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Andi Simon

How Women Can Rethink—And Smash The Myths Holding Them Back

COVID-19 has played havoc with many people’s careers, but it may have been especially detrimental to women.

Research shows that working mothers are dropping out of the workforce much faster than working fathers, at least in part because many schools switched to remote learning and at least one adult needed to be in the home with the children. One study by McKinsey & Company and Lean In also found that one-fourth of women they surveyed at 317 companies are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce entirely.

As a result, the disruptions 2020 brought could have a long-term impact on women’s careers as well as their family’s finances.

But all might not be lost. These difficult times could be an opportunity for women to rethink their personal journeys and decide who and what they want to be going forward, says Andi Simon (, a corporate anthropologist, founder of Simon Associates Management Consultants, and author of the upcoming book Rethink: Smashing the Myths of Women in Business.

“I often say if you want to change, have a crisis or create one,” Simon says. “A crisis forces you to rethink what has always been in your life so you can create new opportunities for your future. As we navigate these uncertain times, women can use them to rethink their own stories and to smash any myths that are holding them back from becoming who they want to become.”

Simon suggests a few steps women can to get them started:

Tell a story about who you are today. Draw a picture or create a list to show what you love and don’t love; the joys and challenges of your life now; your interests; and your dreams. “Put that picture or list where you can see it for a while as a reminder of who you are now,” Simon says. Visualize yourself in the future. Think about what will make you become who you believe you can be. “Know what would make you happy and realize how you might be personally fulfilled,” Simon says. “Understand how you can be professionally accomplished, build a happy family, and enjoy the support of your friends and community. Know what matters to you and how you want your story to develop.” Keep a diary. Research shows that people who keep diaries achieve their goals and do so with extraordinary results, far better than those who don’t keep diaries, Simon says. “That might seem strange, but it is easy enough to try,” she says. “Whether you do it online or on paper, keep your story coming, write it, and re-reread it. Let it help you embrace your new focus and belief that ‘yes, you can.’ ” Stop your brain from undermining you. Every time you say, “No, that won’t work,” convert it to a “Yes, that’s a great idea.” “You can manage negative thoughts by simply thinking that you can,” she says. Build up your idea bank. Research also shows that  the more ideas you have, the more likely you will have “big” ones, Simon says. She recommends writing them down in an idea book. “Try to stay focused on the vision you have for yourself as you build your idea bank,” Simon says.

“Remember that you are writing a new story, so don’t let your brain delete great ideas because they don’t fit into your current story,” Simon says. “Keep saying to yourself, ‘Yes, that’s a great idea.’ Pretty soon, you will achieve the goals that you aspire to all through your life’s journey.”


About Andi Simon

Andi Simon, Ph.D. author of the upcoming book Rethink: Smashing the Myths of Women in Business, is a corporate anthropologist and founder of Simon Associates Management Consultants. A trained practitioner in Blue Ocean Strategy®, Simon has conducted several hundred workshops and speeches on the topic as well as consulted with a wide range of clients across the globe. She also is the author of the award-winning book On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights. Simon has a successful podcast, On the Brink with Andi Simon, that has more than 125,000 monthly listeners, and is ranked among the top 20 Futurist podcasts and top 200 business podcasts. In addition, Global Advisory Experts named Simons’ firm the Corporate Anthropology Consultancy Firm of the Year in New York – 2020. She has been on Good Morning, America and Bloomberg, and is widely published in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Forbes, Business Week, Becker’s, and American Banker, among others. She has been a guest blogger for, Huffington Post, and Fierce Health.


Anthony Teresi

Guest for Your Show

Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe

By Anthony Teresi

Travel with Anthony Teresi as He Reveals the Infinite Bliss and Wonder of the Oneness That Awaits Us, in the Transcendent Dimensions Where Our Pure Consciousness Resides and Ultimately Returns to The Origin from Which All Love Flows

Throughout "Rippling Waves", Anthony Illuminates a Pathway of Transformation and Evolution, Showing Us Our Potential Destiny

An Hot New Release! 


If you've ever wondered what it might be like to leave your body and the Everyday world behind and allow your free consciousness untethered to visit where our souls originate, return home and begin anew--the unfathomable source of Supreme love...then let me introduce you to an Odyssey like no other! 

Renowned psychic and multi-dimensional visionary Anthony Teresi guides us all on an epic adventure, awakening the deepest truth of who we are in his new book Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe.

