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Lucille Williams


I am an author who writes about relationships. My first book From Me to We helps couples become an us and my latest book is about sex, The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes. 

How about a piece on "Sex Advice from the Church Lady"? This new book about sex, "The Intimacy You Crave: Straight Talk about Sex and Pancakes" is so spicy and controversial most Christian media won't touch it even though it's written by a pastor's wife. And who is also a grandma!


Lucille Williams

United States

Lucille Williams, national speaker, author, and relationship coach has ministered to couples and families for over 25 years. She has appeared on Focus on the Family's radio broadcasts and magazine as one of their top-rated programs for Best OF 2018, and has also been featured on KKLA's the Frank Sontag Show and GOD TV. 

Yoichi Utebi

Happy Science is Bridging East and West

Japan’s Fastest Growing and Most Influential Spiritual Movement Reaches Western Shores with New Inspirational Film

“Immortal Hero,” a film based on the near-death epiphany that inspired Ryuho Okawa to create Happy Science, Japan’s budding spiritual movement of 12 million plus global followers, will open in the United States and Canada in October 2019.

12 Million Strong and Growing Fast… What is Driving this Intercontinental Happiness Revolution?

Happy Science’s mission is dedicated to bringing greater happiness to humankind by uniting religions and cultures to live in harmony

Interview op: Yoichi Utebi, Happy Science Media Division Producer, VP HS Productions

Suggested questions:

What is Happy Science? What are its major teachings? Who is Master Okawa? The new Happy Science movie, “Immortal Hero,” is based on true events in Master Okawa’s life, namely his near-death experience and the will he exerted to thwart death. Tell us about that. In the movie, Master Okawa is visited by spiritual beings. In real life, he says he is visited daily by several highly evolved beings in the spirit world and has been for most of his life. When did those visitations begin, and who does he communicate with? Master Okawa says he is the incarnation of Buddha. Why do you think he has reincarnated at this time in Japan? Is there any cultural or historical significance to his appearance at this time and place? Why bring this film to the US? What is the main message of this movie to the audience? Where and when is the movie screening?

About: “Immortal Hero”

Based on the true story of the near-death-experience that compelled Ryuho Okawa to devote his life to spreading the Truth he received from the spiritual realms and masters, Immortal Hero tells the dramatic, inspiring story of Makoto Mioya, a highly successful Japanese writer and publisher who miraculously heals himself from a fatal heart condition after a near-death visitation from powerful spiritual beings. As part of the recovery process, Makoto writes about his powerful ‘rebirth’ as an enlightened and transformed teacher. Although he faces challenges at home and abroad, Makoto promises to use the second chance at life he has been blessed with to make a positive difference for as many people as possible. He commits to ‘die for the truth’, a powerful covenant that defines the purity and intensity of his message of love, our mutual responsibility for one another, and world peace.

Immortal Hero is the 17th film by Happy Science Productions, the award-winning media arm of the burgeoning Happy Science movement founded by Ryuho Okawa in 1986. The inspirational film reveals the depth and gravity of Master Okawa’s miraculous near-death experience in 2004 and its significance for the world.

Yoichi Utebi, Happy Science Media Division Producer, and Vice President of HS Productions

Born in Japan in 1968, Yoichi Utebi grew up in Beirut, Lebanon and New York City. Raised in a rare Japanese Christian family, he was deeply touched by Muslim culture and the beauty of Lebanon during his formative years in Beirut. However, the Middle East also exposed Utebi to the horrors of war, as he and his family dodged bullets and bombings before fleeing to London and back to Japan, leaving everything behind in a sudden evacuation.  In the 7th grade, Utebi moved to New York for 10 years, where he was exposed to friends from multiple cultures and ethnicities. His rock band produced a popular album and gained quite a following in the city before Utebi decided to forego his musical pursuits and return to Japan.

After 12 years of experience in marketing and senior management at various American IT companies in Japan, Utebi joined Happy Science in 2010, where he quickly rose to Director of International Communications. In 2015, he was appointed Head Minister of Hawaii, and in 2018 he led the temples in Okinawa. Utebi is currently leading Happy Science’s International Media Division and is the Vice President of HS Productions and producer of “Immortal Hero.”


