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Banu Sekendur MA

I experienced a near-death break-up that launched me into a search to learn about self-love, transformation, and forgiveness. I believe that the challenges we face in life are opportunities for spiritual growth and to live in higher consciousness. I feel passionate about helping people grow and heal through their hardest challenges. I would love to spread a message of hope for healing and spiritual elevation.  


Banu Sekendur, MA is an intuitive relationship coach and an energy healer. She left Seattle and moved to Hawai'i to start a new life a near-death break-up and became the coach she had been wishing for. Her passion is finding and cultivating what makes people light up as well as removing energetic, emotional, and mental splinters that create blocks to joy. 

Susan Epstein


Susan Epstein, LCSW is a business coach and strategist  working with coaches, therapists and healers to fill their practices and then leverage their time.  She does this by offering, Masterclasses,  Masterminds, Group Coaching Programs and Individual Coaching.   Susan coaches her clients to follow her model by focus on taking consistent action,  eliminating distraction, finding their ONE THING and then focusing on constant reevaluation in order to hit their business goals.

Susan graduated from Clark University in Worcester, MA  where she earned a B.A. degree in Sociology and Spanish with a minor in Psychology. She pursued her M.S.W. from the University of California at Berkeley School of Social Welfare. She later completed training with the internationally accredited Coaches Training Institute.

After a 25-year career as a psychotherapist in private practice she launched her first coaching business.  Susan was a pioneer in Parent Coaching Industry and founded the Parent Coach Academy a Parent Coach Certification Program. She has trained and certified hundreds of parenting coaches.  Susan later joined Christian Mickelsen's team and helped him reach $5mm by leading his Sales Team, Coach Team and Mastermind Groups.

Susan is a published author with Premier Publishing with the following books:

'Over 60 Techniques, Activities & Worksheets for Challenging Children & Adolescents' and '55 Creative Approaches for Challenging & Resistant Children & Adolescents: Techniques, Activities, Worksheets'. Her soon to be published book, "Creative Interventions for Challenging Children &  Adolescents. Over 220 Techniques, Activities & Worksheets for Clinicians * Teachers * Parents* Caregivers', will be released in late 2018.

She recently self-published, 'Our Very Best Advice to Succeed in Business: Insider Secrets to Build Your Thriving Business' (Feb 2018) which achieved 'Amazon Best Seller' in 3 Categories.

anthony price

Gold Star Families are those left behind when we lose a hero in the military. If I gave my life, I'd like to think someone would do for my family all the things I had planned to do myself, but didn't get done. That's what the Gold Star Ride Foundation does.

In 2018, I took off on my motorcycle to visit as many families as I could throughout the US and provide anything they needed. I Rode nearly 18,000 miles, covered 44 states, burned up 2 sets of tires, met thousands of Americans, and Rode for 58 days. 

Yours, Very Sincerely and Respectfully is the book telling the true story of that adventure. All the bad motels, the extreme conditions of heat, cold, road construction, and rain, the breakdowns, and the people. The extraordinary people.


In the summer of 2012, one man was introduced to the idea of our nation’s Gold Star Families in a very personal way.

Since that day, that one man has worked tirelessly to find a means and method to do anything to promote the honor of any Gold Star Family in the United States; even if it meant going to another country.

Born the ninth child in a family of thirteen, Anthony Price has never had it easy. That may have been the ingredient needed to live out this story.

Yours, Very Sincerely and Respectfully is that story. Taking the closing line from Abraham Lincoln’s famous Bixby Letter, the title encapsulates the message in five words better than any other description.

The story laid out in this book tells everything. It tells you how it began. It tells you why Gold Star Families are important. It details the pitfalls of starting a charity, raising money, and the dangers of Riding a motorcycle nearly twenty thousand miles to get the mission accomplished.

The story explains how someone with a dream, passion, and maybe an insane amount of stubbornness will win the day. Persistence will bring ideas to light more than any other ingredient.

Yours, Very Sincerely and Respectfully
Eric Atkinson

I am very passionate about my music. I put my heart and soul into making music I believe the world wants to hear. I want to share my talent and make people happy. In being interviewed I can let the people know about my music and how a small town guy from The Plains, Ohio can make it in this world. In a town riddled by drugs and alcohol, I found my music saved me from this. I believe anyone can make it and I'd love to share my story as to how this can be.


