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Jamie Hawley BA MEd
Your Pitch

What is your most important asset?  I think we'd agree health is everything. I started 22 years ago in this company due to the itegrity of the flagship product realizing full well that I could share this product with people knowing it would at the very least give them better quality of life. This line of health products is NOT based on MLM histaria or hyped up testimonials making outrageous medical claims. We have global recognition, the product has been used in veterans hospitals in the US. Immunotec has invested 25 million dollars proving Immunocal could and does provide the building blocks for the production of cellular glutathione. Immunotec abides by the gold standard in medical research: randomized, staistically significant double-blind placebo-controlled, human studies.  This is not your run of the mill health product 


I have been a consultant with Immunotec for 22 years. Why? Simply because we have very well researched information based upon double blind studies showing the efficay of our flagship product which has 59 published research articles, 37 clinical studies appearing in respected medical journals in fact 24 different medical journals.
