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Sally Dubel

This is long, sorry! Hello, my name is Leni Dubel. I wanted to see if you would like to possibly interview my Mom. The reason being is that she has written a book about welcoming illness and disease to the body like a cherished guest to self-heal it. The book (called “An Appropriate Conversation With Cancer”) contains an actual conversation with cancer itself. 

I have been communicating with Spirit since 2003 and found that you can communicate with basically anything once you learn to commune with the trees, animals, etc. Everything has a frequency and an energy and back in 2016 my Guides taught me to welcome any illness to the body to heal it. We began with no prior experience for self-healing, no ability there. We worked with a deathly mold allergy that I had (I had unknowingly spilled an entire gallon of water onto the floor and it grew mold which was making me quite ill to live in.) 

So, each time I breathed it in and it made me sick my Guides told me to welcome the mold to my body like a cherished guest. And by day three or four I had healed the allergy! But not only that, I also was able to heal the effects completely, of the allergy medicine that I had been taking those few days. Suffice it to say that I went from being very sick and feeling terrible from the combination of the two, to feeling amazing. 

So, myself and the Guides came up with an exercise for self-healing which we have been giving away ever since. I have used the exercise to self-heal literally thousands of things since then. How the book comes in to play is that our friend had cancer. And my Mom came up with the idea to write a book in conversation style between myself, my Spirit Guides, the cancer, my Mom and our friend. 

She subsequently passed because she refused to work with the exercise but that was fully her choice. Another interesting thing that has occurred is that in 2016 I was somehow downloaded with the ability to communicate with my Ego. Myself and the Ego spoke all night that first night and despite my former spiritual beliefs that the Ego was bad and blah, blah, it turns out that the Ego is actually a Guide to the emotions! I think the folks who thought poorly of the Ego must not have known it at all. 

If I had not connected with the Ego in 2016 we would not have been able to write the book because my entire life changed EXPONENTIALLY for the better when I became friends with my best friend Martin (my Ego). And by better I mean that I could actually speak with my Guides much more fluently, allowing information to flow to myself a lot easier. 

Anyway, I’m not really an interview person. I tried a handful of them back in 2016 and was too nervous and did not like it. But my Mom is much more outgoing. We really are trying to get the message out there of self-healing and working WITH as opposed to against the Ego in a harmonious way. Have a wonderful day. 

Leni Dubel

United States

I follow my daughter who gets information from her Spirit Guides. We use this as our main spiritual teaching in life. 

Daisy Papp

The world is changing rapidly, so is society. Clearly, change is inevitable. The only answer 'how' to succeed healthily as a species is LOVE. Love is the answer. The most written about, sung about, philozophized topic in human history is love. Let me share the "How To" with your audience. My podcast has listeners in 51 countries.

When love is taught in schools globally change in all our lives is possible within the shortest amount of time. Moral and integrity can be learned in easy to understand, fun ways. My clients around the world achieve results beyond their wildest dreams. So can you!

United States

Daisy Papp was born and raised in Germany, speaks 3 languages fluently and has spent a lifetime helping others. In fact, some state that Daisy is the world's best-kept secret!

Daisy is the founder of SelfRecoding®, the secret recipe for healing the past, clearing the present and generating a predictable future in the shortest amount of time. Daisy has extensive experience through years of extraordinary training in the fields of NLP, EFT, Energy Psychology, and other modalities from world-known psychologists, neuroscientists, and leaders in the coaching industry.

Daisy has a proven track recordd and has spent hundreds of hours conducting seminars and workshops. She has helped individuals, couples, world champions and Fortune 500 CEO's on all continents, showing an unrivaled commitment to her profession with more than 10 thousand hours of one-on-one sessions completed. Her three books have been sold in over 50 countries.

Daisy Papp now lives in the sunny Florida Keys and is bringing her expertise to the podcast Bald and Blonde, teaming up with the renowned "Baldwarrior', Kathi Tait from Australia. Together they are embracing the globe and helping millions of listeners change their lives through Mindset Evolution, the focus of the podcast.

Daisy was a signed artist with EMI Music as a singer/songwriter. Her music is aired on radio stations in Europe and the US, her visual art is exhibited in myseums around the United States and collected by art connoisseurs with private collections around the globe. Her podcast has listeners in 51 countries.