Eric Atkinson is a country singer/ song writer / guitarist from a little town called The Plains, Ohio. Eric has played a lot of shows throughout his life including his favorite city Nashville Tenn. at the legendary bar The Hard Rock Café .Eric's career dates back to his rock roots from Randy Rhoads to Johnny Cash and many more and continues to evolve his career in music providing country music to feel his dream and passion of music. He also loves to write songs as well and is willing to collaborate with other artists as well.

Eric Atkinson
Siobhan Nicolaou
I would very much enjoy being interviewed on any number of topics realated to Non Duality such as Alchemy, Energy Management, Energy Transformation, Golden Light in this dimension, Non resistance, The Perception of Love, Truth , God Consciousness , Christ Consciousness.

Siobhan Nicolaou The Sword of Truth is a published Author, Medium for Spirit, Metaphysician, and Master Alchemist who has been teaching Energy Management, Energy Transformation, and Sovereign Development for 25 years.

​She is in the Empowerment Business which offers individual and group support through  Readings, Meditations,  Tele-Classes and Activations for your harmonious Spiritual and Creative unfolding. These tools are for everybody in any profession or walk of life.

Siobhan Nicolaou, is an Emissary of Truth that assists in your  awakening by offering you tools and guidance from higher consciousness that dissolve separation, opening your heart to the voice of wholeness and your unique expression of this vibration in the world. 

​​Their mission is to empower you with what she embodies as a sustainable path of wholeness and peace.

​When she is not out in the field transforming homes and lives, she is teaching the language of Love through Readings, Classes and Meditation.

The Absence of Evil, Love's Reclamation of The Soul
Anne Beaulieu

Hi! I coach on limiting beliefs. For example, what prevents someone from making a 6-7 figures salary? What is it that makes a man/woman go for the same type of romantic relationships? What does it take to be a better communicator? A loving parent? A more assertive person? Between here (current results) and there (wanted results) is what I coach on as an EQ coach. I am comfortable on podcasts, video and/or audio, and I will promote the episode and podcast itself. Thank you for considering my request of being a guest on your podcast. Warm Regards, Anne


Anne Beaulieu is an Emotional Intelligence coach and speaker, who delivers self-awareness tools and techniques that empower women to take charge of every area of their lives, including their finances.

Through the use of concrete and relatable examples, Anne assists women in becoming the leader of their thoughts, their feelings, and their decisions. She moves her audience away from their current emotional nightmares and safely guides them towards a life filled with a strong sense of worthiness, self-love, freedom, and a deep sense of honouring self and others.

Anne speaks and coaches in English, French, and Chinese Mandarin. Her coaching clients range from individuals to businesses; people like you, who feel stuck between the beliefs they’ve been unconsciously carrying since childhood and the kind of results they want to experience now.

Anne Beaulieu is an internationally accredited Emotional Intelligence coach with The Coach Training Academy and the Certified Coaches Alliance. She is also an accredited coach with the International Coach Federation. A graduate speaker of Dov Baron’s Authentic Speaker Academy for Leadership, Anne embodies what she wishes to see more often in our world: an empowered woman who leads from her heart.

Besides being an expert in the field of Emotional Intelligence, Anne holds a bachelor’s degree in Translation, a master’s degree in Economics, and she is a Chartered Financial Analyst. She is the author of The Emotionally Intelligent Way©, a series of 20+ books presenting Adult Fairy Tales For Developing Emotional Intelligence, Case Studies For Emotional Intelligence Driven Sales, a comic strip called The EQ Way©, with the addition of this new series called Save Yourself!

Victoria Fann

I'm a writer, and like anyone struggling to fit creative time in between family time, work and household stuff knows, there is a lot of frustration and, in my case, there were many unfinished projects. But then, several years ago, something shifted: I discovered my Muse. I’m not sure exactly how it happened, or the specific moment, but what I do remember is a period of time when something just clicked. Perhaps my Muse felt sorry for me, perhaps she was tired of waiting, or perhaps I’d reached a critical convergence of ideas and number of hours invested in writing combined with an undying passion for the creative process. Whatever it was, a door opened and out of the blue, I felt myself let go.  My need to control fell away and I found myself tapping into something much larger than just me. It felt as though a Divine Presence stepped in to help, not only with inspiration and ideas, but also with the actual execution of these ideas into forms that had structure, and yet flowed out onto the page.

The creative process shifted from a place of strain and struggle to effortless collaboration.  A weight was lifted when I discovered I simply had to show up and get out of the way, letting the work flow through me. This way of creating permeated all aspects of my life including my coaching practice, the classes I taught, the groups I facilitated, and whenever I spoke in public.

