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Moses Eliezer

Hello my name is Moses Eliezer and I am a Healer and a Massage Therapist. I studied Healing and Reiki about 20 years ago. In 2009, I began studying massage therapy and became a state-licensed massage therapist. My belief is to treat the Body, Soul And Mind simultaneously. It's the most effective way. Over the years, I have helped many people with their health problems. I developed a unique treatment that combines massage and the transfer of healing energy from a higher source. This is a very spiritual experience that gives you the benefit of healing and the relaxation of a massage at the same time. I help with different kinds of ailments such as cancer, tumors, recovery from surgery, pain relief, and many more conditions all by using your energy. I would like to share my experiences with your audience so that I may be able to help them. I am located in Los Angeles but can also work on people remotely.

My philosophy is about bringing you to a state of better health and rejuvination. While you are having a formal massage and getting into a relaxed state, I will spiritually transfer a powerful energy that can help you improve your health and well-being. During the session I transfer energy to different parts of your body and relax tight muscles. I scan your body with my finger tips and feel where I need to work. Clients have reported that they felt an improvement in their health after the first session! Please consider me as a an upcoming guest for your show. I have many, many stories to share and am looking to help as many people as I can live better lives and help restore them from their ailments.


For thousands of years and still today around the world, people turn to their local healers who are energetically and spiritually connected, for their physical and mental health. For more than 20 years, Moses Eliezer has been practicing Reiki and healing people from a variety of illnesses and ailments. Moses combines Reiki (a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing) with massage. By placing his hands on one part or above the body, the energy is drawn to the areas that need relief. The difference between "Reiki" and "Reiki combined with Massage" is that during the massage, the hands are placed over the area where the ailments lie and energy is sent directly to relieve the problem. While enjoying a relaxing massage and entering a meditative state, the fingers are scanning the body for any problem areas. Whether it be the muscular, nervous, circulatory system, or immune system, energy is sent to relieve the ailments. By directly transferring the energy to the areas in need, the body begins to heal itself. This is a very spiritual experience that gives the benefit of healing and the relaxation of massage.

Moses aligns the body's energy so that the physical body can follow and heal itself. His connection to his patient also gives him messages of other areas that need attention. Many patients come in with one problem and he finds and heals other issues that the patient didn't even think to mention. Over the years, he has treated stroke patients, cancer patients, back pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, depression, HPV and so much more.  Recently Moses worked with a patient diagnosed with fibromyalgia. She had suffered with overall body aches and was on very costly medication that only made her feel toxic inside. After a few sessions with Moses she was able to stop all the medications and enjoy a high quality of life again.   

Moses’ gift allows him to treat clients both present in his clinic as well as after they leave through the energetic bond they created. Moses recently had one of his patients ask for healing for her mother in Israel who was suffering from an intestinal obstruction. She told Moses that the doctors wanted to operate on her but at her age surgery could be life threatening. Moses performed an energetic surgery that twisted her intestine back to normal and the doctors were amazed at the change in her condition and she was released from the hospital shortly after. Moses has countless testimonials from people who have been cured by his natural healing method. His philosophy is about bringing you to a state of better health and rejuvenation for your life-mind, body and spirit.

Phyllis Smith

Phyllis Smith is a successful entrepreneur, a leader in women’s nonprofit, the producer of national empowerment conferences, and a master in transformation. As a highly sought-after keynote and motivational speaker, as well as an increasingly-known women’s advocate in North America and Europe, Phyllis brings encouragement, inspiration and humor to every audience she meets.

Phyllis’ mission is to provide women from all walks of life with the tools and support they need to be successful. She inspires women to embrace their differences, celebrate their accomplishments and overcome any adversities standing in the way of their happiness.

Described as a dynamic, motivational leader, a unique innovator, and a champion for women everywhere, Phyllis ignites and empowers women of all ages and demographics to work together and support each other in order to enrich their knowledge and expand their network, strengthening each other and women’s businesses throughout the world.

