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John L Greene

I am a first time published author of a book. After spending much time into getting my book, The King Of Poetry From The Ancient Shores Of Ireland, published . I began to advertise, even deciding to send first copy editions to various world leaders. After some time, to my amazement, I received letters from the offices of The President of Ireland, President Higgins, and The Queen of England, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. I have placed these letters within my photos. I have intentions of sending more to other leaders as well. Within the story there are elements of my true life encrypted. It is written in a fictional way. It can be found Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Itunes, Kobo, and Books A Million websites, and others.

United States of America

I am Sir John L Greene II. I am 49 years old. I have been a writer, a scholar, an artist, a musician, and a poet for over forty- one years. I also had a poem published with the International Library of Poetry in June of 2000. I won the highest award an author could receive for the publication of my poem called the Love Poem. It was published in a book called Carrying the Torch.

Photo of the front cover of the book and the letters from President Higgins and Queen Elizabeth
Wren Barnes

Female entrepreneur, Female Film Producer, overcoming opposition and advercity, Inspirational message, Good business practices, being a creative individual in addition to a business thinker type.

Tenzin Kharma Trinley

Fearless Puppy on American Road This amazing (mostly) true story reads like a fantasy. Fearless Puppy is a transfictional self-help book, comedic, dramatic—a butt kicking, page-turning adventure story that makes deep spiritual impressions.

Within this book you will meet several saintly Tibetan Lamas. You will also meet a man who is his own uncle, specialists in smoke, mirrors, and invisibility, spirited sex, oxygen orgasms, heavenly Hell’s Angels, phony preachers, domestic violence/domestic solutions, racist killers in America, Canadian race wars, Native American wise men, a bit of Christian ethics and Jewish ritual, angelic witches, benevolent heroin addicts, magical birds, an all-lesbian band playing a rock concert for the deaf, the musician raised by multi-ethnic golden-hearted prostitutes, martial artists battling neo-Nazis, the modern-day Robin Hood, and many other strangely wonderful people.

Buckle your seatbelt tightly, take a deep breath, and enjoy the ride. Fearless Puppy runs on rocket fuel! 

Please forward this through your contact and friend lists, and to anyone you think might be interested. Help us raise funds through book sales to sponsor Wisdom Professionals. Your effort is important! Thank you.


Doug “Ten” Rose (Lama Tenzin Roisin Dubh) may be the biggest smart-ass as well as one of the wisest and most entertaining survivors of the hitchhiking adventurers that used to cover America’s highways. He is the author of Fearless Puppy on American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense, has survived heroin addiction and death, and is a graduate of over a hundred thousand miles of travel without ever driving a car, owning a phone, or having a bank account. Ten Rose and his work are a vibrant part of the present and future as well as an essential remnant of a vanishing breed.

Geddy Friedman

I had a great conversation with Doug Newsom earlier today. I can talk about almost anything, but I'd prefer to focus primarily on my epic poetry book "Channels Of Passage" and my publishing company, The Friedman Press.

Time permitting, perhaps we can discuss spirituality, self-improvement, social change, a future Renaissance, and many other topics.

"VERY INTERESTING, STIMULATING, WONDERFUL CONVERSATION I HAD with Geddy! I'd highly recomment EVERY HOST contact Geddy for an interview!", from Douglas Newsom

United States

GEDDY FRIEDMAN is a modern-day Polymath and Renaissance man. He was born in New York City and showed early signs of artistic ability and creative expressiveness, first as an award-winning artist, and then as a writer being published nationally with his very first poem at age nine. By his teens he was a self-taught drummer and embarked on expanding his writing talents into existential epic poetry.

Over the years Geddy has performed professionally across many spectrums as an artist, drummer, songwriter, producer, actor, photographer, blogger, editor, YouTuber, and fitness model, and has been featured on websites, radio, syndicated TV, and motion pictures, as well as in books and magazines. In 2004 he won the Editor's Choice Award at for a poem written years prior as a teenager. An avid libertarian, Geddy has also been a vocal proponent for the cause of liberty, sound money, and free markets, holding that a society where mankind is most free offers the greatest potential for economic prosperity and cultural advancement.

Now as founder and owner of his publishing company, The Friedman Press, Geddy Friedman is the author of revolutionary works in various genres, all united by three common themes—to inspire personal growth, to seek the most beautiful, and to unlock truths leading to an elevated state of universal awareness. A true determined Polymath and Renaissance man of unwavering idealism, his larger-than-life writings take aim to pave the way for a new era of Renaissance.

Channels Of Passage: Parts 1–7 by Geddy Friedman
Patricia Fuqua

Hello Radio Host,

Thank you for connecting and considering me to be a guest on your radio show. I am the CEO of Dating Diamonds; Relationship Expert “Specializing In The Second Time Around”, Best Selling Author, and Intuitive Love Consultant.

