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Kara Mayer Robinson
I’m a celebrity interviewer, podcaster and TV host. I host the celeb-interview podcast Really Famous, where I do deep dives with TV & film actors and personalities like Chazz Palminteri, Daymond John, Tippi Hedren, Steve Zahn, Michael Rapaport and Annie Potts.
I’ve also sat down for long talks with Spike Lee, Seth Rogen, Sharon Stone, Mandy Moore, Christina Aguilera and many more fascinating people.
I love to laugh, tell stories, do deep dives and turn interviews into totally engaging conversations.
Ask me about this (or just about anything):
Booking celebrities Hanging out with stars My TV and movie obsessions & recommendations If I’m ever starstruck A therapist’s inside scoop Writing for iconic magazines & newspapers Odd jobs at Comedy Central and CNBC Breaking into the business Starting a podcast New York vs. Los Angeles My quirky, fun, surprising social media clips
I’m a celebrity interviewer, podcaster and TV host. I host the celeb-interview podcast Really Famous, where I do deep dives with TV & film actors and personalities like Chazz Palminteri, Daymond John, Tippi Hedren, Steve Zahn, Michael Rapaport and Annie Potts.
I’ve also sat down for long talks with Spike Lee, Seth Rogen, Sharon Stone, Mandy Moore, Christina Aguilera and many more fascinating people.
I love to laugh, tell stories, do deep dives and turn interviews into totally engaging conversations.
Listen to my interviews:
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Sifu Ezichi Ade

Namaste. The Golden Circle Movement Channel is devoted to lightworker strategies and spirit science. In this time of Ascension, as we prepare for the Golden age, we shall unite and raise the vibration of this planet.


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United States
Liv Scrivanich

With my extensive training and experience, I can help people overcome obstacles and reach their goals, easily and effortlessly. By removing energetic imprints and thought loops one can direct their lives and manifest what they want. Health can be restored when energy and thoughts are unblicked.

United States

Liv Scrivanich, CCHt, PNLP, PEFT, PTT. is an Intuitive, International Board Certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy as well as a Certified Practitioner in NLP, EFT, TIME Techniques and a Certified Success Coach specializing in Personal Growth and Development. With her extensive training and experience, Liv can help you overcome your obstacles and reach your desired outcomes, easily and effortlessly evolving the spiritual and physical lives of her clients so they are integrated into wholeness. Liv experienced asthma from the time she was 18 months old until she was 48. In and out if the hospital and on multiple inhalers from a young age she felt she never should have had asthma. She started exploring energy and techniques. She found out about EFT. She used it on an issue unrelated to asthma. During the session, when the issue released, so did the asthma! That was 14 years ago and she has been asthma free ever since. That's what started her on the path to help others in the same way.

Aaron Hoopes

Many of us are beginning to gain an awareness of the ways that we have lost our connection to the earth and are no longer living in harmony with our natural environment. Although we are constantly connecting to each other through technology, we are becoming more and more disconnected from the non-human living beings of the planet, which can leave us feeling alone and spiritually adrift. Reconnecting to the Earth: Reclaiming our Relationship to Nature and Ourselves is a guidebook on your journey towards a closer relationship with yourself and your planet, which will allow you to reclaim your soul and reconnect with sacred Mother Earth.


Aaron Hoopes has studied karate, kung fu, tai chi, qigong and yoga for over thirty-five years. A native of Vermont, he spent many years in Japan and Australia studying with a number of exceptional teachers. He is the founder of Zen Yoga and the author of numerous books including Zen Yoga: A Path to Enlightenment through Breathing, Movement and Meditation, Perfecting Ourselves: Coordinating Body, Mind and Spirit, Breathe Smart: The Secret to Happiness, Health and Long Life. and The Zen Anti-Diet. His best-selling Zen Yoga Daily Warm-Up DVD has helped thousands of people integrate breathing and gentle movement into their lives. He is a Zen Shiatsu massage therapist and a long-time student of permaculture and plant spirit medicine. He runs the Dragon Mountain Kung Fu School and teaches yoga and qigong classes at the Zen Mountain Healing Center in Vermont.