About: Happy Science (幸福の科学)

Mission: Happy Science is dedicated to bringing greater happiness to humankind by uniting religions and cultures to live in harmony Tenets: Happy Science is based on four fundamental teachings: Love, Wisdom, Self-reflection, and Progress. Living ever day in accordance with these core values, anyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion, can attain Happiness. Love- Love without asking for anything in return. Love that gives is the foundation of happiness Wisdom- Learn to distinguish good from evil in all things by learning the laws of the mind and gaining spiritual knowledge Self-reflection- Purify the mind and restore the true self by correcting negative thoughts and actions Progress- Make concrete efforts to create a happy society while improving one’s own character History: After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Happy Science founder Ryuho Okawa joined a Tokyo-based trading firm. In 1981, while working for the firm’s New York City headquarters and studying finance at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Okawa achieved Great Enlightenment and awakened to his true mission in life, which is to bring true happiness to all of humanity. In 1986, he renounced his promising business career and established Happy Science (Kofuku-no-Kagaku in Japanese), which was registered in Japan as a religious organization in 1991. Reach: Happy Science has over 12M members across more than 100 countries and more than 700 Shojas, temples, and branches. Over 2,500 titles by Ryuho Okawa, many of which have consistently ranked in the annual bestsellers list in Japan, have sold over 100 million copies worldwide and been published in 31 languages.
Jon Sumple

Snyopsis: Abductions. Reproduction experiments. Memories of seeing children off-planet. The idea of humans participating in an alien hybrid program sounds absurd until you talk to people who have experienced it. Thousands around the world have had reproductive experiments carried out against their will. The most harrowing? The termination of unexplained pregnancies. Memories remain suppressed and fragmented, leaving experiencers confused, depressed and with a profound sense of loss. In others, the memories are visceral and emotionally disturbing. Thanks to increased acceptance, more people are coming forward with their frightening experiences. Are aliens involved in a complex hybridization project where humans are used to cultivate a hybrid population? This award-winning documentary film, Extraordinary: The Seeding, tells these stories through one-on-one interviews with abductees—brave individuals sharing intensely personal and emotional stories. Through analysis with global ufology experts, the film also explores hybridization, why it’s happening and the impact on humanity. The information presented is intended to educate, entertain and encourage audiences to ask one simple question: What if this is all true?

An Official Selection of 15 film festivals around the world, Extraordinary: The Seeding has won five Best Documentary awards, including winning both the Best Documentary and People's Choice Award on September 7, 2019, at the International UFO Conference in Phoenix, AZ, USA. The film is striking a chord with audiences since its September 3 release on digital platforms due to changing the narrative from phenomena-focused stories to the emotional impact abductions have on those who have alien hybridization experiences. Women are experiencing unexplained pregnancies, and three of the women in the film have unique stories that, at first, glance are hard to fathom: one is a life-long lesbian who has never had relations with a man, another ended her engagement and quite a six-figure job to help those who have been through what she has experienced, and another details her alien rape stories, yet finds comfort in the birth of a child that was alien-assisted.

These are deeply emotional stories that beg for exploration and, most of all, empathy and compassion from those who don’t understand what it’s like to be an experiencer. The film is intended to serve three primary goals:

1. Create awareness surrounding unexplained pregnancies and alien hybridization programs

2. Encourage empathy and compassion towards those who are having traumatic experiences

3. Facilitate community for those who have had experiences so they understand they are not alone

Film festival audience response has been phenomenal, and early feedback following the launch is that this is one of the most important films ever in the genre due to its emphasis on the people having the experiences.

Visit the official film website at for additional details about the film, including reviews from author of Communion Whitley Strieber, Coast to Coast AM Host George Noory, ufology researcher and hypntherapist Mary Rodwell, ufology journalist and exoplolitical expert Nick Pope and screenwriter of The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2 Carey Hayes.

Visit to learn more about the production company behind the film.

Visit the official Facebook page of the film at to see the passionate engagement of those interested in the film.

Director/Producer Jon Sumple and Producer Jack Roth are available to share their amazing journeys in making this important and transformational film.

