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Wake up and Plan for Roses is a book about what I learned after my car crashed and I broke almost every bone in my body. The awakening was painful, but the lessons were priceless. "I thought that it was all a box full of darkness, but that too was a gift." quote from the book. 

The essence of what I learned was that ; Planning your life is not a choice it is an obligation. What we don't realize is when we do not plan our life, we still plan it. Why not plan for things that make us feel alive. My first plan was simple. I was going to heal in spite of the injuries. My second plan got lost in the shuffle and things were threatening to go back to exactly where I was before the accident. Until something happen that left me no choice. Again I was forced to step into the role of creator rather than victim.

United States

From the Heart of Jerusalem to the Hollywood Elite I tumbled between a plan to succeed and the punches that forced me off track. Finally, the abuse grew too big and I gave up on life wishing only for one thing, to end it all and just die. "Be careful for what you wish because you proably will get it" Someone told me that, but I did not really believe it. But the law of attraction does not need me to believe in it in order to function, and my wish came true and death was knocking on my door. Actually, death claimed for a bit, and I surrendered to it, but love forced me to return to this broken body and put humpty dumpty together again. 

My journey back to life is the gift that I passionatly want to pass forward. It is about survival and triumph. It is about surrender and persistence.

BA in TV/Radio production from Brooklyn College, got me through the doors of KABC, and KMPC and KGIL, KFI and many other radio stations all over Los Angeles where I worked producing talk shows and screening live shows. 

Life Modification LLC. I currently work as an advocate for a better life. My minor in psychology enabled me to cultivate my empath to tune into my sensetive natural ability to read and solve problems that lurk in the back of our conciouse mind. 

kevin killen

Hello, I recently published a book called Ghosts and Me, a paranormal journey, about my experiences with the paranormal. I would like to be a guest on a show to discuss my book.


Six plus years in the drug and alcohol counselor field, a former award winning journalist. I grew up in Virginia, but have lived in several other states including Pennsylvania.

Joshua Shea

Since we pretend nobody looks at porn, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but did you know that 1-in-3 men who are 18-to-30 years old self-identify as a porn addict or that 28% of people have admitted to looking at porn at work in the last three months according to two studies?

Is a show like yours is a perfect place to have a candid, yet classy, talk about porn addiction? It can happen to anyone, but they can get through to the other side, much like I did – especially with the help of my wife.

After my first book “The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About” was released in Jan. 2018 and I launched my website,, it surprised me that I got far more messages and questions from wives and girlfriends of pornography addicts than the addicts themselves. Upon learning – with or without her partner’s knowledge – about a husband’s or boyfriend’s addiction, negative feelings and difficult questions usually come rushing into a woman’s life:

* Does he look at this stuff because I’m not enough?

* Is this cheating? It feels like cheating?

* Was he like this when I first met him?

* Am I just supposed to stay here and deal with this?

My road to pornography addiction expert wasn't easy. It went straight through addiction. In a nutshell, I rose to local celebrity status in Maine as the publisher of a well-respected magazine as a member of the City Council in my town. You see, I was hiding the secret of not only my mental health issues, but also my porn addiction for 20-25 years. My addiction escalated and in late 2013, I engaged a teenage girl online in a chat room. I ended up doing six months in jail for that, but thankfully, with a lot of professional help and support, I have completely turned my life around and now use my story (my first book has sold over 1,000 copies and is currently in over 250 libraries) to give hope to others.

As for my story, my wife stood by my side during my early recovery, encouraged me to speak out about it and I now get email almost every day from women who are seeking help regarding their partner's porn addiction. That’s what prompted my new book, “He’s a Porn Addict…Now What? An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions” which came out on December 1.

As I’m sure you know, a sense of loss, betrayal, sadness and anger is completely normal, but there are difficult questions to answer and a rocky road ahead for the woman who has learned her partner is likely a porn addict. The good news is that there are plenty of people who have been through this and their relationship not only survived, but it eventually thrived, as mine did. I talk about that journey, and what women can expect – both good and bad – in the new book.

If you have any interest in featuring me on your show I would love to share my story with your audience and let them know that there is hope for a relationship even in the face of pornography addiction.

United States

Joshua Shea is a pornography addiction author and educator from central Maine. He has been in recovery and relapse free since April 1, 2014. Shea has appeared on over 80 podcasts, radio and television shows discussing both his story and the worldwide problem of pornography addiction as a whole. He's published two books, "The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About" in 2018 and "He's a Porn Addict, Now What?" in 2019. Shea owns and operates, a site for resources and discussion for both pornography addicts and their partners. He also maintains, a peer advisement site for those affected by pornography addiction. Shea is married and has two children, three dogs and five cats.

