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Roger Stone
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Roger Stone is available for interviews about his new book- STONE’S RULES

Friends and supporters ask me constantly how I combat and survive the constant recycled but false claim of Russian collusion in the 2016 election and the endless smears, personal attacks and innuendo of an insidious group of relentless partisans and their hand-maidens in the fake news media.

The answer lies in my disciplined adherence to Stone's Rules, a tested compendium of maxims and guidelines I have learned in a successful 40 year career of political combat, survival and victory.

Now you can read and employ these vital and current rules for yourself - Roger Stone.

To schedule an interview with Roger Stone:

Contact - Lainie Speiser


Roger Stone pundit and legendary American Republican political consultant who has played a key role in the election of Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to Donald J. Trump.

Roger Stone is the subject of the smash hit Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone and serves as a political commentator for InfoWars.

Stone is the author of The Man Who Killed Kennedy - the Case Against LBJ (Skyhorse). Stone is also the author of Tricky Dick, a broader look at the rise and fall and rise and fall and final comeback of Richard Milhouse Nixon, the Bush Crime Family, an inside look at that corrupt American dynasty, the Clinton's War on Women, the definitive work on the shocking crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton and The Making of the President 2016 - how Donald Trump orchestrated a revolution.

A friend an advisor to Donald Trump for over 30 years Roger Stone urged Donald Trump to seek the Presidency as early as 1988 and again in 2000, 2016 and finally 2016.

Stone has also chronicled men's fashion for the New York Times and the Daily Caller. His annual "Ten Best and Worst Dressed" list has been featured on the Daily Caller and since 2009. Stone serves as Men's Style Correspondent for the Daily Caller as well as hosting the War Room on InfoWars five days a week.

A Goldwater zealot in grade-school after a neighbor gave him Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative, Stone was elected Young Republican National Chairman in 1977.