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Somraj Pokras

I'm excited to talk about Supernatural Sex from our upcoming book. Here is my Twitter profile: "Follow my steady feed of #sexual news, articles, tips, advice, answers, science studies, and erotic experiences for #Tantra, #TantricSex and #OrgasmicSex. 18+ NSFW LGBTQ friendly. Questions welcomed."


Somraj is the Orgasmic Sexologist as an author, trainer, coach, and counsellor. Follow his steady feed of sexual news, articles, tips, advice, answers, science studies, and erotic experiences for Tantra, TantricSex, and Orgasmic Sex via Twitter or LinkedIn. Somraj has written 10 books about Tantric Sex, posts regularly to his Orgasmic Sex blog, and maintains the website. In his previous life he was a people skills training consultant and  team-building expert. When he’s not writing he’s probably skiing, hiking, walking his dogs, or making love to his beautiful wife of over 20 years.

Philip Mantle

Philip Mantle is a veteran UFO reseacher, author and publisher from the UK. He was the Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association as well as the MUFON Representative for England. He is now the owner a his own publishing concern at FLYING DISK PRESS.


Philip Mantle is a veteran UFO reseacher, author and publisher from the UK. He was the Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association as well as the MUFON Representative for England. He is now the owner a his own publishing concern at FLYING DISK PRESS.

Mistress Sophie Twilight
Mistress Sophie Twilight is an international, cutting edge authority on the sex, kink & fetish genre that will captivate your audience. Her down to earth personality and playful sarcasm will have them "begging" for more.  
She has been a professional dominatrix for 10 years with a global clientele, and a fetish model for 6 years that has given her the recognition of being the top Domme/Fetish Model.  
As a 5 star ranked performer, she strives to connect with her clients in each exclusive show and their personal fantasy, to create a unique experience. She enjoys the playful repertoire between the clients in the public chat forum and is known to take time to explain or answer questions about sex, kink, and fetish. 
A strong, outspoken advocate for healthy sexuality, empowering the female, and bringing together the female/male relationship to the greatest harmony possible, she believes that sexuality is the last frontier of ourselves to be explored honestly and deeply to heal the rift within ourselves. 

Domintrix- 10 yrs

Cam fetish model- 6 yrs

Have my first podcast being schedule for airtime now- will supply info as I receive it.

Sheri Rosenthal

We teach heart-centered entrepreneurs how to add transformational destination retreats to their businesses so they can travel the world, help more people, and make an awesome income doing so.

I've been planning and managing retreats since 2003 and love to chat about how it change my life (including living overseas several months a year) and how adding retreats to one's life changes not only your participants life, but yours too. 

United States

Dr. Sheri Rosenthal is a business coach, international retreat leader and author. A former podiatric surgeon, Sheri left behind a successful practice, a surgical residency program which she personally designed and directed, and a couple of husbands to find her life’s calling. She spent 8 years traveling, meditating and studying ancient traditions of spiritual evolution — and wrote 3 books on personal growth and consciousness. 

Today, Sheri is known as one of the most sought after retreat strategists for coaches, facilitators and authors —  and is the owner of Journeys of the Spirit travel agency. She is famous for helping clients plan, fill, and profit from transformational retreats that both change lives and add serious income to their bottom line!

Rev Corbie Mitleid

So here's the 30 second elevator pitch…but I’m going to turn my pitch around a little bit here.  Normally I talk about the book (yes, we’ll get to that) but I think you need to know about me first.

My whole thing is the examined life.  I’m someone who has gone through three bouts of breast cancer, two divorces, dysfunction, poverty, abuse, yeah all that.  But the key is what do you do with it and how do you teach with it?   I call myself a three-time breast “cancer dancer.”  What’s that mean?  I didn’t fight cancer, because what you fight fights back.  Nor do I call myself a “survivor,” because I don’t just hang on by teeth and toenails.  A cancer dancer finds out how graceful they can be under pressure…avoids getting their toes stepped on…and can usually get off the dance floor in one piece.

