching a recording of Bruce Springsteen doing a one-man show on Broadway. It was brilliant and I thought ‘Maybe St. Francis can do the same thing - a musical where he tells stories about his life and what he learned along the way.’”

Imagine being inspired by both The Boss and The Saint.

James Twyman, is also the NY Times bestselling author of 16 books including The Moses Code and Emissary of Light. He has also recorded more than 18 music albums including the Billboard chart bestseller I AM Wishes Fulfilled along with Dr. Wayne Dyer; as well as produced or directed seven feature films.

For more information on Twyman, and the Brother Son, Sister Moon Musical Tour  stops and performances, visit: Ticket information will be announced.

Follow Tywman’s continental sojourn, which begins on Jan 3 in Portland OR, on Facebook, Instagram and through the hashtag #StFrancisMusicalTour, or sign up to receive emails on his website.


James Twyman, also known as “The Peace Troubadour”, is the NY Times bestselling author of 16 books including The Moses Code and The Barn Dance. His first book, Emissary of Light, released in 1996, chronicled his journey into Bosnia and Croatia during the war to meet a group of mystics living in the Balkan Mountains with a message of peace for the world. His latest book, Giovanni and the Camino of St. Francis, tells the story of Anna, a woman from Portland who travels to Italy to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi, proving you're never too old to heal your life.

James has recorded more than 18 music albums including the Billboard chart I Am Wishes Fulfilled with Dr. Wayne Dyer. He has also written, produced or directed seven feature films including the award winning Redwood Highwaystarring Shirley Knight and Tom Skerritt, and Indigo starring Neale Donald Walsch. 

James Twyman's ministry as “The Peace Troubadour” inspired him to initiate dozens of synchronized global mediations with millions of people focusing their energy and prayers on wars and conflicts around the world. This began in 1998 when Saddam Hussein invited him to Iraq to perform his peace concert at the same time the US and its allies were preparing for a military invasion. He has also been invited to such countries as Bosnia, Northern Ireland, South Africa and Israel. In Northern Ireland, James performed for the leaders of the two political parties in Belfast during peace negotiations in 1998.

In 2018, James was consecrated a Franciscan Hermit and now lives in Ajijic, Mexico where he founded Namaste Lake Chapala, an interfaith peace community. The community has nearly 40 full-time residents with more than 36 houses or apartments.

James and Steph Purpura

Dear Jeff : Depressed, bulimic, hopeless, running away from an abusive relationship, and suffering through decades of silence after being sexually abused as a child, Steph found herself alone in a hotel room. She tied a rope around her neck, dropped to the floor, and everything went black. Feeling abandoned by everyone and everything, filled with self-hate and rage at the world, James turned to drugs and then petty theft to fuel his addictions. Then he found himself in prison, locked up in solitary confinement. Two people in crisis, worlds apart, independently arrived at the same conclusion. Own your life, or lose it! In their new book and film entitled Perception: Seeing is Not Believing, James and Steph Purpura recount in raw detail how those tragic events became the catalyst for dramatic life changes that brought them together, and their discovery of the keys to unlocking their perceptions, challenging their beliefs, and changing their behaviors. But it took years of trial and error using their relationship to test new ideas, theories and practices with each other. As they created a new life together, James and Steph formulated an evolutionary plan for living that resulted in tremendous personal and professional success. Now their hugely successful Powerful U events and programs are changing the lives of millions. Their mission is to provide a roadmap for creating meaning in people's lives, showing them how to master their perceptions and their emotions, the two factors that separate a life of desperation and unhappiness, from one of joy, love and accomplishment. According to James and Steph, "Everything you are, everything you see, everything you experience, is determined by perception. And it is your emotions that give your life the only meaning it has."

James and Steph emphasize that no one has ever made a BAD decision for their lives-they have only made the best decision given the available information (perception) they currently have. The art is in enlarging and adjusting your perception so that you have better information from which to make life-enhancing decisions.