Aaron Hoopes author of Reconnecting to the Earth
Julie Renee Doering

 If you’ve been thinking that your short-term memory loss—those moments when you just can’t remember a word, a name or where you parked the car—are just the start of a downhill slide, than a new Cellular Neo-Genesis Brain Study from brain rejuvenation expert Julie Renee Doering will be a revelation! 

This remarkable 6-month study shows that memory loss can easily be reversed—even in early stage dementia! 

Using a protocol that she developed, Doering guided 200 study participants ages 40-75 to 26% memory improvement. But that wasn’t the only results. The study community reported 37% improvement in mental outlook (vibrancy vs. depression), experienced a 33% improvement in sleeping better, nearly 19% had a reduction of headaches, and those who had speech difficulties improved by more than 15%. 

None of this followed the traditional medical approach. The success is credited to a Quantum Activation that moves through a six-step process of clearing and regeneration. Using a revolutionary method of cell regeneration called cellular neo genesis, the participant experiences a quieting mind and lightness of emotion as the first potent three hours of rejuvenation takes place. The restorative process is supported by using high vibrational guided meditation, proper hydration and uplifting activities; 

The protocol individually targets brain regrowth in five different areas: the reptilian brain, mammalian brain, right neo-cortex, left neo-cortex and frontal lobe. 

Why do this work in the quantum field? Because, Doering says, “We all exist in the quantum field. As we activate direction for change, we are essentially rearranging how the particles are vibrating in our make up for better results.” 

Doering is known worldwide for the miraculous work she has done with people who have given up hope for healing a wide range of illnesses and conditions, and for mapping The Divine Human Blueprint, the subject of her highly regarded bestselling book. Doering had been doing this brain rejuvenation work with private clients for the last 10 years and elected to conduct a group study to quantify the results. 

After clearing a person of thousands of blockages to regeneration, including right, permission and abilities to experience a miraculous transformation using this method, the next three-steps begin by focusing on bringing the master and stems up from low to 100% functionality. This process involves a strong intention to access and transform, coupled with a hand movement that moves the frequency into the field of transformation so that the poor function is corrected, while stimulating cell restoration. Step Two directs these newly re-energized cells to spread light to surrounding cells, and Step Three cascades this success out to the entire brain region the subject is addressing—each of these is accompanied by a specific proven vibration-altering hand movement designated in the protocol. Once the initial regeneration process is complete, over the next 180 days, the individual with a refreshing brain is provided guided meditations that anchor and solidify the work. Doering uses singing, prayer and even inspirational poetry to maintain a highly-elevated state for participants as they move through this beautiful process. 

“The notion we were operating from was that we could directly affect better brain function and process of the brain by first stimulating a dramatic shift, clearing emotional familiar bloodline and energetic interference, followed by a matching of perfected cells and a stimulation of new cell growth, “ says Doering. 

The Brain Rejuvenation work that Julie Renee is doing is just the tip of the iceberg in her revolutionary Quantum Activation Academy. She trains students in her proprietary quantum activation trainings in more than 81 countries. She has been lauded globally for her medically documented DNA obliteration technique that removes harmful DNA. A mentor to the mentors, she works such luminaries as Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. 

Doering, who will soon be seen regularly on the long-running PBS series Creative Living, embarked on her search for answers after suffering several brain injuries, major accidents and chronic illnesses in her earlier life. Once she healed herself, she was impassioned to share her knowledge and expertise with a fast-growing clientele—including many doctors and other healthcare practitioners--and those she has trained to do her specialized work. The author of 12 books, she currently offers more than 150 trainings and 180 transformative meditations.

United States

Julie Renee Doering is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in her groundbreaking book Your Divine Human Blueprint. 

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. 

She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 81 countries with the miracle of live stream trainings. 

Her journey to becoming a breakthrough leader in her field was not an easy one. It was driven by her own passion to heal. Julie Renee left behind the worst of health challenges imaginable, having survived the atomic bomb testing as a child, overcoming multiple cancers, life in a wheelchair and even death itself. 

