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Somraj Pokras
Your Pitch

I'm excited to talk about Supernatural Sex from our upcoming book. Here is my Twitter profile: "Follow my steady feed of #sexual news, articles, tips, advice, answers, science studies, and erotic experiences for #Tantra, #TantricSex and #OrgasmicSex. 18+ NSFW LGBTQ friendly. Questions welcomed."

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Somraj is the Orgasmic Sexologist as an author, trainer, coach, and counsellor. Follow his steady feed of sexual news, articles, tips, advice, answers, science studies, and erotic experiences for Tantra, TantricSex, and Orgasmic Sex via Twitter or LinkedIn. Somraj has written 10 books about Tantric Sex, posts regularly to his Orgasmic Sex blog, and maintains the website. In his previous life he was a people skills training consultant and  team-building expert. When he’s not writing he’s probably skiing, hiking, walking his dogs, or making love to his beautiful wife of over 20 years.