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Roger Stone




Roger Stone is available for interviews about his new book- STONE’S RULES

Friends and supporters ask me constantly how I combat and survive the constant recycled but false claim of Russian collusion in the 2016 election and the endless smears, personal attacks and innuendo of an insidious group of relentless partisans and their hand-maidens in the fake news media.

The answer lies in my disciplined adherence to Stone's Rules, a tested compendium of maxims and guidelines I have learned in a successful 40 year career of political combat, survival and victory.

Now you can read and employ these vital and current rules for yourself - Roger Stone.

To schedule an interview with Roger Stone:

Contact - Lainie Speiser


Roger Stone pundit and legendary American Republican political consultant who has played a key role in the election of Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to Donald J. Trump.

Roger Stone is the subject of the smash hit Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone and serves as a political commentator for InfoWars.

Stone is the author of The Man Who Killed Kennedy - the Case Against LBJ (Skyhorse). Stone is also the author of Tricky Dick, a broader look at the rise and fall and rise and fall and final comeback of Richard Milhouse Nixon, the Bush Crime Family, an inside look at that corrupt American dynasty, the Clinton's War on Women, the definitive work on the shocking crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton and The Making of the President 2016 - how Donald Trump orchestrated a revolution.

A friend an advisor to Donald Trump for over 30 years Roger Stone urged Donald Trump to seek the Presidency as early as 1988 and again in 2000, 2016 and finally 2016.

Stone has also chronicled men's fashion for the New York Times and the Daily Caller. His annual "Ten Best and Worst Dressed" list has been featured on the Daily Caller and since 2009. Stone serves as Men's Style Correspondent for the Daily Caller as well as hosting the War Room on InfoWars five days a week.

A Goldwater zealot in grade-school after a neighbor gave him Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative, Stone was elected Young Republican National Chairman in 1977.
Brian C Wilson PhD

John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age

By Brian C. Wilson, Ph. D

Radio Pioneer, Media Mogul and Detroit Tigers’ Owner John Fetzer Fostered the Marriage of Science and Spirituality Through the Decades

He Modeled That Blending Business and Spirituality is a Potent Pathway to Success

His Legacy Organizations Carry on His Work

Dear BBS Host:

The world knew him as a radio, TV and cable mogul and venerated owner of the Detroit Tigers.

But what it didn’t know was that John E. Fetzer was quietly behind-the-scenes a significant figure in the consciousness movement and a spiritual seeker of the first order. For more than 60 years, he sought ways to open the doors of higher consciousness, spiritual empowerment, paranormal insights and energy medicine to humanity through study, science and the influence of the wealth at his disposal.

Driven by the belief that personal happiness, positive morality and peace on earth could be achieved by adherence to a pathway and connection to a greater intelligence, he funded top flight research and leading edge studies at Stanford, Duke, Princeton and elsewhere to validate mankind’s ability to access that infinite intelligence for personal and global good. His name is associated with such scientists of his time including JB Rhine, Ian Stevenson and Robert Jahn.

All of this is being revealed for the first time in a biography by Brian C. Wilson, Ph.D: John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age (Wayne State University Press, 2018). Long before it was known as the New Age Movement, Fetzer, who died in 1991, passionately pursued a quest for “freedom of spirit” that mirrored the evolution of a new spirituality unbounded by religious dogma and based on the ability to directly access divine or intelligent energy. For a man who embraced the power of unseen frequencies that heralded the dawn of the radio age as he himself was coming of age, the concept of a personal vibration that could influence one’s life and environment was not farfetched. 

Fetzer, born in Indiana in 1901 at the turn of a new century, traveled along two parallel paths throughout his life. Influenced by the prevailing values of the time and his mother’s faith, he joined the Seventh-day Adventists. But a deep yearning for more “freedom of spirit” than the church offered was a springboard for exploring the insights of emerging spiritual leaders, movements and approaches – Eastern and Western — including Theosophy, Freemasonry, UFOology, parapsychology and Buddhism. He was drawn toward a philosophy that offered personal experience of “unity” or “oneness,” as it is called today, seeing the individual as part of the universal whole, with direct access to that master intelligence, connected to all things.