Anthony has traveled this journey himself, countless times, and after years of exploration into the highest realms, he has committed the truth of his experiences to paper with a pure hope to inspire us to expand, transform and ascend into the presence of the most profound revelation of love, right now, within this very lifetime. Rippling Waves calls for a renaissance of spiritual and planetary harmony. 

In ascending from one dimension higher into the next, Anthony paints beautiful and astonishing word portraits of the magnificent sights he has seen, the breathtaking places he has been, and the glorious beings who are the benevolent guardians and guides at each stop along the way. He listens and learns what enables the souls at each dimensional stage to fully embody their divinity-and what we, as humanity, might do to emulate them as we find our way throughout our own existence, so we, too, can experience the bliss, ultimate expression and oneness of all creation. On this journey we discover who we really are and how we can express that truth through the power of love. 

This remarkable book is the result of Anthony's years of pursuing deeper and deeper levels of consciousness awareness. In realizing that his true essence was not limited to his body, Anthony discovered the gift of Focused Love Projection which allowed his consciousness to expand beyond limitation towards its true Source.                         

Born a fourth generation intuitive, with unexplained visions as a child, he hid much of his true spiritual nature away until his brother's plane went missing during a trip to Mexico. Hoping to find him, and desperate for answers, Anthony followed after, frantically searching without success through the jungles of Mexico. In a moment of despair, feeling helpless, his brother appeared to him, in full vision, assuring him he was well, and that he was transcending to his next soul expression, fully embraced in Peace and Love. 

This healing and awakening experience set Anthony on a path of deep exploration and inspired a joyous return to the expansion of his intuitive gifts. As an already accomplished professional musician, he began to employ unique instruments of his own creation in sound healing performances where he ultimately responded to the many requests of those seeking his gifts of wisdom and guidance. Today, he is a renowned clairvoyant, master astrologer, psychic visionary, sound healer and empath, highly-respected for his compassion and integrity.

Anthony's natural born gifts presented the unique capacity to tune into the realms of universal knowledge and tap into the hidden mysteries of the cosmos. He has gained the ability to communicate directly from the vastness of consciousness through the unspoken language of the heart. This has granted him passage through multidimensional portals that link humanity to the almost limitless possibility, both here on this plane of life existence, and in the infinite dimensions that exist beyond.

In one of the final stages of his voyages, he explores how a community of souls ascended from a world much like ours today, riven with greed and divisiveness, and transformed into a world of creative collaboration, total harmony and bliss. 

Anthony holds that "This journey clearly shows that until the majority of us awaken and seize the waiting gauntlet of the heart, our world will continue to crash and burn, survive, rebuild, then crash again and again as the promise of universal peace and oneness continues to pass us by. It does not have to be this way. Life can transform and humanity can facilitate that transformation."

If you would like to have Anthony Teresi on your show to guide you and your audience through this extraordinary cosmological terrain unveiling these limitless possibilities, then please send an email with the name of your show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details.

Anthony Teresi is a renowned clairvoyant, master astrologer, psychic visionary, sound healer and empath, highly respected for his compassion and integrity. Ever striving to grow into complete alignment with the highest states of consciousness, his soul mission has been the development, refinement, exploration and mastery of his intuitive and psychic nature.

He has lead a lifetime dedicated to extensive study and experience, through which he has attained a remarkable capacity to access and embody the worlds of vibrational healing, clairvoyance, psychic phenomenon, metaphysics, cosmology, mysticism, theosophy, ontology, eastern and western philosophy, Gnosticism, flower of life physics, psychology and beyond. Through the attainment of this vast knowledge, his passionate desire to realize full self-discovery and enlightened transformation grew, leading him to even more esoteric studies.

Longing to go even deeper, he gained further spiritual insight through the practice of single point meditation, which revealed a new sensory gift; the ability to communicate directly through consciousness the unspoken language of the heart. Upon the activation of this heightened awakening, he began hearing and feeling the voices of those in need on a global scale, and felt compelled to rise to that call, for now was the time to share these gifts in a greater way. While Anthony’s true path has always been grounded in commitment and service to humanity, the totality of these experiences had become greater than the sum of their parts. As a new consolidated vehicle of expression emerged, he became compelled to reach out as a beacon of understanding and hope, helping humanity and all those seeking a deeper truth to find and follow their own true path.