In the book, they note: "This book is not meant to be a personal development book; it is meant to create a fundamental shift inside you by redefining the way you think about all your experiences, and reshaping how you experience your life. It doesn't matter where you are currently in your life, whether you are at the top of your field, just getting started, or somewhere in between. This book will challenge you on a very deep level. If you take the time to fully understand the concepts and apply them to your life, you will achieve a level of self-mastery you never dreamed possible. It is time to rise up and experience your life to the fullest. It is time to evolve."

While there is abundant media promoting the need for personal change, the Purpura's book and movie go deeper into the psychology that keeps individuals locked into patterns and present the practical ways to break through those patterns, expand people's perception, and start on the path to personal evolution.


James and Steph’s journey of transformation is nothing short of extraordinary. Before they met 15 years ago, both of their lives had hit rock bottom. They were both financially, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt. Life had beaten them down and shattered their self-esteem. At the lowest point in their lives, they met and were united by a shared vision of creating and becoming more. They started the only place they could by working on themselves and helping each other grow. They challenged each other every step of the way, and never settled. Shortly after meeting, Steph wrote James’ first resume and taught him how to send an email. This began James’ unlikely career in technology. Around this time, they also started a family.

Fast forward fifteen years, after many ups and downs and a lot of hard work, Steph and James recently sold their tech company, one of the world’s largest construction software companies. They now have five beautiful children and live an extraordinary life. Through this journey of selfcreation, they developed a personal philosophy centered around perception. They believe perception, more than any other factor, will determine how someone’s life will turn out. James and Steph started Powerful U as their way to give back to the world.

Their mission is to provide a roadmap for people to master their perceptions and their emotions to become the conscious creators of their lives. According to James and Steph, “Everything you see and experience is determined by your perception, and your emotions give your life the only meaning it has.”

James and Steph Purpura are seekers who find the state of humanity inadequate. They believe the unrealized potential of the individual is both the source and solution to this problem. Their goal is to inspire fellow seekers to tap into their unlimited potential, through a personalized combination of philosophy, science, technology, and community.

Tammy Wise

In American society, a lot of people are stuck at their desks – which is detrimental to their health. In order to combat this, author and fitness expert Tammy Wise has come up with the following program: “Correcting the Computer Crunch.” This program helps people improve their posture at work and help them with their overall alignment.

Wise is also the author of “The Art of Strength: Sculpt the Body - Train the Mind” – a comprehensive guidebook that walks readers through the BodyLogos® philosophy that Wise developed and provides them with detailed instructions to lead them through traditional Western strength training exercises using Eastern active meditation principles.

Would you be interested in speaking with Wise about her “Correcting the Computer Crunch” program and/or her book?

United States

Tammy Wise is a certified private trainer and group fitness instructor who was a professional dancer on Broadway. She has certifications and licenses in reflexology, Chinese herbology, Tui Na acupressure, Eastern nutrition and meditation and is an ordained Tao minister. The author has combined her expertise in all these fields to develop the comprehensive BodyLogos® program. She is nationally recognized as a mind-body fitness expert and her work has been published in New York Magazine, Dance Spirit, Body & Soul, Mind Body & Spirit Fitness, Natural Health, Longevity, Shape and Time Out New York, where she was voted Best-of-Fitness twice. This manual won her a Transformational Author award and she has blogged for Medium, Thrive Global and Martha Stewart's Whole Living. For more information about Wise, please visit my website!

Dr Emil Faithe

I am a Medical Medium, Sensitive Person Guru, Holistic Pharmacist, and Author. I also specialize in working with the Sensitive Empaths all across the globe, like you and me (and millions of others) . My latest book You Are Sensitive! 2nd Edition has become a global lifeline for Sensitives everywhere.  I am open to chatting about any and all health and life topics, and natural options for their management. I’m also open to taking live calls and offer phone readings, if you choose.  Lots of media experience…

Feel free to reach me directly at 602-653-6380, or via email. Look forward to chatting-

Kind regards-

Dr. Emil Faithe


Dr. Emil Faithe is an internationally recognized Medical Intuitive, Author, and Speaker and has practiced in virtually every healthcare setting imaginable, honing his skills as a holistic expert and medical intuitive over the past 25 years.

