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Dr Carla Marie Manly

“Mental health improves when we learn the keys to healthy relationships,” Dr. Manly said. “In other words, the more stable we are in our close relationships, the more we are able to stay calm — free of anxiety — when faced with the chaos in the outer world.”

 In her new book, The Joy of Imperfect Love, she helps readers create new patterns that pave the way toward healthy, joy-filled connections. Through research-backed insights, captivating case examples and empowering exercises, Dr. Manly leads readers through an exploration of how attachment issues and unresolved trauma negatively impact both self-love and relationship quality. Then, Dr. Manly offers sound solutions for creating the awareness and healthy habits that promote lasting love.

Her inclusive narrative makes her insights accessible to all demographics and sexual orientations, and key concepts such as communication skills and emotional intelligence can be applied to romantic relationships, friendships, social relationships, and work relationships.

United States

Clinical psychologist, author, podcaster, and advocate Dr. Carla Marie Manly is based in Sonoma County, California. In addition to her clinical practice focusing on relationships and personal transformation, Dr. Manly is deeply invested in her roles as a consultant and speaker. With a refreshingly direct and honest approach — plus doses of humor — Dr. Manly enjoys supporting others in the ever-evolving journey of life. Working from a transformative model that honors the body-mind-spirit connection, Dr. Manly offers holistic relationship and wellness seminars around the world. Her three previous books, Date Smart, Joy from Fear and Aging Joyfully highlight her empowering approach and profound expertise. She has been cited by numerous media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Forbes, Oprah, Newsweek, NBC, HuffPost, Reader’s Digest, Psychology Today, Parade, Women’s Health and more. Look for Dr. Manly’s upbeat mental health podcast — Imperfect Love — on all major podcast platforms. Dr. Manly also co-hosts the Familius podcast, Helping Families Be Happy. 

The Joy of Imperfect Love: The Art of Creating Healthy, Securely Attached Relationships
Nancy Chadwick

Chicago-based writer Nancy Chadwick’s inspiration comes from nature and meandering through the woods of any forest. Her essays have appeared in anthologies, blogs and literary magazines; her memoir, Under the Birch Tree, and her debut novel, The Wisdom Of The Willow (published in May of 2024) are both published by She Writes Press. 


Noted as one of 2024's Most Anticipated Books by the Chicago Review of Books, The Wisdom of the Willow is a metaphorically rich and reflective tale of sisterhood and strength—a story of hope and healing, of the choices that shape our lives, and the challenges we all face as we seek to find our places in the world. It’s told from the POV of four sisters in midlife, each dealing with their own life changes and the illness of their mother. The story takes place from Memorial Day to Labor Day in the summer of 1998, making it a perfect Summer Read. 


Nancy can talk about: Why place and home are such important concepts in storytelling; What the personal essay and our natural world have in common; Embedding lessons from the natural world into a fictional story; The symbolism of the willow tree and the inspiration behind it; How trees can keep us, as well as our environment, healthy; Changes to our climate and maintaining our mental health and wellbeing; and the differences and similarities between the craft of writing memoir and writing fiction. 


Sample questions include: 

You started out as a memoir writer, writing personal essays, why the switch to fiction? Your first book was about a birch tree, and this book incorporates a willow tree. Usually when we talk about trees, it’s about the mighty oak. Why a willow tree? The story revolves around the lives of four sisters, yet only three of them face life changes. Why include a fourth sister? How did you get involved in writing about the natural world? Why did you choose to have Margaret, the matriarch, inflicted with a terminal illness? What is your favorite genre to write, nonfiction or fiction? Why?

Timely tie-ins for Nancy’s expertise include her pub date of May 7, Mother’s Day 5/12, National Love A Tree Day 5/16, Summer Reads, National Tree Day (July 28), and Sisters’ Day (August 4.)

United States

Nancy Chadwick grew up in a northern suburb of Chicago where Deerfield was marked by four corners, and making connections to it and to home would later become subjects in her writing. Nancy got her first job at Leo Burnett advertising agency in Chicago and after working a decade in the advertising agency business, she moved to international corporate banking. Nancy’s writing inspiration comes from her years living in Chicago, and in San Francisco, and meandering through the woods of any forest. Her essays have appeared in The Magic of Memoir: Inspiration for the Writing Journey, Adelaide Literary Magazine, and blogs by the Chicago Writers Association Write City, About Write, and Brevity. Her memoir, Under the Birch Tree, and her debut novel, The Wisdom Of The Willow, are published by She Writes Press.

