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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Headlined Guests

Headlined Guests that have appeared on BBS Radio TV

Guest Name
Try using the first name first
Guest Occupation: Anti Smart Meter Activist, EMF Hypersensitivity Researcher, EMF Safety Network Founder
Guest Biography:

Sandi Maurer is the founder of the EMF Safety Network, which filed an application for modification against PG&E Smart Meters in April of 2010 and formally appealed the dismissal of that application in January of 2011. The EMF Safety Network is calling for dismantling of the wireless grid and a return to the analog meters based on numerous reported health and safety problems.

The SmartMeter system uses programmable solid-state meter technology that provides two-way communication between the meter at your home or business and the utility, using secure wireless network technology records hourly meter reads and periodically transmits the reads via a dedicated radio frequency (RF) network back to Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E).

The new meters have been a public relations nightmare for utilities around the country as well as the state commissions that regulate them. The public rebellion has been especially heated in California as residents flood utility call centers with demands to remove the broadcasting meters from their property. Some who have been sickened by the pulses of radiation are increasingly turning to private electricians to remove the wireless meters and replace them with analog meters commonly available from electrical supply shops.

According to California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) documents obtained through FOIA requests, wireless meters are cited in thousands of reports of adverse health effects. The SmartMeter program has also raised concerns of privacy advocates who believe that the devices' data collection capabilities violate constitutional privacy protections.

There have been a growing number of reports linking the meters to instances of fires, explosions, and surges. On August 25th a power surge hit East Palo Alto and disabled hundreds of new smart meters leading to questions by major utility watchdogs about the safety of the 'smart' grid being rushed into place without adequate safety precautions or testing. Utilities have rushed to dispose of solid state analog meters that often lasted eighty years or more without incident.

UC nuclear policy lecturer Dan Hirsch has determined that the wireless meters emit 100-150 times the radiation of a cell phone, invalidating utility claims that the radiation is insignificant.

On May 31st, the World Health Organization declared non-ionizing radiation of the kind emitted by smart meters as a class 2B carcinogen - the same category as DDT, based on cell phone brain tumor studies. Last week, an article in the peer-reviewed Journal of Neuroscience concluded that "EMF hypersensitivity can occur as a bona fide environmentally-inducible neurological syndrome."

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Politics & Government, Technology
Guest Occupation: Medical Director, Doctor, Natural Biochemical Medical Practitioner, Developer, Lecturer, Patient Choice Activist, Author, Nutrition Expert
Guest Biography:

Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, MD – Tahoma Clinic’s Founder & Medical Director

Dr. Wright was inducted into the Orthomolecular Hall of Fame on April, 2012.

Dr. Jonathan Wright is the Medical Director of Tahoma Clinic in Renton, Washington, where he also practices medicine. A Harvard University (A.B. 1965) and University of Michigan graduate (M.D. 1969), he continues to be a for-runner in research and application of natural treatments for healthy aging and illness. Along with Alan Gaby, M.D., he has since 1976 accumulated a file of over 50,000 research papers about diet, vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and other natural substances from which he has developed non-patent medicine (non-“drug”) treatments for health problems. Dr. Wright has taught natural biochemical medical treatments since 1983 to thousands of physicians in the USA, Europe, and Japan.

He was the first to develop and introduce the use of comprehensive patterns of bio-identical hormones (including estrogens, progesterone, DHEA and testosterone) in 1982 and (at Meridian Valley Laboratory) directed the development of tests to ensure their safe use. He teaches use and laboratory monitoring of bio-identical hormones at several seminars each year. He also originated successful natural treatment for elimination of childhood asthma, developed treatment to stop vision loss or improve vision in the majority of individuals with “dry” macular degeneration, was the first to use aldosterone to reverse age-related hearing loss, discovered the effect of iodine on estrogen metabolism and cobalt on steroid detoxification, popularized the use of D-mannose treatment for E. coli urinary tract infection, developed effective natural treatment for seborrheic dermatitis, allergic and viral conjunctivitis, and Osgood-Schlatter’s disease.