Employing his keen intuitive diagnostic skills, along with his remarkable ability to receive cues from spirit, Emil is able to detect organ, glandular, metabolic and energetic imbalances, and accurately determine which supplements, nutrients, and energy healing techniques are needed to restore physical and emotional harmony within the body.  

Emil holds a BS in Biology from the University of California Irvine, and earned his Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Southern California, and is recognized as one of the top experts in natural medicine and medical intuition. He has appeared on countless radio and television programs and is the author of several self-help books, including the best-selling book, “You Are Sensitive!” 2nd Edition.

Emil has a special affinity for working with the highly empathic ultra-sensitive people of the planet, teaching them how to survive and thrive in a world that doesn’t understand them. He is one of the original thought leaders of the global Sensitive Movement, and highly acclaimed as THE Sensitive Person Guru. Together with his wife Susan, he maintains a private practice in holistic healing and medical intuition in Phoenix, Arizona.

Tim Starnes
Tim Starnes here, I'm the founder and creative director for Ethereal Crack's Ghost Tours, which grew to be the largest ghost tour agency in the U.S. (And quite possibly the world) specializing in ghost tours in North and South Carolina small towns. Having started this business from scratch, creating a new formula for ghost tours which has begun to be widely used. (Hour-long short format paired with downtown walking routes, rather than direct-to-location.)
Currently, I'm on the pre-publishing publicity campaign for my first book, Agony: Suffering Yesterday, Entertaining Today - a creative nonfiction cookbook centered around disasters from 1400 to 2000, and featuring a cast of Bradbury-esque time travelers who are forced along by a university research project. The book is signed with Adelaide Books and posed for an October 2020 release. I'm beating the media circuit promoting the book, as well as talking about some of the rather revolting occurrences that happen within it. On-show topics can range from the strange recipes, urban legends, or ghastly medical facts included in the book. There are also conversation topics of brand building using a specific image, the dark side of human nature (why these topics are attractive), and the creative process. If the book is of interest, a full 70 page chapter from the book, the chapter on traveling in the 1900s (The Titanic, Orient Express, and Hindenburg) is available for reading beforehand.
A perfect Halloween conversation piece! You will find my contact information in the signature. I look forward to hearing from you.
Qualifications & Background:
I am a published playwright, entrepreneur, and also work in the interactive media/video game space. I also own the largest ghost tour agency in the United States, and likely the world, at 55 ghost tours.
1. Lukewarm Ironclad (Video game) (Designer, writer, editor, producer)
2. Paranormal Rag Magazine (Editor, writer, layout, publisher)
3. Ethereal Crack Company Website (Entrepreneur in tourism industry)
4. Stageplay Listing
The Project, Agony: Suffering Yesterday, Entertaining Today
The Hook:
Over five hundred thousand years ago, this swinging party we’re having would have not been possible, as we now of course have the advantage of indoor cooking, plumbing of both cold and hot water, music with no effort, and ready-made meals sold in semi-hygienic supermarkets.
Following this, I’m inviting you to join us on a trip.
This will be a trip through the course of human history, examining the diseases and disasters of yesterday, and how that these agitations along the course of history can aid us today in hosting a successful party. To help make sure you understand, and earn you course credit if you’re in community college, we’re going to experience these disasters firsthand. That’s right – get your tissues ready for a stay at a poorhouse in Milan during the height of the plague, a blanket and bottle of whiskey for our stay at the Confederate battlefield hospital during the Battle of Gettysburg, lifejacket for a sail on the Titanic, and a copy of all of your insurance forms for a stay at a modern day hospital bar, to recover from all of our educational experiences.
What "Agony" is About:
Agony is the mixture of three types of book in one - A historical cookbook combined with information on food-borne disease from 1400 to 2000, joined with home entertaining - as we explore ways that we can use the pestilence of yesterday to help inform our choices on hosting a great party today - all with a bit of fiction tossed in for good fun.
Chapter Outline:
Chapter One: Introduction, modern party planning basics, introduction to the fictional characters who will be present in the book as guides.
Chapter Two: Recipes of the 1400s. Foods in a plague colony.
Chapter Three: Recipes of the 1500s. Foods of European lower-classes.
Chapter Four: Recipes of the 1600s. Foods of the French elite.
Chapter Five: Recipes of the 1700s. Popular foods of the colonies.
Chapter Six: Recipes of the 1800s. Confederate and Union army camp foods.
Chapter Seven: Recipes of the 1900s. Foods on the Titanic, Orient Express, and Hindenburg.
Chapter Eight: Alcoholic drink recipes of the 2000s.
Mixed in with these recipes are small flash-fiction chapters around the time-travelers guiding the reader along. Satan joins the group - he evolves as the chapters go on - being a physical presence in the beginning of the book, to an ethereal voice from an internet cord in the 2000's.
Pull quotes on disease and urban legends share space with recipes related to their subject. Mad cow disease for steaks, on and on.
Timothy Starnes is a Charlotte, NC entrepreneur and playwright - his personal knack for the odd, outrageous and macabre shines through - spicing his works with odd occurrences, invasive visitors from outer space, drag queens, the mishaps of suburbia, small town politics, underground societies, hand puppets with PTSD, hauntings and more.
Rhoberta Shaler PhD

