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Cara Downs

I’d like to see if you would be interested in an interview with Laura Vorreyer, author of the book “The Pet Sitter’s Tale,” and long-time professional pet sitter to the stars. Having cared for countless pets throughout her fifteen plus years in the business of pet-sitting, Laura has seen everything. She’s an expert in pet behavior and in pet care and has looked after dogs, cats, bunnies, birds, reptiles, fish, llamas, and even a Vietnamese potbelly pig.

Laura can reveal some amusing and outlandish ways in which the rich and famous care for their furry ones. But, at the same time, she can share some heart-warming stories about the extent to which her clients have gone to keep their pets safe, well cared-for and around longer.

Laura Vorreyer pioneered the dog-walking industry in Hollywood over 15 years ago and is the author of the new book, “The Pet Sitter’s Tale.” She is the owner of the pet care company Your Dog’s Best Friend, a premier dog-walking and pet-sitting business in Los Angeles. Laura has taught pet-sitting and dog-walking classes in Los Angeles and is also a passionate advocate for animal rights. She remains dedicated to pet rescue.

Lauren Cielo

I'd like to be a guest on your show. I look forward to hearing from you and thanks.

United States

Lauren Cielo

Johnny Blue Star

I am very interested in being a guest on various radio shows to speak about my early efforts to create an organization called the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment, which will be promoted by my radio show, Inalienable and Free: Voice of the Coalition, and co-hosted by Hugo Rodier, MD, an integrative physician, who shares my wish for the health and prosperity of our country, the United States, but also for the rest of the planet. Our program is based on the ideals embodied in the famous phrase Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence. There, he famously proclaimed the self-evident assumption that all men were created equal and endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights including but limited to, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Whereas no one can sensibly believe that this ideal of equality was truly fostered in America after the Revolution, there is no doubt that very many progressive changes were made that moved beyond the Bill of Rights through the decades that followed. Still, particularly since 911, it is clear that many of our human and citizen rights have been challenged and right now we stand in the threshold of even more challenges- such as the severity of climate change, even greater threats to our citizen rights and prosperity and the growing danger of nuclear war. But besides the need to reclaim these rights, we believe that with the proper use of the right technology in conjunction with the rightful distribution of goods and services through co-operative capitalism and just government, we can restore our planet and advance human civilization. The question in- will human society, now perhaps on the launching pad to planetary and even interstellar exploration, give up its self-serving and militant barbarism and accept the equality and rights of all citizens of this great planet?

United States

I am a media content developer and broadcaster, very concerned about my country and the planet, particularly in the area of human and citizen rights, distribution of wealth, the environment and safety, including the protection from endless war. To this end, I am in the process of creating an organization called the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment. My new radio show, to be first broadcast on BBS Radio on April 14 at 9 AM PST is called Inalienable and Free- Voice of the Coalition and will be hosted by myself and Hugo Rodier, MD. In this program, we look at political events from a core spiritual point of view, not from the standpoint of any one religion or group. We believe that the ideals of the Founding Fathers, as expressed in the US Declaration and Constitution reflect this point of view in the famous phrase that speaks of all men being created equal and endowed with certain inalienable right. We also believe that although this ideal is not reflected well in American history, things have progressed positively in many ways until fairly recently. Now many of our rights, including most contained in the bill of rights and the rights we have to health, prosperity and safety, including safety from unnecessary war has been challenged. These rights contain not only an understanding of what is proper government but keys to the manifestation of our true desires on a much higher level and that those citizens who understand their true spiritual capacity can help mankind push forward to reclaim its rightful inheritance from the Creator.

2009-2018 Johnny Blue Star is CEO and founder of New Galaxy Enterprise, Inc. (NGE), a media content provider. His company creates a wide variety of proprietary and collaborative media products - from full-length books and screenplays to web content, advertising and promotional projects, commercials, articles, press releases and resumes, etc.