I have a PROVEN STRATEGY your single and available listeners need to follow, know, do, and say, to meet and keep the person of their dreams today! My lasting love secrets are time-tested and practiced daily with my soul mate-husband of 40 years, and my 500+ happy clients every morning who snuggle next to their life partner.


I have the winning love formula! They will find their KINDRED SPIRIT and meet the right partner FASTER than they ever could by themselves. Saving enormous amounts of time, energy, and endless heartache.  I will share the secrets to getting closer and tying the knot! There are 5 predictable stages of relationship development. With my expertise and guidance, your listeners will exude the confidence that will make him or her have people begging to date them! My personalized and concrete strategy will take anyone from 1st date to soul-mate!

BOOK ME! Let's connect and schedule a date to be a guest on your show. Kindly call or email me directly to schedule, or...send me a return message.


 Lifetime Love,
Patricia Fuqua
Phone: (650) 877-2563 

United States

      Since 2008 Patricia Fuqua has been empowering women to date from 1st date to Soulmate using the proven strategy she wrote about in her best seller book. It's called Second Time Around: How to Date Your Right Man Blueprint.  Based on the consultations of over 500 women and her own personal relationship in a 40 year marriage, Patricia delights in sharing the art and practice of relationship development with women who want love the second time around. The book's content is helpful to men as well.  After all the more knowledge you have the more you can thrive.

Patricia lives with her husband Terry and daughter Dafina in Menlo Park, CA.

Johnny T Noctor

I’M Johnny T Noctor, The Hobo Boxer from Little Ripper country, a land of crocodiles and kangaroo’s, sharks and snakes, but, unfortunately the worst sharks that’ll bite you are Aussie boxing promoters! My new documentary, articles in the blog section of my hoboboxer .com website, and my five card Royal Flush of Hobo chronicles, have all the verifiable leads and proof of this truth that the Villains in my story are sinners for greed and power. I believe one of the worlds richest billionaires is keeping Johnny T Noctor, my injustice from being known, including them getting away with illegal activity against America’s Roy Jones Jr. If you’ve ever watched Donald Sutherland in The Hunger Games, you’ll see that this Hollywood movie is based on real life stories like my four books that I’ve published. Donald’s real-life counterpart owns major international newspapers and national televised fight nights, yet, didn’t give me a fair dinkum go in the boxing ring. I gave a good knuckle sandwich for hundreds of rounds of sparring state and national, amateur and professional boxers and I started doing six rounders live on national television when I was a welterweight, but, I was never paid. When I tried to escape Australia’s version of Don King controlling me, I went down to Tasmania to be with my wife, and get a few boxing matches down there, but, then this bloody puppet master-boxing promoter, yanked at some strings on convicted felon, Grant-Tassie-Brown, and bob’s your uncle, Johnny Noctor came out of a coma with my skull fractured in three places. Hobo Boxer-book one.

I was only enjoying exchanging leather with all the young blokes in the great sport of boxing and wasn’t prepared for all these low lives carrying on like the mob. Then, the Donald Sutherland-Hunger Games-type who owns the newspapers and politicians, he worked with the Don King of Australia, to manipulate Johnny T Noctor’s ABI for televised KO wins on other bloke’s records for a few years. All the verifiable evidence and leads is in my documentary and website. And, knowing my wife was having babies, they all still exiled me into homelessness away from my family. I escaped the mongrels and got a KO win on my own record which is my second book, The President. And then I started invading America for the next six years. I published my fourth book, Boxing Exploitation, and have since spent months running up Colorado’s Pikes Peak in the deep snow with the mountain Lions, then sparring the best boxers at Gleason’s gym in Brooklyn New York, and Elite Heat New jersey, yet, the Aussie blow flies block me wherever I go with their billions of dollars. Johnny Hobo had to sleep on the streets in Pasadena, the New York subway, and in the New Jersey and Staten Island woods with the deer because they keep me and my books from being known with their blood money. You can watch, Boxer fights with Fractured Skull, the three-minute preview of my full documentary on, Boxer Hobo, YouTube channel, and some of my other movies of where I had to sleep because of these drongo’s denying me justice or any pay for thirteen years. I’m as mad as a cut snake, yet, as flat out as a Lizard drinking, which you can see in my fights on YouTube, especially Boxer Hobo’s middleweight and welterweight bouts. Just need a manager like the wonderful Donald Newsom, to help me find a publisher for my fifth card in a Royal Flush, America, with this interview being the last great chapter. 