Recently, Anthony has passionately studied the emerging fields of neural plasticity, epigenetics, heart-mind coherence and the wondrous concepts relating to The Field. The blossoming of Anthony’s natural born gifts bore the unique capacity to tune in to the realm of universal knowledge and the hidden mysteries of the cosmos. This knowing empowers him to see, hear and, most importantly, interpret messages from spirit, revealing profound inner truths. This revelation was made possible as he has been granted passage through multidimensional portals of consciousness that link humanity with the realm of infinite possibility, both here in this plain of existence and beyond.

Choosing to travel the path of the mystic visionary, Anthony’s journey simultaneously flowed into cosmic attunement, musical revelations, multifaceted creativity and artistic expression. Bridging both the physical and celestial forces giving him a pure connection with the realms of the cosmic and divine, his expanded perceptive sensitivity is intimately attuned to a chorus of heavenly guides and the eternal beings that watch over us all. Born with expanded awareness, Anthony has always been touched by and connected with the divine presence that surrounds and flows through every living creation. This is a precious blessing that has given him untold insight into the limitless nature of Being.

Anthony is a multidimensional traveler who fuses his innate gifts with intelligence and the wisdom born of heart-centered intuition. He has taught and administered spiritual healing and guidance to thousands from around the globe as they search to experience and understand the unseen forces that shape and transform all of our lives.

With his remarkable new book Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe, Anthony brings us along with him on one of his journeys back to the source of our creation.

Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
Guest for Your Show
Tao Calligraphy Healing Field
An Information System with Six Sacred Tao Techniques To Empower You
to Heal and Transform Your Life
By Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha
Renowned Tao Grand Master Makes Secrets of Tao Calligraphy Healing Accessible to Anyone
When Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha learned a special form of Chinese Calligraphy ("Yi Bi Zi") at the arm of Professor Li Quiyun, the sole lineage holder of "the supreme teacher" of the imperial court of the last Chinese emperor, it was far more than a beautiful art form. While traditional calligraphy has multiple separate strokes to create a letter or word, Yi Bi Zi is done with one continuous stroke. After mastering this unique form, Master Sha went on to create Tao Calligraphy.
Tao Calligraphy is "Oneness Writing" and each figure--more than just a communication--is imbued with the incredible healing power of Tao Source, the unfathomable energy that creates all things and animates life. When Master Sha writes Tao Calligraphy, he connects with Tao Source, sacred wisdom, practices, codes, saints, buddhas and more to infuse this into each character-creating a healing field. As a result, if someone traces meaningful figures like those that represent love, forgiveness, harmony, flourishing, compassion, service, etc., "what you trace you become."
The power of Tao Calligraphy, along with other five sacred Tao techniques that Master Sha has been able to discern through his gifts, is that this "information system" carries the ability to clear out all of the negative "shen qi jing" (what equates to our energetic programming or messaging system) that prevents the free flow of energy in the mind, body, consciousness, heart and energy channels. Restored to their pristine state, without illness, relationship issues, financial struggles, and emotional challenges, our lives become happy, successful, prosperous, and joyful. And Master Sha is making this remarkable healing practice accessible to anyone in his book Tao Calligraphy Healing Field: An Information System with Six Sacred Tao Techniques to Empower You to Heal and Transform Your Life.
Master Sha is a renowned Tao grand master, healer, spiritual teacher, and the author of over 25 books, including 11 New York Times bestsellers. He was born in the Shaanxi province of China and became interested in healing at a very early age when he observed members of his family and community with a variety of illnesses. He decided to become a doctor to do whatever he could to relieve suffering and help people to live healthier and happier lives.
When he saw and experienced the power of traditional treatments, he also became interested in learning traditional Chinese medicine and Eastern arts. At the early age of six, he was accepted by the first of several masters to study tai chi, eventually becoming a grand master of tai chi, feng shui, I Ching, and the Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong.
Master Sha has an MD degree in Western medicine in China and is also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and a certified acupuncturist. He went on to combine his years of study and experience to create the Soul Mind Body Science system and the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field., He has taught self-healing practices to thousands around the world who have overcome physical pain, chronic illnesses, stress, depression, anxiety, and found unique techniques to heal relationships and find more success in business and finances. He currently has a dozen teaching and healing centers around the world.
This practice presented in Tao Calligraphy Healing Field that Master Sha has brought forth with remarkable efficacy combines tracing the key Tao Calligraphy figures with hands or body movement, paired with Body Power (certain hand positions), Soul Power (specific prayers and messages to the inner and outer souls), Mind Power (directed visualizations), Breath Power (breathing techniques), and Sound Power (chanting key phrases). When practiced diligently, these actions clear out the negative "shen qi jing," according to Master Sha.
Tao Calligraphy Healing Field is filled with specific practices to heal individual energy bodies (mental, spiritual, etc), the seven chakras, a variety of energy channels, and the wisdom of the traditional Five Elements of Chinese medicine (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water). And there are QR codes for videos in support of chanting and the practices. The book contains numerous case histories of those who have used these practices for significant healing.
Master Sha is also a renowned humanitarian and the founder of the Love Peace Harmony Foundation. He has been widely recognized for his dedication to helping people worldwide and received the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for promoting world peace.
If you would like to have Master Sha on your show to introduce the incredible healing power of Tao Calligraphy to your listeners, then please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details.
Missi Hatfield
(772) 332 0528