Interestingly, Wilson uses Fetzer’s quest to chronicle the breadth and depth of the historic emergence of the New Age movement. And with a particular focus on the Midwest where Fetzer’s story unfolds, Wilson shows that, in fact, the Midwest was the first cradle of advanced spiritual expansion -- long before California claimed that mantle.

At the same time he was pursuing his spiritual quests, Fetzer —who started his radio career in 1922 from his Adventist college dorm room in West Michigan — began to build the empire that would make him one of Forbes’ 400 richest Americans. Buying the FCC radio license from his old college while doing graduate work in Ann Arbor and relocating it to Kalamazoo, he expanded with each new technology — from radio to TV to cable television --- becoming an enormously successful businessman, who used his expertise to assist the government during WWII and post war administrations, and the broadcast industry as a long-time board member on the National Association of Broadcasters. His success culminated in his sole ownership of the Detroit Tigers from 1961 to 1983, including World Series Championships in 1968 and 1984.

But few people except his close associates knew that Fetzer attributed his success to his spiritual practices and awareness of higher consciousness. In fact, Fetzer employed meditation, psychic consultants, pendulums, water dowsing and other “occult” practices regularly in his decision making—which he considered major factors in his success. 

And before he left, he insured that his legacy to illuminate the horizon between science and spirituality would continue, along with his mission to elevate mankind’s conscious evolution.  His inspiration has been reinterpreted through endowments which now include The John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust and The John E. Fetzer Institute..

In this book, Brian C. Wilson, professor of Comparative Religion at Western Michigan University, richly explores Fetzer’s path to his worldview, while chronicling the awakening of the New Age.

And for those who are seeking validation that business success and enlightenment can actually work hand-in-hand, Fetzer’s extraordinary life stands as evidence.

If you would like to interview Brian C. Wilson on John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

818 707-1473


Brian C. Wilson, author of, John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age, is a professor of American religious history in the Department of Comparative Religion at Western Michigan University (WMU) In the book, Wilson not only explores the evolution of Fetzer’s beliefs, but how he put them into action by permanently endowing three funds that will foster research into the scientific/spiritual interface for years to come, and help cultivate a more peaceful, loving and inclusive world founded on the principle that we are all connected through one infinite force.

It was during his Wilson’s years in the Peace Corps that he developed a fascination with religion, initially fueled by what he experienced of the ancient religion of the Maya, and of Roman Catholicism. Returning to the U.S., Wilson completed a Ph.D. in Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he studied religion in the United States. He is the author of an award-winning book on cereal inventor and the leading Seventh-day Adventist of his time, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. Based on the success of that book, the Fetzer Memorial Trust invited Wilson to write a full-length spiritual biography of its founder.

Sindy Warren

Radi8: Using the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine

By Sindy Warren

Yoga is More than the “Asanas”—The Poses;

It’s a System that Encompasses 8 Steps to an Enhanced,

Healthy and Authentic Way of Living


Dear BBS Host:

If you believe that Yoga is just what happens on a yoga mat in a 1.5 hour session of Downward Dog and Child’s Pose, then you are missing out on something much more.

While Yogis through the centuries have assiduously studied the Sanskrit-translated Yoga Sutras, now there is Sindy Warren’s Radi8: Using the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine for the rest of us!

This compact book is a crystalized, bite-sized distillation of this wisdom that turns everyday life into a joy to live. Using this simplified and illuminating guidebook, these eight integrated teachings can:

Detox and clear your body of illnesses and pain Release all the stress in your body that causes pre-mature aging Restore a peaceful, contented, go-with-the flow state of mind, even in the face of stressful situations or incidences that previously triggered your temper or anguish Liberate you from the torment of what you think others should think about you.  Make your self-care the core of your ability to serve and care for yourself and others Enhance your relationships and your ability to be receptive and compassionate with others Potentially end addictions (as it did for Sindy, who suffered from binge eating) Slow you down so you can appreciate your life as you are living it. And more...

