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Allen Reed and Tahnee Woolf

Guest for Your Show

Introducing The Ten Terrains of Consciousness:

Understand Yourself, Other People and Our World

By Allen David Reed and Tahnee Woolf 

Discover Your Terrain, Where You Are on the Continuum of Consciousness, and How That is Causing the Life You Are Living

The Keys to Recognizing How Everyone - from Individuals to Governments - 

Acts from Their Terrain of Consciousness

You see the world through a very distinctive lens or filter-and it impacts everything you perceive, believe, experience, and do. It is your specific Terrain of Consciousness.

What is YOUR Terrain? Read on and you'll learn how to discover it! And why knowing it can change your life! 

Welcome to a groundbreaking new model, the Ten Terrains Of Consciousness, that explains what is truly going on beneath the surface of human behavior and human civilization. This model establishes the ten different fundamental paradigms that are unfolding in our world, and the vast implications for this discovery. 

This remarkable new model is revealed and illuminated in a stunning new book Introducing The Ten Terrains of Consciousness: Understand Yourself, Other People and Our World by Allen David Reed and Tahnee Woolf.

The Ten Terrains of Consciousness Model maps our personal and societal evolution from the most basic, fear-based, survival consciousness to the most expanded, love-based, Unity consciousness -- along a continuum of growth and expansion...and without any judgment about one stage being better than another.

According to Reed and Woolf in Introducing The Ten Terrains of Consciousness, "Your Terrain of Consciousness is the perceptual lens through which you view the world. It governs the fundamental way you interface with life and therefore creates the way you think, your worldview, your beliefs, your values, your behavior and all your actions. It is your core operating system."

The Ten Terrains Model helps you understand yourself better. By discovering which specific Terrain you are at right now, you can understand why you see the world the way you do, why you live the kind of lifestyle you do, why you do the kind of job you do, why you hold the values and beliefs you do, why you are facing the challenges you are facing, and why you are making the choices you are making. You will learn the specific lessons and gifts of this stage of your evolutionary journey.

The Ten Terrains Model will also help you better understand your relationships with other people: why you get along with some, can't seem to see eye to eye with others, and end up in conflict with others. You will discover why you have chosen the friends, colleagues and romantic partners you have, as they are most likely at the same Terrain as you. You will learn why certain people aggravate you so much, because they are at a different Terrain to you. You will learn how to better communicate with people at different Terrains and how to do marketing specifically targeted to them.

The Ten Terrains Model will also help you better understand our world. By observing the Terrains of our leaders and politicians and the 'Prevailing Terrain' in the Western World, you will be able to grasp why our planet is in the state it is in. In the book, the Authors demonstrate how a country's Prevailing Terrain creates its political systems, its laws, its social customs, its art and literature, its science and technology, its values and its entire culture. They analyze how the Ten Terrains have played out over human history, which Terrain we are currently at now as a species, and where we are moving to as we evolve collectively.

Going even deeper, the Ten Terrains Model provides a map of humanity's journey of spiritual evolution. The 10 Terrains traverse the territory from separation to unity consciousness. As a person moves along the Continuum Of Terrains, their perception slowly expands by degree from outer to inner, from victimhood to Self Responsibility, from disempowerment to Empowerment, from ego to Service, from isolation to I AM, from illusion to Truth, from control to Surrender, and ultimately, from fear to Love.

Based on many years of research, the book Introducing The Ten Terrains of Consciousnessexplains everything that is happening on this planet, at both a macro and micro level.

In the book, the authors describe each individual Terrain in detail and you will likely know, just by reading it, which Terrain YOU are at. But if you want to be sure, you can do the Ten Terrains Quiz, which only takes 10 minutes. Yearning to know more? Reed and Woolf have created in-depth 30+ page Guidebook Reports that will take you on a deep dive into your own Terrain.

The self-knowledge in the Quiz and Guidebook Reports can offer you powerful clarity, direction and decision-making insight, improve your health, your relationships, your career or entrepreneurial path, your earning power, and enrich your spiritual journey. You'll even learn the signs of when you are evolving to the next Terrain of Consciousness...but you cannot will yourself there or do anything to evolve more quickly. You will move on to the next Terrain when your Higher Self is ready to make the transition. Some people will stay in the same Terrain for a lifetime and others may make several transitions.

American Allen David Reed and Australian Tahnee Woolf have spent years in deep study and research to develop this incredibly accurate model of spiritual evolution. Reed is a polymath who has been a Silicon Valley pioneer in virtual reality, architect, builder, urban planner and environmental designer. Woolf is a master of human dynamics, who speaks multiple languages and has worked as a lawyer, screenwriter, Feldenkrais practitioner, speaker, and radio show host. Together, they have given humanity its guidebook and roadmap-a surprisingly optimistic vision of where we are heading.

