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Kaayla Vedder

Here are some of the topics Kaayla assists with...she will also tap in and move energetic blocks; limiting beliefs as well as entanglements from life times.

HERE’S YOUR SIGN! Recognizing signs and messages from the Universe that are here to assist you to live the life you’re meant to live.. GET OF MY YOGA MAT! How to stay on your own Yoga Mat “What it means to Care for someone verses Carrying” OUT OF CONTROL AND LOVING IT! How to release your fear of the unknown, trust that the Universe has your back and understand why you can’t get it wrong. CHA CHING!  TAPPING INTO YOUR COSMIC BANK ACCOUNT How to tap into the universal bank that is overflowing with everything they could desire and more. EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING FOR YOU! Shift your perspective and understand that we are really being guided to what’s in the highest for as at the time. THRIVE INSTEAD OF SURVIVE! Learn how to co-create from a place of desire & possibility instead of fear. Expand your frequency to experience a new level of Peace & Freedom. BE WHO YOU’RE MEANT TO BE Recognizing the truth of who you are beyond labels, identities or outside influences. YOUR BODY AS YOUR BIGGEST GUIDE Learn how to listen to and interpret the wisdom that your body is trying to communicate to you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! How to access higher dimensional frequencies and angelic realms to support you on your journey. CREATE A DRAMA FREE ZONE Learn how to release the  entanglements and the drama while still being of love and assistance.  STAND IN YOUR HEART-CENTERED POWER Learn how to appreciate your own unique piece of the journey and be fully present in your co-creative process with the universe where there is no need for competition or comparison. FORGIVING THE UNFORGIVABLE Step out of the judgment of yourself and others, in order to free yourself and them. CHANGES CHA! CHA! How to gracefully dance with all of the shifts and changes in the world and in your life.

Kaayla’s Bio:

Kaayla is a passionate champion of her clients and their freedom to be themselves.  She has studied the following:

Reiki Master Pranic Healing Master Yuen Method Healing Touch Emotional Healing Technique Access Consciousness Flight School - 1 Year of Awakening Intensive Mentorship Kripa Quantum Healing Technique. 

to name a few.

She has applied her unique genius: The ability to ‘see’ other dimensions, to successfully creating a melded family, while thriving in her own career and marriage.

Her life turned around when she healed herself from an Acute Digestive Disease using her own ‘super powers’.  Kaayla is a passionate speaker, author, and a facilitator to reveal the “true self” inside of her clients.  Her life experience has led her to a place where she is called to pay her healing brilliance forward and set people free to be themselves.

Her accomplishments include:

Gentling with wild exotic animals as well as domestic. Leading several spiritual retreats Developing Healing/Meditation nights ~ ‘Clearing your way to Freedom’ group Healing. Facilitating Private Healing sessions globally (in person and remote) Developed Workshops on many subjects, assisting people to remember all of who they are before they were taught to forget. Published as a Co-Author of the Best Selling Book “Rapid Change for Busy Heart Centered Women”
Shynna Key


My name is Shynna Key and I am the author of Wealth is a Mindset!  I have reviewed your show archives and I believe that I would be a great guest for your audience.

Proposed Topic: Building Your Empire or Wealth is a Mindset

Did you know that a recent survey showed that most small-business owners are entrepreneurs by choice, not because of loss of employment?  They started their companies because of dissatisfaction with corporate lifestyles, or because they nursed a lifelong entrepreneurial dream.  This is particularly true of women, who report higher numbers in both categories than men.

As a guest on your show, I would propose discussing the following key points:

How you can create the life you desire. Simple strategies for reconditioning your mindset. Options including starting your own business and buying into a franchise. Options for starting your business on a shoestring budget. Methods for building your empire.

I have years of experience as a radio show guest and I can assure you that our time together will be well-spent and focused on delivering value to your audience.  I would also be happy to provide you with sample interview questions and a complimentary PDF copy of my book at your request.

Thank you very much for your consideration.  I look forward to hearing back from you.


Shynna Key- The Financial Fanatic

203-871-1KEY (1539)

United States

Shynna Key was born in New Haven, CT into an Entrepreneurship family, where her late father, Larry McCown of New Haven, CT was a nightclub owner, which had multi-family units above the nightclub, which also made him a landlord.  As she watched the accountant come over every Saturday morning to go over her father's books, her and her sibling’s helped with unpacking the club deliveries, as well as helped maintain the properties and through continuous self-taught since her father's passing, as she states, has turned her into the Entrepreneur that she is today!

She was also partially raised in Buffalo, NY,  when her family moved upstate her teenage years up till her mid twenties before moving her family to Atlanta, GA.   

Shynna Key is the voice for Financial and Business Empowerment. As the founder and CEO, Shynna Key, Author, Speaker, Financial & Business Empowerment Coach, she has tailored a powerful movement dedicated to empower you and the audience around the world to BUILD YOUR EMPIRE!  As Shynna have been there and have done it herself with the struggles of it all of running a business and having multiple streams of income; Shynna provides an outlet for the ones in a financial struggle, to shed the shame and lack of financial and business knowledge.  She is a charitable mentor, a fanatical and visionary leader while improving others financial status by aiding with building multiple streams of income and credit just to name a few under the financial umbrella. 