Key Projects in NGE: Co-author of the Thrice Born, Part I, in screen and book form, of Pray for the Angels, a Film and Book Trilogy; Co-author of Boots in Manhattan, Part I, in screen and book form, of The Foot Soldier, a Film and Book Trilogy; Developing Film Musical, Helped edit, write and adapt to screen many books, screenplays and non-fiction properties through New Galaxy Enterprises (see website) an developing two musicals; one for stage and/or film, Hadleigh’s Castle based on songs written with Edgar Arens and sung by Patricia Welch and Dramatic TV series with Music called The Couturier with Cathy Scarms, founder of Sat Purush, an East Indian clothing design company. Developed or modified websites for Patricia Welch, Stephanie Slevin and Cathy Scarms (for Sat Purush)

2016-2018 New Galaxy Broadcasting (Division of NGE) Now Producer and Co-Host of Inalienable and Free, Threshold Radio and Integrative Hermetic Health with Hugo Rodier, M.D., an Integrative Physician

2016-2018 Bridge of Light Productions (Division of NGE) featured songs on various full length Threshold Radio interviews with singer/songwriter, Stephanie Slevin; singer/songwriters, Zave Nathan and his wife, Bonnie Blazak; musician/songwriter and crop circle expert, Patty Greer; songs composed by Edgar Arens and myself and sung by Patricia Welch; featured special broadcasts with singer, Patricia Welch, promoting our songs and her musical CD featuring decades of hit songs;

2017-2018 Coalition for Planetary Empowerment (Division of NGE): An organization is designed to empower people spiritually and practically to improve the quality of life on Planet Earth. Empowerment Protocols in CPE operate on four levels: personal, relationships, business and political. An adjunctive social network, La Planète, is under development, beginning with the United States, to give citizens an enhanced and direct voice in addressing government and corporate governance concerns.

2006-2009 MEDIA CONTENT DEVELOPER: Worked in proprietorship before incorporating New Galaxy Enterprises in 2009. Helped with books, screenplays, press releases, resumes, etc. Began comprehensive media content approach.

2005 ROCKETS AWAY! Founder/Manager: Helped develop first commercial spacecraft media company. Company was chosen as provider of news and information on the private space industry to AOL,

2003-2004 PALWIN CORPORATION, Moorpark, Ca: Project Manager for Paul Winchell, ventriloquist and inventor (patented first artificial heart): Prior to publication, edited autobiography, Winch, co-authoring its adaptation to screen. Promoted book with press releases, radio interviews, new website. Prior to his death, worked on developing Paul Winchell’s streaming Kid’s Network. Started to resurrect his African aquaculture project, “Africa Today-” to create foundation to breed and harvest Tilapia, fish which survive in brackish water. Began efforts to build model for new wind energy invention

1994-2002 U.S. BARTER INDUSTRY: Held a variety of hands-on Trade Director for a variety of Trade Exchanges (barter clubs)- was Trade Director for BXI Developing Areas- including Toronto, Boise, Chicago, St. Louis, Anchorage and Salt Lake City. Helped revitalize areas, which were neglected for one or more years. Also, worked for Millennium Exchange, San Francisco BXI and America’s Barter Network. During this time, developed TradeWorld News- First stand-alone Internet trade newspaper dedicated to the Barter Industry.

Christina Martine
I've just published the book, Fifth Dimensional Healing. It's a holistic healing manual which teaches you how to heal your mind, body, heart and soul so you can awaken to your true potential and live in enlightenment. The target audience will be mostly women 18+ looking to deepen their spiritual practice. Also, people who are sick in any way and looking for alternative healing modalities will enjoy this book.

I truly think this book will act as a catalyst for many on their healing journeys and I want it to reach as many people as possible. I would love for you to read it and then interview me on your show. It's a self-help book, currently available in paperback format only, 248 pages, just published on March 26, 2018. 

The book is currently out only in paperback through amazon here:…
If you would like me to send an epub file over, or a paperback copy, please let me know!

I am well known on YouTube as a spiritual teacher and astrologer. I am a professional speaker and would love to be on the show!

Here is a longer synopsis:
Fifth Dimensional Healing is a holistic healing manual which offers practical techniques and sacred wisdom that enable you to heal yourself and return to your natural state of enlightenment.

After a short bio where I share my own healing journey, you’ll read part one of this book, which explains Fifth Dimensional Healing, a technique that was channelled to me from my higher self. If you’re not sure what the fifth dimension is, what channelling is, or what the higher self is, I’ve included a glossary at the beginning of the book for you to reference.