Reading the book Introducing The Ten Terrains of Consciousness is a great way for people to begin their exploration of the Ten Terrains Model. The authors offer a fascinating conversation about each of the 10 Terrains and also discuss:

How you can use the knowledge of your Terrain to improve your relationships, your health, your wealth, your mental outlook, and more;  How the Ten Terrains influences political, legal and social systems; Which great leaders in history were operating at which Terrain (such as Abraham Lincoln-Square, Charles Darwin-Diamond, and Buddha-Infinity!); Famous movies and books that are good examples of each Terrain; and How each of the 10 icons visually represents the characteristics of that Terrain.

Additional books, tools and courses are available or coming on the Ten Terrains website, including a community designed to connect people with others from their own Terrain. 

Allen and Tahnee are charismatic, high-energy, inspiring speakers. Allen's gravitas and Tahnee's humor balance each other beautifully. In interviews, they are happy to apply the Ten Terrains Model to whichever area most interests your audience: personal growth, spirituality, relationships, health, money, technology, current events or popular culture. 

If you would like to book Allen David Reed and Tahnee Woolf for an illuminating interview about the Ten Terrains of Consciousness Model, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. We will then be happy to send you a complimentary copy of their book.

Missi Hatfield

(772) 332 0528

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Allen David Reed

American-born Allen David Reed is a true polymath. He was a pioneer in the field of virtual reality in Silicon Valley; has worked as an architect, builder, urban planner and environmental landscape designer; has extensive training in applied and quantum physics and all branches of science; is a historian, political analyst and philosopher deeply schooled and studied in divination science and the esoteric Gnostic arts; and is also a master dowser and shamanic intuitive.  He has a genius for pattern recognition, problem solving and for seeing truths that others don't see.

Allen has had a lifelong quest to integrate civilization and nature. This led him to half a century of deep study in the ancient mysteries, modern sciences and a profound analysis of everything that is unfolding politically on this planet.  Finally, after over fifty years of dedication and commitment, in discovering the Ten Terrains of Consciousness, Allen has resolved the seeming paradoxes in our world that he has been curious about since he was a child.  This profound Model has finally given Allen a simple, elegant and clear methodology to explain what is driving everything that is happening on our planet.

Allen is eternally grateful for having been given the honor to share the Ten Terrains of Consciousness with the world.  He hopes that this Model will assist people around the world to experience our natural birthright, which is to live a fully Sovereign life, living healthfully and prosperously.

Tahnee Woolf

Australian Tahnee Woolf is a modern 'Renaissance woman'. She has been a corporate lawyer, Oxford scholar, screenwriter, radio show host, personal development coach, workshop facilitator, Feldenkrais Practitioner, high level writer, inspirational speaker and public speaking mentor. She is a gifted communicator, storyteller and linguist, and is highly skilled at reading human dynamics in all forms. She loves to hold space for deep sharing and growth in others, thrives on laughter and joy, and is a heart opener and inspirational spirit.

Tahnee has always been passionate about understanding the differences between people and has spent much of her time studying what makes people tick — psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. She is immensely grateful for having discovered the Ten Terrains of Consciousness, as she now understands why the people around her see the world so differently from each other and, therefore she is able to communicate with them all effectively with compassion and empathy.

Tahnee has been on her own lifelong journey of personal growth, healing and spiritual awakening. The Ten Terrains Model has helped her greatly to arrive at the place of deep peace, trust and joy that she now inhabits.

Tahnee loves to speak about the Ten Terrains of Consciousness on stage, on video and on radio. She is passionate about sharing this life-changing material with the world! If you get the chance to watch or listen to her, make the most of it - she is very charismatic, entertaining, warm, engaging and profound.

Dr Meir Schneider

Dear BBS Radio,

Meir Schneider, founder of the School for Self-Healing in San Francisco, California, rehabilitated himself from permanent legal blindness and now sees, reads, writes and has been driving for the past 38 years. 

Born with cataracts, Meir learned eye exercises in his late teens and taught himself how to see. He then went on to help thousands of people significantly improve their vision, heal from degenerative mobility issues, like Muscular Dystrophy. Meir was awarded a PHD in Healing Arts for his work in Muscular Dystrophy.

The Meir Schneider Self Healing Method uses movement, massage and vision improvement therapies, combined with visual imagery and proper breathing techniques to create an effective approach for improving health and function. It is unlike most therapies and helps awakening the body's natural healing abilities.

Meir has adapted his Self Healing Method over the years to help individual client and his exercises are simple, easy to do and can be done in the comfort of your own home. His best selling book is Vision For Life and is now in it's 2nd Edition and translated into many languages. Meir is a globally respected teacher who has taught his workshops and method in over 18 countries. Currently, Meir is now offering online workshops, lectures, and private sessions via phone or Skype.

He is looking forward to meeting you and speaking with your audience!



