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Cherie Lassiter

Psychic/Medium/Author/Musician/Singer-Songwriter/recording artist

My first love was always music; singing, playing, performing and recording. To date I have released 2 solo Cd's and worked on many projects with other artists. 2 years ago I produced a music video of one of the songs from the second Cd, Kiss of Eden. (see youtube)  This was my life-path, or so I thought. My soul path gave me that expression but took me in another direction. From a child, I was psychic and empathic. Started reading books like The Seth Material and Edgar Cayce at around age 12 or 13. This opened and expanded my consciousness. I had many psychic experiences as a child and as an adult. I explored different religions and for many years was a High Priestess of the Celtic/Druid nature. Performing ceremonies, rituals and honoring the Wheel of the Year brought me closer to the rhythms of nature and the goddess. I am ordained in the Order of Melchizedek and have performed many handfasting's and marriages, teaching classes and leading workshops as well as lectures on many metaphysical subjects. I appeared on The Dead Files TV show several years back and worked as a psychic-medium to talk to the spirits and clear a haunted house. Before that time I did many space clearings, house clearings and communicated with the spirits on the Other Side. Having an ability to communicate with Spirits on the Other Side, I have worked as a Medium for many years and was featured in a book. ( See website for more info)

As part of my work, I deal with the past lives of clients and have been aware of some of my own past lives. One such life as a  Vestal Virgin of ancient Rome rushed into my conscious mind many years ago and I channeled the first draft. I put if away until last year when the time was right to finish it and get it published. That time is now. The book will be released in July and is called Amata's Choice. There are many correlations between my current life as Cherie Lassiter and this past life as a Vestal Virgin. 

I have been a yoga practitioner for 20 years and taught yoga for many years. The style is hot Vinyasa. Vinyasa means movement with intentional breath.   I think it is the fountain of youth and optimum to thriving in this world. As a person that dwells between the worlds, it is what keeps me sane, somewhat grounded and balanced.

I have one grown daughter and live with my husband and my dog close to the Neuse River in Raleigh,North Carolina. 

United States

I combined the biography into my pitch. I drew somewhat of a timeline hitting on things that are relevant for my work now.

Amata's Choice
Dr David and Dana Hagstrom

Would our marriage fall apart? We were stuck in the rut of going through the motions. It was time to make a pivot, but how? My name is Dana Hagstrom. My husband, David and I did do something radical and retired to Mexico in 2016 leaving our careers as a pastor and paralegal behind. It strengthed our marriage. We were in search of new adventures and spending more time together. For our whole careers we had been on a different schedule, going in opposite directions, becoming strangers. We were ready to be a couple again and follow the new path God was laying before us. Fast forward, we’re now helping online solopreneuers around the globe navigate the overwhelm of building a profitable online business while growing their internet presence and authority. Talk about a leap of faith! More like a leap of industry, too! But even while we were still employed as a pastor and paralegal, we were learning strategies of making money online. We use that experience to coach and mentor people, helping them find the hidden goldmines inside themselves. Our framework takes people by the hand to work through the three stages of business building, making sure they haven’t skipped any of the crucial steps. We work with them to strategize and help them embrace their own authentic selves. It's our pleasure to share with your audience what it feels like to simplify, work from anywhere, and build a profitable business online. We're the Hagstrom, and we’d love to help your audience take control and know exactly how to develop a profitable online business starting today.


David and Dana Hagstrom retired from their respective positions as a pastor and paralegal. They moved abroad in 2016 and are now servants of a different kind. As online business strategy coaches, David and Dana work with others in the industry providing effective breakthrough strategies to boost their home business success. Their clients soon uncover their own goldmine of passions and experience and how best to monetize and market. They are also helping folks imagine the future they want to retire to someday. In this process, they challenge you to start thinking about how soon your “someday” might be. You can find them inside their online coaching community offering a clarity building retirement program, “Your Bridge to Retirement,” a premium 12-week strategy coaching experience, “Your Pathway to Profit.” Alongside their own products, they have a plenty of resources and affiliate marketing tools and solutions for the online entrepreneur. Dana just published her second book in a series entitled, Devotions on the Go. Her two books on the Psalms and Proverbs are available on Amazon. David has been a published author since his Ph.D. and more recently a Bible Study on Core Beliefs. David and Dana live in Mexico with their three Japanese Chins and love traveling to the U.S. to visit family and friends, as well as to attend conferences, workshops, and masterminds.