He's a Porn Addict...Now What?
Dr April Brown

I would love to come on your show to discuss relationships, mental health, and/or being an entrepreneur.  I am a successful licensed mental health therapist who has 2 office locations, 3 businesses, and 12 interns.   I have had many challenges in my life but I will not let anything get me down.  I keep focus on my purpose in life.  Thanks,

I am a Licensed Mental Health Christian Counselor, Board Certified-TeleMental Health Provider, Sex Therapist, a National Certified Counselor, and a Florida Qualified Supervisor. I specialize in relationships, intimacy, sex therapy, anxiety, depression, couples retreat, pre-marital counseling, self-esteem, and emotional support animal (ESA) documentation. If you contact me, you will get a direct response from me because I believes in having a direct connection with my clients.

I view counseling as helping you with your struggles in life and increasing the intimate connections in your relationships. I will support and empower you to work through your challenges with insight and motivation. I will take the time to provide you with an empathetic and nonjudgmental atmosphere, and you will receive coping resources and skills. You will realize that you are not alone in your struggles, and you will have the inner strength to change and reach your goals. In fact, my motto is “Quality counseling services that provide insight, motivation, empowerment, results, and action in a nonjudgmental environment.”

My counseling style is a multicultural, cognitive-behavioral, family system, and a solution-focused treatment with an interactive client-centered approach. These treatments are proven effective and they will you gain insight, coping skills, relationship skills and empowerment. They are good for stress, depression, anxiety, anger management, loneliness, relationship difficulties, and many other mental health problems or job and career issues.

Since 1998, I counseled children, teens, adults, couples, and families. I have worked in community centers, public schools, universities, businesses and private practice. In addition to being a well-known relationship and anxiety specialist therapist, I have been recognized as a “Lee County Counselor of the Year” and “Black Girls Rock -Women in Health” Award for Southwest Florida. Plus, I supervise local registered mental health counseling interns. 

My Podcast/Radio Show – Bringing Intimacy Back –

In 2018, I started her own radio show and podcast called “Bringing Intimacy Back” to provide different information and resources on increasing intimacy.   In fact, increasing intimacy for all has become one of my missions in life. The mission statement of the show is to provide an atmosphere to discuss and demonstrate ways to increase closeness in one’s personal relationships with significant others, families, friends, Higher Power, and oneself.  In fact, research has shown that as we increase our intimate connection with ourselves, our Higher Power, and others, it will help decrease the conflicts, anxiety, and depression in our lives.  Thus the show give you the secret power to intimacy. Bringing Intimacy Back can be heard on BBS Radio on Thursdays at 3 pm or your favorite podcast

My Couples Retreat – Vacation Counseling -

In 2020, I will also be starting Vacation Counseling, an intimate, exclusive and effective couples retreat.   At Vacation Counseling, I am deeply committed to your success as a couple and as an individual.  Thus at this couple retreat, I will only work with one couple at a time.  Therefore as a couple, you will work with me and at least 2 additional therapists – relationship therapist, personal therapist, and a sex therapist - to ensure your relationship treatment is specific and effective to your needs. For your vacation, you will be staying at one of Roelens Vacations’ luxurious villas that include amenities such as pool, hot tub, custom robes, and magnificent master bedroom suites.  You will have the opportunity to enjoy all that Southwest Florida has to offer such as boating, fishing, kayaking, shopping, golfing, and dining while you gain skills and resources in communication, empathy, and intimacy from relationship experts. As a relationship expert at Vacation Counseling, I want to make sure that you have a very personalized experience with us and that my team of therapists can meet your needs to the fullest.   To attend a Vacation Counseling retreat, you will be required to complete a comprehensive application package – which includes a written application, introduction video, and short interview. 

Finally as a relationship therapist, I believe can be a resource to you either through in-person or online therapy, providing information to you through the Bringing Intimacy Back show or online blog on my website, or by providing you and your partner an exclusive, intimate opportunity to gain skills in your relationship while you are on a Florida vacation.

Manuj Aggarwal

I went from working in a factory at 15 for $2/day to an executive in multiple companies. Along the way, I had to improvise most of the actions to overcome some really challenging situations. Most of the tactics failed - but some succeeded. 

I can bring successful tactics to your audience. I can talk extensively about:

Business, Tech Startups, Technology Spirituality, meditation Finding your life purpose Dealing with hardship, disappointment Success for underdog

I am a tech startup expert, a student of spirituality, and a mindset coach. 

I started my career working in a factory at age 15. I was earning $2/day for 12 hours shifts - 6 days a week.  From there, I went on to become CTO in multiple companies. 

I also overcame decades of depression, anxiety, and pessimism - when I found the path of spirituality and meditation. Through my journey, I have mended relationships with decades of bitterness. 

