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Ani Anderson

Guest for Your Show

Find Your Soul's Agenda:

The One Word That Will Make Your Whole Life a Success

By Ani Anderson, (OT, LMT, CEMP, SBMC)

Discovering the Simplicity That Makes Everything Clear, Direct, Empowered and Natural


What if there was just ONE WORD that can explain everything in your life, lead you out of disappointment and struggle, point you to your purpose, enable you to make all your decisions in alignment with your empowered destiny and heal your relationships? 

Wouldn't that make life easier, healthier, more joyful-and even more abundant?

Well, indeed there is such a "magical" word, and Ani Anderson will show you how to discover that precious treasure--the key to setting a course driven by Your Soul's Agenda.  

In her breakthrough book Find Your Soul's Agenda: The One Word That Will Make Your Whole Life a Success, Anderson--thought leader, speaker, and coach on the leading edge in personal development--guides you through this illuminating and life-changing process.

With 65% of Americans admitting to taking anti-depressants in the recent past months, it is clear that people are living lives that conflict with their inner values, desires and gifts.

Ani was one of those individuals who thought her success would be achieved by buttonholing herself into being "normal"-as society defined it. But it wasn't until her marriage fell apart, she was separated from her children, she felt the approbation of her small-town community, and her life became untenable that she realized that there was something else calling to her. 

It was in contemplating the Yin Yang symbol -- which articulates the mysteries of the whole universe in one simple, yet profound image-- that she had a revelation which opened the door to experiencing wholeness through her inspired Find Your Soul's Agendaprocess. This process restores people to nature so that everything flows in accordance with their divine blueprint. Once that is revealed, than everything makes sense and every decision can be weighed against the question: "Does this further my Soul's Agenda?"

That clarity paves the way for building an exceptional life that feeds the soul; supports mental, emotional and physical health; makes unconditional love accessible in all aspects of life; and a provides purposeful and meaningful worklife that is fulfilling.     

Ani says, "In a world that is so caught up in focusing on drama, negativity and complexity, the Find Your Soul's Agenda process is the answer for the someone who has had enoughand is ready to experience the fulfillment, presence and simple satisfaction of a meaningful life, full of love and purpose. We need to remember that we are all a part of nature. Most people don't understand this. But it's time for us all to remember and learn."

Ani (pronounced  Ah-Knee) Anderson is CEO of the internationally regarded NEW Health Inc., headquartered in Willsboro, NY,  a personal and professional development company that serves private clients, groups, and corporations with trainings on self-leadership, motivation, stress resiliency, and Sensation-Based Mindset methods. With her partner and husband Brian Trzaskos, they help others to unearth their One Word, and set a course that is unique to their Soul's Agenda...not dictated by society or other influences.

To interview Ani Anderson on how to Find Your Soul's Agenda, 

please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.  

(772) 332 0528 

Missi Hatfield

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Ani Anderson, MS, OT, LMT, CEMP, SBMC is the creator of the Find Your Soul’s Agenda process and co-creator of Sensation-Based Mindset coaching.

In the year 2000, after graduating with her masters degree in Occupational Therapy, Ani quickly found that the constraints of the western medical system did not offer her the creativity or freedom to be able to deliver complete and meaningful treatments to her clients. So she left to pursue private practice, helping people heal using energy medicine practices.

In 2012, Ani’s personal life crumbled. She became the person who needed healing, and none of her therapist friend’s could help her. This was when Ani found life coaching. Feeling lost, she took 3 different courses to help her find her purpose. And although the results were similar, none of them seemed remotely attainable. Using her background in Chinese Medicine and Energy Healing, she came up with her own purpose system, Find Your Soul’s Agenda.

After Ani used the Find Your Soul’s Agenda process to heal her own life, she began teaching others and the results were profound. Now it’s a process that she uses with every one of her coaching clients because it distinctly identifies not only a person’s purpose, but also their most habituated self-sabotaging pattern. Using the Soul’s Agenda process makes helping her client’s achieve their goals almost effortless.

