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Michael Priv

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book YOU ARE PSYCHIC, THE HEALER'S HANDBOOK which I would like to be interviewed about: 

With YOU ARE PSYCHIC, my applied guide to remote viewing and energy healing, I am trying something that has never been done before. I am sharing esoteric knowledge and techniques intended to enable anyone to open up their psychic abilities and heal themselves and others. This is the culmination of over thirty years of research, which put me face to face and at times deep into a total of 28 different religions, got me stuck for 18 years in a cult at a secret desert location, introduced me up close and personal to a Puerto-Rican gang in New York and to Russian mafia hoods in Moscow, pitted me against the FSB in Moscow in 1993 in a battle of wits, made me a healer and an empath, got me gravely sick at times and then more or less well again, as I was developing a defense against the blackness I was coming in contact with, brought me repeatedly to the very top into the realm of complete clarity and immersion in peace, brought me crashing down again occasionally, introduced me to God and happiness and opened up to me a whole new magical realm of spirits.

How do you put out a user-friendly textbook on training psychics? That is the question. Arguments on theology are of no interest to me. My moto is DO THE DRILLS in this book. If you feel questions bubbling up or discontent whaling inside as you read the theory, do me a favor, clamp it all down and just DO THE DILLS. 

United States

Born in the Soviet Ukraine, I arrived to the USA in 1979 and went on to graduate the University of Pittsburgh to become a Construction Engineer. An insurance adjustor by day and a writer by night, I live in San Francisco Bay Area with my family. Since 1987 I had been an avid student of Eastern religions and had achieved some fame as a psychic healer. My writing career started in 2008 with the publication of my first novel, Friends of Fred, available on Amazon and elsewhere. My first Sci-Fi novel, The Fifth Battalion, an auto-biography, The Golden Fleece, as well as several of my short stories, marked by lighthearted view of life and a spark of spirituality, are available on Amazon.  I have recently released a collection of my selected short stories, The Roto-Rooter. I am about to release a psychic healing guidebook, under the working title You Are Psychic, The Healer’s Handbook. I am wrapping up the screenplay for The Fifth Battalion and working on it’s sequel under the working title The Baltizor Conspiracy. 

Cal Orey

As the author of the Healing Powers Series, I've got some new books due to be released that'll surprise you! The Healing Powers of Tea and The Healing Powers of Honey (both 2018) will keep you happy and healthy this fall and winter. Come December the 7th book in the collection The Healing Powers of Superfoods will wow you with favorite foods--not rabbit grub! 

United States

Cal Orey, M.A., is an accomplished author and journalist. She has a master’s degree in English from San Francisco State University, and for three decades has written hundreds of articles for national and international magazines. She specializes in topics such as health, beauty, nutrition, relationships, science, and pets. Her books include The Healing Powers of Vinegar, The Healing Powers of Olive Oil, The Healing Powers of Coffee, The Healing Powers of Honey, The Healing Powers of Chocolate, The Healing Powers of Tea, 202 Pets’ Peeves, and Doctors’ Orders. She lives in northern California. Readers are invited to visit her website at, read her blog The Writing Gourmet at, find her on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter. A Bonus: I am a frequent News Guest on Coast to Coast AM. I am the earthquake sensitive and predict tremors to tsunamis; I learned a lot from geologist Jim Berkland (I penned the biography The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes); and I write a monthly Earth Changes column. Plus, I work part-time as a phone psychic for the UK and U.S. I'm a "top producer" and get plenty of positive reviews.


Dear Talkshow Hosts,

Make lunch, not war. Food Fight: For Parents of Picky Eaters (Koehler Press, August 31, 2018) is a hands-on guide to understanding and reprogramming how families battle picky eating. It's loaded with proven tactics to help parents take mealtimes back.

As founder of a professional culinary school for children, author Chef Gigi Gaggero has coached thousands of children and adults in how to cook (and eat!) better.

Based on over 35 years of professional experience, Food Fight targets picky eaters with the science of flavor and taste mechanisms, teaching parents how to transform nutrient-dense meals into something delicious for their children's unique and developing palates.

In addition to behavioral tips and solutions, the book features over 60 innovative and practical recipes, including naturally colored Green Eggs and Ham, smashed-fruit filled Purple Tie-Dye Unicorn Muffins, umami-rich Dinosaur-as Teriyaki Drumettes, and hassle-free Homemade Soft-Serve Ice Cream.

Chef Gigi will be available for interviews on October 16, 2018. Would you like a media copy of the book or an interview?