Jackie Lapin
(818) 707 1473
What Luminaries Are Say About Master Sha:
"We, the human race, need more Zhi Gang Sha." - Dr. Maya Angelou, Author of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
"Master Sha offers a clear, practical path to learning the secrets of self-healing." - Marianne Williamson, Author of A Return to Love
"Practical, useful information and techniques for putting the body's natural abilities to work on 
healing--a wonderful contribution." - Dr. Wayne Dyer, Author of There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
"Master Sha guides the reader in to a consciousness of healing not only of body, mind, and spirit but also of the heart. I consider his healing path to be a universal spiritual practice, a journey into genuine transformation." - Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Author of Spiritual Liberation
"Master Sha's unconditional love for humanity will open your heart and touch your soul. He is one of the most extraordinary and powerful human beings I have ever met."- Dr. Barbara De Angelis, Author of Soul Shifts
Master Sha is the most important healer and teacher available in North America today. Master healers are rare. Here is one of the living masters of soul healing and its effects upon mind and body." - Dr. C. Norman Shealy, Author of Life Beyond 100
"Master Sha is an important teacher and a wonderful healer with a valuable message about the power of the soul to influence and transform all life." - Dr. Masaru Emoto, Author of The Hidden Messages in Water
What People Are Saying about Tao Calligraphy:
"I was having a difficult time because I fractured my hip and my collarbone and was walking with a cane. After being in the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field, I have no pain in my hip. I can walk and stand. I feel like I've been reborn." - B.S., Hawaii
"Through regular sessions in the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field, I tapped into unknown creative powers in myself. I received a Tao Light transmission for my heart. A week later, I received a large grant for a long-term project." - M.W., Professional Musician
"I had strong sinusitis for 6 months and tried all types of medicines from Western to Asian.... I could hardly sleep at night and talked with a blocked nose most of the day. After 6-7 days of Tao Calligraphy healing, things went back to normal. That is such an incredible achievement when you know how uncomfortable it is not to be able to breathe properly for months." - E.G.D.
"A client came to me about her mother. Her mother could not stand up. She had no balance and could only sit in a chair. I offered to write calligraphy for 15 days as appropriate for her mother.   After the 15 days, the client came back to say that her mother was walking, talking, and enjoying life again. She was playing a game with a ball that she played as a girl. She would throw the ball against the wall: it would bounce on the floor and as it was coming up, she would step over with her leg and catch the ball in her hand. This is amazing. This woman is in her 80s." - M.D., Tao Calligraphy Practitioner

Master Zhi Gang Sha is a Tao grandmaster, healer, teacher, and author of over 25 books, including 11 New York Times bestsellers. He has an MD degree in Western medicine from China and is also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Master Sha has combined the essence of Western medicine with ancient wisdom to create Soul Mind Body Medicine and Tao teachings to help humanity. He is a grandmaster of several Asian arts and in 2002 was named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong. With the creation of Tao Calligraphy, he received the highest honors a Chinese calligrapher can receive, being appointed to the position of National Chinese Calligrapher Master as well as Honorable Researcher Professor by the State Ethnic Academy of Painting in Beijing, China.

Master Sha founded the Tao Academy to share Tao wisdom and practices through classes, workshops, retreats, and training programs. He has trained thousands of teachers and practitioners worldwide and taught many students simple but powerful soul-healing techniques. Through the Sha Research Foundation, he has sponsored scientific research studies that have shown the benefits of the Tao practices and Tao Calligraphy. A renowned humanitarian, Master Sha, Master Sha founded the Love Peace Harmony Foundation and has received widespread recognition for his service to humanity, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for promoting world peace.