The Formula for Finding True Love
Jolene and Jason Tierney
We would like to ask about being considered as a guest on your show.
Using Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique we've channeled beings from a parallel dimension that wish to assist humanity.
We are enthusiastic about sharing this beautiful message, contained in our book "A Quest of Transcendence", published by Ozark Mountain Publishing. It follows a young woman's (Malemene) journey from the age of 12 to 21, with her dragon, Auberone,
telling of her multi dimensional existence and development of her spiritual awakening.
We would be happy to send you a copy and also additional copies to give away to your audience.  We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Jolene and Jason Tierney

Jolene has a background in Sociology and the esoteric arts of Psychic Channeling, Reiki, Sekhem, Tantra, and other healing modalities. Her vast experience as a therapist has provided the platform for delivering a unique insight into how the supernatural dimensions interweave our own. She is passionately dedicated to sharing information that allows us to remember the truth of who we are.

 Jason is qualified in various hypnosis techniques but favors Dolores Cannon’s method because of the access to Source that it provides. He has completed nearly two hundred sessions since learning the technique from Dolores herself in 2011. Thirty-four of those are contained within this book. His extensive study of the spiritual aspects of life, beginning in 1999, has proven immensely beneficial in understanding the intricacies of delving into past lives, future lives, and other dimensions.

Jolene and Jason reside in the Illawarra, on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia.

A Quest of Transcendence
Amy B. Scher

In her powerful, heartwarming and hilarious memoir, THIS IS HOW I SAVE MY LIFE: Searching the World for a Cure: A Lyme Disease Memoir (Gallery Books; Paperback; On sale 5/18), Amy B. Scher tells a fiery and unbounded story of how to take life into your own hands when all hope is lost; by believing in the power of self healing and the miracle of survival. It’s the perfect post-COVID story of real female heroism. Amy would be a great interview.

Praise for THIS IS HOW I SAVE MY LIFE includes: 

A Good Morning America “Most Anticipated Reads” pick for May 2021

“A heartwarming and inspiring story that will change the way you look at life.”—Vikas Swarup, New York Times bestselling author of Slumdog Millionaire

"Amy Scher is a brave warrior and a wonderful writer. She is a living example (very much living!) of what it looks like when a woman takes her health, her heart, and her destiny into her own hands. My hope is that this book will inspire many other women to do the same."—Elizabeth Gilbert, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat Pray Love and Big Magic

“An Eat Pray Love-like memoir.”—Pam Grout, #1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared


In THIS IS HOW I SAVE MY LIFE you travel with Amy from California to the Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis and finally in India as she shares her uplifting story of pure determination to heal herself from her late-stage, chronic Lyme disease. 

As her body began to rapidly deteriorate and she had exhausted all options, Amy found a highly experimental trial that had just as likely a probability of killing her as it did curing her…but it was in Delhi, India. She packed her bags and her parents hoping for an answer. 

In an interview, Amy can discuss: 

What it means to be resilient in a post-COVID world.

How to reframe your mindset around challenges that are daunting or painful.

The writing process of her memoir; especially how sharing our vulnerabilities can transform pain for others.

How to reclaim your life and what that means.

I’d be more than happy to send a PDF if you’d like to dip in. Watch Amy on Ticker News here or check out her Washington Post essay here. If you’d like to schedule an interview with Amy, please let me know. I’d be happy to put you in touch!



United States

About the author: Amy B. Scher is an award-winning and bestselling author of four books about human’ing and healing. She’s been featured in The Washington Post, Daily News (New York), Cosmopolitan, CNN, CBS, the Los Angeles Review of Books, The Rumpus, The Times of India and more. Scher was also named one of The Advocate’s “40 Under 40.” Amy’s books have been translated into sixteen languages. She currently lives in New York City with her beautiful wife and bad cat.

Deborah Morgan

Shockingly 1 in 4 Kids in the U.S struggles with a chronic health condition like anxiety, autoimmune, adhd, autism, asthma, arthritis, IBS, colitis, eczema and the list goes on!  My son is one of those children.  The journey my beautiful boy has taken me on, to witness the incredible power of the body to heal when given the support it needs, has been a great gift.  Because of this experience I went back to school to study nutrition and founded Kid’s Health Revolution, dedicated to teaching other parents the power they have to profoundly improve their children’s health and happiness. 

It is my mission to make as much of an impact on our children’s health as humanly possible!  I would love to share my story and teach your listeners some simple changes that will create the opportunity for balance and health so our kids and families can thrive.


Deborah Morgan is the creator and head revolutionary at Kid’s Health Revolution, a resource and community for parents of kids with chronic health conditions. She is the fierce mama bear of one busy little boy who was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition at just 2 years old. She was told there was very little that could be done, but Deborah refused to give up.  She did what everyone told her couldn’t be done and used diet and natural approaches to dramatically improve her son’s health.