 It was as though I’d stumbled onto a big secret. 

Over time, I learned the importance of honoring this relationship with my Muse by treating my creative life in a sacred way. It was my desire to share this discovery that lead me to write a book. I self-published it in December 2018. It's called Creativity Alchemy: Accessing the Extraordinary Power of the Muse to Transform Your Art & Your Life

Working with my Muse, the creative process took on a much larger scope. I began to see a connection between my creative life and my spiritual life. My Muse created a natural bridge between these two aspects of my life. Now I see them as a continuous, seamless circle that draws from the same Source. In addition, my problem with finishing projects stopped being an issue. Working in partnership with my Muse elevated my confidence enough to push through most of the resistance, or fear that came up. I no longer tried to control or lead the process, but rather trusted the greater intelligence enough to follow it where it wanted to go.

Taking the control away from my ego and handing it over to my Muse also allowed me to remove any attachment I had to the outcome of my work. This freed me up to simply enjoy the journey, rather than focus only on the results of my efforts. It’s the alchemy of creativity at its best: a catalyst that uplifts, frees, and transforms you into that authentic soul, expressing yourself authentically as only you can.

What more could any creative spirit want than that? 

United States

Victoria Fann is a writer, transformational coach, creative guide and community builder. She’s been facilitating groups and leading creative workshops throughout the U.S. since 1989. Her dance with the written word has been a constant in her life giving birth to poetry, articles, essays, plays, screenplays, and most recently, a book about creativity called, Creative Alchemy: Accessing the Extraordinary Power of the Muse to Transform Your Art & Your Life.

Darrell Campbell

There has never been another person exactly like me in the history of mankind nor will there ever be. God our Heavenly father has made me an original, one of a kind a special person, rare, unique and valuable.  My life decisions and life lessons have taught me that I am too soon old and two late smart. As a life coach, I encourage you and me to ask ourselves are we getting just order or can we say we are getting smarter?  Nevertheless, For what purpose came you and me into this world, unto what were we created? and what is our divine destiny? Consequently, If you found out you only had one week to live what three things would you absolutely positively make sure you got done?  If you knew money was no object and time no consideration and you knew absolutely positively you could not fail, what great thing would you do?  He who knows and knows that he knows is wise.  He who thinks he knows but he really knows now is yet foolish, immature, unlearned, and can drive he who is wise away, and quence even the Holy Spirit. This is  Real Life Coach Darrell Campbell, Sometimes called Mr. James. In this life the main thing, is to keep the main thing the main thing. Let’s talk about it and remember I just might be talking to myself. 


Born  in deep South Alabama during the transitional and Trumatic civil rights era of the 50s and 60s. Two brothers, four sisters. Legally adopted by grandparents and raised by them (born 1902).  Among first middle school African American students of integrated public schools (1970), benefactor of Affirmative Action of 70s-80s becoming one of first GM of Operations  at southern based cafe chain. Double franchise Owner Operator Buffalos Cafe. Founder Real Help Network 2004, co-founder South Georgia Nonprofit Collaboration Network. Traveled to Equador, Czech Republic, Poland, Death Camps, at podium in Grand Hall of United Nations Building. Diploma Sex and Drug Counseling. Presented original research Georgia Sociology Association Conference 2013-2015, pending article publication Journal of Public and Professional Sociology. Married more than forty years, three children, 2 sons Eagle Scouts, daughter attends Columbus State University. Three granddaughters. Creator of School of Hard-Knocks. Confessed Christian believer. Mother, 39 year old, killed in domestic violence incident and first born died at age 26. 

Ayn Cates Sullivan

Guest for Your Show

Heroines of Avalon and Other Tales


Legends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddesses

By Ayn Cates Sullivan, PhD

In the #MeToo Era, Women Take Strength from the Divine Feminine Essence Passed Down in the Legend and Lore of the Celtic Goddesses and Heroines

Ayn Cates Sullivan Brings a Scholarly, Yet Spiritual, Recounting of the Powerful and Inspiring British and Irish Female Mythological Figures that Sustained Cultures and Still Resonate Today With Those Who Wish to Live in Harmony with the Earth 

Sullivan Walked the Isles in Search of the Their Stories and Their Hideaways


In times of yore, their presence was seen and felt everywhere in the Natural World...They spun the moon, made flowers grow and springs gush forth. They were the natural allies of the both animals and man. They had the magical powers that created whole peoples, and brought forth light. But they were often undermined, under attack and coveted by powerful figures and forces...And yet they rose strong and powerful, even when it required great sacrifice.