Relentlessly Difficult People are Disturbing and Crazy-Making.

Everyone knows one, and they need to know what to do to make it stop!

Relentlessly difficult people cause you to question your sanity and second-guess yourself. I call these people "Hijackals"™. They demand to be large and in charge, and make a life's work out of finding fault with you. They cull you from your friends and family, and do their best to take control of everything. 

Together, we can help your audience remove their rose-colored glasses, see the red flags, and take positive steps to create healthier relationships with themselves and with the people in their lives...especially the Hijackals. 

I help your listeners see more clearly, and learn new ways to escape the endless cycle of crazy-making behavior, alienation, and constant drama in troubled relationships. If you have a call-in show, I'm happy to take calls. Once we've scheduled an interview, I am happy to provide a

list of great questions to stimulate our conversation. 

Let's shed light on--and take steps to help folks stop--verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and the constant questioning of their self-worth around a Hijackal. 

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

The Relationship Help Doctor

United States

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, The Relationship Help Doctor, offers urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis. As a relationship consultant, speaker, and author, Dr. Shaler specializes in working with the partners, exes, adult children, and coworkers of the relentlessly difficult and disturbing people she calls “Hijackals™.”

Working with people struggling with life, death, and relationship for over thirty years in Canada and the United States, Dr. Shaler has brought hope, comfort, strength, and success to countless people who honestly believed it was impossible. 

Dr. Shaler calms the turbulence of troubled relationships. Relationships in conflict foster fear, frenzy and friction. She creates the insights, skills and space for new beginnings and positive re-connections. She offers the insights and pattern-breaking skills that lead to blame-free, game-free, non-manipulative relationships.And, of course, sometimes it becomes clear that relationships need to end. 

Author of sixteen books, Dr. Shaler's atest ebook in her series, ESCAPING THE HIJACKAL TRAP: The Definitive Guide to Dealing with Relentlessly  Difficult People, was added to Amazon in 2016.  In her 2014 book,  KAIZEN FOR COUPLES: Smart Steps to Save, Sustain & Strengthen Your Relationship, she offers a carefully distilled summary of a lifetime of insights developed from helping real people confront the real-life challenges of living and loving together. It offers workable solutions to 21st century relationship issues and a new, proven model for living the loving relationship you most want. 

Dr. Shaler’s work has been featured on FoxNews, PsychCentral, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, The Good Men Project, eHarmony, Care2, Greatist, Pulse, and The Needs, among many others. Her YouTube channel, is an evergreen source of practical insights and tips for relationships. Her newsletter and podcast, Vital Tips for Relationships, provides frequent valuable strategies.