Tao grand master, healer, spiritual teacher, and the author
Kathy Gruver

Hey all, I'm a stress and mindfulness expert, author, and speaker. I specialize in teaching high stress over-achievers how to use practical and simple techniques to changes their response to stress. I also teach meditation, mindfulness, presence, communication and ego state optimization. I'm a frequent guest on radio and TV and as a former actor love to have fun during my interviews. More info about me is in the bio.


Kathy Gruver is an award-winning author, professional speaker, and coach with over 30 years of experience in mind/body medicine and human behavior. An entertainer and educator imbuing all of her programs with practicality and passion.

With a West Coast mentality and an East Coast delivery her humorous, down to earth and engaging style has captivated audiences on four continents, three cruise ships and a handful of islands. It’s been her true honor to have delivered two TEDx talks.

Kathy has written eight books which have garnered 12 awards, hosted a TV series based on her first book, developed a stress reduction program for the US military, and cohosts the Fire and Earth Podcast. She has penned countless articles and appears regularly as a guest on radio, TV and in print media. She recently appeared on the Dr. Phil Show. She has earned her PhD in natural health and has studied mind-body medicine at the famed Benson Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard. Kathy currently lives in Santa Barbara, California with her boyfriend, her guinea pig Listo and her cat Aleister. For fun and stress relief Kathy does flying trapeze and plays dungeons and dragons.

Her clients have included Raytheon, Merck, Southland Industries, American Heart Association, and the USPS just to name a few. Her topics include stress reduction, communication, mindset and positivity and ego state optimization where she creates space for both learning and laughter.    


Vicki Znavor

Authenticity Awakened: 

The Path to OWNING Your Life's Story and Fulfilling Your Purpose

By Vicki Znavor

Embracing Your Life's Story & Values - 

And Living Them at Work & In Your Communication with Others Paves the Way for Fulfillment and Purpose

Vicki Znavor learned to be self-sufficient early in life.  Despite being a great student, attending college right out of high school was a distant dream because she had to support herself financially.  She

postponed college and jumped into the work force as a typing/filing clerk.  With perseverance and resilience, she learned on the job and advanced by working hard and learning ways to add value at work despite not having a degree.

After spending more than a dozen years juggling work, marriage, parenting and night school, she realized her dream and graduated with a BA and then an MBA.

It wasn't until she began to acknowledge and honor her life story, her truth and values, and make them her coda, that she found her place in the world, ultimately becoming a top C-Suite human resources executive. 

In her four decades of work, she not only found a path to being herself at work, but she became passionate about helping others do the same.  She learned from her own experiences that people only do their best, purpose-driven work when they bring their authentic selves to work in a way that feels right to them.

Knowing and living her Authenticity, she learned how to stand up for herself and her beliefs at work, to communicate honestly and frankly with co-workers and superiors and to foster diverse and inclusive workplaces.  

In her new book Authenticity Awakened: The Path to OWNING Your Life's Story and Fulfilling Your Purpose, Vicki guides readers on how to mine their life story to discover their pivotal moments, values and their purpose which together create the foundation for ultimate success and a rewarding work life. 

She helps others understand their pivotal life stories, their values and their purpose by providing tools, exercises and real-life examples.  She has also incorporated significant research on the topic.  As the awareness that one has of their authenticity deepens, it becomes increasingly more difficult to show up as someone they're not. 

"When you know your truth," she says, "you are more confident and resolute in your decisions and your relationships."

By awakening your Authenticity, you stop living someone else's life, cease simply going along with others' expectations of you, have the courage to admit your mistakes, ask for what you are worth, and have the courage to have difficult conversations with bosses and co-workers. She guides you on all of this!

All of this is interwoven with Vicki's heart-warming story of a young Hispanic woman determined to prove herself and find her place in the world, while creating an enriching and loving family life. And in so doing she left her mark on the people she met, served and lead at Sara Lee Corporation, Northern Trust and CIBC Bank USA, previously known as The PrivateBank.

Her incredibly practical guidebook holds great wisdom on how to communicate honestly, frankly and effectively in ways that will open doors, prevent conflict or resolve it, ask for what you are worth and make you feel more comfortable in your own skin. The book concludes with a great chapter on 100 Ways to Authenticity!

Vicki addresses in Authenticity Awakened:

·         How to find your 5 pivotal moments and why this is important

·         How to identify your values and apply that knowledge

·         When and how to share personal information in a work setting

·         How to face your fears at work (and elsewhere!)

·         The role curiosity plays in your success

·         How to decide whether to stay or go 

If you would like to have Vicki Znavor on your show to inspire Authenticity Reawakened, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details.  