Jon Sumple
Skype: jonsumple

United States

Jon Sumple is a founding partner of j3FILMS, as well as an award-winning producer and director of Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story and Extraordinary: The Seeding. He’s a writer by trade and a filmmaker by night, along with producing partners Jack Roth, Jamie Sernoff and Lori Wagner. In addition to writing and filmmaking, he also co-hosts a weekly baseball podcast. Jon and his wife are currently on an open-ended, slow-travel journey, currently exploring Lima, Peru.

Arianna Corsino

I am a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regressions, I've helped dozens of clients communicate with their higher self using hypnosis to uncover deep rooted physical and emotional stresses in the body.

I help clients find reasons for and/or heal specific diseases, uncover emotional barriers, find their purpose, connect with their past lives, understand unexplained events, and receiving answers to paranormal experiences such as abductions or encounters . 

United States

From a young age I have experienced strange unexplainable events such as spirits and multidimensional beings like ETs. I've had my share of encounters with ETs. In 2016, I became a certified in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique from Dolores Cannon's academy. Becoming a Hypnotherapist changed my life. I was now able to receive answers to all of life's questions. Conducting sessions with clients and watching people who had never met before arrive to the same conclusions with different percpective has been such a fascinating journey of discovery. 

In 2018, I also became certified in Beyond Quantum Healing through Candace Craw Goldman which opened the door to conduct sessions remotely and expand my reach in helping clients. I have since started a YouTube channel that promotes positivity and session clips of of clients. My most recent ones being about dimensions, starseeds, and angels. I have so many more to come in the future.

Kerri Hummingbird
Have you always felt like an outsider, a stranger in a strange land? Perhaps you've even been the black sheep of your family? Have you wanted to return home almost since you were born? Do you feel a deep call to purpose, to lift the planet with your gifts?
If you or your audience resonates with these questions, you'll find answers in the new #1 Int'l Bestseller "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" by Kerri Hummingbird Sami. In this book, she channels wisdom from White Eagle, ascended master of awakening and rainbow light activation of human DNA.

Kerri Hummingbird Sami is a soul guide, shamanic healer, award-winning author and inspirational speaker. Kerri has over 20 years of experience in leading by inspiration, and a special passion for empowering women to be the artists of their lives. She mentors women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

She is certified in energy medicine by the Four Winds Light Body school, certified as a spiritual coach by the Artist of the Spirit Coach Training Program and HeatherAsh Amara, certified in empowerment and firewalk training by Sundoor, and certified as a Warrior Goddess Facilitator. She is the past President of the Austin Chapter of the International Association of Women (IAW).

In 2014, The Indie Spiritual Book Awards conferred the honor of "Best in Category" to Awakening To Me: One Woman's Journey To Self Love, and in 2015 it won Pinnacle Best in Category for Self-Help and National Indie Excellence Awards Winner in Category for Spirituality. Her 2015 best-selling book From We To Me: Emerging Self After Divorce, reached #16 in the Divorce category on Amazon. Kerri lives with the love of her life, his two children, and her two teenage sons in the Austin area. She works with clients around the world.

Prior to her career as a Soul Guide, Ms. Hummingbird had a 20-year career as a technical and marketing communications consultant in both Silicon Valley and Austin high-tech communities. She has served in leadership since she began working, most notably serving on the Board of the Silicon Valley chapter of the Society for Technical Communication. She also inspired and led over 150 artists to open their studios to the public as the Executive Director of the non-profit Silicon Valley Open Studios in the Bay Area, California for several years in the early 2000s.


The science behind hugging. Dr. Stone’s prescription is for a 21-second hug today and every day. One of the many benefits of hugging is that longer hugs have proven physiological benefits. Hugs are good for your immune system, your stress response, your sleep patterns, and so much more.

Hug Therapy brings to life the meaning of hugging. In this book, you will discover:

What it means to really, truly give yourself and others the profound gift of a hug How to be powerfully in action and more aware of what matters to you most That you may choose to begin hugging some strangers…with their blessing of course And perhaps most importantly, that together, one literal or metaphorical hug at a time, we make the world a better, healthier, and more connected place.