Managing, Coping & Dealing with Relentlessly Difficult People At Home & Work
Dr Rhoberta Shaler

Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor provides urgent and ongoing care for the partners, exes, and adult children of the relentlessly difficult people she calls Hijackals™. She helps them save their sanity and stop the crazy-making. Even the United States Marines have called on her for help!

As a relationship consultant, educator and author, Dr. Shaler reaches worldwide to help those in troubling relationships. She defines Hijackals as "people who hijack relationships for their own purposes while relentlessly scavenging them for power, status, and control." If you live, love, or were raised by, a person with Hijackal traits, patterns, and cycles, you are highly likely to have difficulties in your relationships, too. And, it's not your fault. 

Host of The Relationship Help Show on BBS Radio, Dr. Shaler offers the insights, strategies, and support your listeners need to reclaim hope, confidence--and their sanity--when dealing with the constant uncertainty and jaw-dropping behaviors of Hijackals in your life, at home and at work.  She is the author of sixteen books, including the first ebook in her Hijackal™ series: Escaping the Hijackal Trap: The Truth About Hijackals & Why They Are Crazy-Making.  

Dr. Rhoberta Shaler has been interviewed on many radio, TV, and podcast episodes. Her articles have been featured on FoxNews, PsychCentral, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, The Good Men Project, eHarmony, Care2, Greatist, Pulse, and The Needs, among many others. Her YouTube channel, ForRelationshipHelp is an evergreen source of practical insights and tips for relationships. 

Reaching 20,000 people each week through her newsletter and social media, Dr. Shaler will publicize her appearance on your show well. 


Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, The Relationship Help Doctor, offers urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis. As a relationship consultant, speaker, and author,  Dr. Shaler specializes in working with the partners, exes, adult children, and co-workers of the relentlessly difficult and disturbing people she calls “Hijackals™.”

Working with people struggling with life, death, and relationship for over thirty years in Canada and the United States, Dr. Shaler has brought hope, comfort, strength, and success to countless people who honestly believed it was impossible. She now works with couples to restore their connection, improve their communication, and deepen their emotional intimacy.

Dr. Shaler calms the turbulence of troubled relationships. Relationships in conflict foster fear, frenzy and friction. She creates the insights, skills and space for new beginnings and positive re-connections. She offers the insights and pattern-breaking skills that lead to blame-free, game-free, non-manipulative relationships.

KAIZEN FOR COUPLES: Smart Steps to Save, Sustain & Strengthen Your Relationship is Dr. Shaler’s fourteenth book. It is a carefully distilled summary of a lifetime of insights developed from helping real people confront the real-life challenges of living and loving together. It offers workable solutions to 21st century relationship issues and a new, proven model for living the loving relationship you most want. Her latest ebook in her series, ESCAPING THE HIJACKAL TRAP: The Definitive Guide to Dealing with Relentlessly  Difficult People, was added to Amazon in 2016.  

Dr. Shaler’s work has been featured on FoxNews, PsychCentral, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, The Good Men Project, eHarmony, Care2, Greatist, Pulse, and The Needs, among many others. Her YouTube channel is an evergreen source of practical insights and tips for relationships. Her newsletter and podcast, Vital Tips for Relationships, provides frequent valuable strategies.



Gabriella van Rij

Making Kindness a Daily Choice !

The movement has gained momentum since its beginnings in 2010. The founder articulated what would become the #DaretobeKind movement while writing her autobiography With All My Might, which recounted her story as one of the first cross-cultural adoptions during a time when such things were unheard of. Her struggles to find belonging shaped her character, purpose, and is the reason for her passionate desire to create a culture of acceptance everywhere.   

What sets the #DaretobeKind movement apart from other kindness initiatives is its strong user-oriented platform and its emphasis on sharing user stories as the key to acceptance. “We all have a story,” says van Rij, “and it is only through sharing our stories that we heal ourselves and help others.” 