United States

If you want someone with an amazing background in the entertainment, sports and business industries - then you want to feature Phyllis Smith on your next show! Aside from all of her accomplishments - Phyllis is extremely entertaining  and a fun guest on any show (unless of course it's a serious show - then she knows how to adapt and use her amazing business experience to enlighten listeners).  A little history:

PHYLLIS SMITH is the President of EZIA Enterprises Inc (a digital marketing firm); Global Director of Marketing for The Festival of Hope and the founder of the international Professional Women’s Business Network(PWBN). As an accomplished marketing executive, a Committeewoman in the City of Philadelphia, and an advocate for women for over 30 years, Phyllis has employed her strengths as a producer in various platforms, including radio shows (The Scoop, The Executive View, SheTalk Radio), special events (Gateway to Success business conference, RENEW Health Wellness & Beauty Expo), and publications (About Her Magazine, PWBN National magazine, Wealthy Women Magazine). Her philanthropic efforts include the 2009 creation of the international Professional Women’s Business Network (PWBN), in addition to serving on several Boards of Directors and volunteering for numerous non-profit organizations Through this organization, Phyllis has inspired thousands of women to join together in an effort to support each other in their personal and professional endeavors.

On a personal note - her first love is music which stems from her early career as a professional vocalist and musician. She also spent 8 years as the Director of Marketing in professional sports prior to a highly successful career in the technology industry. She is married with two children and lives in the Greater Philadelphia area.

Catch her when you can because this busy lady is always finding something new to create, produce or evolve - radio hosts love having her as a guest because she knows how to keep the conversation flowing and enjoyable.

Michelle Valentine

Inspire your listeners to LOVE, EAT, TRAVEL with Michelle Valentine! They will learn travel tips, advice to live a healtheir & happier life, plus free giveaways for listeners, too!


Inspiring all to LOVE, EAT, TRAVEL! Michelle Valentine is a TV personality known as “Orlando’s Oprah” for hosting and producing the educational travel series "Love Eat Travel with Michelle Valentine”. She also hosts the nationally-airing TV shows "The Dating Show" and the "Michelle Valentine Show." Michelle Valentine, B.A. Psychology, is an award-winning TV Host & Producer, published Author (How to Find Love Online:  Secrets, Tips, and Lists for Getting the Best Response), Travel/Food/Advice Blogger, Travel Blogger for the Orlando Sentinel newspaper blog (World Travels with Michelle Valentine), Food & Wine Blogger (Local Wine Events), and Public Speaker (Royal Caribbean, Princess, Celebrity cruise lines).

June Lundgren

I am a psychic medium, animal communicator,  demonic seer, nurse and international author. I am a member of NW Paranormal investigative Team. My books include:

A mediums guide to the paranormal, Paranormal encounters,Paranormal encounters book2,The dark side of the paranormal,Outta time.

My new upcoming book series entitled Demon Seekers, will be out in early 2017.

I have appeared on The unexplained files with Howard Hughes twice and several other shows.


June Lundgren is a psychic-medium, animal communicator, healer, professional nurse and author. She comes from a long line of psychic women. Mentored by her maternal grandmother, June learned at an early age to use her gifts to help others.

As a psychic-medium, June communicates with those on the other side and helps the living find answers and peace. She has talked to animals since she was a child.  In 2009, God told her to write a book to let people know that He does hear their prayers but that what they want is not necessarily what they need. The result was her first book, A Medium’s Guide to the Paranormal.

Since then she has written three other paranormal based books: Paranormal Encounters book 1 and 2, the dark side of the paranormal, Outta Time.

June lives on a small farm in Oregon with her husband and son. She works full-time at a medical clinic and writes books about her many paranormal experiences. Recently she began working with the NW Paranormal Investigative Team.

Books by June Lundgren
Maetreyii Ma Nolan

My name is Maetreyii Ma and I am an author, teacher in the yogic tradition and a transpersonal psychologist. I have just released a new book Living Love that fosters self help and spiritual growth utilizing Yoga's ancient teachings.I would like to speak about the role of loving kindness, graditude, forgiveness and compassion as well as integrety and self discovery in fostering well being as well as my new book. I will use refrences to the book in discussing these topics and would like to focus on the book and yogas ancient teachings as tools for self development and spiritual awakening.

