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Sindy Warren
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Radi8: Using the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine

By Sindy Warren

Yoga is More than the “Asanas”—The Poses;

It’s a System that Encompasses 8 Steps to an Enhanced,

Healthy and Authentic Way of Living


Dear BBS Host:

If you believe that Yoga is just what happens on a yoga mat in a 1.5 hour session of Downward Dog and Child’s Pose, then you are missing out on something much more.

While Yogis through the centuries have assiduously studied the Sanskrit-translated Yoga Sutras, now there is Sindy Warren’s Radi8: Using the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine for the rest of us!

This compact book is a crystalized, bite-sized distillation of this wisdom that turns everyday life into a joy to live. Using this simplified and illuminating guidebook, these eight integrated teachings can:

  • Detox and clear your body of illnesses and pain
  • Release all the stress in your body that causes pre-mature aging
  • Restore a peaceful, contented, go-with-the flow state of mind, even in the face of stressful situations or incidences that previously triggered your temper or anguish
  • Liberate you from the torment of what you think others should think about you. 
  • Make your self-care the core of your ability to serve and care for yourself and others
  • Enhance your relationships and your ability to be receptive and compassionate with others
  • Potentially end addictions (as it did for Sindy, who suffered from binge eating)
  • Slow you down so you can appreciate your life as you are living it.
  • And more...

Sindy, a lawyer by trade, but yoga teacher by passion, wants to make the entire system of Yoga accessible to individuals looking for a more satisfying and rewarding way to live.

Using examples from her own journey, she’s boiled it down to a light, bright, current and unpretentious elucidation of the eight tenets:

  • Yamas: The guidance on the “external restraints” -- using behavior modification to achieve a life that provides moderation without the excesses that cause suffering, living by your code of ethics, and choosing how you relate to other people
  • Niyamas: The “internal positive restraints” and self-discipline  that you create for yourself, your internal reflection and how you react in relation to yourself, the practice of spiritual surrender
  • Asanas: The physical poses, not demonstrated here, but an open discussion on how to embody who you want to be so that you can become what you desire and intend
  • Pranayama: The importance of the yogic breathing exercises, how they impact health and vitality
  • Pratyahara: The use of sense withdrawal from the world—and full detachment from technology or multi-tasking-- to create the space for you to flower and grow
  • Dharana: The power of full concentration and focus to heighten your true awareness
  • Dhayana: The gift of meditation to create the peaceful mind that liberates you from your thoughts
  • Samahdi: The ability to achieve an enlightened potential of deep connection with an infinite intelligence and ultimate universal state of love.

Sindy perceives Yoga much like Michelangelo viewed his masterpiece David...He was reported to have said,” I didn’t create David, as he was already there. All I did was chip away at the parts of the stone that weren’t him.”  She believes Yoga chips away at what doesn’t serve us to reach the pure fulfillment of who we truly are. 

If you would like to interview Sindy Warren on Radi8: Using the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473


Sindy Warren is a certified yoga and meditation teacher and a lifelong student of the practice. The author of Radi8, Using the Practice to Cultivate Your Inner Shine, she began learning yoga in 2003, at a time in her life when she was dealing with some challenging transitions.  While she was first drawn to the physical practice, it was the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the tradition that kept her coming back, again and again.  Her yoga practice helped her develop the skills to navigate life challenges with more grace and acceptance.

Sindy, a lawyer by trade, but yoga teacher by passion, wants to make the entire system of Yoga accessible to individuals looking for a more satisfying and rewarding way to live.

Sindy perceives Yoga much like Michelangelo viewed his masterpiece David...He was reported to have said,” I didn’t create David, as he was already there. All I did was chip away at the parts of the stone that weren’t him.”  She believes Yoga chips away at what doesn’t serve us to reach the pure fulfillment of who we truly are.