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Anne K Uemura PhD
Your Pitch

If you want joy, fulfillment, a life purpose there are keys to unlock the door. The secret to manifesting your deep wishes is to work what is hidden from your conscious view. You can successfully move forward in all areas of life by working with the Subconscious on the wounds from your childhood. Once child hearts have the pain and negativity from early trauma neutralized and released, your undefended heart is free.

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Anne is the author of , “Listen to the Cries of Your Heart: the Child-Heart Path to Your Inner Child”, and creator of the fast-growing Facebook group, Home for Healing Hearts, approaching 2000 members with a goal of 10,000 in the next 8 months.
“Everyone should read this book. It will be a powerful, emotional, life-changing experience…Anne shines a light on the path ahead for each of us to follow.” Jim Britt, author of 13 bestselling books.
Her book is the end-result of decades of study, training, and experiences as a PhD psychologist/therapist; certified life coach; certified energetic healer; and student of nondual spirituality. And now a powerful MAP (Manifest All Possibilities) Practitioner.

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