Dr. Wright founded the Tahoma Clinic (1973), Meridian Valley Laboratory (1976), and the Tahoma Clinic Foundation (1996). Tahoma Clinic was established to approach disease by natural means and emphasize correction of imbalances in the body that lead to disease. The infamous 1992 FDA Tahoma Clinic “raid” (“The Great B-Vitamin Bust”) was a major impetus for Congressional reform of vitamin/mineral regulation. Dr. Wright continues to be an advocate for patient freedom of choice in healthcare.

Internationally known for his books and medical articles, Dr. Wright has authored or co-authored 14 books, selling over 1.5 million copies with two texts achieving best-selling status; “Book of Nutritional Therapy” and “Guide to Healing with Nutrition”. Dr. Wright authors “Nutrition and Healing”, a monthly newsletter emphasizing nutritional medicine, that reaches over 118,000 in the USA and another 15,000 or more worldwide.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Archaeologist, Film Producer, Researcher, Speaker, Presenter
Guest Biography:

Jan Peter de Jong, a native of the Netherlands, has lived in Peru for 17 years while studying the amazing work of the late archaeologist Alfredo Gamarra under his son and successor, Jesus. Jan Peter has regularly visited the massive megalithic temples of the Andes while applying the principles of Alfredo Gamarra, which maintain that not only the Peruvian temples, but megaliths all over the globe went through three periods of construction, the first one beginning 100,000 years ago. This is the first coherent theory that traces advanced human construction back 100,000 years.

A film producer and researcher, Jan Peter spoke at the Paris Conference "Quelques Mystres Anciens" about the "Cosmogony of the three worlds", detailing the theories of the Peruvian Camarra, who explained, amongst other material, vitrification and the precise modelling of certain stones.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Collegiate Boxing Coach, Attorney, California Fish and Game Commission President, Montana Nature Conservancy Director, Author, Journalist, Documentary Filmmaker, Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

Host Brian Kahn has a diverse background including work as a collegiate boxing coach, attorney, President of the California Fish and Game Commission, Director of the Montana Nature Conservancy, author, journalist and documentary filmmaker.

Brian has hosted Home Ground Radio® continuously since 1995.

Brian and his wife, artist Sandra Dal Poggetto, live in Helena, Montana and have a college-age son, Dylan.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Religion, Science, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Business Strategist, Content Producer, Deal Maker, Investment Banker, Author, Entrepreneur, Financial Strategist, Investor, Media Contributor, Blogger
Guest Biography:

It might be slightly uncomfortable to hear that you have spinach in your teeth or a booger hanging from your nose, but if you are a would-be entrepreneur or a business owner, Carol Roth is going to tell you. One of the country's most successful business advisors, Carol has provided frank, straightforward and insightful business advice to hundreds of business owners, ranging from a single entrepreneur with an idea to Fortune 500 businesses.


Carol Roth is a business strategist, content producer, deal maker, former investment banker and author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Entrepreneur Equation. Carol has worked with hundreds of companies, ranging from a single entrepreneur with an idea to Fortune 500 businesses, on all aspects of business and financial strategy. Collectively, she has helped her clients raise more than $1 billion in capital, complete $750+ million in mergers and acquisitions, secure high-profile licensing and partnership deals and create 7-figure brand loyalty programs.

Guest Category: Business, Investing and Finance
Guest Occupation: Herbalist, Intuitive, Spiritual Doctorate, Educator, Minister, Singer, Songwriter, Author, Midwifery Practitioner, Facilitator, Psychic, Gardener, Writer, Columnist, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Thea Summer Deer, is an herbalist and intuitive, educator, licensed minister, singer-songwriter and published author. She began practicing midwifery and teaching Holistic Childbirth Preparation in 1978 and was a founding mother of the South Florida School of Midwifery. Her involvement in Alternative Medicine spans 35 years as owner of Mindbody and Evolutionary Press, and as the Executive Director of Resources for World Health. She is a graduate of the Botanologos School for Herbal Studies and received her doctorate from Venus Rising University in Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies.