United States

Vicki Znavor rose from typing and filing clerk with only a high school diploma to a highly recognized Human Resources top executive at some of America’s leading global companies.

She did all that while raising a family and earning her college and MBA degrees.

And now she is teaching some of the most critical lessons she discovered about being Authentic in the workplace to others with her new book Authenticity Reawakened: The Path To OWNING Your Life’s Story and Fulfilling Your Purpose.

Her years in the corporate sector encompassed an impressive array of roles with major impact on the lives of people she served and supported. 

Vicki was the Chief Human Resources Officer for CIBC Bank USA, previously known as The PrivateBank.  In that role, she served as a member of the U.S. executive leadership team and was accountable for the strategic leadership of the bank’s people strategy focused on building a more diverse and inclusive organization, attracting and retaining top talent, and incenting behaviors that resulted in long-term value creation. 

Prior to joining The PrivateBank, Vicki was Vice President, Learning & Development at Northern Trust where she helped develop global people programs linking behaviors, performance and strategy.

She spent most of her career at Sara Lee Corporation in a variety of positions in Tax, Treasury, HR and Change Management.  She was the global HR leader for Sara Lee’s transformation where she focused on managing the impact of massive change on more than 140,000 employees worldwide. 

Vicki has an MBA with a focus on Leadership and Change Management from DePaul University’s Kellstadt Graduate School of Business.  Selected as a Notable HR Leader by Crain’s Chicago Business in 2020 and one of ALPFA’s Most Powerful Latinas in 2019, she serves on several not-for-profit boards focusing on literacy and alleviating human suffering. 

Vicki lives in Indiana and likes to spend her free time with her husband Tom visiting their children and grandchildren. 

Dr Ana Harvey aka Doctor Phenomena

I would like to be interviewed to introduce the launching of my fourth book, Only Good Comes To Me introducing the LEP Frequency Tool (April, Publisher is Waterside Productions, book agent is Bill Gladstone). This important book demonstrates how to work with energy (vibrational frequencies) through the Laws of Vibration, Polarity and Attraction to bring desires in the conscious mind into physical realities. It explains vibrational frequencies in a remarkable take home message method explaining the quantum living approach, and the use of the Violet energy, (the purest energy available to mankind for healing and manifestation) while engaging and encouraging readers to rebuild their life to their specifications using the LEP Frequency Tool. The instructions within the pages are clear and simple to apply, and what makes this book even more unique is that includes assessments and supplements to identify the readers personal vibrational frequency in all the areas of consciousness mental, emotional, physical/sensory, and spiritual energy fields, in the current moment, so immediate changes can be made to raise frequencies to begin creating the future the reader wants to face or eliminate discord in their life. Since energy can only send at the frequency it receives, it is vital to vibrate as high as possible to achieve desired results.


As a psychology professor for many years and a metaphysical author/speaker who has given numerous seminars on the use of energy I began to see that people have become desensitized to the concept of “change your thoughts change your life.” They get it, they are aware of it, but it doesn’t seem to work for them. The concept is no long er new and pretty much dead-on arrival for most people because awareness and giving some basic information about how to change thoughts doesn’t go far enough! Results are not seen because the process is incomplete.

Awareness must start the process. But without the deeper work of alignment of all human consciousness fields (mental, emotional, physical/sensory and spiritual) desires will not appear. People and the entire universe is made of energy. This energy is impersonal running only on vibrational frequencies. If you want change in your life and live the future you want to face, you must work with laws of the universe (Law of Vibration, Polarity and Attraction). This is not magic, or heresy. This is basic physics. For manifestations you must increase personal vibrational frequencies in full alignment in ALL consciousness fields to achieve the desired goal. For example, when you vibrate high in the mental consciousness meaning that you are mentally mature, logical and can make decent decisions in your professional or personal life, but vibrate low in the emotional (lack of maturity), or spiritual (belief systems) this is a misalignment and you will not achieve desired results. You may attain successful outward life, have a great career, money etc. but may be emotionally or spiritually tortured, or at the very least unhappy and unfulfilled.

The energy only works (attracts to you) in collective alignment when all consciousness fields are in harmony.  In order to understand if you are in alignment before you can manifest you need to have the ability assess your personal vibrational frequency fields.  This is why this book is so unique, as it not only explains energy, but details how to increase vibrational frequencies and offers assessments to assess personal vibrational frequency in the current moment. It allows the person to BE THE FIELD OF ENERGY THAT ATTRACTS because they are aligned with ALL fields of consciousness, not just the thoughts, or the images in the mind.