She has leveraged her experience of overcoming severe health and business challenges into a winning formula for creating powerful systems for others to return to 100% health, wealth and love. Her “brain-based method” of regeneration and the innovative ‘lead from the inside out’ programs for leaders, shines a light of hope for those who find themselves exhausted and fuzzy brained from over striving. Julie Renee helps these people get back to their most optimum life. 

Recognized for global leadership by Powerful Women International and Woman of the Year by the National Association of Professional Women, Julie Renee is a go-to speaker and award-winning author of 12 books. She has shared the stage with Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, James Malinchak, Barbara Niven, Stedman Grahm, Jason Alexander and many more. Her books include “100% You,” “Your Divine Human Blueprint” and “Balance Your Life Now!” Julie Renee’s Quantum Activation's Academy is a wonderful place to learn about the divine human blueprint, cell regeneration and clearing interference of all kinds. Classes range for a couple hours to several years. Quantum Activation Trailblazer Apprentice Mastery Level, Foundational Apprentice, Year of Miracles full body regeneration program, Growing Together full self-expression year long program, Miraculous Transformation One to One program working directly with Julie Renee. She has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations. 

Julie Renee is soon to be seen as an ongoing featured contributor on the highly regarded Creative Living PBS series that has been airing for more than 40 years.

Kathy Russell

Guest to Discuss Heart Health & The Cholesterol Myth 

For booking contact Kathy Russett by email: 

Wayne can discuss topics like:

The Cholesterol Myth

Earlobe Crease & Heart Disease ( See study: Diagonal earlobe creases and fatal cardiovascular disease: Diagonal earlobe creases and fatal cardiovascular disease: )

Nature's color code of food

Wayne Elliott’s knowledge is based on his own research, discussions with users, and teachings from Jim Strauss (Founder of Strauss Herb Company)  and his extensive experience with Strauss Heart Drops.

About Wayne Elliott

Wayne Elliott, an international leader in the field of waste and resource recycling and life-long herbal health care professional who is knowledgeable about herbal remedies and the historical uses of a wide variety of herbs, plants and plant enzymes - - - especially the extremely valuable heart-health benefits of Strauss Heart Drops which were developed by Jim Struss.

Twenty years ago Wayne Elliot was staring death in the face.  Angina pain and clogged arteries had him worried he would follow in the path of his grandfather.  Everything changed when he discovered herbal medicine. Wayne got a second chance when he discovered nature’s ability to heal our bodies.  He immersed himself in herbal healing. After being mentored by a world class herbalist he began lecturing all over Canada on how to naturally change our health. 

After years of lecture Wayne went back to his “day job” in his family’s salvage company.  Despite financial success nothing could replace the satisfaction of educating and empowering people to positively change their destiny.  In the 20 years since Wayne’s life was changed Heart disease is still the number one cause of death. The cholesterol myth has been used to keep people sick. 

Wayne is exuberantly looking for opportunities to bring his invaluable knowledge to the people of America.  He is offering himself for interviews to discuss a variety of health topics and giving your listeners the ability to make better decisions for themselves.  You will be enthralled by his personality and ability to make health compelling and empowering.  

“ Meeting Jim Strauss has been the most profound experience and the most rewarding experience of my life, helping others get well and improve their own health. I have appeared on more than 450 radio programs and given more than 350 lectures on his teachings regarding nature, sickness, health and wellness.  I remain forever grateful for Jim and what he taught me. I continue to share his wisdom and my own personal experience with his formulas, as well as the experiences of countless others expressed to me over these many years, including family members, friends, associates and thousands of people I have met over this continuing journey. Jim’s son Peter is my dear friend and he continues to work the Strauss craft of making great medicines from herbs and 100% natural substances. “

For booking contact Kathy Russett by email:

Dr Chris Hahn

You can either be the rat or design the race. It’s your choice. Are you trapped in mediocrity, unsure of how to escape the life-sucking cycle of not living up to your full potential? Are you killing yourself to make other people’s dreams come true in the hope of eventually being able to do what you want? How long will you procrastinate before living the life of your dreams? Until you finish an important project, get a raise, or retire? If you are sick and tired of the rat race and dying to lead a life of unlimited abundance, happiness, and purpose, then you are ready to unbox yourself.