The Wisdom of the Willow book cover
Miss Tina

I'd Love to Talk With You & Your Audience!

What’s it like to be a Gifted Healer?

When I began appearing on National Radio & TV Shows back in the 70’s – I can assure you, no one else was talking about; Spirituality, Energy Healing, Remote Healing, Life-After-Death, Reincarnation & let alone - Contrast! 

Let’s Talk About My Gift of Healing

How did you know you had a gift? When was the first time you laid hands on someone? What happened? What do you feel or see during the healing session? What does the individual see or feel? What type of healings can you do? Does everyone get healed? Do the healings last? Are they permanent? How are you able to do Remote Distance Healings, through Zoom?

"I want to thank you, from the depths of my soul for your help. I feel utterly blessed to have found you. The long-distance healing was the most powerful healing I've ever had. I still feel like I am on cloud nine, so peaceful, so calm. I can't thank you enough for sharing your gift with me.” - Susan B.

Don’t forget to REQUEST Your Free Copy of: Miracles and a Prophetic Message from an Angel


Miracles and a Prophetic Message from an Angel
Susan L Williams

My name is Sue Williams, and I lead Sport Hypnotherapy, a pioneering practice at the intersection of sports psychology and hypnotherapy. I'm reaching out to share a compelling story idea that explores an innovative approach to enhancing athletic performance through hypnotherapy, which could be a great fit for your readership.

At Sport Hypnotherapy, we specialize in assisting athletes to overcome mental barriers, enhance their mental toughness, and accelerate physical recovery, all through scientifically validated hypnotherapy techniques. Our methods offer a fresh perspective on mental training, an area that's gaining immense importance in the athletic world comparable to physical training.

Why this story?

* Innovative angle: The application of hypnotherapy in sports is a relatively untapped story with growing relevance as athletes seek holistic approaches to improve performance.
* Evidence and impact: I can provide compelling anecdotes, case studies, and possibly arrange interviews with athletes who have benefited from these techniques, highlighting the profound impact on their careers.
* Expert insights: As an expert in this field, I can offer in-depth insights into how mental strategies can be integrated into sports training regimes, providing your audience with a unique blend of science and practical application.

I believe your listeners will find this topic both enlightening and inspirational, offering them a new lens through which to view sports training and mental health.

Thank you for considering this story idea. I am eager to provide detailed information and discuss how we can tailor the content to best fit your program's style and audience needs. Please let me know if you would like to arrange a time to discuss this further.


Dr. Susan L. Williams, DQC Cl-Hyp, affectionately known as Dr. Sue, is a distinguished figure in the world of hypnotherapy, holistic healing and natural therapies. Her professional journey, however, is defined by a relentless pursuit of alternative and integrative approaches to health. Holding a Doctorate in Quantum Counseling, she is a specialist in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Quantum Journeys Hypnosis, specializing the use of hypnotherapy for athletes and sporting teams.

Cheryl Leutjen

Because no two paths are the same when it comes to navigating the journey toward more Earth-friendly living, I aim to guide readers and listeners toward discovering what they can do as individuals to effect meaningful change, starting now.

My background as a geologist, environmental law attorney, spiritual practitioner and mother inform my work. I share my personal experiences with candor and humor to inspire other folks to discover their own ways of living a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

I'm the author of Love Earth Now, a deeply thoughtful, often neurotic and sometimes comedic exploration of my own efforts to make an eco-contribution. This book is the result of my own efforts to find ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle without making myself crazy in the process — because there are no perfect answers.

I encourage people to discover for themselves what they have the time, the resources, and the heartfelt interest to do that will make a positive difference in the world, in their families and in their own hearts. 

United States

My deep love of Earth, as well as desperate hope for a sustainable future for my children, fuel my passion for responding to the eco-crises of our time with wisdom, heart, hope, and snarky humor. I write and speak to share my experiences on the razor’s edge between Earth-mindfulness and eco-madness, not because I’ve got it all figured out, but in solidarity with anyone else who’s fumbling along the path of more caring and conscientious living.

I draw from my experience as a geologist, environmental law attorney, small business owner, spiritual practitioner, and mother to claw my way out of the abyss of eco-despair. I seek solace from the sages in Nature who reveal the wisdom I need to navigate a more Earth-loving path.

