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Kevin Murphy

The Three Rooms

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

By Kevin Murphy

What “Room” Are You In? The “Room” In Which Your Thoughts Reside Will Determine Your Quality of Business Success, Personal Relationships, Happiness & More!

Kevin Murphy Brings a New Approach to Transformative Living That is Simple,

Easy-to-Grasp, and Profound

Dear BBS Host:

Is your mind residing in The Past Room, where regrets, past hurts, painful memories, grudges or other memories are impacting you today? Or perhaps you are hanging out in The Future Room where worry, anxiety or fear haunt you daily?

Kevin Murphy has a powerful new book, called The Three Rooms: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life (River Grove Books) that actually shows you a roadmap to The Present Room, the one where all of that fades away and you can fully blossom into your highest potential, greatest success and a love-filled life.

While Eckhart Tolle and others have extolled the value of living in the present moment, many people have found that philosophy a challenge to implement. But the genius of Murphy’s new book is how easy and simple he makes it to realize when you are NOT—and how you can shift back into The Present Room.

Many readers will recognize themselves as he establishes the signs and consequences of living from either The Past Room or The Future Room. Most are not even aware of what room consumes their thinking—this eye-opening book will wake them up!

No more sleepwalking—as Murphy calls it--focusing exclusively on what you think, feel and hear from others—and what you perceive from your judgmental beliefs. When you are in The Present Room, you can experience truth and clearly perceive the messages Source has just for you. You can live in a state of love and acceptance.

Furthermore, Murphy shows the way to intentionally manifest from The Present Room without incurring the roadblocks and obstacles that are endemic to the other two rooms.

Murphy came to his spiritual and mystical awakening after a personal reckoning. As a single Dad, living in a small basement apartment at 33, he loosed his rage at God. It was the springboard to beginning his quest for answers. In due course, he became a highly respected options executive for Citigroup, married the love of his life, found the peace and joy he sought, and began to share his Three Rooms concepts with others.

Kevin can address:

How to train yourself to be the observer of your thoughts, and recognize which room you are in. How to activate the power of the question “Where Am I?” How to discover the difference between There and Here How you can actually feel the vibrational frequency of the Divine.

If you would like to interview Kevin Murphy on the way to navigating between The Three Rooms, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. Kevin is available for interviews after Sept. 4.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Kevin Murphy is a former Wall Street managing director, high school and collegiate wrestling champion, community activist, speaker, coach, and author of the book The Three Rooms.

During his highly successful 33-year career at Citigroup, Kevin was responsible for the sales, marketing and trading of several different businesses within the firm. He served on the Board of Directors of multiple option exchanges and spoke at conferences all over the world. He is a former chairman of the SIFMA Option Committee and has lectured both U.S. Regulatory and Congressional staff on the education of the options and securities markets. Kevin currently serves on the Board of Directors for Cboe Global Market’s six U.S. securities exchanges.

Following his college wrestling career, he has served as a youth wrestling coach on Long Island for over 30 years. His lifetime service to the sport of wrestling led to his induction into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2009. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the non-profit Friends of Long Island Wrestling, and has spear-headed a campaign to raise awareness of the opioid and drug epidemic that is sweeping the country. The campaign is called Wrestling Takes Down Drugs, and is designed to build self-esteem in students through the sport of wrestling, in order to help aid in the prevention of addiction for the next generation of young people.

These experiences have given Kevin a unique and eclectic mix of understanding human nature. He noticed that our happiness and unhappiness in life is always the result of our thoughts – whether observations of the present, memories from the past, or projected fears about the future. Combining this theory with the deep personal insights he attained along his own 20+ year spiritual journey, Kevin stepped away from the corporate world to write the book The Three Rooms, in which he explains how observing which room your thoughts are in, can change your experience of life.

Ann E Fonfa

I focus on finding the evidence around natural cancer strategies, lifestyle issues and holistic therapies.  I attend many conferences and lectures and share what I find as widely as I can.

I am the founder of cancer nonprofit (all-volunteer) Annie Appleseed Project.  Diagnosed in Jan 1993, unable to take chemo, against radiation, used natural approaches including lifestyle changes. 
Many tumors - am I the tumor Queen of North America with 25, FOURTEEN after mastectomy? 
I have learned a lot and share what I know.
Lon Dorsey
LANA RAWLS Tells about her life with Iconoclastic Singer Lou Rawls while Lon Dorsey, Lou's play brother does all of his music, and runs fan club

Lon Dorsey 38 year TV/Radio Host is whom MOST people don't know, the play

brother of Lou Rawls! That's right, the iconoclastic Singer, multiple Grammy

winner slash humanitarian who raised short order $200 million for UNCF, and

start in many movies, voice actor, you name it.


But wait a minutes, Lon looks and SOUNDS like Lou Rawls too, and at times

you can't tell who's actually singing.. Lou, or Lon. Wait a minute again, because

Lana Rawls, wife of Lou Rawls and mother of Lou Rawls, Jr. and Louanna Rawls,

and Lon are working on the book of Lou and Lana's life together! It has the

good and some of the bad in it.


