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Pamela Foland
Your Pitch


My name is Pamela Foland.  I’m an independent children’s book author.  I’m contacting you interested in doing an interview about my middle grade book series.   My mission is to teach children proper pet care through my books.

My middle grade series, Megan’s World, has earned the Reader’s Favorite 5-star review seal on all three books.  The third book, Megan the Pet Whisperer, is being released on March 6, 2018.  Each book has realistic pet care details based on my own experience.  The books center around thirteen-year-old pet lover Megan Thompson.  Megan is a motivated independent girl, who is willing to work hard and learn about the pets she cares for.  I hope Megan will inspire children want to learn about pet care and be willing to do the work that comes with having a pet.

The character of Megan is based on myself at thirteen years old.   All of the pets she cares for and scrapes she gets into are based on my own experiences.  Having raised a litter of one-day-old kittens, worked in pet resorts as a dog trainer, pet sitting for numerous clients, and caring for my own pets, I have a wealth of pet care knowledge. 

With kitten and puppy season coming up, many families are going to be tempted to adopt a pet for their children.   Unfortunately, a large number of these kittens and puppies will end up in the shelter when the children loose interest after a few months.  If everyone, including children, understands the responsibility and time it takes to have a pet, then the shelters wouldn’t be over crowded.  Each pet would have a loving home, and each child would know the unconditional love that only a pet can offer.

Please give me a call to discuss at 214-662-2782.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.


Pamela Foland

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Pamela Foland grew up in Plano, Texas.  She graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Business in 2005.

Her love of animals started at a very young age.  As a child, she was constantly bringing home stray dogs, and injured birds.

As an adult, her love of animals has only grown stronger.  Pamela has worked in numerous pet hotels as a dog trainer and is certified to teach pet first aid and CPR.  All her experience with pets culminated four years ago when Pamela found and raised an abandoned litter of day-old kittens.  Not able to part with any of these now-grown babies, Pamela enjoys going home to her "little munchkins" every night.  This experience gave Pamela the inspiration for her series debut, Megan's Munchkins.

Pamela will always have a special affinity with Megan because of their shared experiences.  She truly believes there are few experiences in life more compelling than saving the life of another being. 

Megan's World Book Series