Bon appetit,
Kathlene Carney


CHEF GIGI GAGGERO is a nationally recognized expert in children's culinary education. She is the Former Dean and Academic Director of Le Cordon Bleu’s Hospitality Management Program, and founder of Kids Culinary Adventures, a professional culinary school for children and teens. She has appeared in a variety of broadcast media outlets, has been a frequent guest on Radio Disney, and is a regular contributor to numerous parenting and health magazines.

Reed Summers

I am inspired by some important information I found about the alien activity in the world. Many perceive the alien activity in the world as angelic or demonic, but there isn’t a lot out there that perceive the activities of alien as an evolutionary track of humanity, in the sense that we’re the race that is being discovered.

Humanity is discovered by alien races, there are many people who witnessed ufo’s or abductees, but what does this activity means for us as the native race on this planet?

If found a very objective perspective by author Marshall Vian Summers, explaining the reasons of UFO activities in the world:

What is happening?

Why is it happening?

What does it mean?

What can we (humanity) do about it?

This book 'Allies of Humanity book One' is free to read online and a free ebook is downloadable for your audience. Attached is a copy.

Reed Summers the son of Marshall Vian Summers, would you consider Reed as one of your Guest?


Over twenty years ago, a group of individuals from several different worlds gathered at a discreet location in our solar system near earth for the purpose of observing the alien intervention that is occurring in our world.

From this group’s hidden vantage point, they were able to determine the identity, organization and intentions of those visiting our world and monitor the visitors’ activities.

This group of observers call themselves the “Allies of Humanity”.

For over 12 years, Reed Summers has been working on behalf of the Allies of Humanity and the Allies of Humanity Briefings, the revolutionary set of texts which reveal the secret agenda of those ET forces present in our world. These briefings provide a clear picture of who is here, why they're here and what they are doing on Earth.

Reed’s mission is to introduce to the world the Allies of Humanity perspective on the reality of Contact. Reed is promoting this essential education and preparation in order for humanity to successfully cross this evolutionary threshold and maintain our freedom and sovereignty as we prepare to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe.

Explore The New Message

Start your preparation with Steps to Knowledge - Free ebook available.

Find out more about 'Life in the Universe' - Free to read online

David Oakford

I met Zany Mystic about ten years ago.  He interviewed me about a near death experience book I wrote (Journey Through the World of Spirit)  

I have a new near death experience book titled Soul Bared: A Metaphysical Journey Second edition that was published today (9/11) My story is very profound

I look forward to hearing from you!


United States

David lives with his wife and family in the Detroit Metro area.

Catherine M Laub

As an advocate for mental health I share about my campaign; "Brighten Your Day with Turquoise". Turquoise is a calming color, uplifts us and helps us think clearly. I speak about my journey with physical and mental illness and how I inspire others with my podcast, “The Celestial Spoon”. If a guest requests it, I do a mini psychic card reading on the interview. They love this and it adds to our conversation because it brings out some thoughts they haven’t had before to apply into their business and personal lives.

My disposal system was working overtime most of my life. I even quit high school because of the embarrassment. Then in 2012 most of my colon was removed due to hundreds of precancerous polyps. This put my life on hold because I was “living in the bathroom” and I felt like a waste. Because of this horrible life I attempted suicide in 2014 during a crisis moment fighting with my husband. I knew this was God’s plan for me to have a mission and guide others to not allow themselves to get to a point of no return.

This journey took me from being a psychic and doing card readings to speaking to groups about making themselves come first. I wrote many stories in several books and continue to write to inspire others about self-care. This is so important now because of all the upset in the world. Many people are so stressed and feel they can’t go forward and are committing suicide. I speak about mental illness to rid the stigma and say “It’s OK”. You can talk about it and seek the support you need to feel better. With the correct guidance we can all overcome the difficult times with patience and understanding what we are feeling. These feelings are real and unique to each one of us and we are allowed to share them. Sharing these feelings is what will put us on the right path.

I talk about the color Turquoise and its power to help us feel better.

The meaning of the color turquoise is open communication and clarity of thought.

Turquoise helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word.

This is a color that recharges our spirits during times of mental stress and tiredness, alleviating feelings of loneliness.

You only have to focus on the color turquoise, whether on a wall or clothing and you feel instant calm and gentle invigoration, ready to face the world again!

This is a good color to aid concentration and clarity of thought for public speakers as it calms the nervous system, gives control over speech and expression, and builds confidence.

Print your speech notes on turquoise and every time you glance down you will feel the effects of the color.

Wear a turquoise stone as a bracelet, ring, etc.

There are many more explanations how turquoise helps us. I share them during my talks.

Please consider interviewing me for your show or event so I can inspire others to reach out and get the support they need.


I am Your Turquoise Angel Guide, the Host of The Celestial Spoon Radio Show, a 13 time Award-Winning Inspirational Author, a Speaker for Mental Health, and a Psychic & Spiritual Guide.