Planet Earths fighter writer, Johnny T Noctor, is the hobo boxer, who’s spent the last thirteen years travelling homeless around Australia and America, a wondering nomad. He’s relished in the exchanging of leather in the soft canvass ring rather than getting an eye for an eye on the street, after the boxing promoters fractured his skull in three places because they never knew better than their lust for money and power. Trying to find a manager while destitute without any pay from prejudices, Johnny put a smile on all the faces of hundreds of young pugilists from Tasmania to Melbourne and Queensland, Sydney to Broadway boxing gym in California, with his half-shaved Jekyll and Hyde, southpaw to orthodox appearance which is on the cover of his first book, Hobo Boxer. Still, forever wanting to be with his lovely little children who are still in primary school, Johnny gave up the addiction of alcohol, and has never had one beverage in the last six years since back and forth from the united states on the pension rate. This sobriety leads him to summit Pikes Peak mountain in the deep snow with the mountain Lions and give extreme rounds to good young champion boxers at Gleason’s gym in Brooklyn New York, and Elite Heat New Jersey, while sleeping on the New York subway sober, and also the Staten Island woods with the beautiful deer. Even though only a few hundred folks in the world know about Hobo Boxer’s four published books from lack of marketing while Johnny spent many years sleeping in Cathedral crevices, the end is now near with his faith in a last chapter of my fifth and last book, America!

Boxer Hobo - Johnny T Noctor
Jonathan Robinson

MORE LOVE, Less Conflict: A Communication Playbook for Couples

By Jonathan Robinson

Bestselling Author of “Communication Miracles for Couples”

If There is Stress in Your Relationship, There are Simple, Easy  Communication Skills That Can Set Things Right

Learn How to Give Each Other What Each Wants Most from the Relationship

Dear BBS Host :

Wondering where your relationship got off track? Are you yearning to recapture the love and compatibility you once knew?

Jonathan Robinson, a renowned psychotherapist and bestselling author, states that everyone really wants care, understanding, and empathy in their relationship. However four relationship mistakes often get in the way of receiving what we want.  He calls these four culprits The Four Horseman of the Relationship Apocalypse.   They are: Denigration, Denial, Dismissal and Distraction. 

If there is strain in your relationship, chances are at least one of these is at work in unraveling the fabric of your love.  

If you and your partner are experiencing discord or distance, then there is an easy way to head off relationship breakdown well before circumstances become dire with a variety of simple exercises that Robinson cites in his new book MORE LOVE, Less Conflict, A Communication Playbook for Couples (Red Wheel/Weiser—Conari Press)

Robinson--who appeared on Oprah and the national morning shows several times-- counsels couples and conducts workshops on communication, leadership and teambuilding with Fortune 500 companies. He is also the author of the bestselling Communication Miracles for Couples.

In this new MORE LOVE, Less Conflict Playbook book, he offers more than 30 simple-easy-to-implement, highly practical communications strategies to dissipate the tension, create more connection and ramp up the love. And even suggests ways to get a resistant partner to participate.

Robinson recounts challenges and success of his clients that will resonate for readers, and he doesn’t hesitate to point out or humorously poke fun at his own relationship mistakes with his wife that have become the instigation for some of his most effective strategies.    

Robinson can address a few tips for any of your listeners in need of a relationship tune up:

How to Overcome WMD’s (Widgets of Mass Distraction) in One’s Relationship The Top Five Things Not to Do When Talking With One’s Partner The Five Key Attributes One Needs to Cultivate to Establish Effective and Constructive Continuing Communication How You and Your Partner Can Cut Through the Pain to Give Each Other What Each Wants Most from the Relationship How to Double the Love in Your Relationship in One Minute a Day How Saying a Few Key Phrases Can Transform Everything!

The author of 11 acclaimed books, Robinson has devoted his life to helping people find more happiness in their lives ( A great storyteller and humorist, he is in demand as a speaker and media guest. He has reached more than 200 million people around the world with his practical methods to find the most enjoyment in life. In focusing on relationships, he’s taking aim at eliminating the obstacles in the way of romance and love. Isn’t that, after all, what the whole world needs more of? MORE LOVE, Less Conflict!

If you would like to interview Jonathan Robinson, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473

P.S.  To lighten up your day, here’s a quick fun video that Jonathan created on MORE LOVE, Less Conflict


Jonathan Robinson is a psychotherapist, best-selling author of 12 books, and a professional speaker from Northern California. Mr. Robinson has made numerous appearances on the Oprah show, as well as many other national TV talk shows, and articles about him have appeared in USA Today, Newsweek and The Los Angeles Times. For the past 30 years he has spoken to dozens of Fortune 500 companies including Google, Microsoft, Dell Computer, Coca-Cola, and Fed-Ex. Jonathan has written several bestseller books including, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Awakening Your Spirituality;” “The Experience of God,” “The Little Book of Big Questions;” and “Communication Miracles for Couples.” He co-hosts the podcast “Awareness Explorers” with author Brian Tom O’Connor. Through TV, live lectures and radio, Mr. Robinson has reached over 100 million people around the world. He is known for providing his audiences with immediately useful information presented in a fun and entertaining manner.