Shynna is a member of Atlanta Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), Women Speakers Association, Atlanta's Urban Professionals and the International Association Professional Writers and Editors. 

Her experience and knowledge gained over the years has afforded her many opportunities to be invited as a special guest on numerous TV & radio shows, speak at events, host workshops, seminars, contribute articles and work with charitable organizations in different communities worldwide. 

As The Financial Fanatic, Shynna believes that with her empowerment you will began to love your financial relationship.

Shynna resides in Atlanta, GA with her family.

Jay Dufrechou JD PhD

Have you ever found yourself tearing up or even crying when feeling deeply connected to nature? With a background in transpersonal psychology, a branch of humanistic psychology including focus on spiritual experience, Jay gathered stories from dozens of people who find deep emotions in connection with nature, sometimes as healing from personal losses, sometimes as "ecological grief" in commisseration with the destruction of the natural world, and sometimes as a way to experience a divine presense on earth. 

United States

Working primarily as a lawyer and mediator, Jay also teaches in psychology doctoral programs and is the author of Moving through Grief, Reconnecting with Nature, published in 2015 by Muswell Hill Press. He grew up in New Orleans, lived many years in California, and has lived primarily in Montana since 1999. 

Rev Karen Sullivan CHT CCLAC CLC

I fell into this career of Hypnotherapy. I had a great job, working with people that I loved as my own family, the hours were LONG, even still, I was helping to make a difference at the corporate level, however small and yet there was an inner longing to do something that made a difference on a greater scale. Flipping through the pages of a local alternative magazine, one article jumped out at me on the benefits of hypnosis and I saw that the National Guild of Hypnotherapist was having a conference so I decided to attend. Once there, a beginning class was starting so I joined and never knew I would fall so deeply in love with a profession. I continued my education and was Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the oldest and largest organization of hypnotists in the world.

Hypnotherapy is gentle process getting to the core of a issue and causing the desired change at the root, not a band aid fix, offering lasting, permanent life transformation. I am honored and humbled to bear witness of my clients life realignment toward living a life of their dreams. This naturally progressed into the coaching arena on a personal level and now at a corporate level, teaching the Power of Love, resolving conflict, both inner and outer, and restructuring from the top level down.

Life, is utterly amazing and I am thrilled to have stumbled into hypnosis and the path that has evolved from there.

United Stated

Since 1999, Karen has applied natural techniques with her broad range of clients to get life back on track in the quickest way possible with permanent or long lasting results. Her skills and certifications in hypnotherapy, life coaching and NLP modalities assist clients in gaining awareness, clarity and relaxation along with an endless list of life possibilities in living a more fulfilled life. Whether a current life stumbling block, renewal of purpose or personal improvement, amazing life changing benefits are just a choice away. Conintuing to hone her craft as a transformation specialist, she took classes from the International College of Metaphysical Theology and became certified as a Law Of Attraction Coach, The American University of NLP to become certified as a Life and Corporate Coach. Her latest endevor is becoming an Ordained Esoteric Minister. She is member in good standing with both The National Guild of Hypnotists, The American Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy and AMORC. Karen will also be a mentor in an upcoming movie, The Enlightenment Stories.

Carla Wills Brandon

Carla’s husband tells people his wife Carla is the formost authority on the unknown. Why is this? For decades Carla has been telling those she assists that as physical death approaches, departing visions can happen.  Deseaced friends and loved ones living in spirit will return to gently escort us to an afterlife. Death is a myth. There is no end.

If she’s helping someone whose loved one is getting ready to transition from this life to the next, she will share with them afterlife reports and accounts she’s researched, experienced or witnessed. Along with this, Carla also talks with them about examples of historical departing visions from countries around the globe. Learning these experiences are universal gives grieving family and friends permission to begin letting go.  This also reduces societal death phobia.

Why is this so important? It’s essential to understand that even when in great physical pain, the physically dying will often stick around, not move on, in order to take care of hurting family and friends. If a family can talk openly about physical death, the afterlife and topics like the departing vision, a gentle passing will occur and healing can begin. Such open discussion not only helps families, but assists the dying in transitioning.

When family members can begin to let go by confronting their own fears, the physically dying will feel more emotionally comfortable in separating from their earthly bodies and making their way to the next dimension. It’s imperative for surviving loved ones to know death isn’t the end. Holding on, telling those who are ready to depart not to go, makes physical dying harder.  Historical and present day departing vision accounts help me to heal families and the physically dying.

While fully conscious, experiencers are visited by departing loved ones, those preparing to physically shed their earthly bodies and move on. We can be fully awake and receive a visitation or this can take place during our dreams. Suddenly they appear out of nowhere, give us a message and then just as quickly disappear. Souls moving on to the afterlife appear very real to those of us on the earth plane who see them. Along with this, the experiencers are often unaware a physical death is occurring or has just taken place. They may not even know the dying person has been ill or close to moving on to an afterlife existence. Because of this, the individual receiving the visitation is taken completely by surprise! Shortly after such a visitation, the experiencer discovers the person who appeared to them has just died in another location.