They were the Celtic Goddesses and Heroines whose stories have been kept alive for hundreds--if not thousands--of years, and who have inspired women throughout the ages to seek and take sustenance from the Divine Feminine, to nurture themselves and their feminine essence in the light cast by these figures. And to honor the balance of nature.

Now, Ayn Cates Sullivan, Ph.D, has brought them to life for this generation, capturing their stories on the page in two remarkable award-winning and highly acclaimed books, Heroines of Avalon and Other Tales andLegends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddesses.

With a Masters and Doctorate in Literature from Columbia University and King's College London, Sullivan actually walked the British Isles and Ireland to reclaim the stories that she has assembled in her "Legends of the Grail" series, The Grail being defined as the Divine Feminine. 

Says Sullivan, "The 'Legends of the Grail' collection is written to inspire and empower the contemporary reader who wishes to remember how to live harmoniously with the Earth."

In each book, she brings forth the story of a goddess or a heroine, oftentimes speaking from the legend's own voice. Sullivan offers that goddess or heroine's place in the historical mythology, her cultural and religious significance, her special gifts, and the mystical elements associated with her -- colors, trees, animals and rituals. There are also guided meditations specifically designed to call forth that figure's protection, essence and empowering qualities, so that the modern day woman can embody and strengthen her own spirit.    

The stories are engaging and fun. You will feel like you are sitting around the fire listening to the female elders of your community passing along these legends just for you. Each story is unique to its Irish, Welsh, Scottish or English origins, with the most recent volume focusing on heroines associated with King Arthur, Glastonbury and Avalon.

In the foreword, Dr. Susan Lange, author of The 7 Toxic Lies: Breakthrough the Barriers of Family and Generational Trauma into the Magic of Your Own Core Light, notes, "Ayn Cates Sullivan is masterful in weaving stories that heal as you read them. Surround yourself with empowering stories like the ones in this book, where the women-Goddesses and heroines like yourself-face untold obstacles, both inner and outer, and prevail. These are stories about women who become champions in their own lives, and then touch others...It's time to connect to the powerful lineage of the Divine Feminine. She is there for all."

Sullivan, whose ancestry originated in ancient Britain and can trace her family lineage back to Eleanor of Aquitaine, periodically leads women on a Heroine's Journey across the fields, lakes castles and caves of the Isles. Today, in addition to being a writer and publisher (with a hugely successful line of children's inspirational books, as well as the Grail series), she works individually with women to help them feel whole, using the Celtic traditions and teachings as a shamanic touchstone.

If you would like to interview Ayn Cates Sullivan, and dip your toe in her ancient mystical world for an hour, filled with wisdom and inspiration for today's woman, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, proposed date and time, and the calling details.   

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473

Missi Hatfield 

(772) 332 0528


Ayn Cates Sullivan, MA, MFA, an award-winning and bestselling author focusing on mythology and folklore for the modern age. Dr Sullivan obtained her BA with honors at Hollins University, her Masters and Doctorate in Literature from Columbia University and King’s College London. She currently lives in Virginia with her husband and a variety of pets, including a herd of horses. Her educational experiences, coupled by life, led her into the study and practice of what makes one whole. After obtaining her Masters in Spiritual Psychology in 2006, she began offering private sessions. She loves to take initiates on vision quests to discover their inner grail, or True Nature. 

Ayn Cates Sullivan’s Legends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddessessuccessfully launched on October 1, 2017, selling out on the first day to an enthusiastic audience. The book is a collection of ancient Irish myths, and the missing or untold stories of women recounted in first person, and.has won 13 literary awards. The second book in the “Legends of the Grail” series, Heroines of Avalon & Other Tales, is a collection of Celtic and Arthurian myths and legends focusing on the heroine’s healing journey.

Ayn Cates Sullivan’s inspirational books include a book of non-fiction, Consider This; three books of poetry Tracking The Deer, The Windhorse & Three Days in the Light, which were turned into lyrics and are sung by Maria Christina on CD called “From the Heart.” Dr Sullivan’s books include and an award winning children’s series including: Sparkle & The Gift, Sparkle & The Light, Ella’s Magic and A Story Of Becoming. Her books on Celtic mythology include: Legends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddesses and Heroines of Avalon & Other Tales. She has won more than thirty literary awards.