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Catherine M Laub
Your Pitch

As an advocate for mental health I share about my campaign; "Brighten Your Day with Turquoise". Turquoise is a calming color, uplifts us and helps us think clearly. I speak about my journey with physical and mental illness and how I inspire others with my podcast, “The Celestial Spoon”. If a guest requests it, I do a mini psychic card reading on the interview. They love this and it adds to our conversation because it brings out some thoughts they haven’t had before to apply into their business and personal lives.

My disposal system was working overtime most of my life. I even quit high school because of the embarrassment. Then in 2012 most of my colon was removed due to hundreds of precancerous polyps. This put my life on hold because I was “living in the bathroom” and I felt like a waste. Because of this horrible life I attempted suicide in 2014 during a crisis moment fighting with my husband. I knew this was God’s plan for me to have a mission and guide others to not allow themselves to get to a point of no return.

This journey took me from being a psychic and doing card readings to speaking to groups about making themselves come first. I wrote many stories in several books and continue to write to inspire others about self-care. This is so important now because of all the upset in the world. Many people are so stressed and feel they can’t go forward and are committing suicide. I speak about mental illness to rid the stigma and say “It’s OK”. You can talk about it and seek the support you need to feel better. With the correct guidance we can all overcome the difficult times with patience and understanding what we are feeling. These feelings are real and unique to each one of us and we are allowed to share them. Sharing these feelings is what will put us on the right path.

I talk about the color Turquoise and its power to help us feel better.

The meaning of the color turquoise is open communication and clarity of thought.

Turquoise helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word.

This is a color that recharges our spirits during times of mental stress and tiredness, alleviating feelings of loneliness.

You only have to focus on the color turquoise, whether on a wall or clothing and you feel instant calm and gentle invigoration, ready to face the world again!

This is a good color to aid concentration and clarity of thought for public speakers as it calms the nervous system, gives control over speech and expression, and builds confidence.

Print your speech notes on turquoise and every time you glance down you will feel the effects of the color.

Wear a turquoise stone as a bracelet, ring, etc.

There are many more explanations how turquoise helps us. I share them during my talks.

Please consider interviewing me for your show or event so I can inspire others to reach out and get the support they need.


I am Your Turquoise Angel Guide, the Host of The Celestial Spoon Radio Show, a 13 time Award-Winning Inspirational Author, a Speaker for Mental Health, and a Psychic & Spiritual Guide.

I help people feel better with my positive outlook and describing overcoming my own deep depression. As a Mental Health Speaker my campaign is "Brighten Your Day with Turquoise." Turquoise, because it is a calming color and helps us think clearly. I share my journey with mental illness on my self-produced podcast, “The Celestial Spoon”. My goal is to help others achieve their potential without the obstacles that get in the way. I’ve had many health challenges and want to guide others to understand how to live with illness and still have a normal life. I guide others through my spiritual skills to feel invigorated and empowered to go forward in their own struggles. I share this through speaking on stages and to intimate audiences.

When I share about a suicide attempt it is to inspire others to reach out for support before they get to the point of no return. This was actually an answer to a prayer to God and my Angels to help me feel better. Their answer came just 3 days after. This answer was to crawl under the barrel where the only way to go was up. I knew right away God had a mission for me. I had to experience lots of turmoil in my life so I could relate to others. By doing so I gain the attention of those who would not necessarily reach out for guidance.

I am proud of my accomplishments since that day in August 2014. I am an award-winning best-selling author, host and producer of my own podcast, an inspirational speaker, I created my own website, have a great presence on Facebook and continue to learn new things to be helpful to others.

In my book, “Journey of Angelic Healing, Stories to Feed Your Soul”, I share about my Advocacy for Mental Illness and how I help others through Self Help, Inspiration & Spirituality. As you read "Worthy of Respect" you will learn about my 3 adult children and how I failed them at times due to my mental illness. I am transparent and open in my writing and you will be inspired and encouraged. I hope my writing and sharing my story will help others.

I interview people on my podcast about their spirituality, inspirations and business ventures. We share our expertise and modalities to guide my listeners to feeling better. Listen to inspirational conversations relating to sometimes difficult emotional journeys towards Self-awareness and Spirituality. These journeys brought positive effects toward our guests Mental and Physical Health and will inspire you to take action and create a healthier and happier personal environment for yourself and those you interact with. Some of Catherine’s guests have been healers, teachers, scientists turned healers, a space shuttle engineer, near death survivors, authors, speakers, dreamers, angel communicators, psychics, and many more. You will get the feeling of knowing these people during these relaxing conversations.

I also psychically deliver information to people from the spiritual realm, their guides and angels that benefits them greatly with their lives. I do readings at local events, as well as performing sessions with clients world-wide, via phone and Skype, email and in person.

Journey of Angelic Healing, Stories to Feed Your Soul