I help people feel better with my positive outlook and describing overcoming my own deep depression. As a Mental Health Speaker my campaign is "Brighten Your Day with Turquoise." Turquoise, because it is a calming color and helps us think clearly. I share my journey with mental illness on my self-produced podcast, “The Celestial Spoon”. My goal is to help others achieve their potential without the obstacles that get in the way. I’ve had many health challenges and want to guide others to understand how to live with illness and still have a normal life. I guide others through my spiritual skills to feel invigorated and empowered to go forward in their own struggles. I share this through speaking on stages and to intimate audiences.

When I share about a suicide attempt it is to inspire others to reach out for support before they get to the point of no return. This was actually an answer to a prayer to God and my Angels to help me feel better. Their answer came just 3 days after. This answer was to crawl under the barrel where the only way to go was up. I knew right away God had a mission for me. I had to experience lots of turmoil in my life so I could relate to others. By doing so I gain the attention of those who would not necessarily reach out for guidance.

I am proud of my accomplishments since that day in August 2014. I am an award-winning best-selling author, host and producer of my own podcast, an inspirational speaker, I created my own website, have a great presence on Facebook and continue to learn new things to be helpful to others.

In my book, “Journey of Angelic Healing, Stories to Feed Your Soul”, I share about my Advocacy for Mental Illness and how I help others through Self Help, Inspiration & Spirituality. As you read "Worthy of Respect" you will learn about my 3 adult children and how I failed them at times due to my mental illness. I am transparent and open in my writing and you will be inspired and encouraged. I hope my writing and sharing my story will help others.

I interview people on my podcast about their spirituality, inspirations and business ventures. We share our expertise and modalities to guide my listeners to feeling better. Listen to inspirational conversations relating to sometimes difficult emotional journeys towards Self-awareness and Spirituality. These journeys brought positive effects toward our guests Mental and Physical Health and will inspire you to take action and create a healthier and happier personal environment for yourself and those you interact with. Some of Catherine’s guests have been healers, teachers, scientists turned healers, a space shuttle engineer, near death survivors, authors, speakers, dreamers, angel communicators, psychics, and many more. You will get the feeling of knowing these people during these relaxing conversations.

I also psychically deliver information to people from the spiritual realm, their guides and angels that benefits them greatly with their lives. I do readings at local events, as well as performing sessions with clients world-wide, via phone and Skype, email and in person.

Journey of Angelic Healing, Stories to Feed Your Soul
Van Dao Duy

"Yes to can autism, ADHD, depression, failure and success be predicted, prevented, and ..."

As you see, they lack social skills, they cannot talk: language is the product of living environment - as your native language and my native language, we speak it naturally without thinking at all. We are not born with our native language, so I doubt their connection with their living environment and/or the state of mind that they donot want to learn

They are in the low level of this. For official test: you can test them with EQ test, and Aesop stories, metaphors, interacting, communicating or persuading. All these low-level vital skills make them never feel safe, connection to the environment: it makes them stress. Over time, it makes the downward spiral that make them more and more lack of social skills and suffer more stress. 


Dear Neurologist, psychiatrist, sociologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, educators, sleep therapists, cardiologist, language therapists, educators, trainers, teachers: there is no separation in the health of heart, stomach, muscle, cognitive thinking, sleeping, hormone system: all are interdependent and under the state of mind. IT IS THE ADVANTAGES OF EASTERN PHILOSOPHY AND THE BASIC OF EASTERN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE.


Remember when working with the MIND: irrational mind, the giant brain evolved for millions of years, illogical mind and Placebo effects, Neuro-plasticity, Mirror neurons, self affirmation, self-talk, nocebo effects, T1/2 of all substances, taboos, rituals, religious belief, compound effects, CONDITIONED RESPONSES, and MAGICAL ADAPTABILITY, ILLUSIVE MIND, Self healing/destroying, IRRATIONAL THINKING, Subliminal message, Marketing of luxury brand, and Hysteria: what do we feed the mind of beings everyday?

And what if all of these lead to negativity or positivity? Maybe Outliers or Failures!

5 mins of rapping can affect whole life.

5 mins of abusing can make victims fear whole life

1 mins of bombing, earthquake, fear, hysterical stress the killing can affect their whole life.

It creates the conditioned of Fight and Flight that they cannot consciously control.

They rarely joy

It is said by genes

So they accept it as gifts

Or nobles term, not diseases

Even they take more expensive medication than others.

How I know they are under stress: read their behaviors, read the body language. In stress state, stress chemicals: adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisol will dominate the body. The effect is listed in any medical book, look closer we can see all these effects are available in kids, to some extents, the effects caused by stress chemicals are the best answer for the autistic rainbow.