This experience inspired her quest to transform the way we approach children’s health, by supporting parents in using the essential tools of nutrition, microflora balancing and lifestyle.

Feeling lost and overwhelmed in the search for solutions to help her son almost stopped Deborah from taking action, it is why she founded Kid’s Health Revolution.  A safe place for parents to find a sense of community, to feel less alone, to find trustworthy information based on both science and personal success and to feel empowered to take action.

Deborah is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and GAPS certified practitioner. Through her online community, you tube videos, workshops, coaching programs and one on one consulting, Deborah is helping parents make the changes that will support the future health and happiness of our children. 

Tonia Shimin

Guest For Your Show

"The Art of Symeon Shimin" With text from Symeon Shimin, Edited and Curated by Tonia Shimin

From Hollywood to Beloved Children’s Book Illustrator to Muralist and Painter of Justice, Symeon Shimin Left His Mark and a Legacy that Resonates Today 

Can you recall it to memory? The most iconic movie poster in history—Gone With the Wind! 

It was created by a man who was also equally one-of-a-kind.  Whose life could rival the drama in that storied film. And who stood for those less-favored by an America of the mid-20th century—poor children, people of color and the beaten—in his fine art.

And now a beautifully-illustrated coffee table book,  presents for the first time a view of the life and art of this Russian-born, New York-based, Jewish artist. The Art of Symeon Shimin, returns this man’s life to the forefront, as many of the issues that roiled his images are now still making headlines. Symeon, as his daughter Tonia Shimin, reminds us today was an influential figure in multiple spheres. 

Acclaimed as an illustrator of children’s books, Shimin is also known as the painter of the original Gone With the Wind movie poster and the creator of Contemporary Justice and The Child, the highly praised mural located in the Department of Justice Building, Washington, DC. Throughout his life, 1902-1984, Shimin's deep involvement in the quest for justice and human rights was paramount to the way he lived and painted. Showcasing the only cohesive collection of his fine art, this book brings into focus a unique and meaningful perspective of his extraordinary gifts. In addition, the autobiography and essays in the book provide a unique and meaningful contribution to the world of art.

Symeon’s works grew out of his own experience with oppression and poverty. Escaping the violent pogroms in Russia in 1912, Symeon arrived in New York as a 10-year-old with his family, but found a hard-scrabble life on the streets of Brooklyn, helping to support the family by delivering groceries 13 hours a day. With a passion for music he sought to become a musician, only to be denied by his father. Instead the youngster turned to drawing “with fidelity to reality.” 

Symeon spoke his rage and demand for justice through his paint brush. But much of his work embodied and celebrated the beauty of humanity. His work, lauded by Time Magazine, The Washington Post, Art News and Art Journal has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, National Gallery in Washington, Art Institute in Chicago, the Whitney Museum of Art in New York City and the Chrysler Museum of Art. To see some of these images, visit

But while much of his art career may have faded into history, his children’s books have continued to populate the shelves of youngsters worldwide. Whether his own or with some of the leading children’s and Jewish authors of the 20th century, he was revered in his later years by the children’s book world.  

And with the publication The Art of Symeon Shimin and cries for justice ringing out in our land again, this seminal artist demands revisiting. His daughter Tonia can ably tell his story and speak of her memories as she watched her father soar in Hollywood and yet struggle with the plight of those who were disenfranchised and oppressed by injustice. 

United States

Tonia Shimin Author Biography

As a dancer Tonia Shimin performed in the companies of Martha Graham, Jose Limón, Pearl Lang, The Ypsilanti Greek Theater and as a soloist with Anna Sokolow's Player's Project, Mary Anthony Dance Theater and Repertory West Dance Company. She has had an extensive teaching career in the United States and abroad. Her choreographic works have appeared in the United States, the Czech Republic, Russia, Germany, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece, Italy and Mexico.   An award winning dance filmmaker, for among others the documentary Mary Anthony: A life in Modern Dance, her awards have included support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the 2005 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Santa Barbara Dance Alliance. Currently she is Professor Emerita of the Department of Theater and Dance at the University of California, Santa Barbara and continues her creative work in the USA and abroad. Most recently she has curated, edited and with Mercury Press International published the award winning book, The Art of Symeon Shimin, on the remarkable work of her father, whose fine art is here shown in a collection for the first time.