Sindy, a lawyer by trade, but yoga teacher by passion, wants to make the entire system of Yoga accessible to individuals looking for a more satisfying and rewarding way to live.

Using examples from her own journey, she’s boiled it down to a light, bright, current and unpretentious elucidation of the eight tenets:

Yamas: The guidance on the “external restraints” -- using behavior modification to achieve a life that provides moderation without the excesses that cause suffering, living by your code of ethics, and choosing how you relate to other people Niyamas: The “internal positive restraints” and self-discipline  that you create for yourself, your internal reflection and how you react in relation to yourself, the practice of spiritual surrender Asanas: The physical poses, not demonstrated here, but an open discussion on how to embody who you want to be so that you can become what you desire and intend Pranayama: The importance of the yogic breathing exercises, how they impact health and vitality Pratyahara: The use of sense withdrawal from the world—and full detachment from technology or multi-tasking-- to create the space for you to flower and grow Dharana: The power of full concentration and focus to heighten your true awareness Dhayana: The gift of meditation to create the peaceful mind that liberates you from your thoughts Samahdi: The ability to achieve an enlightened potential of deep connection with an infinite intelligence and ultimate universal state of love.

Sindy perceives Yoga much like Michelangelo viewed his masterpiece David...He was reported to have said,” I didn’t create David, as he was already there. All I did was chip away at the parts of the stone that weren’t him.”  She believes Yoga chips away at what doesn’t serve us to reach the pure fulfillment of who we truly are. 

If you would like to interview Sindy Warren on Radi8: Using the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Sindy Warren is a certified yoga and meditation teacher and a lifelong student of the practice. The author of Radi8, Using the Practice to Cultivate Your Inner Shine, she began learning yoga in 2003, at a time in her life when she was dealing with some challenging transitions.  While she was first drawn to the physical practice, it was the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the tradition that kept her coming back, again and again.  Her yoga practice helped her develop the skills to navigate life challenges with more grace and acceptance.

Sindy, a lawyer by trade, but yoga teacher by passion, wants to make the entire system of Yoga accessible to individuals looking for a more satisfying and rewarding way to live.

Sindy perceives Yoga much like Michelangelo viewed his masterpiece David...He was reported to have said,” I didn’t create David, as he was already there. All I did was chip away at the parts of the stone that weren’t him.”  She believes Yoga chips away at what doesn’t serve us to reach the pure fulfillment of who we truly are. 

Rasean Blyden

We tell it like it is the good, bad, and ugly. Freedom of religion doesn't mean silence Christians or anyone from speaking out on the ugly truth of other religions. If you can't stomach the truth don't turn on our show because you will soon find out that words won't be held back nor feelings for radical leftists who want to change the world as it was founded especially America.

United States

Our show is not politically correct. we uncover the truth without care of offending anyone. Life is not meant to be shield to protect the ones who wants to silence the opposition. 

Dr Mitch Abblett

Why interview me about my work and my new book (The 5 Hurdles to Happiness --Shambhala / Random House)?  Because mindfulness is the hot ticket these days, right?  It is way more likely to drive up book sales than “therapeutic root canals”! But seriously, I do have a somewhat selfish reason for focusing in on mindfulness for managing the bad reactive habits that get in everyone's way. It’s what’s been most helpful to me and to many of the clients I’ve worked with as a therapist. We all have knotted patterns of the five “Ws” (worrying, wrestling, wanting, wilting and wavering), and mindfulness is what penetrates right to the heart of them. In my writing and work, I'm looking to help people build the skill to deeply listen to what these hurdles are saying about how we play defense against pain every day, and how we might learn to be with our body and mind with spacious presence and clear awareness—such that we look out at our lives with less distortion and leap forward with more purpose and direction.  Mindfulness can help us do all of this. I don’t know of any other “thing” we have available to us that is so “one size fits all” for overcoming hurdles!