That’s how I live.  That’s how I got through a lot.  And it’s why I tell everyone “I’m not special.  YOU CAN DO WHAT I DO.”

That’s the point behind the book — so let’s go there.

CLEAN OUT YOUR LIFECLOSET is made up of four parts:  Clarity, Adaptability, Simplicity and Stress.  What’s the key that makes this book different?  

I’m no guru – deliberately.   I’m not someone who says, “If you do everything I tell you, you’ll be successful.”  The only person who knows what that might be is YOU, the reader.  CLEAN OUT YOUR LIFECLOSET encourages you to write your own story of change based on your history, your life experiences, and your personal goals.  Through stories, examples, and just-for-you-designed “Adventure Pages,” you can find your own answers, design your own toolbox, and discover that healing the old and creating the new can be positive, joyful and soul-satisfying.

In CLEAN OUT YOUR LIFECLOSET, the reader discovers how Clarity is the canvas on which they can paint their new life story.

They discover how much abundance they already have with the idea of Simplicity: living Life as a Tiny House.

They can embrace newfound freedom learning how Adaptability means “perfection is already yours.”

And they understand when Stress is a friend and teacher, instead of the enemy they fight daily.

Here are a couple of podcasts I did for Life Changing Stories and The Bucket List, so you get an idea of how I am as a guest:

And if you're interested, I have a full template with key points, Questions and Takeaways.


Corbie Mitleid has always been “the different one.” A writer and visionary in a completely medical family (father a doctor, mother a nurse, brother a doctor), she has always made her own path rather than take one cut for her by others. Leaving an Ivy League university after two years, Corbie struck out to find where joy and purpose lived, regardless of what she was told she “ought” to do. The path wasn’t easy. Two marriages, which didn’t last, and a constant search for The Partner Who Understood. A succession of jobs. A series of spiritual paths. Moving from Cambridge to Philadelphia to Poughkeepsie to New York City to Atlanta. Out of the blue, breast cancer—not once, but three times. Life became a roller coaster with no brakes, asking Corbie to survive divorce, abuse, poverty and life-threatening illness. But through all of this, she learned the value of the Examined Life: meeting challenges and always asking the next question, facing each new situation with strength, courage and humor. Today, Corbie brings a full toolbox to her job as a beacon of manifestation and vision for her clients. She knows what it is to create a career out of experiences. While she’s now a full-time intuitive counselor and inspirational speaker, her career has encompassed positions as a published author, a professional actress, a television producer, a radio personality, an executive recruiter and the “power behind the throne” for a number of high-profile CEOs. Corbie’s career now spans the globe, with clients worldwide. Her talents as an intuitive are featured in bestselling books. Still, her clients treasure her attitude of I’m not special, you can do what I do. “We have opportunities we can go after, and challenges to get past,” she says firmly. “My job is to give you the tools and courage to deal with both situations. Everything else is free will, and up to you!” Corbie lives in upstate New York with her husband Carle, a museum director, and three large and exuberant Maine Coon cats.

Divine Mother TheoSophia Rose

Healing With Sound Alchemy, The Voice of the Nectar of God

Over the last 29 years, I have spent a lot of time experiencing my own healing and helping others while I grew. On my Journey, it was always about eliminating discordant patterning, finding a new simpler way to release and evolve. During this time, I used tones in my work but not as I do now. As I sang a 5,000 year old ceremony for Meditation, my voice transformed. A new connection from my Third Eye and Zeal Point to my Heart and Throat became anchored as a Geometric Portal. As the Masters came to me, Mary Magdalene taught me how they sang to heal in the time of Christ. So, a little girl, who once could never sing, now goes beyond toning to a magical sound of the Language of Light and the Nectar of God. What was once restricted, afraid, small, lost, etc. is now free.

Divine Mother TheoSophia Rose initiates individuals into The Order of the Rose supported by Mary Magdelene for those who sing Light Language to Heal.

I would love to have the opportunity to share this Love, Sound, Light and Healing with individuals on your show.

Many Blessings,

Divine Mother TheoSophia Rose


Who is Divine Mother TheoSophia Rose?