Living Love:  The Yoga of Yama & Niyama

Timeless Teachings for Awakening and Transformation

Living Love is practical mysticism at its best. This rare and wonderful work, based in the ancient teachings of yoga, is a poetic and penetrating therapeutic guidebook for transformation and awakening.

All of us struggle at times with fears, angers, attachments, losses and disappointments. Have you ever wondered how to work with these difficulties life presents and find the deep truth within you that brings lasting happiness and peace?  These ancient teachings of yoga give the guidelines to do just that. An exposition beautiful and timeless in nature, this book will lead you through a processes that can help you shift negative beliefs and thought patterns, transform your relationship with yourself and others and ultimately your life, awakening to the divine Self within you and all around. It gives simple practices that can resolve, solve, clarify, heal, purify, fend off confusion, dispel error and light the way.

The book conveys an approach that is so simple, so immediate to everyday life, so helpful to psychological healing and yet thrilling and intoxicating. Maetreyii Ma’s use of language brings with it a gift of upliftment and attunement. Her expressions touch, refresh, surprise, astonish and inspire. She takes the reader there.


Maetreyii Ma

In addition to being an author, Maetreyii Ma is a licensed psychologist with a doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology, a teacher of yogic philosophy and ancient wisdom, an ERYT 500 yoga teacher, and an ordained yogic minister, or Acharya.

She is the co-founder and past president of Ananda Seva Mission, a nonprofit yogic community and a former director of, and teacher in, the Ananda Seva Yoga Teacher Training certification programs and the Yoga Therapy certification trainings. Dr. Nolan was also a former director of the Spiritual Emergence Network and a founding member of the Kundalini Research Network.

Maetreyii Ma is currently the president of Ananda Guru Kula, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the wisdom teachings of yoga and a psychologist in private practice. She spends her time giving Baba Talks, teaching and publishing books of these beautiful discourses and giving retreats and seminars. She currently resides with her family in their ashram community in the northern San Francisco Bay Area.

Maureen K Calamia

What if I told you that your home is draining your energy and stressing you out? The cure can be found in nature connection in your home. The principles of feng shui + biophilic design give us the guidelines for homes that nurture and restore harmony and joy in our lives. 

“Connection to nature” or rather, lack of it, is a critical topic making headlines today. We are only beginning to understand the consequences on our body, mind, and spirit, but articles in The New York Times and The Washington Post say we need a solution to bring human nature back into balance. 

Experts now acknowledge that our indoor environments have a significant impact on our thoughts and behavior, so much so that “ecotherapy” is a rising career path in the field of psychology. “Biophilic design,” or incorporating natural materials, light, vegetation, and more into an indoor environment, is breaking into the mainstream and the Five Elements of feng shui (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) are a wonderful complement to facilitate restoration of nature in our spaces. 

In addition, the Five Elements are a natural part of our personalities – motivations, emotions, drives and behavior. When we identify our primary Element and any that are out of balance we can create a unique, custom environment that will truly support our energy. 

My belief is that creating a home that embraces nature, both in matter and energy, is the secret to a space that makes us feel more aware and alive. 

This is the focus of my consulting work, my certification training “Re-Nature Feng Shui” and a new book that  I am currently writing, Creating Luminous Spaces: Shift the Energy of Your Home & Ignite Your Personal Power that will be published in 2017. 

United States

I’m not just another feng shui consultant. For the past twelve years, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and created a professional live online certification program called Re-Nature Feng Shui. This past September 2016, I led a group of students on a retreat in Stony Brook, NY, training them to use these methods to help their clients regain balance. I’ve also gained valuable experience on the executive board of directors of the International Feng Shui Guild and as a volunteer at Sweetbriar Nature Center, a wildlife education center. I have self-published two eBooks on feng shui available on my website: Feng Shui in the Workplace and Feng Shui Front Door. My piece, “Why Plants Make Us Feel Good,” for The Huffington Post has been shared widely and reprinted. I am also a contributor to Creations Magazine and Canvas LI Magazine. 