Dr. Mitch Abblett is a clinical psychologist and has served as the Executive Director of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, a non-profit focusing on the education and training at the intersection of mindfulness and treatment. For over a decade, he was the Clinical Director of the Manville School, a Harvard-affiliated therapeutic day school program in Boston. He maintains a private psychotherapy and consulting practice, and writes about mindfulness, professional development, and family mental health.


Mitch Abblett Publications:

The 5 Hurdles to Happiness–and the Mindful Path for Overcoming Them (Shambhala, 2018)

The Mindfulness Activities Book for Children (PESI, 2018) with Chris Willard

The Challenging Child Client Toolbox: 50 Mindfulness-Based Principles, Pointers and Practices for Maximizing Clinical Effectiveness (PESI, 2018)

From Pissed to Powerful: The Teen’s Guide to Harnessing Anger for Positive Change (New Harbinger, to be released 2019)

Helping Your Angry Teen (New Harbinger, 2017)

The Anti-Burnout Deck (PESI, 2017) with Chris Willard and Laura Warren

Mindfulness for Teen Depression (New Harbinger, 2016) with Chris Willard

The Self-Compassion Deck (PESI, 2016) with Chris Willard and Tim Desmond

Growing Happy Card Deck (PESI, 2015) with Chris Willard

The Growing Mindful Deck (PESI, 2015) with Chris Willard

The Heat of the Moment in Treatment: Mindful Management of Difficult Clients (Norton, 2013)

Brad and Kasey Wallis

Julius is a collective of high light energy beings dedicated to empowering humanity through teachings and philosophies.  Kasey & Brad Wallis are conduits for an advanced intelligence, aka JULIUS, who teach you self-empowerment. 


Through their telesummits, private sessions, published books, and their membership club (the Julius Academy), Kasey and Brad Wallis and the ever passionate high light-energy group from the other side named JULIUS, are captivating and empowering, growing audiences, from every walk of life and from all over the world. Together, this extraordinary trio is gently awakening us from our earthly slumber and widening our awareness of how and why the illusion of this realm purposely shadows the knowing of our authentic essence as SOURCE, and the full understanding of ourselves as Masters.

Jay Fields

I help smart, professional women manage the messy territory of feelings so they can be even more expert at what they do. More specifically, I teach women how to regulate their nervous systems and have empathy for themselves so they can manage anxiety and difficult emotions and stay connected and engaged with the people and projects they work with. I don't believe that having feelings is a liability. Pretending not to have feelings is. It's just that we haven't learned how to affirm our feelings while still being professional or not self-centered. Most people agree--in theory--that you can't check your feelings at the door when you go to work or that being more vulnerable and authentic makes for better relationships. The problem is we have all sorts of odds stacked against us doing this--cultural odds, neurobiological odds and relational odds--and we need to be taught how do work with our nervous system and our brain to behave differently. Topics that I can address: It seems that becoming more aware of your feelings, especially at work, would just make you weak or more anxious. Learn why that’s not true—and how being more in touch with your body can help you have more confidence and strength. How do you work with your anxiety in the moment so that you can communicate with clarity and conviction and in a way that makes you easy to connect with? How do you create a secure and trustworthy relationship with yourself so that you can set boundaries, have healthy relationships and craft a life that is meaningful? The difference between authentic self and strategic self.

United States

Jay Fields, M.A. E-RYT is a somatic educator, therapeutic coach and author who has taught the principles of Awareness-Based Self-Regulation to individuals and organizations for 19 years. Her approach to helping people have their own back at work and in life is grounded, playful, empathic and intelligent. Jay received her BA in Psychosocial Health and Human Movement from the College of William and Mary and her masters in Integral Transformative Education from Prescott College. She is the author of the book Teaching People, Not Poses and is on the board for The School of Lost Borders. When not working with clients or facilitating trainings, you can find Jay riding her motorcycle in the mountains outside of Ojai, California where she lives.