Thad Cummings

When corona virus doesn't have a hold on the fear of the world, politics, war, or tragedy does. We have not only forgotten that we belong to one another, we have forgotten that we matter and have a place in this world. We can begin to change this narrative by discussing ways to overcome our life's barriers and rediscover our shared humanity. 

United States

I was destined early on to “save the world”. I started my first business in college (right before the economy crashed) and a non-profit. 7 years into it, I’m consulting for some of the largest companies in the world and the palpable success made me believe, for a moment, that I just might make a dent.

Within a 3-month period in 2016, my health collapses, my businesses shut down, and I find myself penniless. With all of my social programs gone, my worth and ability to change this world came crashing into question. There’s nothing like “losing it all” that gives you the opportunity to wake up and examine what’s really important in life.

With a country in shambles and politics that rule the day, I’m setting out to start new conversations with a challenging narrative yet a simple message; when we can find our shared humanity once more, we will all do better, collectively.

Carl Calleman

The current world situation with a lockdown of whole countries based on a so-called pandemic of the Covid 19 virus

again actualizes questions about the evolution of consciousness and where we are meant to go in the future. My work during the past 25 years has been about developing a Macrocosmic Quantum Theory by means of which we can understand from a higher perspective what is going on and what our options are when it comes to charting a path forward. Macrocosmic quantum theory explains all aspects of evolution: biological, economic, technological, spiritual and mental and is hence of crucial importance for all future building.


I am a scientist with a PhD in Physical Biology and am the author of seven books about the evolution of consciousness based on the Mayan calendar.

Aaron McCormick

Guests for Your Show

Unbounded: Journey to Your Within

By Aaron McCormick

With All the Odds Stacked Against Him, Aaron McCormick Rode His Gifts, Empathy and Joy to Unparalleled Success; Then Pivots to Focus on Bringing Others to Fulfillment

A Guide to the Inner Navigation System That Leads to Inner and Outer Fulfillment, Personal Responsibility, Love and Joy


By all rights, Aaron McCormick should have been a casualty of his upbringing, "destined," as he says," to be crippled by almost every externally imposed and therefore, self-imposed limitation you could imagine."  

Raised on the south side of Chicago, in poverty by a single mother with no education, deserted by a father who was likely an undiagnosed bi-polar schizophrenic, and tightly controlled by an extreme fundamentalist religion that allowed no personal freedom whatsoever, including getting a college education or playing sports, Aaron ultimately defied those expectations of failure.

In fact, he succeeded spectacularly! With no college education, beginning in his low twenties, he became a hugely successful corporate enterprise software salesman, making millions of dollars for his employers and himself, climbing from company to company until he was honored with the prestigious "Best of IBM" award bestowed on only 1% of the company's 400,000 employees. Along the way, he also earned an MBA (without an undergraduate degree!)

How did he do it? With joy and empathy.

Joy because Aaron tuned into his inner voice that guided him to focus on work that he enjoyed and also leveraged his natural gifts despite environmental and societal pressure that suggested otherwise and also courageously leaving behind family and restrictive paradigms, regardless of the costs. And empathy because he worked extremely hard to 'walk in the shoes' of the people personally impacted by company-wide systems to ensure everyone's needs were satisfied, not just the senior executives to which he sold those systems. He cared and it showed in his results.

After many years of solving problems on the corporate train, Aaron realized that what was most fulfilling -- and the very fuel to his success personally and in business -- was a reverence for the power of personal introspection and the universal wisdom right before us all. It was time to step out and share it with those seeking more fulfillment and success in career, love, relationships and personal power.

In his new book Unbounded, Journey to Your Within, Aaron takes readers through their own past experiences to unequivocally prove their latent power and also identify and use their North Star-Joy-for every decision and endeavor to create satisfying work, successful love relationships, and awaken their inner power. It is a potent book of personal responsibility-from a man who stepped into his at a very young age.

Unbounded makes the case that listening to one's true inner voice, will cut those low-frequency bindings and create a totally unlimited and unbounded life. As he says in the book, "It comes down to being either intrinsically-driven or extrinsically-drive." He shows the way to become intrinsically-driven through conscious introspection, the method he used to unbind himself from the life that could have held him back.