United States

Dr. ANA HARVEY (aka Doctor Phenomena) is a retired psychology professor, and an established author of several successful books in the genre of education, and metaphysics. In addition, she is an esteemed self-development speaker who holds seminars and workshops to teach people how to increase their personal vibrational frequencies; thereby granting them the tools they need to live in a world of well-being, abundance, and prosperity. She has been given the nickname of Doctor Phenomena because of her extensive research, seminars and books on the life phenomena of human beings. Check out her many shows on youtube.

Doctor Harvey holds a doctoral degree from Grand Canyon University in leadership, and two masters’ degrees in psychology and public administration from Northcentral University and Marist College, respectively, and a Bachelor’s of Science from Marist College. Dr. Harvey’s LEP seminars and books bring a fresh interpretation of scientific, psychology, and metaphysical philosophies to use as tools when working with energy to create the future each participant and/or reader wants to face and the life they wish to live!

Book signings, vibrational frequency
Rosalyn Kahn

Expert in Kindness, Relieving Anxiety & stress through Dogs and Roses. Expert in breaking cultural barriers, motivating students to stay in school in the pandemic. Expert Public Speaking Coach, getting on TEDx stage coach, Now expert at coaching pageant girls and bringing together an elite teacm exclusively designed to meet each girls need, sign up and shows.

United States

Rosalyn Kahn is a College Professor Public Speaking Instructor at Los Angeles City College. She is also an Author, International Motivational Speaker and Speech Coach, Expert Podguest Guest

Ms. Kahn has been an educator for the last 20 years teaching Public Speaking, English as Second Language in colleges and high schools throughout Southern CA.  Several years ago, she attended her first TedX conference in Pasadena. She was immediately drawn into the Tedx fever.

Rosalyn worked on the experiential committee of  TEDx and thereafter followed her expertise to coach ten TEDx speakers from Nov. to present.  Rosalyn spoke over three times beginning in 2013 “Language comes to Life.”  2015 “Coming Around the Curve” and “Breaking Cultural Barriers. She began her business Coaching and Professional Speaking nearly three years ago.

Rosalyn has trained over thousands of students and worked with individuals from a wide span from teens to business executives improve their presentation skills to improve their earnings. Her gift is helping individuals achieve their goal with speaking with their authentic voice.

In the last three years Rosalyn has spoken at over several hundred different organizations . Everyone who interviews hers says she is a natural with an exuberant amount of energy and spunk. Almost each one enjoys her so much she invited back again.

Her past interviews including interviews with Mother Love on LATalk Radio,  Career Show on LA Talk Radio, Pepper Jay,  Koby Dumas, David Fagan,  Raven Amazing Power of Women Radio, Anne Scheller Blackbelt  SalesMastery, Dean Olson Strongwriter Radio, Reverend Nancy Adair, Tammy’s Corner. She was also interviewed before on Radio Boomer’s Live on their inception with two interviews. We are so exstatic to have you showing up here today.

She has published her first book Random Acts of Kindness are Changing the World by Solutions Press released on Amazon. Her second Roses and Dogs –How to Reduce Stress in Today’s Troubled Times was released in hard copy and electronic format are sold on Amazon. Her next book, Messsage for Tomorrow’s Leader is just released.

Recently, she has become a guest speaker on over 30 podcasts from England Canada and India. Rosalyn also has a series picked up a major network to carry her series Community to Unity.

She has recently join Alma’s Angle Project with her efforts to help youngsters with their speaking skills. She is truly honored to serve as the youth are so important in her life as an educator

2020 she was recognized by Toastmasters International for earning the highest honor Distinguished Toastmaster . Los Angeles Business Journal awarded her Women Business Owner of 2020 and finally she was recognized by Global Society of  Female Executives  Kindness

2021 Women Award Women Prof of Year, entered in Hall of Fame.

Rosalyn Kahn is a College Professor Public Speaking Instructor at Los Angeles City College. She is also an Author, International Motivational Speaker and Speech Coach, Expert Podguest Guest

Ms. Kahn has been an educator for the last 20 years teaching Public Speaking, English as Second Language in colleges and high schools throughout Southern CA.  Several years ago, she attended her first TedX conference in Pasadena. She was immediately drawn into the Tedx fever.