Many have had a departing vision, or witnessed someone they love talking to invisible visitors. With this they often ask, “What was this strange experience? Have other people seen this? Am I the only one and if not, why haven’t I ever heard about such things?” Know these encounters are normal and that people from every corner of our planet have come in contact with the departing vision.

Carla has published 13 books, one of which was a "Publishers Weekly Best Seller." She has also lectured across the U.S., Italy and U.K., and has appeared on numerous national radio and television programs, such as Coast To Coast Radio with George Noory, Geraldo Rivera, Sally Jesse Raphael, Montel Williams, Art Bell’s Coast To Coast Radio Show, Uri Geller’s Coast To Coast Radio Show and Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher.

Also considered a trauma expert, many of her media appearances have been dedicated to discussing trauma resolution. She has also appeared on several programs with her husband Michael Brandon, PhD. 

United States

Author, Medium, Marriage & Family Therapist

Kay Reddy

I am a Hypnotherapist and Weight Loss Specialist based in South Africa.  My product is 100% natural, does not contain any drugs or stimulants and is the only brand GLOBALLY that addresses the psycological impact of obesity by including a Hypnotherapy CD specifically for obesity/weight maintenance management and maintenance.  I am looking to expose my brand outside South Africa. 

I look forward to your favourable response!!


Kay Reddy (Ms)

South Africa

I am a Hypnotherapist and Weight Loss Specialist based in South Africa.

Mardi Garcia

I have my own show Voices of Jupiter. I play in A=432 cycles per second and use it to heal and re-order my DNA and organize locally and globally to facilitate the same for others. I would prefer that all musicians begin in 432 and that all lightworkers starseeds and all factions working to uphold humanity would cease supporting 440 with the supplantation of 432 to start. There is no magic frequency save that of Unconditional Love. 432 has proven to restore harmony for this simple reason: a-432 is the tonal harmonic of the cell. 



Jupiter the planet known as The Father of the Gods
Toni Roberts

We are all prisoners in one way or one degree or another; imprisoned by our limited understanding who and what we are and why we are here as flesh beings; beings who although unaware, have access to the same power of which great philosophers and prophets spoke.

We who are called to this Work know that even as one experiences anger, fear, physical or psychological pain, there is an inner aspect of Self that remains untouched by it all. We know that our consciousness--our very ability to think and to know--spans at least two realms: the physical one of the fives senses and the nonphysical realm of intuition, creativity, hope, trust, faith and LOVE.

LIFE...from the inside out offers women a unique opportunity to explore inner space from which health...ageless vitality...authenticity...and true life purpose flow.

United States

In September of 2007, after being diagnosed with stage three breast cancer, Toni Roberts underwent a radical mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. After completing five of the recommded twelve chemotherapy treatments, Toni refused fruther chemo and also politely declined follow-up radiation and lifelong Tamoxifen.

Today, at age seventy-seven, Toni Roberts enjoys a youthful, vigorous, creative and robustly healthy life--free of all so-called diseases of aging and pharmaceutical drugs. Roberts offers herself as a model for women of any age who would age gracefully, creatively, healthily, youthfully--and usefully.

Toni created the LIFE...from the inside out  self-empowerment program for women who are ready to recreate themselves and their lives in a journey of body-mind-spirit balancing and harmonizing. The nine-week program incorporates mindful meditation, guided visualization and creative self-expression; all medically proven, stress-reducing, anti-aging and health-enhancing modalities.

Roberts also handcrafts one-of-a-kind, semi-precious gemstone necklaces; plays the djembe drum; was an "extra" in the movie, The Interpreter; played a feature role in a made-for-TV movie; has performed her poetry at various NYC venues including Avery Fisher Hall and was mistress of ceremonies for Retumba, the all-women, Afro-Caribbean drum and dance troupe.

Roberts art and photography are available at:

Datta Rokade

As a Personal Empowerment & Life Coach, I work best with clients who have gotten overwhelmed by everything that comes at them in their daily life, who want to create a wonderful simple life they love. 

I work with individuals who have too many choices/options in their lives and who feel the need to design a simple, sustainable, flexible and elegant life and lifestyle.

Datta Rokade in Prune-India is a Personal Empowerment coach, Master SPIRIT LIFE Coach with 10 years experience. "I work with individuals who have too many choices in their lives and who feel the need to design a simple, sustainable, flexible and elegant life and lifestyle. I help you to see the glass full and overflowing. You know those moments in life when you think, "Ah! Life is good." I help people have way, way more of them. Think of possibilities that they never considered before. I help you let go of a lot of baggage you never thought you'd get rid of. Contact me to have a conversation to discover the benefits of being coached and the difference it can make in all areas of your life, such as business, career, relationships, health and wellbeing, etc."