What is Your True Nature?

Melissa Bryan

I want to be able to pitch my Book; "Beyond Belief: A Psychic's Life" to as many as possible in the listening world. I want to be able to help as many as availably possible with my Book.


Hi, I am Melissa Bryan; Stage Name “Jennifer Cromwelle White Feather."

I am Little Feather, 16th Gr. Granddaughter of Elder White Feather of the VA Iroquois People and 14th Gr. Grand Niece of Dragging Canoe of the Western Cherokee People.

I am Married, No Children of my own and for good reason. I am Mom to one Cat and two dogs.

My dream in this life is to open a small Store of my own and to live simply.

I was born in Santa Monica, CA, and am 40 years of age. I don’t own anything except the Knowledge imparted to me by my Ancestors, my Truck and my RV home on the road.

I am Pedigreed to 16+ Generations of Family Lineage.

As a child, I began to have experiences that I didn’t understand at the time after a Serious Injury and Illness. I believe something got left opened and never closed back up. As I got older, the experiences intensified.

Early in life, I had discovered my Family’s Rich History of Native American Heritage and Links to Metaphysical Abilities. The more I found, the more Profound my Experiences grew.

There is a long line of Mystics, Psychics, Healers, Shamans and Church Clergy.

It seems the Abilities, of which I have closed off and shut down and again re opened to a smaller extent at present time, got passed to me from my very earliest predecessors. I also inherited Cell Memory from Lifetimes Past and know some things without knowing how it got there. I don’t claim to be anything special or extraordinary. I am simply me.

Beyond Belief: A Psychic's Life
Rev Melody Bailey

As a New Thought Minister I have taught and publically spoken about New Thought, Metaphysics and the Science of Mind.  I am passionate about changing your thinking and changing your life.


Rev. Melody Bailey started at the Centre for Spiritual Living in Kelowna in 2003 and was drawn to living the spiritual live as a Practitioner.  She was inspired to become a Minister and has been licensed now since 2008.

Rev. Melody loves to be of service through Spiritual Coaching in all four quadrants of live:  Creative Expression, Health, Wealth and Loving Relationships.  Currently Leading Sunday Meditation and just starting Pet Ministry, Recently ordained, Rev. Melody has also provided Ministry in the South Okanagan through Services, classes and workshops.

Ruffin Veal III

Today's corporate organizations have developed a completely new way of doing business that has overturned the rigid, hierarchical and divided system of labor in years past. This new model hinges on projects: distinct activities grouped together with the aim of attaining a specified goal – whether it's a new software package, a marketing strategy or a new brand of toothpaste.

Modern organizations are characterized as dispersed, technology driven, human focused and skill based. Rather than relying on pigeonholed workers to conduct single routine tasks, they rely on teams of connected experts to work together on holistic projects, focusing their energy on one goal at a time.

Projects are completed by teams of people who are specially chosen for their skills, knowledge and potential to contribute to the final result. The team is led by a project manager. He or she is responsible for keeping the project tasks on schedule, communicating with all stakeholders and managing resources – the people, money, tools and time needed to achieve the goal. The project manager is the center of the project and the driving force behind the team.

The discipline of project management is extremely versatile and can be adapted to any business or industry. Its strength is focused teams of experts who can quickly adapt, organize and troubleshoot, meaning that most problems can be resolved efficiently.

Ruffin discusses the three primary reasons why project management is important to modern businesses along with professional and organizational best practices, tools, techniques, guidelines and disciplines.


Ruffin Veal III has been an information technology and management professional for over three decades. His industry related articles can be seen in the Project Management Institute's (PMI) Virtual Library as well as in national and international publications.

Ruffin is a recognized and well established project management professional whose experience and ever-increasing responsibility has included such industries as banking, manufacturing, retail and government. This has allowed him to become a well-respected resource of information and knowledge to his fellow management professionals. He is a highly regarded speaker/presenter and is active in the project management community as a volunteer and mentor for the Project Management Institute Minnesota Chapter.

He is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP). He holds a B.S. degree in Computer Science and an M.S. degree in Project Management.