Part two focuses on healing the body. Is bread actually bad for you? Which fats keep you energized and which ones make you sluggish? How do you remove heavy metals from your body? How can you cleanse your organs properly and feel energized?

Part three focuses on healing the mind. How does meditation heal the brain? Is channelling dangerous? How can you start communing with spirit guides? Is magic real and how can you start manifesting your dream life using it?

Part four focuses on healing the emotions. How can you safely release trauma stored deep within your body? What’s the difference between soul mates and twin flames? What does it mean to love yourself? What is sacred sex?

Part five focuses on healing the spirit. How can you strengthen your intuition and step into your psychic genius? What is astrology and does it take you away from your free will? What is your power animal and how can it help you? Why the heck did you choose to incarnate here anyway?

Currently we're living in a third density Earth with fourth dimensional consciousness. We're moving into a fourth density Earth with fifth dimensional consciousness. 

Fifth Dimensional Healing is a guidebook for navigating this shift. May it serve as a catalyst on your healing journey.

And here is my bio: Christina Martine is a spiritual teacher who is not aligned with any particular religion. Her message is simple: You have the power to heal yourself, end suffering and awaken to your true potential. She runs the online community and social media site, which is completely free of abuse and advertisements.

If you need anything else from me, email me anytime. 

Thanks again for your time.


Christina Martine

Christina Martine is a spiritual teacher who is not aligned with any particular religion. Her message is simple: You have the power to heal yourself, end suffering and awaken to your true potential. She runs the online community and social media which is completely free of abuse and advertisements.

Kerry Haggard
My name is Kerry Haggard of Beaver Falls PA. I an writer and host of the upcoming tv series “Wheels of the Past” antique car production and have spent the last several years finalizing and preparing "TRAVELER" for publication, a historical fiction novel based on the April 17th 1897 Aurora Texas alien crash and the hunt for him 100 years later.
Available now on Amazon, the novel was published March 28th and is simply the plane to the train, the train being the movie of which I am already in touch with several producers for consideration.
I have multipul speaking and book signings lined up through October throughout the US and would enjoy speaking about this if you would like to discuss this further at 724 614 4825.
United States

A devoted antique car collector, judge and restorer for the better part of 25 years, Kerry Trent Haggard is the founder, writer and host of “Wheels of the Past” productions based in Beaver Falls, PA. Relocating there to begin the project from his home state of Georgia in 2017, currently under production in the Pittsburgh area, "Wheels of the Past" is a historically accurate and entertaining series devoted to the history and preservation of classic cars, trucks and motorcycles which have informative stories to tell. Working as company buyer for SMS Auto Fabrics of Canby Oregon from 1989 till the mid 2000s, Haggard personally built several national award winning AACA and Early V-8 show cars including a 1924 Ford Model T Touring car, 1961 Ford Galaxie Starliner and a 1938 Ford DeLuxe Coupe which won “Best Pre WWII Ford in the Nation” in 2000.

A long time enthusiast of classic horror and UFOs, Kerry first learned of the Aurora alien crash from friend and Texas native John Cochran in the smmer of 2015. Due to an incident which Kerry witnessed during his childhood of a flying saucer landing in his small hometown, the story hit him with such passion that he and John spent the next several months working day and night to form an outline for a screenplay based on the fictional hunt for the buried extraterrestrial 100 years later.

Aaren Naam

I'm a Creative Director who has followed channels since I was 16.


Today, at 27, I have a unique ability to summon and be a voice to the vibration which is my guiding force, a legion of the greatest strands of civilization; focused forward here and now, inspiring NEW thoughts to me and advising the same to humanity. Their primary message is to be a blank canvas for their higher code, which have yet to be experienced by mankind. They provide NEW paradigms, and advise against every other LIVED and REPEATED one. 


Aa'ren Naam wishes to keep his private idendtity sealed. He is based in LA for skype sessions and physical ones. He provides himself as a "slapping stick" of higher cosmic wisdom to beings wanting to evolve from the repititious cycles of LOWER-VIBRATIONS.

Gina Gardiner

We live at a time when unhappiness and a sense of “Is this it” appear to be at an all-time high and many of the clients I meet are feeling lost.  

Lack of self-esteem appears to have reached epidemic proportions which in turn is having a negative effect not only on the individual’s quality of life but in their relationships both personal and professional.

