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Danielle Harris
Your Pitch

Greetings loves, my name is Danielle "TheResonantWitch" Harris and I am a quantum healer specializing in working through the morphonogenic field. The topic I would like to be interviewed about is about building your own model of healing regardless of which modality you are initiated into and the issues of false light infection if we mimic someone else's model. I hold the perspective we are all our own unique aspect of Oneness, therefore our offerings are unique to our own organic essence and can reflect that if we allow ourselves the opportunity to shift into the sovereign integral by dropping out codependency. Sometimes this is difficult for the human to process as we are conditioned to believe we must learn most things by copying what our teachers do, but when it comes to energy work this is a dangerous concept as false light flourishes when we are not 100% in our empowerment. Modalities that require a master to attune you to a hierarchical system are the most blatant, but it can be as simple as using a grounding or shielding technique that was created by another person rather than finding out what your own unique technique is or taking information regarding galactic history from books and websites rather then accessing your own remembrance. What happens when we are not coming from the sovereign integral stand point and are reliant upon others models of work or knowledge is that false light will come in and imprint false ascension matrices and template structures, allowing for spiritual bypassing and usually more codependency spiraling out into multiple facets of their personal life. We can go into detail about false light and how it works as well as how you can can build your own model of energy work even if you started with a codependancy based modality. My goal for this interview is to bring awareness to the healing community (specifically those with Indigo templating), we can make such an impactful shift in the collective as we are the example for this next wave of those awakening this year during the quickening and I'm hoping this will assist in a mass shift into the sovereign integral.


Danielle "TheResonantWitch" Harris is a Morphonogenic Field Work Expert, Ascension Guide, Wife and Mother based in Los Angeles, CA. After practicing numerous healing modalities over the past 15 years TheResonantWitch has fine tuned her healing model using Light Language to clear all aspects of the energetic body including but not limited to blockages, karmic miasma, template structures, wounding, implants, devices, programs, and looping energies while collapsing old timelines to usher in activations and upgrades through the New Earth grid. TheResonantWitch also creates education and meditation videos on the Patreon platform. You can find her work on or directly on her website