Find Your Soul’s Agenda is a proprietary assessment that Ani and her husband Brian have developed, use with their client’s, and teach in their Sensation-Based Mindset Coaching certification program. Developed from over 45 years of combined experience in holistic medicine, Sensation-Based Mindset coaching applies the cutting-edge science of emotional construction and physical pain to leverage the wisdom of the entire body in the transformational process. Using the WHOLE mind allows clients to break through old patterns of behavior more effectively, go deeper into personal transformation, and reach higher in self-expression than traditional coaching and personal development methods.

Ani is the CEO of NEW Health Inc., a personal and professional development company that serves private clients, groups, and corporations with trainings on selfleadership, motivation, stress resiliency, and Sensation-Based Mindset methods. Their clients maximize their motivation, productivity, and innovation to become the sought after, big impact experts in their respective fields and organizations.

Ani lives in a log cabin, nestled between the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains and Lake Champlain. She, her husband and kids can often be found swimming in the lake, skiing, enjoying the amazing local food or riding the ferryboat back and forth to school.

Jamie Hawley BA MEd

What is your most important asset?  I think we'd agree health is everything. I started 22 years ago in this company due to the itegrity of the flagship product realizing full well that I could share this product with people knowing it would at the very least give them better quality of life. This line of health products is NOT based on MLM histaria or hyped up testimonials making outrageous medical claims. We have global recognition, the product has been used in veterans hospitals in the US. Immunotec has invested 25 million dollars proving Immunocal could and does provide the building blocks for the production of cellular glutathione. Immunotec abides by the gold standard in medical research: randomized, staistically significant double-blind placebo-controlled, human studies.  This is not your run of the mill health product 


I have been a consultant with Immunotec for 22 years. Why? Simply because we have very well researched information based upon double blind studies showing the efficay of our flagship product which has 59 published research articles, 37 clinical studies appearing in respected medical journals in fact 24 different medical journals.

Alex Monty Canawati

A graduate of the USC school of cinematic arts, i was amused to find paranormal activity in the dailies of my film RETURN TO BABYLON.  The actors started to literally morph in frame-by-frame analysis.  This phenomenon captured the attention of MY GHOST STORY producers and a segment was shot for its first season in 2011.  They have been repeated airings over the years, creating a cult following for the film.

However the patterns IN the film were also OUTSIDE the film.  I began having a large amount of supernatural visits, which included silent film stars Charlie Chaplin and Rudy Valentino, filmmakers Walt Disney and Alfred Hitchcock.  But the most mind-blowing and intense visits came from Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ.   Her visits started in 2002, with photography being strictly prohibited until June 2016.
On June 15, 2016, I checked into the STAR MOTEL in Norwalk, California.  I saw the curtain slightly open, with the sun's rays slowly start to paint an image on the adjacent wall.  With moments, i immediately recognized the figure to be Mother Mary.  I was shocked when in Her message She encouraged me to photograph Her.
On Feb 17, 2017, i checked myself back into the STAR, hoping for another visit.  I definitely got it.  This time She appeared as the Virgin of Guadalupe.  The iconic stars in Her yellow veil are distinct, as well as the embroidery.  
In December of 2015, National Geographic put Mother Mary on their cover claiming Her to be the most powerful woman in the world.
Those i have shared the images with reacted in complete awe and fascination.  Here i include images from both separate experiences, as well as a picture of myself.  This story can definitely inspire many.
Alex Monty Canawati
Mother Mary on National Geographic
Scott Short

I have created a platform for aspiring writers to get published and aspiring actors to get exposure. I do this by combining both skills, one writes, then actors act. My goal, which I am 100% sure I will achieve, is to get this in a format such as America's Got Talent since writers can never win. On my site, I will have writers write a story and then actors act it out on Youtube. Then the audience votes.

United States

I am 43 years old. I graduated with a Bachelor's Of English at Warner University in Lake Wales, Florida. I taught English for 10 years in Florida as well as Ukraine and Russia.