I have well over thirty years of supporting and helping people to develop their potential and step into their genuine power. I am passionate about the work I do – it is who I am.

Enabling people to come out from under the cloud which has been dogging them, lightening their load and helping them to see the amazing possibilities their life holds when they are being genuinely, authentically them, may sound posy but is my life’s purpose.  In the words of one of my clients, “You help people to learn how to see things from a different perspective

The gift of finding myself wheelchair bound was developing a different approach to developing the potential of others in a different way.  That the strategy was successful has been demonstrated by the awards my organisation achieved whilst under my leadership.  This approach is at the core of the work I do now with individuals, couples teams and whole organisations.  
I am the founder of The Thrive Together Tribe which offers members a holistic approach to self-help and spiritual development a SAT NAV for life.  It also provides a safe, supportive space for people to have a voice and to find support, encouragement, challenge and celebration.
United Kingdom

Gina Gardiner is a multiple No 1 International Best Selling Author, Motivational speaker, trainer and Coach with well over 30 years experience of helping people achieve happiness and success. She has supported many, many individuals and couples to develop a greater sense of self–worth, the confidence to challenge and change limiting beliefs in order to become more loving towards themselves and others. She is passionate about helping her clients to achieve their full potential –to become genuinely their best self. Following a serious ski accident and two failed back surgeries, Gina learned to walk twice as an adult whilst running an award-winning organisation, mostly from a wheelchair. The gift of this experience was the development of a unique approach to life and developing leadership. Since 2004 she branched out on her own and has worked with countless individuals and couples helping them to learn the lessons from their past in order to achieve happiness and fulfilment. She believes Life can be incredibly challenging, relationships, work, finances, health all vie for our attention.We are all pulled this way and that and there are times when it can feel overwhelming.Our beliefs and the quality of our thinking makes an enormous difference to the quality of our lives. Most people carry their limiting beliefs around with them into every situation and as a result, live a life which is completely limited by those beliefs. Being"mindful" and learning to focus on what you can do rather than what you can't will significantly improve the quality of your life.” Helping people to navigate the challenges life brings is the focus of her latest International Best selling book“Thriving Not Surviving -The 5 Secret Pathways to Happiness, Success and Fulfilment" Gina walks her talk -all the strategies she offers through her books and programmes are based on strategies she has used herself and with many other clients who have achieved great success from using them. Her work is the culmination of personal experience and decades of working with people to help them achieve personal empowerment and fulfilment.Holding the space for her clients, listening not only to what they say but to what is left unsaid, giving them a safe environment where they feel valued is a vital part of her work. Gina has experienced incredible challenges and setbacks and understands just how difficult it is to pick yourself up and start again.She has a wealth of experience of working with children and adults from all walks of life and in helping teams and whole organisations become more successful. She has a real passion to make a positive difference. She cares deeply and has dedicated her life’s work to empowering others.

Somraj Pokras

I'm excited to talk about Supernatural Sex from our upcoming book. Here is my Twitter profile: "Follow my steady feed of #sexual news, articles, tips, advice, answers, science studies, and erotic experiences for #Tantra, #TantricSex and #OrgasmicSex. 18+ NSFW LGBTQ friendly. Questions welcomed."


Somraj is the Orgasmic Sexologist as an author, trainer, coach, and counsellor. Follow his steady feed of sexual news, articles, tips, advice, answers, science studies, and erotic experiences for Tantra, TantricSex, and Orgasmic Sex via Twitter or LinkedIn. Somraj has written 10 books about Tantric Sex, posts regularly to his Orgasmic Sex blog, and maintains the website. In his previous life he was a people skills training consultant and  team-building expert. When he’s not writing he’s probably skiing, hiking, walking his dogs, or making love to his beautiful wife of over 20 years.

Philip Mantle

Philip Mantle is a veteran UFO reseacher, author and publisher from the UK. He was the Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association as well as the MUFON Representative for England. He is now the owner a his own publishing concern at FLYING DISK PRESS.


Philip Mantle is a veteran UFO reseacher, author and publisher from the UK. He was the Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association as well as the MUFON Representative for England. He is now the owner a his own publishing concern at FLYING DISK PRESS.