Dr. Chris has a passion for helping others to unbox themselves so they can live a life of greatness. As a guest on your show, he would discuss the following key points:

Share some of his own story of how he escaped the rat race and turned a hobby into passive income How anyone can find more happiness in their current field even if they are in the rat race How to identify your gifts, talents and goals How to begin unboxing yourself so that you can live the life you were meant to How the law of attraction really works and why you need to use it

Dr. Chris Hahn has a passion for helping people live a life true to themselves and coaches professionals through career burnout, giving them the opportunity to live a life of purpose and true fulfillment. He is a Dentist, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Author, Speaker and Coach. He uses his problem solving gift and passion to aid others in unboxing themselves so they can live a life of greatness. If you are looking to be infected with success, happiness, passion and purpose, Dr. Chris is your vector.

Unbox Yourself
Danielle Harris

Greetings loves, my name is Danielle "TheResonantWitch" Harris and I am a quantum healer specializing in working through the morphonogenic field. The topic I would like to be interviewed about is about building your own model of healing regardless of which modality you are initiated into and the issues of false light infection if we mimic someone else's model. I hold the perspective we are all our own unique aspect of Oneness, therefore our offerings are unique to our own organic essence and can reflect that if we allow ourselves the opportunity to shift into the sovereign integral by dropping out codependency. Sometimes this is difficult for the human to process as we are conditioned to believe we must learn most things by copying what our teachers do, but when it comes to energy work this is a dangerous concept as false light flourishes when we are not 100% in our empowerment. Modalities that require a master to attune you to a hierarchical system are the most blatant, but it can be as simple as using a grounding or shielding technique that was created by another person rather than finding out what your own unique technique is or taking information regarding galactic history from books and websites rather then accessing your own remembrance. What happens when we are not coming from the sovereign integral stand point and are reliant upon others models of work or knowledge is that false light will come in and imprint false ascension matrices and template structures, allowing for spiritual bypassing and usually more codependency spiraling out into multiple facets of their personal life. We can go into detail about false light and how it works as well as how you can can build your own model of energy work even if you started with a codependancy based modality. My goal for this interview is to bring awareness to the healing community (specifically those with Indigo templating), we can make such an impactful shift in the collective as we are the example for this next wave of those awakening this year during the quickening and I'm hoping this will assist in a mass shift into the sovereign integral.


Danielle "TheResonantWitch" Harris is a Morphonogenic Field Work Expert, Ascension Guide, Wife and Mother based in Los Angeles, CA. After practicing numerous healing modalities over the past 15 years TheResonantWitch has fine tuned her healing model using Light Language to clear all aspects of the energetic body including but not limited to blockages, karmic miasma, template structures, wounding, implants, devices, programs, and looping energies while collapsing old timelines to usher in activations and upgrades through the New Earth grid. TheResonantWitch also creates education and meditation videos on the Patreon platform. You can find her work on or directly on her website

Debra Fulton McGuinty

I am the author of the book "34", under the pen name Debra Fulton. A free audible book can be accessed below. Use this promo code:


Then enter the code at Amazon here:

This is the true story of everyday life with paranormal events. My daughter's discovery that she was a psychic medium correlated with many interesting developments in my own spiritual journey. The events cover a 5 year period, so a lot went on. Reading or listening to the book explains it fully. I hope you enjoy the story and are welcome to contact me if you are interested in hearing more about it. 

Cheers, Deb (Fulton) McGuinty

United States

I am a Registered Nurse for the past 35 years, mother of two grown daughters, and now a grandmother of 2. Life in Colorado with my partner is a wonderful mix of work, outdoor activities, motorcycle riding, and time spent on subsequent writing projects after "34" was finished in 2012.  I actively write a blog that can be accessed at I continually work to progress spiritually through yoga, meditation, and research of any paranormal topics that come my way. The years spent in the intense activity recorded in the book have, thankfully, receded. However, the birth of my new grandaughter may be the spark that will start activity anew, and call for a sequel to the book at some time in the future.