Winifred Rule

My presentations and on-air discussions are a public service to hopefully benefit others and to enlighten people on the psychopathic personality disorder.  Psychopathy is an intriguing personality disorder rooted in lying, deception and manipulation.  It is the most dangerous personality disorder

I wrote a book, Born to Destroy, which is the first instructional book on the female psychopath.  It is my personal story.  Born to Destroy has received excellent reviews from psychologists, psychopathy experts, and professional literary reviewers.  The book uses my personal experiences to teach about psychopathy and to sensitize readers to be mindful of how female psychopaths act and behave.  The book was the basis for my selection as a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, an international society of psychologists and researchers who study psychopathy.

Over the last year, I have been honored to be a guest on a number of radio shows and have done several public presentations.  Please see my website for further information.  I also have a blog which I personally manage, and since my work is my mission, I personally answer all emails from readers across the United States and beyond.  There is much to learn about the psychopath and much misinformation to dispel.  My presentationand on-air discussions are intended to equip others with some tools to help spot a psychopath.


Winifred Rule is a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy and author of Born to Destroy, the first instructional book on the female psychopath, based on her experiences and lessons learned from living with two psychopaths.  Her work has been featured in libraries and curriculums of major universities in the United States and abroad.  Most recently, Born to Destroy was accepted into the collections of Columbia University and the Leninka Library, Russia’s Library of Congress, to assist psychiatrists, researchers and lay people to better understand the impact of psychopaths in everyday life. Rule has received certification in using the principal diagnostic instrument for evaluating psychopathic characteristics (Dr. Robert D. Hare’s PCL-R) from the Darkstone Group, the only organization authorized to issue this certification in the world.

Born to Destroy ... Psychopathy in Females, a Life Story
Tamra Oviatt


My name is Haley, I am the Media Manager for Tamra Oviatt.

I’m reaching out to you on behalf of Tamra, she sent me your information because she would be honored to connect and be a guest on your show. As a teacher, award-winning author, and speaker, she is a visionary leader in the human potential movement. Tamra has helped over twenty thousand people worldwide and has trained over 400 practitioners internationally.

Tamra is the founder of Sacred Activations ® LLC, which was given to her by God and is one of the most powerful transformational energy work modalities available today. Tamra is an award-winning author of three books, and the recipient of The 2016 International publishing people’s choice award, as well as being featured on over 100 different radio shows, telesummits, webinars, and events.

Tamra identifies the collective subconscious of humanity, which she was taught runs 95% of the world, and plugs into God energy, which provides the needed information to shift people promptly and permanently. Many people have reported instantaneous healings from chronic and life-threatening conditions, as well as limiting patterns and belief systems. Tamra's changing the world by working in the subconscious of humanity and teaching others to do the same, shifting hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people at a time.

Tamra’s vision is, quite simply, world peace. Together we can make a difference.

To learn more about Tamra, I have provided a link to her media page, as well as a link to her website.

If you are also interested in connecting, please contact me and we can schedule a chat with Tamra.

My contact email:

More about Tamra's modality:

Thank you for your time,


United States

Tamra Oviatt is a visionary leader in the human potential movement. Tamra is a sought-after teacher, award-winning author and speaker. As one of the most gifted and powerful healers of our time, Tamra is the founder of Sacred Activations which was given to her by God and is one of the most powerful and transformational energy work modalities available today. Tamra is an award-winning author of three books, and the recipient of The 2016 International publishing people’s choice award in the category of spirituality.

Tamra received the first activation in 2012 from Archangel Metatron and since then over thousands have experienced Sacred Activations around the globe. Since the inception of Sacred Activations, Tamra has brought through over hundreds of powerful activations for every area of life that has been gifted to her from God Ascended Masters and Angels. Tamra has clients worldwide and has trained over 400 practitioners internationally has helped heal all around the world and spread the gifts Tamra has to offer.  

Tamra identifies the collective subconscious of humanity, which she was taught runs 95% of the world. Tamra plugs into God energy which provides the needed information to shift people instantly and permanently. Many people have reported instantaneous healing from chronic and life-threatening conditions as well as limiting patterns and belief systems. Tamra's changing the world by working in the subconscious of humanity and teaching others to do the same, shifting hundreds of thousands and even millions of people at a time.

Sacred Activations