Your listeners will also learn:

The power of empathy in business...why nice guys don't finish last! How to stop discounting yourself Valuing oneself even at the risk of ostracism The truth about getting dumped by a partner How to transmute anxiety into a superpower

Today, Aaron travels the U.S. speaking to audiences, doing workshops and enjoying life with his wife and two children, while passing along techniques he has learned to excavate and follow one's true nature, purpose and desires, turning them into reality. 

To interview Aaron McCormick on becoming Unbounded, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


Aaron McCormick is an author, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and artist whose path to success and fulfillment defies societal norms and expectations in nearly every way.

Raised by a single mom on the South Side of Chicago, McCormick, since the age of 23 was one of the world’s leading technology business transformation sales executives, earning millions and receiving numerous awards and distinctions. He has been honored as “Best of IBM,” an award bestowed upon the top 1% of 400,000 employees, founded several companies and earned an MBA from a top business school with the rare precedent of having no prior undergraduate college degree. McCormick courageously stood up to and escaped the fundamentalist religious cult in which he was raised, resulting in loss of his universe of friends and family.

With the combination of deep empathy, wisdom, and self-made success, McCormick ignites the innate ability we all have within to decode our own answers for maximum clarity and self-actualization. Aaron has helped countless people of all backgrounds realize greater fulfillment and success in areas of career, personal power, love & relationships, sales, entrepreneurship and leadership. 

Tina Ann The Queen of Happiness

Tina Ann is Performance Poet, Speaker, Actress and Comedienne offering inspiriting and uplifting observations on life in poetry and prose,which she refers to as "Inspirtainment!"

Fresh from publishing her first collection of poetry, coincidentally named The Queen of Happiness, (available on Amazon), Tina Ann is on a mission to spread her message that everyday joy and happiness is only a few short perspective shifts away. 

As both artist and poet as well as Quality Expert and Process Engineer, Tina Ann takes an analytic approach to the intrinsic subjects of happiness, connections, passion and purpose

United States

Tina Ann is a mother, grandmother, community activist and former corporate professional. Working for multiple Fortune 100 companies in her 25 year career, she is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt and completed hundreds of process improvement projects. 

Covering both sides of the spectrum, Tina Ann is as creative as she is analytical. Through poetry, art and music, she is continuously expressing herself as a performance poet, speaker and comedienne.  Her first book, a collection of inspiring and uplifting poems is available on Amazon.

Combining these disparate skills, Tina Ann uses her analytical, statistics-based approach to the intangible subjects of happiness and passion in her upcoming book, The Happiness Process.

Karen Gresham Nickell

Karen is an experienced professional who uses her psychic ability, metaphysical knowledge and clinical hypnotherapy to provide personal guidance in all aspects of one's life.


Karen also creates personalized Guided Meditations that guide the listener on an inner journey of awakening creativity, higher consciousness and empowerment. Her vocal track is laid over the visionary music of Jonn Serrie, the father of space music, creating cosmic compositions of timelessness, love and positive change in your life. 

Work with Experiencers

Using Clinical Hypnotherapy, Karen interviewed hundreds of coal miners who were witnesses to extraordinary events in the 1987 Wytheville Virginia UFO Sightings described in the book Don’t Look Up. A contactee herself, she believes that love is the key to humanity’s galactic mission for contact with extraterrestrials and other spirit guides who can help us attain our highest purpose and fulfill our galactic mission as stewards of the Earth and citizens of the cosmic community.


Karen Gresham, BA, CHT, entered this lifetime with the gift of insight. She is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Licensed Educator in the state of Texas. Her specialty is helping individuals remove hidden blocks that are preventing them from achieving their goals. Karen offers Psychic Energy Readings and Clinical Hypnotherapy to individuals, entrepreneurs and cultural creatives.

Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychic Energy Readings

During the mid-1980s Karen worked as a Clinical Hypnotherapist operating her private practice in the Parioli residential section of Rome, Italy. In her role as a Psychic Empath, she conducted her Readings, along with assessments, leading to treatment via Clinical Hypnosis. Her practice focused on programming the subconscious mind along with work that accessed altered states of consciousness.