I credit the Modern Day Priestess program, a training in ancient wisdom ways for practical use in the modern world, for inspiring the spiritual growth that now guides my “Love Earth” work.

I reside in Los Angeles, where I take copious yoga classes, dig up the yard and throw a lot of darts as therapy. I facilitate the Natural Muse Meetup for Earth-loving writers. I serve as on the Board of Directors of the North East Trees nonprofit organization, “bringing Nature back” to nature-poor communities around Los Angeles County.

My book, Love Earth Now, won a 2018 Silver Nautilus Book Award.

I share a home with my husband and children, and three cats who care not one whit about any of my credentials.


Cover of Book entitled Love Earth Now
Andy Stuart

Get More Tank is a fuel catalyst (not to be confused with products that are fuel additives).  The Get More Tank patented formula works in any gas or diesel engine to start burning fuel earlier in the combustion process so that all of the fuel is burned.  This results in 3 basic things.  First, it unlocks all of the energy that is stored in the fuel resulting anywhere from 10-20% increase in mileage. This means a huge cost savings in fuel expense. Second, there are no particles left over to clog an engine which unnecessarily shorten its life and performance.  Third, there are no emissions leaving the tailpipe.  


One of the great benefits of Get More Tank is that it unleashed the amazing engine technology that is in every vehicle, but has been compromised by how fuel is made today.


It can't void engine warranties because it does not change the fuel, it only causes it to burn completely.  The company carries a $1M liability policy against such an event and there has never been a claim filed.  It's made in the US.  


It's easy for consumers to use.  It is a tablet you place at the opening of a gas tank and you let the gas pump nozzle push it down the tube to the gas tank when filling up.  The tablet dissolves by the time the vehicle leaves the gas station.


This formula has been proven over decades of use, but the manufacturer has been concentrating their marketing efforts to heavy industry, such as big earth moving equipment and the trucking industry.  Now Get More Tank is bringing it to the passenger vehicle market.   Since it works in any gas or diesel egine, it works in cars, trucks, motorcycles, atvs, farm tractors, semis, lawn equipment-in short any fossel fuel engine.


Get More Tank removes any and all arguments for Electric Vehicles as it solves the emissions issue.  Moreover, science has proven that the earth will not run out of oil.  Additionally, consumers pay less taxes to state and federal governments since taxes comprise the majority of the price of gasoline and diesel.


I have an exclusive license with the company to advertise their formula.  


I have personally been using Get More Tank for over a year and have found that in our household we are saving $150 per month.   



Andy Stuart is President of Stuart Media Strategies and Founder of Get More Tank.  Prior establishing SMS in 2019, Andy had a 40 year career in broadcasting starting when he landed his first radio radio announcer gig as a teenager and then moving up the ranks as a top executive in the largest radio media companies in America.  In his work with SMS, Andy discovered the company that created a patented formula that increase the mileage and performance in gas and diesel engines.  He learned they were focused on the heavy industry markets and subsequently negotiated an agreement with them to bring the formula to the passenger vheicle market under the brand name he created "Get More Tank".  Get More Tank launched in the fall of 2023.

Common Ground and or Kiss the Ground Team

It's Earth Day Every Day! Whether you can get an interview in on or before Earth Day 2024 or soon after, you will want to talk to the people who brought you Kiss the Ground and Common Ground and who are bringing Regenerative Farming to Cinemas across America and the world, and soon into as many homes as possible, with thanks to you!  

Common Ground (follow-up to Kiss the Ground) is coming to a screen near you and your audience across 75+ cities to inspire and galvanize the growing movement of healthy farms and food systems.

Join the Earth Day Super Screening of ‘Common Ground’ in select AMC Theaters across 75+ cities nationwide by promoting either to your following, on social or newsletters, or with an interview or two.

Invite all to watch the award-winning documentary film that shares directly from farmers, leaders, and advocates about how regenerative agriculture can rebuild soil health, sequester carbon, produce chemical-free food, and restore health and biodiversity in farm and food systems.

On Earth Day there will be a special edition of the film, including Q&A featuring filmmakers and special guests.

Witness and be part of the hope of this growing movement.  Email us for promotional material to promote or for potential interview opportunities and dates.  See more info below.