Hope you can join in!
Pamela Townsend
Public Relations and Publicist for Meir Schneider of the School for Self-Healing, San Francisco, Calif.
Pamela Townsend, B.A.
Public Relations and Publicity
Healing Events BC
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

250-898-3959 (Landline, PST)
Twitter: @healvancouver
Instagram: healingeventsbc




Meir Schneider (b. 1954) was born in Ukraine and moved with his family to Israel at age 5. Both of his parents were deaf, and Schneider was born with severe vision problems. After undergoing five major unsuccessful eye surgeries, doctors pronounced him permanently legally blind. At the age of 17, he discovered the work of American ophthalmologist William Bates, who devised a method for natural vision correction through various eye exercises. Schneider started training diligently, sometimes up to 13 hours per day, and saw results very quickly. Within 6 months he could recognize objects; within a year and a half, he could already read without glasses. He would eventually improve his vision to the point of being allowed a driver’s license, which he still holds today. Recognizing the need for countless other people to improve their vision naturally, Schneider created his own vision-healing program which is now practiced by millions of people around the world. In addition to vision therapy, Schneider has a PhD for his work on muscular dystrophy. His books are bestsellers and he was listed among the “Top Ten Most Inspirational Israelis”.

Awakening Your Power of Self Healing by Meir Schneider
Lainie Sevante Wulkan

The Food Healing Oracle Deck™ - Nourishing Wisdom from Mother Earth is a one of a kind oracle deck that shares the deeper meanings of food for mind, body and spirit. We focus on EMPS Wellness which allows the reader to see how foods that we choose to eat affect us Emotionally, Mentally, Physically or Spiritually.

Food is Medicine and Nature has had the answeres all along. The signs and symbols are right in the foods we get from the trees, bushes and plants. Whether one is a tarot or oracle enthusiast or food conscious, The Food Healing Oracle Deck combines all the worlds of five elements, colors, chakras, nutrition, divination and synergizes them into one delicoius and nutritious deck of healing wisdom and practical gifts.

We can promise you that you will never look at food the same way again!


Lainie Sevante’ Wulkan is a fourth generation intuitive.  She has been reading tarot and oracle cards for the last 30+ years is a Certified Reader of other decks and teaches courses on Five element living and the balancing of divine masculine and feminine energies. Lainie is also a Certified Theta Healer and brings this wisdom into her many healing sessions.  She has a worldwide reading clientele and assists her clients into moving into their truer state of empowerment and dharmic destiny.  Lainie also has a lifelong passion for food, receiving her BS in Food Science and Dietetics (1992)  is an Advanced Certified Food Healing Instructor with Jeff Primack’s Supreme Science Food Healing Program, where she became a top scorer for the 300 question exam in her class. She’s been a true “foodie” her whole life and is passionate about whole food eating and the nutritional bounty found in bio available blended smoothies. In college, she read “Diet for a New America” by John Robbins (heir to the Baskin Robbins fotune) and was forever inspired to search out cruelty free ways to eat and live in harmony with animals and the planet. Lainie is also the Host of Zeta Global Radio, an online spiritual and socially conscious radio program listened to in over 60 countries. Many of her guests are top conscious leaders that have included Deepak Chopra, Greg Braden, Dr. Judith Orloff and Dr. Bruce Lipton.  She and her Husband own a conscious professional music recording studio in Southwest Florida and she is the Managing Director of  In2uitive Wisdom, their record label for meditations and sound healing as well as media company for music and film. Her purpose in throughout her endeavors is to move humanity forward in a positive way.

Joanna Salerno is Spiritual Director, Craniosacral Therapist , Vibrational Healer and Intuitive reader, specializing in Akashic Records and Angel Tarot.  Her studies with food began over 40 years ago when she read Adele Davis’ "Lets Eat Right" and Francis Moore Lappe " Diet for a Small Planet" which led her  to a decade of vegetarianism and organic gardening .  Working for an organic food distributer and food co-op, her love of healthy, healing organic food was firmly established. As a teacher of Vibrational sound healing for the past 15 years, her love of fresh organic foods has grown with the knowledge that all foods carry a frequency that when ingested, raises the vibration of the body that stimulates health and well being.  As a healer, she believes that when one person raises their vibration, the planets frequency gets raised as well.  Her sacred mission is to inspire others to commit to a higher vision of what they can be or do, all while healing the planet in the process.

Kevin F Montague

I am a 63 years old scholar and scientist: A graduate out of Loyola University in Westchester Los Angeles from the 1970's. I have also had two full NED experiences at age 25 and 44 that changed the way I look at the Universe and even our periodic chart of elements. It also affected the way I look at all our sciences on the planet, especially medicine.

I was finally interviewed on Coast to Coast AM by George Noory on November 19, 2019 and April 5, 2020; to tell some of my amazing life story. I came back from the Light to write a new book I've titled THE MASTER'S KEY TO UNLOCKING AND MASTERING CHRONIC DISEASE. The book delves into the science behind how non-environmental and non-congenital disease works in all organic life on the planet. This is cutting edge science and connections our planet needs which cover everything from CFS to Cancer and how they are formed in the body.

