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Dr Meir Schneider
Your Pitch

Dear BBS Radio,

Meir Schneider, founder of the School for Self-Healing in San Francisco, California, rehabilitated himself from permanent legal blindness and now sees, reads, writes and has been driving for the past 38 years. 

Born with cataracts, Meir learned eye exercises in his late teens and taught himself how to see. He then went on to help thousands of people significantly improve their vision, heal from degenerative mobility issues, like Muscular Dystrophy. Meir was awarded a PHD in Healing Arts for his work in Muscular Dystrophy.

The Meir Schneider Self Healing Method uses movement, massage and vision improvement therapies, combined with visual imagery and proper breathing techniques to create an effective approach for improving health and function. It is unlike most therapies and helps awakening the body's natural healing abilities.

Meir has adapted his Self Healing Method over the years to help individual client and his exercises are simple, easy to do and can be done in the comfort of your own home. His best selling book is Vision For Life and is now in it's 2nd Edition and translated into many languages. Meir is a globally respected teacher who has taught his workshops and method in over 18 countries. Currently, Meir is now offering online workshops, lectures, and private sessions via phone or Skype.

He is looking forward to meeting you and speaking with your audience!



Hope you can join in!
Pamela Townsend
Public Relations and Publicist for Meir Schneider of the School for Self-Healing, San Francisco, Calif.
Pamela Townsend, B.A.
Public Relations and Publicity
Healing Events BC
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

250-898-3959 (Landline, PST)
Twitter: @healvancouver
Instagram: healingeventsbc




Meir Schneider (b. 1954) was born in Ukraine and moved with his family to Israel at age 5. Both of his parents were deaf, and Schneider was born with severe vision problems. After undergoing five major unsuccessful eye surgeries, doctors pronounced him permanently legally blind. At the age of 17, he discovered the work of American ophthalmologist William Bates, who devised a method for natural vision correction through various eye exercises. Schneider started training diligently, sometimes up to 13 hours per day, and saw results very quickly. Within 6 months he could recognize objects; within a year and a half, he could already read without glasses. He would eventually improve his vision to the point of being allowed a driver’s license, which he still holds today. Recognizing the need for countless other people to improve their vision naturally, Schneider created his own vision-healing program which is now practiced by millions of people around the world. In addition to vision therapy, Schneider has a PhD for his work on muscular dystrophy. His books are bestsellers and he was listed among the “Top Ten Most Inspirational Israelis”.

Awakening Your Power of Self Healing by Meir Schneider