Fittingly, the slogan of the movement, The vision is a SAFER world. The method is KINDNESS. The vehicle is YOU! is one that strikes at the center of the present emotional climate of the US. A tragic start to 2018 gave us devastating stats showing 71 dead or injured in school shootings, according to Education Week’s latest figures. The National School Walkout on March 14 and the March for Our Lives on March 24 both further showcased the disquiet and growing disillusionment over our present reality of unsafe institutions. 

Building safer communities is an issue that is now at the forefront of our minds. But where legislation and gun control measures fall short is in addressing the emotions behind these tragic events. What causes tragedies like these to occur?  

Gabriella van Rij has a bold opinion: “Imagine being isolated and feeling so alone that you do something desperate to stand out. Because of my life experiences, I can see clearly how this desire drives so many people's life stories and the extreme lengths people will go to in order to feel accepted.”

The #DaretobeKind platform, she proposes, is one where all can feel accepted. In her words: “This platform is a safe space where we un-silence ourselves by sharing the good, the bad, the ugly. Because it is through this sharing of stories we become aware: (a) we are not alone (b) we are capable and (c) we are the solution.”

Additionally, the #DaretobeKind movement challenges users to take action. Their mission statement goes on to clarify, “We believe one person’s purposeful act of Kindness within a two-mile radius can launch positive and exceptional outcomes within governments, industries, justice systems, and throughout every sector of society. By providing a platform for sharing Kindness ideas and inspirational readers’ stories, our aim is to shift everyone into becoming Kindness Instigators. Every inspiring story that showcases the good in humanity sparks further ideas of how we each can #BEthedifference in our corner of the globe.”

Gabriella van Rij is an established keynote speaker, also frequently invited to speak at school assemblies across North America. A subject-matter expert on anti-bullying measures, she has appeared on Dr. Phil and countless other news channels and print media. “A cause that you are passionate about hides your own adversity,” says van Rij. “From that pain grows your biggest strength, which in turn makes you the cause’s best ally.”

In their ongoing commitment to their goals, the movement will also be producing a webisode series that will tackle present social issues, with the launch date to be announced in mid-April. Other initiatives include an award to recognize individuals and organizations that are taking purposeful action to improve the lives of others. 

+1.415.656.6656 or 

United States

GABRIELLA VAN RIJ [pronounced “Ray”] was orphaned as an infant in Pakistan and without the determination and kindness of two strangers, she would not have been adopted into her new family.  During her early life, she learned about bullies and racism the hard way, but she refused to remain a victim. Instead, she used understanding and empathy to defeat fear and mistrust. The techniques she pioneered are even more relevant in a country and society that is increasingly global and multicultural.

In 2010, Gabriella articulated what would become the Dare To Be Kind movement while writing her first book With All My Might, her mesmerizing memoir of one of the first cross-cultural adoptions of the 1960s. She expanded on the Dare To Be Kind concept during her travels and speaking engagements in 2012 with the Dare To Be Kind campaign, which gathered momentum and is now a full-fledged Kindness movement, with Kindness instigators across the globe.

Additionally, Gabriella is known as the Kindness Expert and a keynote speaker. With a brave and compassionate voice, she speaks at businesses, universities, corporate training events, school assemblies, community centers, places of worship, and on network shows, inspiring audiences and organizations to tap into the power of kindness—the most underutilized skill in today’s world. Her uplifting talks motivate, challenge, and provide the groundwork for lasting progress. 

In 2014, Gabriella published I Can Find My Might, part self-help and part practical resource for students, parents, and educators. Gabriella’s personal experience creates a boots-on-the-ground approach to bullying and self-acceptance that is nothing short of magical. Shortly after her second book was published, she directed and produced a documentary, Our Silence Is Complicity, released in the fall of 2014, to raise awareness on the devastating effects of bullying. 

 Watch Your Delivery, Gabriella’s third and latest book, based on one of her popular presentations of the same name, was published in 2016.

She has been seen by millions on Dr. Phil, ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX. She also writes the NY Daily News.