​TheoSophia Rose holds Mother Consciousness and her Doctorate of Philosophy is in Conscious Studies.  Her studies took her to the northern hills of Chang Mai in Thailand.  There she sat for three months of time in Bija Meditation unveiling Clarity, Wisdom, Divine Love, and deep Compassion.  It was there, she once again befriended the Elemental Kingdom, while her connection to Mother Father God became infinite.  Today, the Light of her Aura emanates in a blissful expression of her profound purity.

The Journey she now walks upon is one of sharing the treasure chest of developmental secrets, of how to Become.  She is the founder of TheoSophia’s Academy of Wisdom. TheoSophia’s Academy of Wisdom is about the development of an individual’s Soul, Spirit, and raising to a level of Mother Consciousness.

​She is a naturally gifted Spiritual Healer, A Teacher of Teachers; and has developed The Becoming Matrix, the Spiral DNA work, Holographic Healing, The Petal Work, and Sub-Conscious Release for the Soul. She is a Bestselling Author, Lecturer, Speaker, and a Master of Sound and Intuition.  The Language of Light she sings, is a like a drop of God's nectar transforming stagnant energy into Light.  Today, TheoSophia's vision is unrestricted. The Flame of God's Light blazes from her Heart and Hands.  She hears the chaos within the human vessel and with her voice, can sing a sound of unwinding release, bringing freedom.

​Her destiny is to help open the Hearts of all Souls and to support the re-establishment of a strong connection to God, bringing back together that which has been lost or fragmented. Through her healing work, she connects people to God, their Higher Selves, and Healing Masters using various techniques mentioned above.  Her work facilitates the easy release of core issues, the recovery of past life memories, and the re-balancing of the emotional body.  

​She is a Mentor of Life for those whom are on their Journey of Ascension to become their Adam Kadmon Body. Her work with the Galactic Realm helps elevate Planetary awareness and triggers super-consciousness within the masses.

TheoSophias Wisdom School
Stephen Krasner
Far too long we have not had an open, transparent and forward discussion about the dysfunction surrounding our nation’s Family Court System—well we have a problem in the arena of divorce and custody in the United States. We have a system that is not impartial and often serves as a breeding ground for disingenuous and unethical actions committed by players in the legal arena and sometimes (knowingly and unknowingly) enabled by the very court's people believe will determine fact from fiction.

Many parents and children have an uphill challenge awaiting them as they seek what many others before the law and courts seek—fairness and the right to be heard. 

A Broken System: Family Court in the United States, Volume 1 is the first of two anthologies, the collected articles regularly published with The Huffington Post and The Good Men Project. The book presents research, facts, and interviews with the many people embroiled in these systems—written through the unique lens of someone who has experienced it all—allowing the reader an inside look at the implications, adverse impact and potential remedies to the problems these ordeals present each and every day.
United States

Stephen Krasner was born in Washington, D.C., growing up in the Maryland suburbs before attending the University of Hartford where he earned his undergraduate degree and later earned his Master's degree from The New School.  

He has been a regular contributor for the HuffPost and the Good Men Project, works as a paralegal in New York, ran for elected office, managed political campaigns and spent two years in Ecuador serving as a Peace Corps volunteer. 

His first book, "A Broken System: Family Court in the United States" is a collection of articles written on the subject of the dysfunction within the Family Court system. This is the first of two volumes (the second of which coming out in July 2018) that will be followed by his book, "A Broken System: The Underbelly of Family Law" slated for publication in the Spring of 2019.

A Broken System: Family Court in the United States
Daniella and Bruce Fenton


Ancient News Publishing

P: +61434013866



Past Life Memories Lead Researchers to Physical Evidence of Prehistoric Extraterrestrial Visitation

Bathurst, NSW, Australia—Parapsychological Researcher, Daniella Fenton, has spent the last half-a-decade working alongside her husband investigating the workings of consciousness and the mysterious origins of modern humans. Fenton’s most recent project involved testing the validity of past life memories, specifically those recovered from over twenty individuals that involved recollections of alien visitation to our planet around 800,000 years ago.