Common Ground, the sequel to Kiss the Ground, fuses journalistic expose’ with deeply personal stories from those on the front lines of the food movement, unveils a dark web of money, power, and politics behind our broken food system, and reveals how unjust practices forged our current farm system in which farmers of all colors are literally dying to feed us. The film profiles a hopeful and uplifting movement of white, black, and indigenous farmers who are using alternative “regenerative” models of agriculture that could balance the climate, save our health, and stabilize America’s economy – before it’s too late.

Common Ground is directed by Josh and Rebecca Tickell and features narrators Rosario Dawson, Laura Dern, Donald Glover, Woody Harrelson, Jason Momoa, and Ian Somerhalder. The film features interviews with regenerative farmers, ranchers, scientists, leaders, allies and beyond, including: Gabe Brown, Rick Clark, Jonathan Lundgren Ph.D., Mark Hyman M.D., Kara Brewer Boyd, Ray Archuleta, Allejandro Carillo, Carey Gillam, Leah Penniman, Robyn O'Brien, and more.

Common Ground received the Tribeca Film Festival’s 2023 Human/Nature Award, “…a prize established to amplify a film that exemplifies solution-oriented environmental storytelling," and was also in the Top 10 Limited Release Documentaries of 2023! It has received the Boston Film Festival EcoFilm Award, and Mass Impact Award, and 16 other awards including Best Documentary Audience Award from Palm Springs International Film Festival, 'Best Documentary Feature' from Environmental Media Association, and the Cinema for Peace "International Green Film Award 2024."

The film has shown in 200+ theaters and garnered sold out premieres in cities across the country since debuting September 2023, including Seattle, Portland, NYC, Boulder, Austin, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, San Rafael, San Francisco, Chicago, DC, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Indianapolis, Phoenix, and more. Over 10,000 people have requested the film in their local theater.

Prophet Hector Williams

April 4, 2024 

Dear BBS Radio, 

Prophet Hector was called by God at a very young age, and he was ordained as a prophet three  times. He has walked in the office of the prophet for the past 30 years. He started his own  ministry House of Sacrifice in 2006, and the world became his congregation. He was what you  considered a “Church on Wheels.” He went into the homes and businesses of people from all  various backgrounds to counsel them as well as to preach the gospel of his Lord and Savior.  Then he realized that people no longer wanted to hear about God because of what was happening  in their personal lives or in the world today. By God giving Prophet Hector the skills and the  knowledge to Life Coach, He allowed him to reach those individuals who considered themselves  “church hurt” as well as those who questioned God through the secular way by creating PH  Coaching Life, in 2020. 

Since then, Prophet Hector has been able to motivate, help and encourage more people all while still honoring who he represents in Christ Jesus through Life Coaching. The Lord showed him a creative way and style to implement Him while staying true to his beliefs without forcing church  

or God on anyone, by using prophet to lead as an example. And this method has worked. By doing this, Prophet Hector has drawn more people to Christ. His ministry now provides online  services every Sunday and most of the people whom he’s counseled through Life Coaching that gave up on God or church are now a part of his ministry family. 

Prophet Hector would benefit from being a speaker at your events because he is a True Servant  and Representation of God. His Love for God and his Faith in Him is beyond the size of a  mustard seed. He wrote a book biography about his life called “He Kept Me” that demonstrates  him being a living and walking testimony for Christ. He will be able to provide his testimonies  and share the Miracles, Signs and Wonders that took place in his life, to show people that when  you put your trust and faith in God, He will bring you through. 

I want to thank you for your time, and I hope you consider Prophet Hector in the near or present  future as a guest speaker. He is available at any time  


Nancy Zeppa 

Administrative Assistant 

PH Coaching Life (PHCL) 

(470) 558-5019

United States

About Prophet Hector A. Williams  

All gifts come from our Holy Father. For Hector Alden Williams, the gift of prophecy is second  nature. He was born in Miami, Florida, to the proud parents of Henry and Barbara Williams. He shortly thereafter was brought to a small town called Elko, Georgia. It was in this small-town God  called him to be a prophet. Being born in the city and built in the country provided Prophet Hector  the proper balance needed for God to do a creative work in him.  


At a very young age, God was with Prophet Hector. When he was seven years old, he began to see  visions and he knew things before they happened. As Prophet Hector matured and grew in his  faith, God confirmed this stirring within was the Holy Ghost. Prophet Hector told his family  members of this stirring; some understood, and some did not. 


