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Gina Gardiner

I would love to be a guest speaker on your show!

The gift of my disability was the creation of a unique approach to personal and spiritual development and to transformational leadership.  It is an approach which has been extremely successful. 

MY MISSION is to positively impact on a million people in the next 5 years by creating a positive shift in the quality of leadership via The Enlightened Leadership Program. 

This is done by utilizing my 30 years of experience in developing transformational leadership.

MY AIM is to create a movement of Enlightened Leaders who lead with integrity, compassion and courage. To take people on a journey of self-discovery –   To help raise consciousness . To impact and reduce the tide of stress, anxiety and mental ill health created through poor leadership at every level. 

I look forward to our conversation together and sharing with your audience the value I have to offer.

I can help you think smarter and work more strategically by enhancing your genuine power.


If you feel as though it is a constant battle to manage staff effectively, you simply cannot stay competitive in an ever-changing market!

I can help you move from feeling fed up dealing with difficult staff, struggling to hold people to account, thinking it would be easier to just do it yourself, yet finding the “To Do” list is endless and overwhelming... To developing great relationships with your staff, increasing staff satisfaction and loyalty, having a team who think for themselves with a clear objective, and ultimately increasing sustained profitability for the organisation as a whole.


My Enlightened Leadership Programme takes a unique approach to the development of leadership and is based on over 30 years of successful experience. This programme is not a quick fix, but embeds change for ongoing upward success. You will be challenged, but you will receive plenty of support along the way.


“Gina understands what it takes to produce results and lead effectively. More than that she brings an ease of communication without compromising on straight communication and laser focus. Working with her brings an experience of working with a partner who is ready to roll up her sleeves and make you successful.” - Sunil B.

“Gina helped me develop different leadership behaviours and she provided invaluable support during my preparation for a public speaking engagement with senior private banking business leaders. Gina will help you reach your deliverables with exceptional results.” - Leanne M.

“Gina has made a bigger difference to my working life and the way I deal with things than anyone else I can think of. Described as 'mesmerising' by more than one person that I have introduced Gina to, her insight is uncanny, and Gina's analysis is delivered in such a way as to hold your attention and focus it on the real issues. If you are going to spend time listening to anyone, Gina Gardiner should be at the top of your list.” - Neil H.

Herb Sennet

I would make an entertaining and inspiring guest on your show. Kindly accept my request to connect. As a published author and speaker, I would want to share my experiences with your audience.

I look forward to being a guest on your show. I have 3 novels currently in print:

- The Reluctant General

- A death on Duval St.

- Death on A1A

I look forward to speaking to you about the interview. Feel free to contact me directly via email at

Herb Sennett has a special talent for inspiring the best in people. His favorite class to teach in college was the freshman “speech” course where he was able to help students find the courage within themselves to prepare a message, stand in front of a group of people, and share that message with confidence.

​A storyteller in the classic sense, Herb weaves life lessons out of stories from his own experiences and those from ancient history. His presentations are full of real life stories and are illustrated by interactive video, slides, graphs, and sounds.

Michele Blood
I teach and give the listeners simple techniques that can change lives quickly. I have been interviewed thousands of times all over the world and my unique and joy-filled methods entertain and at the same time assist anyone to achieve healing, success, and Higher Consciousness.
I discuss how Affirmations can change your life, Visualization and Meditation, how the Law Of Attraction really works, how to release old paradigms, Kundalini, what it is and how to become awakened.
United States

Millions of people right now are experiencing a yearning and desire to awaken to their unique gifts and offer them in service to the world - while living a life of joy and fulfillment. It’s a surging of the Enlightenment of spirit, that is your truth, a virtual global awakening, on a scale never observed before.

The Truth is 99% of the people born on this beautiful planet have waited a long time to have this experience. An opportunity to awaken to their Divine Consciousness.

Why do people love the site of Light Shows, gold, diamonds rare gems? Why are we so mesmerized by Fireworks and Light Shows? It unconsciously reminds us of the Light and the experience of Divine Dimensions. Of going through the Divine Stargate.

It is the Divines way of giving us a taste of where we really live in consciousness when we are awake.  Everyone wants to be there be home. OM. I always thought it was only saints and old gray-haired or bald-headed Holy men who could be Enlightened.

That is not the Truth EVERYONE can become Free. I know this because I have become free and now I dedicate my life to others becoming free and also enjoying their journey towards freedom through teaching how they can become more successful and happier right now.  Happier in every area of their life starting with their soul.

Michele Blood is a successful, multi-talented lady. In addition to creating MusiVation™ products and seminars worldwide.  Her public Mystical Success Events have been held in over 16 countries. Her largest audience was 50,000 in Kuala Lumpur. After many years of meditation Michele’s Kundalini awakened and transformed her consciousness. She now teaches others how to live a Mystical Life and experience Divine Oneness, which is the true heart of true happiness, success, and purpose in one’s life.