In the early 1990s, Karen continued her work in Dallas, Texas with Antonio Elio Borme, M.D. in a medical practice offering Clinical Hypnotherapy. Dr. Borme graduated from the University of Roma in 1960, and worked with Dr. Michael DeBakey‘s Cardiovascular Surgery team at the Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center in Houston, Texas.

Professional Career

Karen has worked for more than 35 years helping everybody from national and international celebrities to ordinary people, including students and children, throughout the world. Her clients have included Federico Fellini, Franco Brusati, and Antonio Carlos “Tom” Jobim (Brazilian Composer, “The Girl from Ipanema”).

Karen uses her ability to read and interpret a client’s Energy Field, and provides workable solutions for their needs and goals.

Work with Experiencers

Using Clinical Hypnotherapy, Karen interviewed hundreds of coal miners who were witnesses to extraordinary events in the 1987 Wytheville Virginia UFO Sightings described in the book Don’t Look Up. A contactee herself, she believes that love is the key to humanity’s galactic mission for contact with extraterrestrials and other spirit guides who can help us attain our highest purpose and fulfill our galactic mission as stewards of the Earth and citizens of the cosmic community.

I Am Cosmic guided meditation
Robert Murray

Hi how are you? I hope you are staying positive, it sounds like you are. I agree completely with you on the topic of communication and how vital it is to a relationship. This being said, I recently in the last year, have been ghosted by my fiance. This person was so special to me and I've never loved anyone so much. It's a beautiful story of encouragement and trust followed by a sense of abandonment and complete helplessness. I've had to go through so many scenarios in my head as to what happened. Was it cold feet or maybe an ex lover came back into the picture. I just wish he could have trusted me that I would never hate or hurt him or anyone. Tell me anything please... Tell me you love me or hate me or something. It would have made more sense if he had died only because I would understand why he doesnt want to reach out to me knowing how much I must be worried. So, I would like to talk about this topic with you if you're up for it thanks

United States

My name is Robert Murray and I am 36yrs old. I was born and raised in a free range homestead community in South Central Alaska. I have 80 acres in the buffer zone of the Wrangell St Alias National Park. I own and operate as Sole Proprietor Alaska Remote Transportation and Tours. I enjoy showing Alaska, my backyard, to the world. I perform customized tours via small motor coach and other ground travel. Cultural themed and exclusive.

Roberto Johnny

The world is ours to make anyway we see fit. If one Man or Woman has the power to change the wold, think about how powerful collective souls are when working in concert towards a worthy goal of eteral peace and harmony. Today, human thought is looked upon as an "infection" throughout the universe, as it reverberates fear and anger throughout.

It's easy to change your "reality" if one chooses. But one thing you have to remember about choice and "freewill". If all your choices are being provided for you, you're being directed (controlled). If your freewill is "clouded" by your memory bank of the "past" then even your freewill is controlled.

You can empty your mind and go back to "void" (Buddha), "blank" (Shakespeare), "purity of thought (Jesus).

Ask and it is given, but when you ask, ask as if it has already been given, and it will be yours.

In peace.

United States of America

Roberto Johnny began life remembering everything from the moment he was ejected from his mother. At the age of 3, Roberto was ready and almost left (ran away from) home. But, let's face it, after seeing the long path ahead of him, he knew the time wasn't right, so he returned.

From the beginning, Roberto Johnny knew there was somehing "wrong" with this world. At the age of Zero, he witnessed firsthand how worried, scared, angry his mohter was, and didn't understand why. Over the decades, glimpes of "truth" presented themselves to Robert along the way, giving him hope that, someday, he'd find the answers he knew were out there wating for him, and he did!

Roberto Johnny never excelled in school. He was bored there. He knew everything they were teaching and school for Roberto Johnny was 12 years of "recess" basically. In and out of "trouble" during his younger years, Roberto learned a lot about the world and the control struction that was built up to enslave the masses.

This, of course, angered Roberto Johnny and he rebelled at a young age. Eventually, hoever, Roberto Johnny "grew up" and realized fighting only makes things worse, and he learned how to LOVE everyone and everything.

Today, Roberto Johnny truly believes that LOVE is the KEY that sets your Soul FREE. And when you're free on the Spiritual Realm, you're free everywhere, mind, body, spirit.

In peace.