Born in Miami, Florida, Thea grew up barefoot among the Seminole Indians along the banks of the Miami River at the Musa Isle Indian Village. She spent all of her childhood summers in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. As a child she learned how to shoot a bow, canoe, weave and gather medicinal herbs. She later went on to grow and use herbs as an important part of her midwifery practice. Thea has worked and studied with various practitioners for over thirty years including: Susun Weed, Pam Hyde Nakai, Beverly Laughing Eagle, Willie Whitefeather, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D., and Patricia Kyritsi Howell. An ongoing student of herbal medicine with a special interest in Chinese Five Element Theory and the use of herbs during pregnancy and in Wise Woman care, Thea teaches online at Wise Woman University. She also offers workshops in Earth-Spirit Medicine, Herbal Medicine, and offers Healing Herbal Retreats & Intensives in a peaceful mountain garden setting. Thea is in private practice in Asheville, NC.

Fortunate to spend a great deal of time in nature since childhood, Thea’s natural gift of clairvoyance and clairaudience has facilitated her ability to contact the realms of spirit. Specifically, the plant spirits, or “devas” who appear in her book, Wisdom of the Plant Devas: Herbal Medicine for a New Earth, Inner Traditions/Bear & Co publisher.

Mother, grandmother, avid cook and gardener, it was in her garden that Thea discovered the devas that she shares in her book. Her articles have appeared in numerous magazines and publications, and she was a food column writer for the Mountain Laurel Magazine, and copywriter for WHLC FM 104.5 in Highlands, NC.

Thea resides near Asheville, NC surrounded by ancestral Cherokee land with her husband and musical partner, Chuck, aka ‘The GreenMan’ Willhide. Ordained in the Madonna Ministry she is a public speaker and New Thought minister.  Music is an important part of her ministry and she is an award winning singer-songwriter performing in the acoustic duo, Thea & The GreenMan. Follow her on Facebook for updates, or subscribe to her Kitchen Blog or Book Blog and quarterly ezine, Hoof Tracks.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Health & Lifestyle, Science, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Teacher, Human Potential Experrt, Transpersonal Psychologist, Human Motivator, Spiritual Healer, Mind-Body Psycholgist, Mental health Counselor
Guest Biography:

Lynn Woodland is an award-winning author, international teacher and human potential expert who, since 1975, has worked in fields of transpersonal psychology, human motivation, spiritual healing and mind-body psychology. Her particular expertise is in what gives rise to miracles and in teaching ordinary people to live extraordinary lives so that miracles become, not just possible, but natural.

Her background includes twelve years as a chemical dependency and mental health counselor and decades of work with energetic and spiritual healing. In 1983 she founded and directed the Baltimore Center for Attitudinal Healing, a free health crisis resource center for people dealing with life-challenging illnesses. She has led seminars based on her own work since 1987.

She is the creator of The Miracles Course (Quantum Spirit Unlimited), a year-long program of online spiritual education leading to ordination, and founder of Miracles of the Spirit Ministry.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Molecular Bioscientist, Lecturer, Researcher, Educator, Author, Nutritionist
Guest Biography:


Professor Jennie Brand-Miller (aka Janette Cecile Brand) PhD, FAIFST, FNSA (born 1952) holds a Personal Chair in Human Nutrition in the School of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Sydney. She is best known for her research and publications on the glycemic index, and its role in human health. Her research interests focus on all aspects of carbohydrates—diet and diabetes, the glycemic index of foods, insulin resistance, lactose intolerance and oligosaccharides in infant nutrition.

She holds a special interest in evolutionary nutrition and the diet of Australian Aborigines. As a nutrition lecturer in 1981, Jennie was investigating Aboriginal bushfood when she came across the glycemic index, a nutritional concept devised by Dr. David J. Jenkins and colleagues from the University of Toronto. The glycemic index has since changed the way the world thinks about food, nutrition and dieting.