Charles Michael Beaver

I worked in the motion picture industry, between short IT related contracts, off and on, for over a decade, as a stuntman, in Houston, Texas, some time ago. Doing a martial arts side kick off the top of a 2 story racket ball court (as the death scene), in West Texas, was the most dangerous stunt that I ever did.

My wife and I have been plagued by paranormal activities all our lives; both before and after we met.

I always thought that my life would be an awesome movie. But I think that it would create problems for many people. In other words, it would tend to scare the you know what out of many people if it were filmed, in first person, exactly as I experienced it. I've gone through some pretty hair raising experiences. And many of these stretch your mind close to the breaking point. Such would be the same effect on anyone else who were put through the same bizarre experiences.

I've been working on a book for over 30 years. It's about ETs, consciousness, and the paranormal. I have put many moving pieces together. I think that it's an excellent work. Two men have edited it thus far. One is the smartest person that I've ever met; and is, possibly, the world's best expert on one once suppressed, Royal Raymond Rife, technology (based on the usage of plasma fields of charged gas in a tube; like with neon lights). The other editor, of my book, wrote the world's most voluminous book on herbs.

So far I’ve done 12 interviews. 9 are below. All are on the top of my page.

Some of My Recent Broadcast Interviews:

Ghostly Talk: Episode 69 – Mike Beaver  

Center of Light Radio - "Creating A Utopia On Earth" with guest Mike Beaver  

Daniel Ott Interview Mike Beaver  

Kindness Beyond the Veil-Episode 72-Charles'Mike'Beaver-Attachments,ETs,And Deep Truths… - my 1st radio interview

UFO Undercover with Joe Montaldo guest Charles Michael Beaver (who goes by the name Mike), is a hypnotherapist who has worked with one abductee (used as a breeder for one of the GRAY races) and has assisted one client to remove a dark spirit attachment. April 03 2019 - 1/2 of my 2nd radio interview

XZRS: Mike Beaver - Multiple UFO Contactee Experiences and Possessed by Two Demons! - my 3rd interview

Mike Beaver ~ 04/23/19 ~ Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin - my 4th interview  

How to Fight Hollywood, Aliens, Letter Agencies, & Demons, & Still Come Out Smelling Like a Rose - my 5th interview

UFO Undercover with Joe Montaldo guest Charles Michael Beaver (who goes by the name Mike), is a hypnotherapist who has worked with one abductee (used as a breeder for one of the GRAY races) and has assisted one client to remove a dark spirit attachment (5/1/2019)


Mike Beaver - Skype

As a hypnotherapist, Charles Michael Beaver has worked with one ET abductee, and assisted one client to remove a dark spirit attachment. As an information technology professional, with over 41 years of computer experience, he worked over 60 professional IT related contracts; including having clients such as the CIA, the FBI, the Library of Congress, NATO, the Army, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, and many other clients; including a who’s who of the world’s largest corporations. As an honor degreed videographer, an award winning photographer, and a student of one of Chuck Norris's best students, he worked in the Motion Picture industry, for over a decade, as a stuntman, martial artist, action photographer, directing (on rare occasion), and in a number of other roles. He’s an ET contactee; and has been working on a book primarily centered around his many paranormal experiences, and sessions that he's had with his hypnotherapy clients; and is presently looking for an agent.
Soheila Adelipour

Hoping you will consider Soheila Adelipour for an interview.

Soheila Adelipour would be happy to speak with you about her challenges, her choice to be happy, and of course her newly released book. Soheila lost her son Stefan in a tragic fire while he was away at college. Her son's death was quickly followed with the passing of her brother and sister. Dancing To The Darkest Light tells the story of how she came back from the ultimate sadness.  Hard copies available upon request. 

Sohelia Adelipour and her family were forced from her home country of Iran during the 1970's revolution. After settling in Long Island her family was plagued by a series of tragic deaths. Soheila fought to find strength through the tragedy. Now living in LA, Soheila ultimately found her way to a release of pain and acceptance of happiness. The book illustrates a beautiful bout of human soul vs. the world. Soheila vividly describes her displacement due to both war and personal loss. Now that she has overcome the tragedy she can finally be happy again. 


Soheila Adelipour and her family, being Jewish, escaped the volatile situation in Iran in 1979 after the Islamic revolution and settled in New York. She received her bachelor's degree in Business and her master's degree in Art Gallery Management while her first two kids were in diapers. Life was normal with her 4 kids until tragedy plagued her family.  She lost her second son in Boston in a tragic fire accident, then, a few years later, both her sister and brother passed away after enduring long and horrific illnesses. Soheila was there every step of the way during those tough and difficult times, (she was 100% match with her young brother, she gave him her bone marrow and then 60% of her liver hoping to save him). Soheila has established, Stefan Adelipour For Life Foundation in memory of her young son. She organizes fundraising every year and helps people in need, regardless of race, color or religion.  At the moment Soheila's main purpose is to give courage and strength to people with her words and experiences.