You can read more about the story behind my work, as a private researcher scientist, on my website; at the following URL where I'm selling the book. The book has been selling both through out of the UK as an ebook and through out of New Jersey, as a soft cover, paperback version.

So far, everyone who has interviewed me are very interested in my two NDE experiences. However, I did not come back from the other side to talk about that experience and get stereo typed as a paranormal experience. I came back to help bring new insight into our world to help save human life by enhancing our medical knowledge on this planet. I need to be heard on more medical and alternative medical health care talk shows, not just the paranomal shows who are interested in my NDE experiences. The knowledge revealed in THE MASTER'S KEY, not only saved my life, but is saving the lives of those who put the knowledge to work in their own lives after they read THE MASTER'S KEY.

There is no other book like THE MASTER'S KEY book on the face of the planet right now and what it reveals, I know because I've read the top health science books these past 20 years as well as thousands of abstracts on the subject leading to incredible connections out planet needs right now, including how to clear the COVID19 virus from the body without a vaccine. No one has captured what I reveal in THE MASTER'S KEY.

You can hear segments of my talks with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM by going to my website!

I'm easy to interview with a life time of knowledge and experience that will fascinate your listening audience when it comes to the arts and sciences. Please invite me onto your show and lets talk. I can be interviewed either by phone or via SKYPE. In fact you can see a recent SKYPE interview where I appeared on the Kevin Moore Show on  Youtube who has about 88,000 viewers these days. Just go to this URL:

Kevin F. Montague

United States

I was born back in the mid 1950’s to Patrick and Patricia Montague. I attended four grade schools in Los Angeles, California: I was a born asthmatic and struggled with bad eye sight all my life. This kept me out of sports and kept me more in my books. So my physical handicaps served to make me the scholar I am today. My parents divorced when I was age ten, after being separated for three years. My brother Patrick Vincent and I eventually wound up in the custody of my father just before the start of our teen years. We then both attended Notre Dame High School from about 1970 to 1974. I graduated cum laude (with honors) and won a California State scholarship. I decided to attend Loyola University of Westchester, California, because I was interested in their fine & communication and liberal arts & sciences programs.

My interest had always been in the arts and sciences, since I could first walk. I was always taking things apart as a boy to see how they worked, as a budding young scientist and I wanted to learn music at the early age of 5 years. However, the unrest in my family caused by my mother, held me back from learning at the fast pace I wanted to learn. I got some lessons, but didn’t get to really pursue learning music, until age 15: Then, while attending Loyola University, I nearly second majored in music before graduation. These days I keep a Cdbaby artist page of some of my earlier music works dating back to my late teens and early twenties. I thought back then, I would not focus more on the science aspect of my interests, until this time of my life anyway: So, I went after the performing arts first, while keeping my studies in the liberal sciences going, even after graduation. I never stop studying and reading as a scholar.

After graduation from Loyola University, around age 23; I had my first full death encounter off the operating table of Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital during a pylogram and cystoscope study at age 25; where sodium pentothal was used to put me under. I did not have to come back from the Light in that experience, for I had learned the original plan for my life had been “wrecked”, as I stood before the Lord of the Universe we call Jesus in this world, while I was in the Light. So I didn’t have to come back to the Earth at age 25. The experience was all quite real and profound. We are part of something far grander than any of you can even begin to imagine. How the grander picture of it all works,

I came back to reach out to my parents and brother, because the Light showed me that they were tetter tottering between Heaven and Hell: Both places in the Light are quite real I might add. Our Lord encouraged me to return, so I would be sure they were going to be fine, before moving me on past this life. I was working on a new board game titled THE MILLION DOLLAR BANK GAME, so as to market it with the banks as a giveaway premium and then into the retail market back in those days. I’ve never been wealthy as a scholar, but I knew I needed a vehicle that would quicken the pace of making me the money I needed to further pursue the arts and sciences. That’s another story in my life. I was very close to final success after many years of marketing, when I walked into a local Vons supermarket near my home, where I bought contaminated sausage, causing my health to dramatically fail. I spent 3 years with Western medicine to try and save my life. After three years, my primary care physician told me to go home and die; for there was nothing else they could do for me.

I was very close to death when I met a fellow by the name of Dr. Rick Santee, ND; who started me down a new pathway to help me change my biological terrain. I had entered a new world of science I would have to master. My life was dependent upon it too. Eventually, I surpassed Dr. Santee’s knowledge as a research scientist and started to begin the journey that lead to writing THE MASTER’S KEY, where I was walking “virgin territory” in my research studies Santee told me. It took 15 years to write the new book that came from that as I saved my life in the end.

When the Light showed me the peril my parents and brother were in, with them tetter tottering between heaven and hell, I decided to come back; to see if I could make a difference in their lives, to get them home to the Light, where our Lord’s heaven is located.