Embrace life. Hug Therapy shares a full-on, unconditional hug from Dr. Stone Kraushaar. In this book, he invites you to wrap your arms around yourself, your life, and everyone around you in a whole new way. A good embrace―a hug―squeezes every ounce of fear, worry, and negativity out of your spirit, leaving you with nothing but warmth, inner peace, and a feeling of connection.

Give a hug, get a hug. Most people have difficulty remembering the last time someone gave them an all-encompassing hug. Hug Therapy encourages you to change that, one physical or metaphorical embrace at a time. It’s a “do good and feel great” book that will help you live more in the moment and stay tuned into what really matters.

Expert advice from a world-class hugger. Dr. Stone Kraushaar is a clinical psychologist known as The Hug Doctor™. Also the founder of Hug Therapy™, he warmly invites you to jump into the 21-Day Hugging Journey™ and transform your life.

United States

Dr. Stone Kraushaar is a clinical psychologist and therapeutic coach who discovered the transformational power of hugs.  

You will catch him on 21-day hugging journeys and inspiring others about what is created together within the ‘space of a hug.’

Dr. Stone graduated summa cum laude from the University of Denver with his BS degree and earned his master’s degree and doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Denver. His American Psychological Association (APA)-approved psychology internship was at the UCSB Student Health Services at the University of California-Santa Barbara. He completed his post-doctoral work at Yale student health services.

Hug Therapy
Dean Henderson

Hey Hillary, Just heard you on Veritas Radio with Mel and we seem to be on the same research trajectories. Would love to be on your show again as it has been awhile. I ditched Facebook and Twitter completely, but have written two new books in the past year related to the tech enslavement plan. Would love to hear from you and hope you are doing well!  Dean Henderson


See Left Hook site for bio.

Magda Selmeci and Tippy Felzenstein

Requesting Interviews for Canadian author Magda Selmeci (Holocaust survivor from Hungary) via co-author/editor Tippy Felzenstein. The book is titled Life Under Communist and Nazi Regime: Hungary from War to Revolution

The book was just released on several sites. ( and includes the description.)

Mrs. Selmeci was the Former Controller (Financial) at Allied Chemical and holds a Master of Science in Theoretical Physics & Quantum Mechanics, York University (1973) and Studied Physics and Mathematics. at ELTE - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (1955.)

Contact Tippy Felzenstein in NY to arrange interviews with Magda Selmeci in Canada.


Mrs. Selmeci was the Former Controller (Financial) at Allied Chemical and holds a Master of Science in Theoretical Physics & Quantum Mechanics, York University (1973) and Studied Physics and Mathematics. at ELTE - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (1955.)

Bernie Taylor
There has been a longstanding narrative that dogs originally came from lost wolf cubs which begged at our campfires. The DNA evidence of dogs tells a different story where domesticated dogs and wolves have a common ancestor between 27,000 to 40,000 years ago (See study below). This coincides with Paleolithic cave art in Europe and where we might find an image of this first dog. A two minute video exploring this concept of the first dog in Paleolithic cave art is below.
I believe that the Paleolithic heritage of dogs and an alternative version of how they first became our partners may be of interest to your listeners. I am open to discuss these and other ideas on your show. Be sure to check if your favorite dog breed is pictured in the Paleolithic caves.
Best Regards,
Bernie Taylor
Portland, Oregon
United States

Bernie Taylor is an independent naturalist, thought leader and author whose research explores the mythological connections and biological knowledge among prehistoric, indigenous and ancient peoples. His works in these areas include Biological Time (2004) and Before Orion: Finding the Face of the Hero (2017). Before Orion is premised on Joseph’s Campbell’s hero's journey monomyth that is at the core of stories worldwide among indigenous peoples, the ancients, and our modern society. Before Orion explores a deeper root for this monomyth by looking at how hunter-gatherers viewed themselves within the natural and spiritual worlds through Paleolithic cave art from 40,000 ago. Taylor proposes that select cave paintings are fundamental pieces in the human journey to self-realization, the foundation of written language, and a record of biological knowledge that irrevocably impacted some of the artistic styles, religious practices, and stories that are still with us. Taylor addresses a profound archaeological elephant in the room by opening up an uncharted place in our history, which points to the cultural ancestors of mankind in western North Africa.