The untimely death of his father and mother required him to depend solely on God for everything  in his life.  


Overcoming adversity and standing through the storm has only sharpened his prophetic gifting and  solidified his relationship with God. Ultimately, Prophet Hector had to conquer the fear of his  prophetic gift and began seeking God’s counsel for answers. Once Prophet Hector realized that he  was not delusional but was blessed with the gift of prophecy, he jumped into the seat, fastened his  seat belt, and took off on a journey that would change his life forever.  

Ordained a prophet of God at twenty-seven, Prophet Hector has spoken into the lives of many  people all around the world and in all aspects of life. This prophet has a thermostatic effect,  possessing the ability to change any atmosphere and make it conducive for God’s movement.  

In 2020, he wrote a biography about his life called “He Kept Me” that proves he was born with a  veil and that he is a true walking testimony of what having FAITH looks like.  

He has a ministry called House of Sacrifice and he is also a certified Life Coach. House of  Sacrifice is a growing ministry. To many having a building with a congregation would signify  being a legitimate church. But Prophet Hector has always considered the world as his  congregation. For years, he has operated House of Sacrifice, as a "Ministry on Wheels." By  going to members of the ministry homes as well as speaking in different locations about the word  of God. But now that the ministry is growing, House of Sacrifice is preparing to build to have a  place the congregation and the people searching for a ministry home can come to fellowship. In  the meantime, people can join House of Sacrifice every Sunday at 11 a.m. for online services.  

This eagle-eyed prophet is not limited to the four walls of a church building. Ready to release what  God has revealed to him, he flies and spreads his wings around the circumference of the Earth.  First Corinthians 2:9 says this, “For eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered  into the hearts of man what God has prepared for those that love him.” God has great things  prepared for His prophet, Hector Alden Williams, who loves the Lord with all his heart, mind, and  soul. 

This is the book biography called “He Kept Me" by Hector A. Williams. It provides details about his life and all the trials he had to succumb, such as homelessness, losing both of his parents on the same date twelve years apart, as well as going through a divorce. But through it all, he kept his faith and never lost hope.
Matthew Kenslow

Matthew Kenslow was six years old when he received an Autism diagnosis, but he never allowed it to have the prerogative to stop him. He persevered through the challenges of student teaching and is now a substitute teacher who loves encouraging his students. He is also an influencer, juggler and author who shares his true story in his new book, Unstoppable: How One Person With Autism Is Never Giving Up on His Lifelong Dream To Become a Teacher and Worldwide Influencer.

Kenslow wants his students and readers alike to know that regardless of disability, they can do whatever they set their mind to. He even incorporates juggling into this lesson for his students. “When I juggle, I drop one on purpose and say, ‘OK, what do you do if you make a mistake? Do you give up? No, just bend down, pick it up and keep going,’” Kenslow said in a recent interview.

Unstoppable takes readers on a gripping story of how one man faced Autism head-on, persevering through discrimination in his own neighborhood, all the while not being given a full range of opportunities. He chronicles his highs and lows with candor, as he walks readers through what life is really like for people who are neurodivergent.

After years of feeling underused, misunderstood and invisible, Kenslow went on to tackle one of the most rigorous programs in California to obtain his teaching credentials. Kenslow is currently a substitute teacher in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, as he awaits landing a full-time teaching position. Unquestionably, he has made an impact on thousands of students, often being called the “best sub.”

“All I care about in life is making a difference — encouraging everybody that they have a purpose (despite a disability),” Kenslow added. “I want to do my part to help people put aside discrimination and competition, and learn to accept one another for who they are.”

United States

Matthew Kenslow has grown up with Autism Spectrum Disorder. As a result, life has been filled with adventure and struggle. Not allowing Autism to stop him, he became an author of two books and is telling the world what it is like living with a disability, how people can be friends with them, and how everybody has a purpose despite having a disability.

Matthew has appeared on television, radio, and podcasts around the world, being featured in Newsweek Magazine, Spectrum News, ABC7 Los Angeles, and many more. Today, over a million people follow his story on social media, encouraging people to embrace the gifts that they have to share with the world, and that anybody can do whatever they set their heart and mind to do, disability or not.

Book Cover, Unstoppable, blue and yellow with a red megaphone