Dr Betty J Kovacs
Dr. Betty Kovacs discusses Western culture's lost spiritual history of altered states of consciousness, its reemergence, and what that means for us today.

Betty J. Kovacs’ extensive study of the shaman-mystic spiritual tradition of prehistory reveals how this early knowledge of the blueprint for our evolution was distorted and covered up by Western religions. More than 2,500 years of repression by both Church and State have thwarted our evolution, forced our science into a limited, materialistic understanding of life, and now threatens the survival of all life on our planet. We need to know this history.

Twentieth-century scholars have unearthed this lost history in the nick of time. In spite of its repression, this is the fifth time this ancient knowledge has emerged in Western history. Only now are we able to see its origins, its continuity, and the depth of what it can mean for us today.

The ultimate fruit of the tree of life is the knowledge that we are all Universal Mind, immortal, divine, and creators. Without this knowledge of who we really are, we have fallen into depression, violence, fanaticism, fundamentalism, addiction to power, death and drugs that promise to transform our experience of a world without heart and soul. We are destroying ourselves and the planet.

We have forgotten that the heart connects us to a larger reality that nurtures the birth of a just and feeling world. Merchants of Light: The Consciousness That Is Changing the World returns to us our shaman-mystic-scientist heritage that carries the blueprint for heart consciousness. This blueprint is revealed in the heart wisdom of the mystic and in the new science of quantum physics. The return of this Consciousness is changing the world.

Here [in Merchants of Light] are the spiritual secrets that the priests of the patriarchy and their drive for power have tried to repress, but which we urgently need at this present moment of evolutionary crisis. Lewellyn Vaughan-Lee, PhD, Sufi teacher and author

Interview Topics

The complementary roles of the scientist and the shaman/visionary The blueprint for our conscious evolution and its negation in Genesis Examples of people who have experienced Cosmic Consciousness, Christ Consciousness Death and the surprising creativity of grief The “secret tradition” that Jesus taught Mystic, contemplative, esoteric Christianity Discoveries about the relationship of the brain, mind, heart and the centrality of the heart in the development of higher consciousness The urgent message of indigenous peoples around the world The sacred gifts of our ancestors, including the San Bushmen

United States

Author Betty J. Kovacs, PhD, a recognized expert, shares her knowledge and passion through her books, speaking, teaching and media interviews in the United States and Europe. She speaks to national and global audiences through webinars, keynote presentations and media interviews. She received her PhD from the University of California, Irvine, in Comparative Literature and Theory of Symbolic, Mythic Language. She taught Literature, Writing, and Symbolic, Mythic Language for 25 years. She served many years as Chair and Program Chair on the Board of Directors of the Jung Society of Claremont in California and sits on the Academic Advisory Board of Forever Family Foundation.

Within a three-year period, she experienced the deaths of her mother, her son, and her husband in separate automobile accidents. While she had studied shamanism before her son’s accident, she and her husband actually experienced their son’s consciousness after his death for an extended period of time. These experiences completely changed their lives. Her first book, The Miracle of Death: There Is Nothing But Life, is about these altered states of consciousness. After her retirement, she began an intensified period of research into our ancestors’ experience of a vaster consciousness, commonly known as Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, which she relates in her new book, Merchants of Light: The Consciousness That Is Changing the World, winner of the Nautilus Silver Book Award and The Scientific & Medical Network 2019 Book Prize.

Merchants of Light by Betty J Kovacs PhD book cover
Mabel Katz
Zero Frequency® The Easiest Way to Peace,
Happiness and Abundance
By Mabel Katz
Wiping Your Subconscious and Conscious Slate Clean so You Can Perceive the Wisdom and Guidance the Universe Has for You and Joyously Live By It!
The Easy Way to Letting Go and Trusting -- from International Superstar Leader Mabel Katz
#1 Amazon Bestseller in English and Spanish!
Mabel Katz (pronounced MAW-Bell) is the world's most famous personal growth leader and teacher that you may never have heard of. That's because she's a superstar in 40+ countries, but is largely unheralded in North America, her place of residence.
What has garnered her this global adulation is her ability to

radically change people's lives through her system of getting them back to Zero Frequency®. Zero Frequency® is the state of erasing all of the self-sabotaging beliefs, memories, negative thoughts, worries and dissonant emotions that interfere with living from the state of complete presence, total inspiration and peace.