The Art of Symeon Shimin
Lee Tomlinson

Guest for Your Show

Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare

By LeesTomlinson

"Patient" Lee Tomlinson, the Compassionate Care Crusader, On a Mission to Restore Compassion to Healthcare, Healthcare Professionals and the World at Large


Lee Tomlinson had a life many would have considered charmed. A successful world-trotting tennis pro, international businessman, marketing genius behind the American Film Institute's 10-year long 100 Greatest Movies CBS TV specials and multi-million-dollar fundraising campaign, major Hollywood film studio owner, loving husband and near scratch golfer.

Until the world crashed down, and he was subsequently diagnosed with Stage III+ throat cancer, and subjected to months of life-threatening, debilitating chemo and radiation, and extreme pain--so extreme he could not eat or even swallow.

Towards the end of his grueling treatment, while hospitalized for a severe infection, a never-ending stream of insensitive, unkind acts totally lacking in compassion by the hospital staff, sent Lee into an abyss of emotional despair that made him choose suicide over life. 

Fortunately, another doctor, a dear friend, stopped him by deeply apologizing on behalf of a healthcare system that had failed to provide him-and so many others, with even a hint of compassion. And with one simple suggestion--inspired Lee to use his gifts as a speaker, customer service expert and leader to restore compassion to healthcare--not only for patients, but also for all the overworked, under-supported, burned-out healthcare professionals who've literally lost the ability to provide the compassion that got them into medicine in the first place. 

Lee's powerful crusade is documented in his new book Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare. But there is a message here for more than healthcare professionals (HCPs). There's a message for all of us about the power of compassion to heal others' mental, emotional and physical pain - but to also love and heal ourselves - and in doing so, help heal the world at a critical time in our history. 

Lee's book presents the evidence that compassion heals by sighting numerous scientific studies, books and resources. But the most telling statistic he cites is that more than 50% of Americans believe that healthcare and healthcare professionals totally lack compassion. Data shows that people die because of compassionless care, not just from medical errors. 

Compassionless healthcare has become more the norm over the past 25 years. Left unchecked, the future of healthcare is unthinkable. 

And that's why Lee is driven to make a difference. He has taken to the stage as "Patient Lee" dressed in nothing but a hospital gown, and presented his mixture of humor, compassion, urgency, encouragement and call-to-action at more than 200 venues, including keynote presentations to Johns Hopkins Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering, UCLA Medical Center, Eli Lilly & Co., Providence Health & Services, David Geffen School of Medicine, Bristol Myers Squibb, Siemens Medical Imaging, City of Hope Cancer Center, Adventist Health, and national conferences for the Oncology Nurse Society (ONS), Academy of Oncology Nurses and Patient Navigators (AONN), Association of Integrated Health and Medicine (AIHM) and Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA). 

The problem, as Lee discovered when speaking with members of his audiences, is that HCPs are totally spent themselves, bereft of energy and emotional sustenance. More than 60 percent of them are suffering from burnout and, as such have zero compassion to give anyone because they're not given themselves enough to stay healthy and able to do so. 

So much of Compassion Heals is a recipe for self-care. Ways that healthcare workers can step off the treadmill and restore themselves, so they can freely give from a well of wellbeing and compassion within. 

Far from being punitive, Compassion Heals is in itself a healing balm. Filled with understanding and kindness for those who are falling short, along with those who are in their hands, this book is just the tip of Lee's mission. The Movement is designed to reconnect America's healthcare professionals with the compassion that got them into healthcare in the first place. Lee has also launched the Compassion Heals Challenge in which he invites his audiences on stages, podcasts and beyond--not just HCPs, but all of us--to commit to purposely providing one additional compassionate act daily, for themselves or others, for 7 days and share them on the website.

Lee's only just getting started. He's still got 20 million HCPs to reach! Continuing to speak on major stages everywhere in his hospital gown, he is also developing a feature-length documentary based on his experiences and research titled Compassion Heals and promoting the book. 

Says Lee, "My goal is to make providing compassion a priority, a natural habit, rather than something we think of as a chore, or worse, a waste of time. Not only for healthcare professionals in the course of treating patients and dealing with colleagues, but for themselves and everyone." 

If you would like to have Lee Tomlinson on your show to hear an inspiring story and remind people that we all have a compassionate role to play in the world, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details

"Compassion Heals: From Self-Care to Healthcare examines the power of compassion to change lives. In this powerful and poignant book, Tomlinson shares his journey as a cancer survivor damaged by a cruel healthcare system lacking in compassion to an advocate for bringing compassion back to medicine and for living a compassionate life."