Rosalyn worked on the experiential committee of  TEDx and thereafter followed her expertise to coach ten TEDx speakers from Nov. to present.  Rosalyn spoke over three times beginning in 2013 “Language comes to Life.”  2015 “Coming Around the Curve” and “Breaking Cultural Barriers. She began her business Coaching and Professional Speaking nearly three years ago.

Rosalyn has trained over thousands of students and worked with individuals from a wide span from teens to business executives improve their presentation skills to improve their earnings. Her gift is helping individuals achieve their goal with speaking with their authentic voice.

In the last three years Rosalyn has spoken at over several hundred different organizations . Everyone who interviews hers says she is a natural with an exuberant amount of energy and spunk. Almost each one enjoys her so much she invited back again.

Her past interviews including interviews with Mother Love on LATalk Radio,  Career Show on LA Talk Radio, Pepper Jay,  Koby Dumas, David Fagan,  Raven Amazing Power of Women Radio, Anne Scheller Blackbelt  SalesMastery, Dean Olson Strongwriter Radio, Reverend Nancy Adair, Tammy’s Corner. She was also interviewed before on Radio Boomer’s Live on their inception with two interviews. We are so exstatic to have you showing up here today.

She has published her first book Random Acts of Kindness are Changing the World by Solutions Press released on Amazon. Her second Roses and Dogs –How to Reduce Stress in Today’s Troubled Times was released in hard copy and electronic format are sold on Amazon. Her next book, Messsage for Tomorrow’s Leader is just released.

Recently, she has become a guest speaker on over 30 podcasts from England Canada and India. Rosalyn also has a series picked up a major network to carry her series Community to Unity.

She has recently join Alma’s Angle Project with her efforts to help youngsters with their speaking skills. She is truly honored to serve as the youth are so important in her life as an educator

2020 she was recognized by Toastmasters International for earning the highest honor Distinguished Toastmaster . Los Angeles Business Journal awarded her Women Business Owner of 2020 and finally she was recognized by Global Society of  Female Executives  Kindness

2021 Women Award Women Prof of Year, entered in Hall of Fame.

A Message for Tomorrow's Leader
Darren Sadge

Hello! My name is Darren Sadge & Iv'e been in Ethann Fox's Lightworker program for the past 2 years. I have 3 yuotube videos & one interview with Todd Medina available on my website listed above.The core essence of my teaching is to serve as a messenger of love, a heart centered way of living & to awaken others into an experience of their divine nature!My

United States

My biography can be accessed on my web page by clicking on the About page.

David Woodring


I am a music producer from a group called Your Machine and I just submitted our latest single for radio play.

The interesting story here is that 1) after I built my recording studio last year and covid hit, I was forced to create a "remote band" online and start working with artists from around the world remotely. This definitely has its ups and downs but with me in the U.S., the guitar and bass player in Austria, and singers in London and the U.K., we have been able to produce high quality music and covid actually brought us together; and 2) I spend 10 years getting a PhD in sociology/criminology only to realize I wanted to produce music and left academia in 2019 to build my studio, etc.

That's a summary of the professional and personal stories that are interesting. If it's interesting to you, please let me know.

I think the most important takeaway from this is that you can still play and produce in the wake of a pandemic. Some aspects of the production process are harder but some are easier. 

Let me know what you think!

United States

I'll pasted some more from our press release below. 

Social distancing has been quite tough, to say the least; but not enough to hold these musicians back!

Your Machine consists of artists from around the world, collaborating together in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. When the traditional ways of collaborating on and promoting music essentially disappeared, producers David (drummer from the U.S.) and Mark (bassist/guitarist from Austria) connected online in January 2020. They began recording their album remotely - which is, let’s face it, part of the new business model for many musicians, even at the highest professional tiers of the industry. 

Aside from the band's biography and history, I grew up in the U.S. and had a lot of behavior problems as a child. I was almost killed by police in my hometown when I was 14, had several felonies before I was 16, and had entered a life of crime and drugs by 19. It was a lifestyle that finally caught up to me in 2008.

So I moved back home to try and sober up/clean up and went back to school to get a BA in criminal justice, MA sociology/criminology, PhD in sociology/criminology, which was great, but I couldn't ever kick the drug and alcohol habit until 2019.

At the end of 2019 everything came to a precipice and I was able to finally get the help I needed, get away from the stresses of academia, and get back into music which the studio, teaching myself bass, guitar, and keys laster etc., ultimately saved me after a year of intense recovery!

These are just the highlights. 

And obviously, as a PhD, I have many relevant talking points related to social behavior, social psychology, culture, etc.