When Zero Frequency® is achieved, you live from instantaneous direction and guidance of a wiser Universe possessing more infinite possibilities that your conscious mind can conceive. You live from a clean slate, much like an innocent child who has yet to have his/her mind imprinted with adult programming. Nothing touches your state of happiness because you have the tools to clear it easily and effortlessly.
With a clean state and unburdened heart, Zero Frequency® leaves you open to "the easy way" of acquiring what is in your highest good and greatest desire. The drama and struggle in life are set aside-- for a path that bypasses all of that and goes straight to one of joy, fulfillment and riches in whatever form fills your heart.
And now, Mabel has brought her formula to the world in her long-awaited book Zero Frequency®, The Easiest Way to Peace, Happiness and Abundance.
Deeply embedded in Zero Frequency® is Ho'oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian art of problem-solving, in which Mabel has been an acknowledged leader for the past 15 years, carrying on the mantel of master-teacher Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len when he retired. And while it is the core, it is only one of many tools that Mabel has incorporated into a simple system that continues to clear the path for perceiving that Universal direction and living by it. A path for being at peace, no matter what is going on around you.
Born in Argentina, Mabel moved to Los Angeles in 1983 where she became a successful accountant, business consultant and tax advisor. Despite having "the American dream"-husband, two children, a great home and a highly prosperous career, Mabel wasn't happy. Discovering Ho'oponopono allowed her to strip away the "should" and the "worries" and trust that there was something more for her. Before long, she left her marriage and her business behind to travel the world helping others to find their "easy way" to peace, happiness and abundance through Zero Frequency®. The result is the extraordinary impact she has had.
With her unmistakable style and grace, Mabel transcends languages. Her books have been translated and published into more than 20 languages including Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, Swedish, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Hebrew, Romanian, Italian, Czech, Japanese, Croatian, Polish and Hungarian. She tours the world giving fun, powerful and intensely interactive workshops. She is a sought-after speaker and seminar leader for individuals, corporations and businesses.
A star in Los Angeles' Latino community, Mabel hosted the popular radio and television program, called Despertar (Awakening), and the Mabel Katz Show where she empowered Latino's by giving them the tools to start or grow their business, to have happy relationships and financial success.
Her work has naturally led Mabel from the micro world of inner peace to the macro world of world peace. Mabel was honored as a Peace Ambassador for her world-peace initiative, Peace Within Is World Peace, which was launched at the United Nations in Vienna. On January 1, 2015, she was awarded the prestigious Public Peace Prize. She has spoken in front of national senates and other influential government bodies and has presented at the United Nations, as well as addressed multi-cultural audiences, including those of diverse ethnicities in the Middle East. Mabel has expanded her peace work to teaching children, including special needs children (Down Syndrome et
c), and their parents, as well as men and women currently in prison.
If you would like to book Mabel Katz to give you listeners a head start on achieving Zero Frequency®, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Mabel Katz is an international leader of major stature who has developed a committed and global following for her ability to radically change lives in just a few days, based on her profound Zero Frequency® teachings.

Rooted in the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving called Ho’oponopono, Zero Frequency® enables people to be at peace, not matter what is going on around them…relieving all the day-to-day worries, anxieties, projections, fears and self-esteem issues. And clearly able to hear and live by the guidance and wisdom offered by the Universe.

It was in discovering Ho’oponopono -- studying for 12 years intensively with the Master Ihaleakalá Hew Len, Ph.D.-- that Mabel transformed her own life.

Born in Argentina, Mabel moved to Los Angeles in 1983 where she became a successful accountant, business consultant and tax advisor. In 1997 Mabel started her own company, Your Business, Inc., which grew to prosper. Nevertheless, she was not fulfilled, and found herself discontented. When Master Hew Len retired, he encouraged Mabel to take up his work, and she immediately found herself at home…Helping people transform their lives had been at the core of her personal dreams.

Traveling around the world and building on the initial teachings, she developed the body of work that is Zero Frequency®. Fluent in English and Spanish, she has now taught workshops and seminars in 40+ countries, and is a sought-after keynote speaker for corporations and other organizations. 

The best-selling author of The Easiest Way; Solve Your Problems and Take the Road to Love, Happiness, Wealth and the Life of Your Dreams and several other books, Mabel has seen her books translated into English, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, Swedish, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Hebrew, Romanian, Italian, Czech, Japanese, Croatian, Polish and Hungarian.

Her children’s book The Easiest Way to Grow, Messages You Will Be Glad to Know, filled with beautiful illustrations and inspiring messages for children ages 3 to 100, has also been in great demand around the globe.

Now her newest book Zero Frequency®, The Easiest Way to Peace, Happiness and Abundance encapsulates her full body of work, and brings forward her mastery more fully to the English-speaking world. 

A star in LA's Latino community, Mabel hosted the popular radio and television program, called Despertar (Awakening), and the Mabel Katz Show where she empowered Latino’s by giving them the tools to start or grow a business, have fulfilled relationships and find financial success. She was Business Woman of the Year by the LA Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce. She has also received the Sol Azteca Award and the prestigious Latin Business Association's Members Choice Award.