Her Mystical Experience webinars and live streams have assisted people from over 25 countries to transform their lives to the positive. Through her Teachings and Prayers and Light Transmissions people awaken and experience what they say is the impossible. They awaken to their true purpose and begin their path to Enlightenment.

Michele also has authored over 60 books, audiobooks, DVDs, music CDs and TV shows, including authoring with Bob Proctor the titles "Become a Magnet to Money through the Sea of Unlimited Consciousness", "New Paradigms", "Be Your Perfect Weight", and "Become A Magnet To Money". Brian Tracy, world authority on selling, comments, "Michele has put together materials that bring about permanent behavioural change."

The Magic Of Affirmation Power
Neo Wright

Hi, My name is Cornelius ( Neo ) Wright and I am the author of an exciting book series called "Black Boy from the Barrio". This series of memoirs about my life are exciting, heart warming, funny, and real. These books will be released within the next five years, with Volume One being released this summer. It will be a "must read" because I did extensive marketing and research before I submitted my manuscript. I have countless people from all walks of life awaiting its arrival. I was not surprised when the FIRST publishing company that read the manuscript accepted it immediately. They saw what I and over one thousand other people saw. An International Bestseller in the making.


I am an African American man who would NOT be denied his place in history. Although that statement might sound somewhat conceded to some people, after getting to know me better, YOU TOO will understand. Without going into much detail about my life right now, I will say that I am proud of who I have become today. With only a high school education and being a house painter for thirty-two years of my life, I have come a LONG WAY. My books will go into great detail about my on-going journey.

Michael Arterberry

Helping participants to use what they have gone through as a catalyst for success rather than an obstacle for failure.


Michael Arterberry, Master Encourager, and Dynamic Motivational Speaker

As a teenager, Michael was fortunate to receive guidance from positive adult role models who helped him overcome adversities and set high expectations for his future. Grateful for the role these mentors played in his own development, Michael decided to dedicate his professional life to helping people navigate the difficulties of life and launch their future into motion. For more than 25 years, he has been helping teens and adults to use what they have gone through as a catalyst for success rather than an obstacle for failure.

Michael received the 2010 USA Network’s Characters Unite Award for exceptional commitment to combating prejudice and discrimination while increasing tolerance and acceptance within the community. He is also the recipient of the 2014 100 Men of Color Award for leadership in education, government, mentorship, entrepreneurial success, and community service.

And most recently, he was awarded the EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD.

In 2008, Michael founded Youth Voices Center, Inc. a non-profit with the mission of helping young people to become active, productive members of society by overcoming their obstacles, their history, stereotypes, and even their own self-image and limiting beliefs.

Michael is the author of "Be Encouraged: 250 Days of Motivation and Encouragement", a daily motivational book. Additional information about his struggles as a child and a debilitating spinal cord injury as an adult can be found in his wife's book "God was Holding My Hand".

Be Encouraged 250 Days of Motivation and Encouragement
Anne K Uemura PhD

If you want joy, fulfillment, a life purpose there are keys to unlock the door. The secret to manifesting your deep wishes is to work what is hidden from your conscious view. You can successfully move forward in all areas of life by working with the Subconscious on the wounds from your childhood. Once child hearts have the pain and negativity from early trauma neutralized and released, your undefended heart is free.

United States

Anne is the author of , “Listen to the Cries of Your Heart: the Child-Heart Path to Your Inner Child”, and creator of the fast-growing Facebook group, Home for Healing Hearts, approaching 2000 members with a goal of 10,000 in the next 8 months.
“Everyone should read this book. It will be a powerful, emotional, life-changing experience…Anne shines a light on the path ahead for each of us to follow.” Jim Britt, author of 13 bestselling books.
Her book is the end-result of decades of study, training, and experiences as a PhD psychologist/therapist; certified life coach; certified energetic healer; and student of nondual spirituality. And now a powerful MAP (Manifest All Possibilities) Practitioner.

Heather Obadal

I'm here to raise awareness and funding for Men Have Lupus

United States

Sent via email

Lesley Clay

I am a patent inventor of The Easy Breeze-Plus Wipe. Ready to change the sanitation in these public restrooms now at the outbreak of this Coronavirus and thereafter


My name is Leslie clay I am a Book Arthur a patent inventor a singer-songwriter and a basketball Mommy

Lee Austin
Good Evening BBS Radio,
There isn't a topic more divisive and ridiculed than the flat earth theory.  Yet, according to a Forbes article, only two-thirds of American Millennials believe the earth is round. Narrated by Lucifer, "Morning Star's Tale" reveals the steries about the flat earth and universe.  Paperbacks and E-Books of "Morning Star's Tale" are available at Amazon.
Lee Austin
United States

Lee Austin is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show, Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories. Lee's show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth.Born in Boston. Lee moved to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio.For over thirty years, he's criss-crossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer and program director for numerous radio stations.In 2017, he wrote Morning Star's Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of topics discussed on Outcast Radio