- James R. Doty, MD & neurosurgeon, founder and director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University School of Medicine

"I love it! Lee demystifies and inspires compassion. His integration of research is spot on. It feels like he is having a conversation with the reader. His gift of storytelling is wonderful and helps keep us connected and real. What a gift."

- Mary Koloroutis, MSN, RN, coauthor of Advancing Relationship-Based Cultures and See Me as a Person

"I challenge you to listen to survivor and patient-care expert Lee Tomlinson who offers compassionate solutions that improve outcomes, incomes, healing, compliance clinician burn-out and above all, patient satisfaction."

- Dr. Dean Edell - Pioneering TV and Radio Medical Talk Show Host

Missi Hatfield

(772) 332 0528

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473

United States

The life mission of Lee Tomlinson – also known as “Patient Lee” -- is to inspire healthcare professionals to return compassionate care to its rightful place at the forefront of modern healthcare — to benefit patients, their families, the bottom line; and perhaps most importantly, they’re often suffering, “burned-out” selves.

Finding this mission wasn’t even remotely easy.

Award-winning television producer, movie studio executive and owner, former professional athlete, speaker and TED Talk presenter, “Patient Lee” is alive today due to the combination of a lifetime of extraordinarily effective medical treatment and deeply kind, compassionate care.

Unfortunately, during a recent battle with Stage 3+ throat cancer, “Patient Lee” became painfully aware of the trauma caused by treatment lacking in compassion that drove him to the darkest of depths. What saved him from suicide was a tiny, simple, yet powerful act of compassion delivered by a loving doctor and friend.

With his renewed zeal for life and newfound purpose, “Patient Lee” created the Compassion Heals Movement. This Movement is designed to reconnect America’s 20 million healthcare professionals with the compassion that got them into healthcare in the first place. Then, do whatever is necessary to prevent the “burn-out” that affects over 60% of these vital caretakers, rendering them unable to provide compassion to their patients, themselves, or anyone else. And finally, once healed of their own distress, to reignite these dedicated professionals, and inspire them to redouble their efforts in providing even more compassion than before — all to better heal their patients and the world.

Lee has already told his story on more than 200 stages around the world, wearing nothing but a hospital gown. Presented with his unique mixture of humor, compassion, urgency, encouragement and call-to-action, “Patient Lee” is making a difference in restoring compassion to healthcare…and to the world at large.


I am a beast

United States

I am avelino and was avelino and will be avelino.

Karen Warner Schuele

Karen Warner Schuele, author of The Sudden Caregiver: A Roadmap for Resilient Caregiving, is available to provide tips on how caregivers can prioritize their mental health. 

Below are some of the topics that she can discuss in an interview: 

Small ways to make your mental health a priority  Why it is important to take breaks while caregiving  Tips for managing stress when you are taking care of someone  How to prioritize your self-care when you are pulled in many different directions

On the day Karen became a sudden caregiver, she was a wife, a mom, a consultant and business owner, a coach, a runner, a friend, and a consumer of too much Starbucks coffee. She was not a caregiver. Until she was. On that day when her late husband was diagnosed — out of the blue — with stage IV cancer, Karen certainly had no idea that she had instantaneously joined a silent army of informal, unpaid family caregivers around the world who had also been pressed into sudden service. 

The Sudden Caregiver: A Roadmap for Resilient Caregiving is a practical and proven guide, a roadmap, and a source of comfort for anyone who is caring for a loved one, and especially for those for whom the role was unexpected. With the acronym C-A-R-E (Crisis, As Normal as Possible, Resolution, and Evolution), Warner Schueler explains each phase of caregiving and helps the reader apply what they need for their unique situation, including her own personal stories and stories from caregivers of all types. The author invites readers to dive right in where they feel they need the most help, as every caregiving situation is unique. 

Karen guides readers through evidence-based strategies, drawn from the principles of positive psychology, that are designed to help raise well-being and resilience for both the caregiver and the person in their care. They provide direction on not only what to do as a caregiver but also how to be as a caregiver. She also discusses how to integrate the lessons of caregiving once your role as caregiver ends. 

In addition to the book and worksheet appendix, readers can download a free Sudden Caregiver’s Playbook, with helpful worksheets and activities to guide the caregiver through each step of the journey.

Karen Warner Schueler is an executive coach who has helped hundreds of senior managers discover the unique qualities that inform their leadership. As president of her coaching firm, Tangible Group, she designs and delivers premiere leadership experiences for individuals, teams, and multinational corporations. She received her Master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently launching a series of learning modules for caregiver resilience. The Sudden Caregiver is her first book.