Her work has naturally led Mabel from the micro world of inner peace to the macro world of world peace. Mabel was honored as a Peace Ambassador for her world-peace initiative, Peace Within Is World Peace, which was launched at the United Nations in Vienna. On January 1, 2015, she was awarded the prestigious Public Peace Prize. She has spoken in front of national senates and other influential government bodies and has presented at the United Nations, as well as addressed multi-cultural audiences, including those of diverse ethnicities in the Middle East. Mabel has expanded her peace work to teaching children, including special needs children (Down Syndrome etc), and their parents, as well as men and women currently in prison.

In 2013, she was recognized for her humanitarian works by being knighted in the venerable Order of the Orthodox Knights Hospitaller of St. John—Russian Grand Priory, bestowing upon her the title of Dame Mabel Katz.

Mabel continues to travel extensively throughout the world, helping countless people find inner peace and greater fulfillment in their lives.          

Zero Frequency
Jack Allis

My name is Jack Allis.  I am an author and spiritual teacher in the tradition of the indigenous people of Planet Earth, including virtually all the Native American traditions.  My latest is a DVD entitled Creating the New World in Times of Paradigm Shift.  This is based on my most recent book, a novel, entitled Blue Sun, Red Sun – a Tale of Ancient Prophesy Unfolding in the Modern World.  My work deals with creating the new world from the ashes of the old in times of paradigm shift, like ours today, and how to do this according to the ancient wisdom of the indigenous people of this planet, who were successfully doing the one thing that has been lost in our civilized world, which is responsible for its demise. They lived sustainably and in harmony with nature for thousands of years before they were wiped out by the same imperialist forces of Western Civilization that rule the world today.  I might add that I’ve been living this way since 2012, off the grid, with spring water and solar power, in remote mountains far from civilization, attempting to show that it can be done if we put our mind to it. 

No way, people aren’t ready for that.  That may be correct, but it’s our only chance and for those who are ready to accept the challenge, there are steps everybody can take.  This is what I cover in my books and DVD’s, and we can cover it on your show.  An essential ingredient here is waking up to the truth about how our world really works, as opposed to the brainwashing it feeds us, and breaking the spell that the old paradigm matrix casts over us.  This means breaking free from this world and reassuming complete responsibility for our own lives.  And it also means reconnecting with the higher supernatural power of our spirituality.  And again, we have the model of our indigenous relations, who derived their spirituality from their relationship with nature and with Mother Earth.  If we are going to persevere in this great challenge to transform ourselves and our planet, we are going to need call upon these kinds of powers. 

If you’d like me to send you a copy of Blue Sun Red Sun, please let me know.  You may also visit my website or my You Tube channel (search Jack Allis, go to playlist). 

United States

Jack Allis is an author and spiritual teacher in the tradition of the indigenous people of planet Earth, including virtually all the Native American traditions.  His latest creation is a DVD, entitled Creating the New World in Times of Paradigm Shift.  This is based on his most recent book, a novel, entitled Blue Sun, Red Sun – A Tale of Ancient Prophesy Unfolding in the Modern World.  His work deals with creating the new world from the ashes of the old in times of paradigm shift, like ours today, and how to do this according to the ancient wisdom of the indigenous people of this planet, who were successfully doing the one thing that has been lost in our civilized world, which is responsible for its demise. They lived sustainably and in harmony with nature for thousands of years before they were wiped out by the same imperialist forces of Western Civilization that rule the world today. 

Jack also practices what he preaches.  In December 2012 he took a hiatus from his writing and public appearances, and moved to the remote mountains north of sacred Mount Shasta, where he lives off the grid, with spring water and solar power, learning to live sustainably and in harmony with nature, preparing, both practically and spiritually, for the monumental paradigm shifts that are still to come.  Now he is back, sharing his inspiring message about how we, humanity, can reassume our responsibility as caretakers of Mother Earth and play our part in creating a new world.    

His previous three books and two DVD’s dealt with 2012 and the shift and how to take the necessary practical and spiritual action to be able to flow with the transformative energies of these unprecedented times.  Two other themes are recurrent in Jack’s work and essential to creating the new world.  One is the vital importance of humanity waking up to the truth about how the world really works and how they have been deceived and manipulated for thousands of years by a tiny group of malevolent beings for the purpose of implementing a fascist world government, the New World Order.  The other is the extraterrestrial presence in our world, both past and present, and the fact that ET’s have tinkered in human affairs for a long time.  Yet, it means nothing to know these things without knowing how we can get ourselves out of this mess, both individually and collectively.  This is the focus of all of Jack’s work.  He also shows people how to take spiritual action in their lives through the use of ceremony.  This includes prayer, fire ceremonies, smoking the ceremonial pipe, drumming and music, and singing and chanting.  Get in the loop now by subscribing to his newsletter, or check out his books, DVD’s, videos, photos, audios and articles.

Jack Allis Author and Spiritual Teacher
Debbie N Pepin

The one thing we all have in common is that we will die.  Only 70% of Americans live beyond age 65 but we act as if our death is a LONG way off.  We don't come with an expiration date!  Why did the COVID pandemic make "death" an acceptable daily word but otherwise it is taboo?  Discussing death as a part of life makes living each day better.  I help broach death planning early in life.  Humpty dumpty fell off a wall.  Your pet fish died (no it didn't just go to sleep).  Talking about it, planning, and sharing hopes and fears is a healthy productive part of life!