The book, "The Real Lou Rawls Story," will be finished in about a month, and

Lana says that Lon will be in the book, and singing in the movie. Does Lon have

his own mind and voice - better believe it. But when he and Lou Rawls were

hanging out in Dallas, Texas, little did Lon know that he would be Lou's stand in

with the family.


A movie by the same name will be produced, and Lana says it will be a doozy!


Lana and Lon talk about the fire that kindled the soul of Lou Rawls, the good,

and the bad years. What did Lou Rawls say when he discovered that he and Lon

looked alike?


To book this interview, contact (713) 530-8188

and Speak with Don Kramer or Guest Relations.

Dr Ruth Anderson
I would be happy to speak about any of these topics:
*Walking with Spirit” means consciously living in the physical realm, while frequently connecting to divinity in the spirit realm and being open to all that they want me to experience. Every day I check in with my guides, Divine Mother, and God, sometimes seeking guidance, sometimes seeking connection, and sometimes seeking their healing abilities. Sometimes I communicate intuitively with animals, spot angel numbers (sets of repeating numbers that send a specific message) or receive lessons from the energetic realm through meditation.  I check in with Archangel Michael and my guides each morning and try to stay open throughout the day; I never know what my day is going to look like or what the next lesson might be. I have an understanding with Archangel Michael and Divine Mother that if they teach me life lessons, I will share them with others. My platform is my writing, and a weekly radio podcast called Walking with Spirit.
*I was shown a place in the ethereal realm where healing of souls with and without bodies takes place. Healing at "Open Clinic" is provided by Divine Mother and the archangels. As an intuitive, I have seen the souls that attend; I understand what their story is and what kind of healing they received, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual.
*Our loved ones who have passed away are not entirely gone. As souls continue to exist after our physical death, we are still connected to each other through love. I have been shown this repeatedly through meditation, and I have experienced it with my loved ones who have passed away. Our loved ones will be there to meet us when it is our time to transition over. How will they know when it is our time? They will know because they never really left us.
*Through meditation, I have witnessed a near-death experience without having to almost die physically. I was shown a tribunal of six beings and one archangel who interviewed me in spirit to determine which level of the residential afterlife, or Cathedral of Souls I was to reside in. I have seen each of the levels of the afterlife, including Heaven and Hell. For some reason, there seem to be a lot of folks today who don’t believe that there is such a thing as Hell. My friends, I have seen it and I beg to differ!
*Spirit has shown me that there are similarities between life in the afterlife and life here in the physical realm. I would be happy to expound on that with you and your listeners.
*Divine Mother and the archangels are ready and willing to connect with us, but many folks don't know that they exist, or don't know how to reach out to them. I am spreading the word to help address beliefs that keep people from connecting with the Spiritual Divinity, and modeling how to create a personal relationship with them.
Dr. Ruth Anderson is a lifelong student, teacher, and international best selling, award-winning author. Retired after a satisfying and worthwhile career in special education and public school administration, Ruth embraced her second calling, that of an intuitive reader and healer. After becoming a Reverend of the Church of Inner Light, she was given a ministry to witness and participate in the healing of souls with and without bodies in the ethereal realm called Open Clinic.
Author of One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic, and Walking with Spirit: Divine Illuminations on Life, Death and Beyond, Ruth is passionate about sharing energetic concepts and her experiences with the Spiritual Divinity. She hosts a weekly radio show, "Walking with Spirit" on International Angels Network which is available on BlogTalkRadio. Transformational sessions with private clients may include Reiki, spiritual counseling, energy reading, communication with the Spiritual Divinity, and soul to soul communication.  
In her latest book, Dr. Anderson describes her inspiring journey of walking hand-in-hand with archangels and the spiritual divinity. Her detailed stories create a nurturing backdrop for exploring the wonder of the spirit realm while providing answers to life’s most pressing questions:

What happens when we die?

How can I create a loving relationship with the archangels?

What can the spirit realm teach us about life on earth?

Walking with Spirit: Divine Illuminations on Life, Death and Beyond
Bruce Edwin

Bruce Edwin is founding CEO of mult-million dollar entertainment company Starpower Management, which represents over 10 billion dollars worth of deals in the areas of movie studios, masterworks of fine art, talent management company, feature film production company, PR company, Hollywood Sentinel dot com (only the good news), Grammy Award Winners, and more. Bruce's charitable work includes helping to stop child trafficking. He wrote a report that was partly used by the California State Assembly for the new law for agents, managers, and acting schools to keep kids more safe from abuse in Hollywood. He represented Michael Jackson's gutiarist David Williams. He resides in Los Angeles, California. 


Bruce Edwin is founding CEO of mult-million dollar entertainment company Starpower Management, which represents over 10 billion dollars worth of deals in the areas of movie studios, masterworks of fine art, talent management company, feature film production company, PR company, Hollywood Sentinel dot com (only the good news), Grammy Award Winners, and more. Bruce's charitable work includes helping to stop child trafficking. He wrote a report that was partly used by the California State Assembly for the new law for agents, managers, and acting schools to keep kids more safe from abuse in Hollywood. He represented Michael Jackson's gutiarist David Williams. He resides in Los Angeles, California. 