Joy Elaine

I would love to have a chance to share with you and your listeners information I have gathered from galactic and ascended masters about the future of humanity and Earth.

The six books I have written and self-published offer readers the chance to step into their roles in Earth's evolution and have fun as they do so. 

I can also share information about such diverse topics as the Ashtar Command, dragons and fairies, (what they look like, what they do and when we'll be able to interact with them) elves, leprechauns, the Egyptian pantheon and Thor.

Warm regards, 

Joy Elaine

United States

My three decades of study in different forms of energy work—Reiki, past life regression, Akashic record reading, shamanism, angelic healing and SVH (Serenity Vibration Healing)—have given me the background as well as the tools and techniques to be able to bring forth the information in The Joy Chronicles..

The Joy Chronicles
Jeroen de Wit

I've been on the Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon before, and would like to be a guest on that show again.

Our life's journey moves according a pattern that surfaced through doing QHHT with clients over the last 12 yrs. This pattern eludes to a benificial supportive universe, helping us to release limitiong notions about ourselves and to embrace Who We Are: the Universe expressed in our individuated experience. I'd like to talk about what this pattern is, how it surfaced and how one can recognize it in one's life, to hopefully help people to love themselves more by embracing their authenticity. 


Jeroen de Wit is on the planet to midwife as many people as possible into living an authentic life. He does this using QHHT, Energy Healing and teaching about consciousness and meditation. His strange looking name is actually a very common name in his country of origin: the Netherlands.

​He was trained in QHHT by Dolores Cannon in 2006, has since regressed hundreds of people and his regression work is featured in the HayHouse book 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' by Cathy Byrd. His monthly group regressions are the official partner with Dr Claire White's and CSUN's research study on the effects of past life meditative experiences.

He is a certified Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique, EMF Balancing Technique, Quantum Touch and Dolores Cannon level 3 QHHT practitioner.

He holds a BA in Art Therapy and an MA in Spiritual Psychology of the University of Santa Monica and has over 7500 hrs of experience studying energy healing or therapeutic techniques, and working with individual clients or groups.

Other interests include photography, exploring nature around Los Angeles, making art, spending time with his cat Kitty, traveling and dance.

Aisha Z Shael

If you feel like life is giving you lemons, I can teach you how to use the power of intention to make champagne, instead of lemonade, and you will transform your life


In a search for happiness which seemed so illusive to me, I embarked on a journey in 1989 which led me not only to the awareness that I had been deeply traumatized and abused as a child, but also to the reawakening that there is much more to experience than the five physical senses. After many years of studying metaphysics and transforming my life, I have emerged with my own synthesis of spiritual insights, gifts, and skills. I now offer the wisdom and the expertise that I've gained through my journey to help others accelerate their own transformation. Although I am certified as a Holistic Coach and Reiki Master, my natural abilities lie beyond the realm of those designations. My passion is to push the limitations of the human experience into the stratosphere of the highest spiritual perception and the highest spiritual experience possible. ​ I am an evolution advancer.

Life Gave Me Lemons, and I Made Champagne
Meir Schneider

Join Meir Schneider, PhD, LMT, to find out how easy-to-perform movement and vision exercises can work together to heal your body and eyes. Meir will explain the relationship between the body and eyes and talk about exercises to improve circulation to your eyes by loosening tension in your neck and back. Vision can improve!  

Hear about Meir's newly released book Awakening Your Power for Self Healing, designed to teach you how to bring the power of healthy movement into every part of your life and overcome disabilities and diseases on which others will tell you to give up.  Awaken your power of self healing!


Meir Schneider, PhD, LMT, healed himself of congenital blindness and developed an original holistic approach to health. Meir has devoted his life to teaching people how to heal themselves by addressing every aspect of their being. He is the founder of the School For Self-Healing in San Francisco, California.

Melinda J Kelly

Guest for Your Show

Finding Your Coach, Diving Deep Within

By Melinda J. Kelly

Have You Contemplated Hiring a Coach for Life, Business or a Specific Issue in Your Life?