Sorry, they are not happy with the label GIFTED.

Real needs of beings and real lack of modern people: we can make the qualitative or quantitative studies:

1. Unconditional love: love with greed, anger, ignorance is not real love. Right love should be with UNDERSTANDING: the self, other, and situation.

2. Connection: people, animal, diversified nature, understanding with parents: technology cut all chance of connection and make poor of any connection people have.

3. Chances or suitable problems to build muscle, the ability to help them deal with the fact of life.

4. Unstressed environment: happy, warm, cheering; then make them have the feeling of safety, certainty to work, try, play, do and fail

The light at the end of the tunnel: Nick Vujicic, Hellen Keller, Franklin D. Rosevelt, Steven Hawking, Paralympic athletes are disabled.

As pharmacists, we do not dispense prescribed medication to healthy ones.

ASKING THE SAGE: "HOW THERE ARE SO VARIOUS PEOPLE?" HE SAID: "ONLY BABIES ARE BORN!" and he smiles: " We are living on heavenly earth." " It is Nature, not God"

Việt Nam

Van Duy Dao, born 1986, had completed Pharmacist Bachelor degree in Hanoi University of Pharmacy. I am a pharmacist, personal development lover and meditation practitioner.

Proud to be a pharmacist, but he is ashamed of the failure of knowledge and the medication in healing many unknown Causes. Most of the medications only make temporal relief and many medications chronic patients have to take in their lifetime. Worst of all: mental illness, depression, ADHD, Autism, suicide, and gunfire, social problems seem to go against all the advancement in economic, standard living and Giant leap in technology. I keep on searching. Advantage of the general knowledge in medicine, physiology, psychology, pharmacology, management, marketing, selling, persuading, motivating; and the mixing of Eastern Philosophies: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism which full of paradoxical subtle profound knowledge in the art of living, virtues, purposeless, pace of nature to gain success, health, happiness, and inner-peace in daily life.

Tamalla Mallet

As someone who helps people understand and align to their Soul and Soul Purpose and clear out any blocks around living that in a proud and empowered way, I am honored to stand in my own Sacred Soul Work. 

I love people enough to tell them the Truth and when necessary to call them on their Self Sabotaging thoughts, emotions and actions and open them to their own Divine Guidance that is available to them. 

I am all about empowering people to be their own Super Heros so they can create the relationships, careers, health, fun, manifestations and life they really want to have, now. 

I am open, funny and real. Keeping life in perspective and bringing in all that is available for us to leap into the new paradigm our planet is shifting to right now of Sacred Partnership and Union, where every Being is equal.

United States

Tamalla is both a Certified Catalyst Facilitator and Shamanic Magdalene High Priestess offering catalyzing clarity and empowerment, co-creating the new evolution of Souls and Gaia in this powerful transformational time. She asks the hard questions so you can find those hidden incongruences that are attracting chaos, drama, confusion or just not attracting what you want.

She is a highly skilled Akashic Records Clearer offering the critical clearing of blocks and restrictions that are keeping you from your Highest Potential. These clearings work for all of your lifetimes! She does this in conjunction with her Transformational Readings and Workshops.

She is a Psychic Channel bringing in new information and support for the clearing and moving forward processes that help you make the changes you want stick! She does these through live and recorded channelings either in-person or online.

Dr Kevin Gyurina

Whether it’s new, chronic or recurring, physical mental or emotional, pain can stop you in your tracks. The good news is, there is a reason for your pain. Life is trying to tell you something. You just need to get the message.

This information is for you if:

– No matter what you try, your pain always comes back, – You Just can’t find any answers to your health problems, – The older you get the more pain you have, – You’ve tried everything, gone everywhere and can’t get relief, – You want to be pain free once and for all.

Dr Kevin reveals the secrets to:

– How symptoms hold the key to more freedom, – How to make your body tell you what it really needs, – One simple practice that will change your life forever (The Body Breathing Technique), – The little known connection between pain, body parts and emotions, – Getting rid of your pain once and for all.
United States

My heart lead me to follow opportunities where many would look elsewhere.

The challenges and difficulties I found myself in became the silver lining and the path to greater levels of physical health, fulfillment, peace and happiness.

Gaining in-depth knowledge and ability lead me to heal myself and now the passion to share my amazing experiences and insights with others is my calling.

And as it is said….
“Physician, Heal thy self”

I  had become aware that I have the absolute talent to help others, yet I was ill and had to restore my body, heart and mind first.

I took this seriously …  and I am happy to say because of my struggles I have truly actualized myself!

My personal journey has taken me to various points around the world, and because of these experiences I have developed a unique perspective, as well as a mastery of multiple chiropractic and energy healing modalities, which have led me to create my own unique style.

Dr Kevin Gyurina