Sparrow Spaulding

I just released my first book, a memoir titled, Riding Standing Up. It's a coming of age story about my wild and crazy childhood growing up in small town New England. I am a multiple trauma survivor. I was abducted at age three by my biological father and hidden in the Deep South for over a year. I was raised my addicted, mentally ill parents. I was the oldest and became the protector of my family. I suffered many heartaches but I never lost my faith or spirit and unlike most trauma survivors (and memoirists) I dedicated my life to helping others. I became a psychotherapist and have worked in the field of mental health for over twenty years. Writing my personal story is an extension of my life's work. One fascinating part of my story is that I was sexually assaulted by my pediatrician at age eleven and 35 years later (last month) he pleaded guilty after I finally came forward. It's part of what prompted me to tell my entire story. I wrote the book to inspire people everywhere to tell their stories and that there can be happiness on the otherside of trauma.


Sparrow Spaulding is a retired psychotherapist turned coach, consultant, and now author. She has spent her career championing for the rights of others, especially in the field of mental health. Her clients contact her from all over the world and she works with everyone from stay-at-home moms to corporate executives. She has a soft spot for kids and adults on the spectrum and frequently consults with struggling parents. In her free time Sparrow reads, plays the piano and spends time in nature. She's already busy working on the follow up to Riding Standing Up, due out in Spring 2019.

joy Maestas

Hi, I have written a book that is part fact and part fiction and all Metaphysical!  Its my 4th self published book.  

Synopsis of  The Archangels Light

It takes you on a journey to discover the meaning of an energy grid placed over the earth and different spiritual ideas. Through the narrator’s journey you learn about your own.  You follow Abigail as she will self discover many new worlds and guide you on your own journey.  Let her show you how we can all help bring more light to the world.  It’s almost like a mystery as the narrator seeks to discover the answer to her questions.   I cover friendship, astral travel, Archangels and self awakening.


Rev. Joy, has been on a spiritual journey most of her life.  Being positive and joyful has lead her into the Metaphysical teachings of Dr Paul Leon Masters.  Rev. Joy received her Bachelor of Metaphysical Science, B.Msc., from the University of Metaphysics and she is also an ordained metaphysical minister, having received her ordination and practitioner diploma from the International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.  She also has a Masters in Ministry from the ULC Seminary in Calif.  Her purpose is helping others by teaching them to find the Universal Divine Love within each of us. Rev. Joy has a varied background in customer service, advertising, insurance and legal secretary skills.  She has already co authored and published, “The Wedding and Reception planning workbook” and “The DIY Wedding Guide”.  Her own books include “The New Ministers Handbook for the 21st Century”  “The Archangels Light” and”The Light in the Lake.” She also created her own Oracle card deck “A Joyful Oracle”.  Her articles have been published in “The Journal of Metaphysical Thought” 

Avishai Maimon

At times,people always need positive insights, encourgments,guidnaces, inspirations, and motivations. I wrote my books based on my own experiences, challenges, relationships, faith, wellnes, adversaries, and listening to my clients life stories.

United States

I have been treating animals and people from all walks of life with my extentive knowledge and experiences regarding massaging techninques, stretching, and magnetic therapy. I have traveled to various parts of the world to treat, teach, train, and volunteered in medical missions outside of the U.S.

stretch it - a simple guide to relive the body from pain,stress and tension
Jeff Jones LPC
Jeff Jones is a licensed therapist, addiction counselor, interventionist and family recovery coach. He has a mission to change the conversation about addiction in the addiction/recovery space with professionals and family members alike. With the creation of a 3 phase family program & online community, he’s both challenged and complemented best thinking about addiction & recovery. His vision is to collaborate with addiction professionals, therapists, and treatment facilities to empower family members to engage in a process of recognizing the structural problem around the addiction, resourcing themselves so they can best create a family environment that’s inhospitable to active addiction and sets them up realize how they want to be a family together in the future.
He was inspired to create a more collaborative approach to healing – by working with the family as a whole. Why? The answer is simple AND complex at the same time – the bottom line is that healthy family members allow healing to happen in the short-term and continue to heal far into the future. 
United States

Jeff Jones has expanded the context of addiction to families as a focus of skill building and practice in an online community, that develops social capital and expands potential solutions. At the core of the community, is a three-phase program that empowers families to safeguard their loved one in an addictive cycle or recovery, while they engage in a process to stop the addiction cycle in this generation. It is learning the three phases and integrating them into interactions, which increases resiliency and allows for addiction in the family to be an opportunity for transformation for the whole family.​

As a therapist, addiction counselor and interventionist, Jeff is conscious of the challenges and gaps in longterm healing. He was inspired to create a more collaborative approach to healing – by working with the family as a whole. Why? The answer is simple AND complex at the same time – the bottom line is that healthy family members allow healing to happen in the short-term and continue to heal far into the future.