I'd Love to Talk With You & Your Audience!
What’s it like to be a Gifted Healer?
When I began appearing on National Radio & TV Shows back in the 70’s – I can assure you, no one else was talking about; Spirituality, Energy Healing, Remote Healing, Life-After-Death, Reincarnation & let alone - Contrast!
Let’s Talk About My Gift of Healing
- How did you know you had a gift?
- When was the first time you laid hands on someone? What happened?
- What do you feel or see during the healing session?
- What does the individual see or feel?
- What type of healings can you do?
- Does everyone get healed?
- Do the healings last? Are they permanent?
- How are you able to do Remote Distance Healings, through Zoom?
"I want to thank you, from the depths of my soul for your help. I feel utterly blessed to have found you. The long-distance healing was the most powerful healing I've ever had. I still feel like I am on cloud nine, so peaceful, so calm. I can't thank you enough for sharing your gift with me.” - Susan B.
Don’t forget to REQUEST Your Free Copy of: Miracles and a Prophetic Message from an Angel