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Cherie Lassiter
Your Pitch

Psychic/Medium/Author/Musician/Singer-Songwriter/recording artist

My first love was always music; singing, playing, performing and recording. To date I have released 2 solo Cd's and worked on many projects with other artists. 2 years ago I produced a music video of one of the songs from the second Cd, Kiss of Eden. (see youtube)  This was my life-path, or so I thought. My soul path gave me that expression but took me in another direction. From a child, I was psychic and empathic. Started reading books like The Seth Material and Edgar Cayce at around age 12 or 13. This opened and expanded my consciousness. I had many psychic experiences as a child and as an adult. I explored different religions and for many years was a High Priestess of the Celtic/Druid nature. Performing ceremonies, rituals and honoring the Wheel of the Year brought me closer to the rhythms of nature and the goddess. I am ordained in the Order of Melchizedek and have performed many handfasting's and marriages, teaching classes and leading workshops as well as lectures on many metaphysical subjects. I appeared on The Dead Files TV show several years back and worked as a psychic-medium to talk to the spirits and clear a haunted house. Before that time I did many space clearings, house clearings and communicated with the spirits on the Other Side. Having an ability to communicate with Spirits on the Other Side, I have worked as a Medium for many years and was featured in a book. ( See website for more info)

As part of my work, I deal with the past lives of clients and have been aware of some of my own past lives. One such life as a  Vestal Virgin of ancient Rome rushed into my conscious mind many years ago and I channeled the first draft. I put if away until last year when the time was right to finish it and get it published. That time is now. The book will be released in July and is called Amata's Choice. There are many correlations between my current life as Cherie Lassiter and this past life as a Vestal Virgin. 

I have been a yoga practitioner for 20 years and taught yoga for many years. The style is hot Vinyasa. Vinyasa means movement with intentional breath.   I think it is the fountain of youth and optimum to thriving in this world. As a person that dwells between the worlds, it is what keeps me sane, somewhat grounded and balanced.

I have one grown daughter and live with my husband and my dog close to the Neuse River in Raleigh,North Carolina. 


I combined the biography into my pitch. I drew somewhat of a timeline hitting on things that are relevant for my work now.

United States
Amata's Choice