Jennifer Perry

I'd be extremely honored and delighted if you would consider my client, author/musician/artist Rachel Anne Cox as a guest on your show. Rachel's literary dystopian novel "A light From The Ashes" has just launched, and she created a CD of music - which she composed and recorded - to accompany it, and a cinematic trailer. Rachel, who teaches English, has gone far beyond the expectations for someone with the brain condition Chiari Malformation as well as being a childhood sexual abuse survivor. I'm proud of this client for her immense talent and for her determination to see beauty in the world. Please contact me with any questions at or 404-625-5225. Thank you, Jennifer Perry Publicist/Podcaster

United States

Rachel Anne Cox is an English instructor at Weber State University and author of the new dystopian novel A Light from the Ashes. She made the trek from Louisiana to Utah thirteen years ago to pursue her studies in theater, literature, and creative writing. Rachel loved university life so much that she decided to teach college English. Rachel has always been fascinated by the stories of underdogs, scrappy rebels, and seekers of truth. When she isn’t pursuing her lifelong passion of writing, you might find her looking for her newest elephant figurine, painting at her favorite pond, or exploring the trails in northern Utah, always with a camera in hand.

Brenda St Louis

3 High-Level Tips to Eliminate Money Stress

As a financial therapist and money coach, I work with people every day who struggle with their money. Most people know what to do, but for some reason they don't follow through. Creating mastery with your finances is powerful, deep and foundational work. Rewiring your relationship to money is the first step toward creating peace, joy and confidence financially. If you integrate these 3 tips, you will have begun the journey to a stress-free relationship with money.

Tip #1 More is not always better.

Many of my clients start by saying that if they had more money, everything would be better. It is common to live in the future of 'more' rather than nurturing the money we have right now. But more is not always better. Before credit cards, it was easier to live in the present. Now, many of us are enslaved by our debt. Our focus is on the future. Becoming a better steward of your money can alleviate a lot of stress. Notice when you think that more will make you happier. Creating automated systems with regular monitoring can help you live within your means. There is a whole movement of millennials living below their means with the intention of retiring early. It can be fun to explore what downsizing feels like. It doesn't have to feel constrictive. In my experience clients who practice this feel more abundant and less stressed.

Tip #2 Align your emotional intelligence and your financial intelligence.

Money and how we relate with it can be full of shame, guilt and secrecy. Wall Street is a perfect example of how emotional the financial system is. A change in policy or fear of loss can send everything into a tailspin. Money behaviours may not make logical sense, but they always make emotional sense. To create lasting change, we need to rewire our internal patterns. Mastering emotional intelligence is key: Know what you are feeling when you are feeling it. Doing this takes practice, and it builds a muscle that you will have for the rest of your life. Ideally, our financial and emotional intelligence are aligned. However, in reality, sometimes we are emotionally equipped in certain areas in our life and not others... perhaps not with money. It's interesting terrain to explore.

Tip #3 You need support and accountability.

There are so many budgeting books and financial apps out there... so many opinions on how to fix your money problems. But DIY-ing your money problems doesn't always work. A lifetime of financial illiteracy cannot be solved on your own. Information overload often paralyzes people from taking action. All the 'shoulds' and 'if onlys' send us into shutdown. Many of my clients used to feel alone in dealing with their money stuff. Money behaviours are created from a lifetime of habit and unconscious beliefs. No wonder it's so hard to change. A trusted coach or therapist offers guidance and creates accountability. Ask for help. Be willing to not 'have to' do this on your own. It takes courage and determination to face your finances honestly.

These high-level tips are just the start. If you want to explore how you can deepen your relationship with money, I am currently enrolling people into my 12-week Rewire Your Wealth program. It has been creating powerful shifts for people! Check it out and see if you are the right fit for this work.


Brenda St Louis has facilitated, coached and educated individuals and organizations to created more confidence, peace and joy with money. She helps average to high net-worth individuals that are living paycheck to paycheck transform their relationship to money.

She has worked with women entrepreneurs, social enterprising organizations, law firms and yoga studios. Trained as a Certified Money Coach, Financial Therapist and Financial Planner she continues to explore creative ways to teach both Financial and Emotional Literacy. Brenda is the founder and trainer of a 12-week program called “Rewire Your Wealth”.

Some of her credentials span various modalities. She is a published author, international speaker, voice actor and has been to clown school.

She has co-authored a book with Dr. Joe Dispenza and Bernie Seigle called “The Thought that Changed my Life Forever” A best seller on She has been featured on numerous podcasts, radio and television.

Brenda has owned her own business for over 20 years and presently works in Vancouver BC Canada.