I have a completed book proposal waiting for an agent/publisher.  I have created a beta approach (N.E.D. Chats - no expiration date) with financial advisors to explore and practice light-hearted methods of approaching clients of all ages to beging helpful dialogue about death.

After three parents died in 2017 I realized how little death is discussed before it is too late.  Facing the end of life is not the best time to discuss wishes.  

Why do we avoid discussion of death?  We discuss birth.  We gawk at accidents.  But we don't want to admit that death will come - but talking about death won't kill you!


When Debbie faced the imminent death of three parents - all of whom she had legal responsbility for - she realized how ill-equipped she was for the role.  She found the help required but she never was sure if she was doing what "they" wanted since the discussion of death was taboo right until the end.  Her gift to those parents was to write a book to help others navigate the merky unsettled waters of the inevitability of death - and how to plan well in advance so that this isn't the end of life remembered.  Debbie's book and related talks give specific links to free planning services available to everyone as well as light-hearted references to the tough choices needed.

Debbie N. Pepin, the founder of The Learning Space, is a recognized figure in the field of education. Not only does she speak passionately about educational reform, she also created a “model school” to serve as an example for others.  Her goal is to inspire individuals, schools, businesses, and community leaders to think about learning in a context that goes beyond the traditional schoolhouse. She convincingly describes the alienation of a percentage of youth from schools and the long-term negative effect on our society.  Furthermore, she quotes CEO’s examples of poor workforce preparedness of a high number of employees.  Her research concludes that one size will not fit all in the field of education.

The Learning Space was located within Nashua Tape Products outside of Albany, NY. It operated as a nonprofit (501c3), independent school for 5 - 17 years olds that integrated learning with the real world.  The philosophy was based on the needs of the 21st century in terms of worker’s skills.  Focus was on an individual plan linking State or national curriculum to a student’s world in an interdisciplinary manner. Situated within the manufacturing plant, students took advantage of the synergistic connections available between the real world and the academic world.  Highly dependent on technology, the school focused on “learning how to learn” and communication skills as well as on basic skills.  The school opened as a vacation program in February 1994 and then as a year-round school in September of that year.  Hundreds of visitors from both the business and education communities toured the program.  In June 1995 The Learning Space was called “one of the most innovative schools in America” at the third annual International Model Schools Conference.

With nearly twenty years of experience in public education, until September 1992 Ms. Pepin served as Superintendent of Schools for the Greenville Central School District in Greene County, New York.  During her three plus years at this post, she worked with the board to develop and implement programs aimed at paving the way for staff, curriculum, and facilities development into the next decade.  Giving ten months notice to the School Board, she chose to leave the role of Superintendent with the intention of being able to better assist reform in public education by working outside of the system. 

From 1983 to 1989 Ms. Pepin was the principal of Guilderland Central High School near Albany, New York.  In this 1550 student building she was highly involved in student activities, implemented a student recognition program, and conducted seminars in areas including stress management and leadership.  She was credited by teachers for spending a large proportion of her time within the classrooms and school halls.  She was able to find ways to individualize programs for students when the traditional models did not work.  Prior to 1983, Ms. Pepin spent four years as assistant principal at Kenmore East Senior High School in the western New York community of Tonawanda.  She was able to expand the traditional role of disciplinarian into that of student advocate and master teacher.  Her formal career in education began as a teacher of high school age special education students in Windsor, Connecticut. 

She has been a guest on CNN, CNN Financial Network and SNN.  She has speaking credits ranging from the National Quality and Education Board to the New York Governor’s Education Summit.  A documentary video about her work has been produced.  She was listed in the top 100 Executive Educator “Up and Coming Administrators” as well as Who’s Who of American Women.  She is on the Advisory Board of and a reviewer for the Journal of School Choice (Haworth Press, Inc.) whose first issue was released in 2006.

 “There should be no more rewards for predicting storms, but only for building arks,” says Debbie N. Pepin.   Though shocking people into discussing death has become her "fun", she also volunteers for the Austin “Make A Wish” office and various Senior Care facilities and enjoys weightlifting, biking, gardening, traveling and flying (a licensed pilot), which she does with her husband.

Clint Adams

Suicide prevention and building resilience in mental health is a huge passion of mine. I wrote a book which was published earlier this year based on helping people and especially schools to help with suicide prevention initiatives. Below is a link to a book review and interview with me about the book. My ultimate aim is to help as many people as possible and I am more than happy to be involved in programs to run initiatives to help people. If you are interested and think it's worthwhile please feel free to share. Thanks.


Police Officer, Counselor, Senior HR and Change Manager, Program and Leadership develloper and published author.