Daniella Fenton has a rather interesting background, not only a certified regression therapist but also licensed by the Peruvian government to practice indigenous shamanism. “That past life memories often provide valid information is not new, this has long been established as fact, thanks largely to the extensive research of Professor Ian Stevenson,” says Fenton.

Stevenson, a distinguished University of Virginia psychiatrist, was the first scientist to use rigid scientific protocols to validate spontaneously recalled past-life memories. Stevenson published over 300 papers on reincarnation, his seminal work being Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects (1997).

Fenton continues, “I wanted to see if these recalled ‘extraterrestrial lives’ could provide details sufficient to lead us to objective evidence, thus validating the recorded stories. Incredibly, we eventually located a material discovery which is equivalent to the black monolith depicted in Kubrick’s film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.”

To further validate claims in the accounts, Fenton enlisted the assistance of her husband, author of the acclaimed pop-science book The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution (2017). The subseuqnt investigation identified several anomalies in early human DNA associated with the same date attributed to the identified physical evidence.

In her upcoming book Hybrid Humans: Scientific Evidence of our 800,000-year-old Alien Legacy Fenton offers the ‘out of this world’ results of her unique study, sharing details of the physical and biological evidence for the first time in public.

Daniella and Bruce Fenton are a husband and wife research team based in Bathurst, NSW. Between them, they investigate a wide range of subject areas including archaeology, palaeoanthropology, shamanism, mythology, ufology and psychism. Daniella is an experienced psychic medium and has also trained in Ecuador's Andean shamanic practices and holds a licence to practice shamanic healing in Peru. Bruce has featured on the popular Science Channel show 'The Unexplained Files' as well as featuring in various online media. They have co-authed several books, their most recent being The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution & Hybrid Humans: Scientific EVidence of our 800,000-year-old alien legacy.
Hybrid Humans cover
Pamela Foland


My name is Pamela Foland.  I’m an independent children’s book author.  I’m contacting you interested in doing an interview about my middle grade book series.   My mission is to teach children proper pet care through my books.

My middle grade series, Megan’s World, has earned the Reader’s Favorite 5-star review seal on all three books.  The third book, Megan the Pet Whisperer, is being released on March 6, 2018.  Each book has realistic pet care details based on my own experience.  The books center around thirteen-year-old pet lover Megan Thompson.  Megan is a motivated independent girl, who is willing to work hard and learn about the pets she cares for.  I hope Megan will inspire children want to learn about pet care and be willing to do the work that comes with having a pet.

The character of Megan is based on myself at thirteen years old.   All of the pets she cares for and scrapes she gets into are based on my own experiences.  Having raised a litter of one-day-old kittens, worked in pet resorts as a dog trainer, pet sitting for numerous clients, and caring for my own pets, I have a wealth of pet care knowledge. 

With kitten and puppy season coming up, many families are going to be tempted to adopt a pet for their children.   Unfortunately, a large number of these kittens and puppies will end up in the shelter when the children loose interest after a few months.  If everyone, including children, understands the responsibility and time it takes to have a pet, then the shelters wouldn’t be over crowded.  Each pet would have a loving home, and each child would know the unconditional love that only a pet can offer.

Please give me a call to discuss at 214-662-2782.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.


Pamela Foland


Pamela Foland grew up in Plano, Texas.  She graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Business in 2005.

Her love of animals started at a very young age.  As a child, she was constantly bringing home stray dogs, and injured birds.

As an adult, her love of animals has only grown stronger.  Pamela has worked in numerous pet hotels as a dog trainer and is certified to teach pet first aid and CPR.  All her experience with pets culminated four years ago when Pamela found and raised an abandoned litter of day-old kittens.  Not able to part with any of these now-grown babies, Pamela enjoys going home to her "little munchkins" every night.  This experience gave Pamela the inspiration for her series debut, Megan's Munchkins.

Pamela will always have a special affinity with Megan because of their shared experiences.  She truly believes there are few experiences in life more compelling than saving the life of another being. 

Megan's World Book Series