Rob Decker

How are you? I’m reaching out to see if you’d be interested in featuring the WPA-style artwork from photographer and graphic artist Rob Decker on BBS Radio? If so, I’d like to introduce you to National Park Posters - original prints by the Colorado-based photographer and graphic designer who studied under Ansel Adams in Yosemite National Park when he was just 19.

For the past 50 years, Rob has been exploring and photographing America’s National Parks. And the WPA-style images he creates showcase some of the country’s most beautiful landscapes - the iconic Delicate Arch at Arches National Park, the Lighthouse at Bass Harbor at Acadia National Park, the Rugged Landscapes of Badlands National Park and many more!  Rob is on a journey to create iconic images of all 60 National Parks - partly to raise awareness for the continued protection and operation of the parks and also to help establish the next generation of National Park supporters. The artist donates 10% of annual profits to the organizations that support America’s National Parks.

National Park Posters are $35 each and are available for purchase. The most popular posters are Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Glacier National Park, Zion National Park and Acadia National Park. Your readers will love the fact that each numbered, dated and signed poster is printed on “Conservation,” a 100% recycled paper stock with soy-based inks. From start to finish, these posters are 100% American Made! The images are also available as artist proofs, canvas prints, and postcards.

Would you be interested in receiving a sample of National Park Posters or high-res images?

We’d love to work with you and share these beautiful iconic posters of American National Parks that Rob has created with your audience!

Tat Jane Bego Vic

Dear BBC Radio Talk Show Team,

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share, and apply to be a guest on one of your talk radio shows. 

My name is Tat Jane and I am currently a Certified Soul Teacher and Practitioner at 'Soul Light Universal'-- my company, in New York City.

New York City inspired me to my fullest, and I’ve been blessed to find and live my highest soul potential, which is to ignite the Light within oneself, and as many people as I can.To help others grow, and to expand their consciousness to their highest soul potential.

My innate, everlasting, purpose and mission is to assist the ascension of Love and Gratitude consciousness on our planet, through knowledge, the ancient and new wisdom, through practical techniques, arts, and other ways.

We are living in a New Era–The Soul Light Era–has once again returned to Mother Earth.

It is a very significant time. The power of mind, that governed the previous era, is moving to the power of Spirit, the Soul, the message, which is to govern the new era.
It’s important for as many people to be Awakened and Aware of this truth, in order to truly benefit, and grasp all the possibilities for their expansion, growth, healing, and alteration in all aspects of life. 

It is essential that we connect to our true potential and our abilities, individually and collectively, to be able to accelerate with Mother Earth, and all Universes together, and at the same time. There was never a better time for this kind of speedy progress.

We are all co-creators at this momentous time on Mother Earth, and everyone counts.

Our individual effort plays a vital role, and benefits all beings. More people are Awakened and Aware of this truth --the higher frequency is available to all, here on our planet, and in all Universes as well.

I believe it’s crucial that this truth, wisdom, and knowledge is shared with the masses, so that more people are able to assist this process of Mother Earth Transition and humanities ascension, and so the same is happening with other beings in all Universes as well.

This is what I’d like to share with your audience, and have a conversation with you, on your radio talk show.

Thank you again for your consideration. I am sincerely looking forward to the opportunity to share this good news with a greater audience.

Tat Jane Bego Vic ~
‘Soul Light Universal’


My name is Tat, I am a Certified Soul Teacher Practitioner, Tao Hands and Tao Song and Dance Practitioner.

I have lived in New York City for many years. New York City's energy, passion and diversity opened my heart and soul to their fullest, and inspired me in every way.

I have been blessed to realize and live my true soul calling and my highest soul potential, which is to ignite the original true light in one' being.

- Help others recognize and overcome the limitations of their soul, heart, mind, and body, and assist and uplift them to their highest soul potential.

- I am honored to share and teach the profound ancient and new wisdom and practical techniques, I've learned through decades of my own spiritual studies and practice, and my recent 6,5 years. studding with now my Spiritual father, Master Sha and the Power of Soul teachings.

During this time I have learned numerous ways how to empower people to self-heal, heal others and lead them to the ultimate goal of one’s Soul Journey, which is to reach Soul, mind, and body Enlightenment. 
It is my true honor and previledge to assist humanity, and all beings at this momentous time on Mother Earth, and so it is in all Universes as well.