Have You Tried It and It Didn't Work, but You Know You Need 



Melinda J. Kelly makes the case for why you should hire a coach and what you have to do to make sure it's a successful collaboration and investment

Dear Jeff: 

Are you a "coach resister?"

You're afraid to invest the money? Don't want to give up control to someone else? Think you know better and if you tough it out, it will get better? You've tried and it didn't work, so you won't give it another shot? 

Until, maybe, the hammer comes down! Your business hits rock bottom, partner leaves you, your health deserts you, you're so miserable you're loading up on anti-depressants?

That's usually when someone gets desperate enough to hire a coach. But Melinda J. Kelly says it's a mistake to wait that long when there are so many ways for you to thrive and succeed NOW with a coach that's right for you. 

But there's more to it than just hiring a have to be ready, willing and have the right mindset to make the relationship succeed...and she tells you how you can go deeply within to prepare yourself for a coaching relationship that will take you far beyond what you can do on your own.

She provides the roadmap in Finding Your Coach, Diving Deep Within.

Melinda's own crucible came when she realized the family business that she had been a part of for most of her life was collapsing, and she didn't have a passion for it.

Trying to fix things from the body of knowledge she already had kept her from seeing solutions that eluded her own knowledge base. An unwillingness to open up to others and to trust - or to listen to what she didn't want to hear meant that she was preventing her own forward motion. Even attending events, seminars, webinars and conferences in business and personal growth didn't prove fruitful because the information wasn't sinking in. 

But then Melinda started asking herself some critical questions that made her realize that she couldn't do it alone, and she needed the help of someone who had trailblazed ahead of her, and could show her the way.

In Finding Your Coach Melinda illuminates those questions, and the various ways that we dismiss coaching as a solution for whatever isn't working in our lives. She shows how to overcome those objections, and the alternate mindset position that opens the way for a successful coaching relationship.

She takes into account how you look at authority, how to manage your time efficiently so that you can actually follow through on a coach's recommendation, how you deal with distractions that pull you away from what is necessary to create change, is money really the issue when you resist coaching, can you accept responsibility for changing your life?

She has a section on "Know They Teacher, Know Thyself"...selecting the right kind of coach based on your personality traits, plus the various types of coaching models and how that would work into your lifestyle. And she offers some great insights into how you define success, and what that means for your coaching relationship.

Melinda got over herself! And has not only hired one, but several coaches--and is now a coach herself. Her book is a powerful resource to get you out of the stuck zone.

Melinda can address some of the points included in:

The 7 questions to ask yourself when you start working with a coach
The 7 questions to ask yourself about how you learn
The 4 questions to ask yourself as you embark on your new course.

To interview Melinda J. Kelly on Finding Your Coach, Diving Deep Within please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.


With a successful career in Melinda’s family business, it would have been easy to continue and gently ride into the sunset. But a combination of major life events – reviewing the future for the business, the direction of a key relationship, and a family member’s health issues - derailed those plans, leading to a reassessment of Melinda’s life as she had known it, had planned it. 

Suddenly, there were new questions before Melinda. Lots of questions. 

On her journey toward answers, Melinda was able to work with many thought leaders, coaches, as well as draw upon her experiences in non-profit volunteer work. Patterns and traits began to emerge, for herself, with others. As Melinda started to question herself, she found that the questions often brought great comfort and understanding. It is Melinda’s observations that became Finding Your Coach, Diving Deep Within. 

Acknowledging that often we don’t know how we have become stuck, or can’t see the way to the next place, can be the starting place of wisdom. Looking at common ways most people continue to not hear what is going on in the room, helped her to find her path, and so we can begin to engage again. In the hope that we can all find what we are looking for, Melinda also discusses the various ways to view success, beyond the limited way of financial success. More, the question for many of us is do we want success? Happiness? Both? Do we know? Have we thought about it? 

In embracing the Power of the Question, Melinda found a strength to see herself, and the world, that left her feeling supported and empowered. After a life seeking answers to put the matter to rest, it turns out the questions have become Melinda’s best companions. And you? Your questions?