Jennie has played a major role in educating the community on the glycemic index. Her books about the low GI diet, The New Glucose Revolution, are international best-sellers with more than 2 million in sales since 1996. The most recent title in the series, The Low GI Diet, was published in September 2004. She has published 16 books and 200 journal articles.

    2003: Received a Clunies Ross Medal for Science and Technology
    2004: Received the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Award of Merit.
    2011: Received a Queen's Birthday honour, appointed a member of the Order of Australia (AM), for her research into human nutrition and as a supporter of people with a hearing impairment.[1]

She has made many publications in her life as a nutritionist at the Sydney University.

She has come under attack for poor academic scholarship over her argument that sugar consumption in Australia has declined.[2]

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Biology & Chemistry, Technology
Guest Occupation: Change Catalyst, ET Contactee, Author, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Trainer, Psychic, Intergalactic Anthropoligist
Guest Biography:

Marcia Schafter

As a change catalyst, Marcia takes her audience into the unexplored as she transforms our understanding of the world around us along with our future. She prepares us for the special needs of the 21st century at this exciting time and highlights through her own personal experiences the truth of our extraterrestrial reality.

In the late nineties Schafer stepped forward from an executive background to publicly reveal her ET encounters despite the controversy that so often follows this topic. An unusual representative, she was able to draw from her professional credentials to catch the attention of audiences who might normally shy away from this subject matter. To her surprise, her life story about contact was read around the world and generated thousands of encouraging letters from people in dozens of countries.

An award winning author, Marcia has been featured in magazines, radio, television and videos and has shared the stage around the world with astronauts, Pulitzer Prize winners and other notables. The London Times Sunday Magazine special edition 50 Years in Space included Marcia in their exclusive look at our cosmos. Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist, which tells her story, has been read in over twenty five countries and is a prior Glyph Award recipient.

Marcia holds a masters degree in business administration, a bachelors degree in nursing and has undergraduate studies in anthropology. With years of executive and entrepreneurial background in the public and private sectors, she draws from this knowledge to position people for success. Well versed in science, medicine and the world of business, she uses her wisdom in these areas to drive home the implications of information gained from her unworldly encounters.

She founded the inventive consulting firm Beyond Zebra to give aspiring leaders the skills they need to build a better future, and combines knowledge of extraterrestrial reality along with a hint of mysticism in her training of up and coming entrepreneurs. With clients in over thirty five countries she's dedicated to changing the course of our future and uses her information to reposition them for a very different tomorrow.

Apart from what she has learned from other-worldly travelers, Marcia can just look at a photo and see someones other incarnations and soul lessons for this lifetime. Her psychic capacity has been used by executives, celebrities, and everyday people to make smart decisions about their future. She uses this talent in her consulting work to reposition clients into new careers adapted towards whats heading our way.

As a lifetime extraterrestrial contactee, this extraordinary dimension gives Marcia an insider's perspective into our future and our potential as a human race. She is a rare source to find balanced and thoughtful information about this compelling issue and people are comforted when they see how grounded and practical she is revealing what she knows about this hushed topic that has been veiled for so long from the general public. After hearing what she has to say, you will be able to gear up for a world changed by the acknowledgment that we are not alone in the universe.

You will be both entertained and intellectually stimulated by her irreverent sense of humor and provocative contents. A futurist who blends intuitive knowledge with practical business experience, Marcia uses her predictive insight to help her clients prepare for the tomorrow that is already here

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Cosmetic Surgeon, Facial Plastic Surgeon, Otolaryngolgist, Writer, Author, Medical Director, Humanitarian
Guest Biography:

When you put your face in the hands of a cosmetic surgeon, it's important to know his or her experience and training. Dr. Campbell's extensive background in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery will put your mind at ease.

Dr. Andrew Campbell has been a member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery since 1995. He is board certified by both the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology.

