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Anthony Teresi
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Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe

By Anthony Teresi

Travel with Anthony Teresi as He Reveals the Infinite Bliss and Wonder of the Oneness That Awaits Us, in the Transcendent Dimensions Where Our Pure Consciousness Resides and Ultimately Returns to The Origin from Which All Love Flows

Throughout "Rippling Waves", Anthony Illuminates a Pathway of Transformation and Evolution, Showing Us Our Potential Destiny

An Hot New Release! 


If you've ever wondered what it might be like to leave your body and the Everyday world behind and allow your free consciousness untethered to visit where our souls originate, return home and begin anew--the unfathomable source of Supreme love...then let me introduce you to an Odyssey like no other! 

Renowned psychic and multi-dimensional visionary Anthony Teresi guides us all on an epic adventure, awakening the deepest truth of who we are in his new book Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe.

Anthony has traveled this journey himself, countless times, and after years of exploration into the highest realms, he has committed the truth of his experiences to paper with a pure hope to inspire us to expand, transform and ascend into the presence of the most profound revelation of love, right now, within this very lifetime. Rippling Waves calls for a renaissance of spiritual and planetary harmony. 

In ascending from one dimension higher into the next, Anthony paints beautiful and astonishing word portraits of the magnificent sights he has seen, the breathtaking places he has been, and the glorious beings who are the benevolent guardians and guides at each stop along the way. He listens and learns what enables the souls at each dimensional stage to fully embody their divinity-and what we, as humanity, might do to emulate them as we find our way throughout our own existence, so we, too, can experience the bliss, ultimate expression and oneness of all creation. On this journey we discover who we really are and how we can express that truth through the power of love. 

This remarkable book is the result of Anthony's years of pursuing deeper and deeper levels of consciousness awareness. In realizing that his true essence was not limited to his body, Anthony discovered the gift of Focused Love Projection which allowed his consciousness to expand beyond limitation towards its true Source.                         

Born a fourth generation intuitive, with unexplained visions as a child, he hid much of his true spiritual nature away until his brother's plane went missing during a trip to Mexico. Hoping to find him, and desperate for answers, Anthony followed after, frantically searching without success through the jungles of Mexico. In a moment of despair, feeling helpless, his brother appeared to him, in full vision, assuring him he was well, and that he was transcending to his next soul expression, fully embraced in Peace and Love. 

This healing and awakening experience set Anthony on a path of deep exploration and inspired a joyous return to the expansion of his intuitive gifts. As an already accomplished professional musician, he began to employ unique instruments of his own creation in sound healing performances where he ultimately responded to the many requests of those seeking his gifts of wisdom and guidance. Today, he is a renowned clairvoyant, master astrologer, psychic visionary, sound healer and empath, highly-respected for his compassion and integrity.

Anthony's natural born gifts presented the unique capacity to tune into the realms of universal knowledge and tap into the hidden mysteries of the cosmos. He has gained the ability to communicate directly from the vastness of consciousness through the unspoken language of the heart. This has granted him passage through multidimensional portals that link humanity to the almost limitless possibility, both here on this plane of life existence, and in the infinite dimensions that exist beyond.

In one of the final stages of his voyages, he explores how a community of souls ascended from a world much like ours today, riven with greed and divisiveness, and transformed into a world of creative collaboration, total harmony and bliss. 

Anthony holds that "This journey clearly shows that until the majority of us awaken and seize the waiting gauntlet of the heart, our world will continue to crash and burn, survive, rebuild, then crash again and again as the promise of universal peace and oneness continues to pass us by. It does not have to be this way. Life can transform and humanity can facilitate that transformation."

If you would like to have Anthony Teresi on your show to guide you and your audience through this extraordinary cosmological terrain unveiling these limitless possibilities, then please send an email with the name of your show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details.


Anthony Teresi is a renowned clairvoyant, master astrologer, psychic visionary, sound healer and empath, highly respected for his compassion and integrity. Ever striving to grow into complete alignment with the highest states of consciousness, his soul mission has been the development, refinement, exploration and mastery of his intuitive and psychic nature.

He has lead a lifetime dedicated to extensive study and experience, through which he has attained a remarkable capacity to access and embody the worlds of vibrational healing, clairvoyance, psychic phenomenon, metaphysics, cosmology, mysticism, theosophy, ontology, eastern and western philosophy, Gnosticism, flower of life physics, psychology and beyond. Through the attainment of this vast knowledge, his passionate desire to realize full self-discovery and enlightened transformation grew, leading him to even more esoteric studies.

Longing to go even deeper, he gained further spiritual insight through the practice of single point meditation, which revealed a new sensory gift; the ability to communicate directly through consciousness the unspoken language of the heart. Upon the activation of this heightened awakening, he began hearing and feeling the voices of those in need on a global scale, and felt compelled to rise to that call, for now was the time to share these gifts in a greater way. While Anthony’s true path has always been grounded in commitment and service to humanity, the totality of these experiences had become greater than the sum of their parts. As a new consolidated vehicle of expression emerged, he became compelled to reach out as a beacon of understanding and hope, helping humanity and all those seeking a deeper truth to find and follow their own true path.

Recently, Anthony has passionately studied the emerging fields of neural plasticity, epigenetics, heart-mind coherence and the wondrous concepts relating to The Field. The blossoming of Anthony’s natural born gifts bore the unique capacity to tune in to the realm of universal knowledge and the hidden mysteries of the cosmos. This knowing empowers him to see, hear and, most importantly, interpret messages from spirit, revealing profound inner truths. This revelation was made possible as he has been granted passage through multidimensional portals of consciousness that link humanity with the realm of infinite possibility, both here in this plain of existence and beyond.

Choosing to travel the path of the mystic visionary, Anthony’s journey simultaneously flowed into cosmic attunement, musical revelations, multifaceted creativity and artistic expression. Bridging both the physical and celestial forces giving him a pure connection with the realms of the cosmic and divine, his expanded perceptive sensitivity is intimately attuned to a chorus of heavenly guides and the eternal beings that watch over us all. Born with expanded awareness, Anthony has always been touched by and connected with the divine presence that surrounds and flows through every living creation. This is a precious blessing that has given him untold insight into the limitless nature of Being.

Anthony is a multidimensional traveler who fuses his innate gifts with intelligence and the wisdom born of heart-centered intuition. He has taught and administered spiritual healing and guidance to thousands from around the globe as they search to experience and understand the unseen forces that shape and transform all of our lives.

With his remarkable new book Rippling Waves: A Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe, Anthony brings us along with him on one of his journeys back to the source of our creation.