Following his graduation from the Indiana University School of Medicine, Dr. Campbell was accepted at his top choice for residency, the University of Cincinnati, where he spent one year in a general surgery internship followed by four full years training in otolaryngology/head and neck surgery. In his last year of training, Dr. Campbell was presented with the Altar Peerless Memorial Award for recognition as the most outstanding chief resident. During this time, he spent years in training with several outstanding facial plastic surgeons, mastering techniques in facial rejuvenation and facial reconstruction.

Dr. Campbell has authored many medical articles and book chapters. He loves to teach and was invited by the ABFPRS to administer the oral exam to certify new medical doctors applying for the facial plastic surgery specialty. His practice focus is cosmetic surgery including: face lifts, revision facelift, rhinoplasty (nose), revision rhinoplasty, browlift/eyelift, otoplasty (ear), chin and cheek implants, fat grafting, and many other innovative surgical and laser procedures.

Dr. Campbell is also active in Face to Face, an organized international effort by facial plastic surgeons across the nation to provide education to physicians and surgical care to less fortunate patients in other parts of the world. "These missions are truly a humbling experience and one way I can use my 'gifts' to help others less privileged", said Dr. Campbell. The domestic branch of Face to Face was developed as a partnership with the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) to help victims of domestic abuse, assisting these individuals to break the cycle of violence, enhance their self-esteem and rebuild their lives. Consultation and surgery are offered pro-bono to eligible individuals.

Dr. Campbell has also received advanced training in laser procedures and non-surgical rejuvenation techniques, and is the medical director, a multi-laser and medical skin care spa. Dr. Campbell believes that all successful cosmetic surgery procedures begin and end with proper skin care.

As an established facial plastic surgeon in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Dr. Andrew Campbell's reputation as a highly trustworthy and forward-thinking surgeon was confirmed by his election as president of the Sheboygan County Medical Society, a 60-member organization. He and his wife Heidi and their four children live in Sheboygan, where fishing, wakeboarding, biking, auto racing, snowboarding, and snow skiing are among their many interests. They also enjoy traveling, fine dining, and collecting wine.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, Cognitive Behavior Hypnotherapist, Instructor, Hypnotist, Hypnosis Trainer
Guest Biography:

Leslie McIntosh - BCHt, CBHt, CI

Leslie McIntosh is a Board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, as well as a Cogntive Behaviour Hypnotherapist- specializing in Regression therapy, Soul Screening and Parts Therapy.

She has over 25 years of facilitation experience. She is recognized by the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association as a quality trainer and her students are recognized as some of the best professional Hypnotherapists in North America. She is certified as an Instructor and is Board Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists.

She has been recognized for her work as a presenter at the IMDHA convention.

Over the last decade she has assisted many others to release limiting beliefs or behaviors to support their own healing and move forward with a new profession. Through her mentoring and training skills many graduates have developed the confidence to become Trainers themselves.

Leslie is also a Trainer of Heart Resonance Therapy, and has done Healing Touch and Vibrational Sound Healing. With her many years of adult  facilitation experience, Leslie delivers learning according to leading adult-learning methodologies. She also has a private Clinical Hypnotherapy practice on the Coastal Academy campus inGuildford, BC.

Private Sessions:
Leslie, along with many of the Coastal Academy Clinical Hypnotherapists are available for your personal Hypnotherapy needs. They can assist you to begin your personal healing journey. To book an appointment,or to get a referral to a professional Clinical Hypnotherapist near you, please call Coastal Academy of Hypnotherapy at 604-542-1914 .

Book Leslie to speak to your group:
Women's groups, Business groups,  high school classes, business sales meetings; if you are interested in pursuing success, Leslie is available to address your group.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Psychology, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Author, Civilization Water Migration Explorer, Pre Columbian Voyages Researcher
Guest Biography:

Gavin Menzies is the bestselling author of 1421, 1434 and his latest book, The Lost Empire of Atlantis. His first two books showed that the Chinese discovered America several decades for Columbus. Further research, however, has revealed that there was a global trade - by sea- thousands of years before. The civilization at the center of this world economy was the Minoans, who sailed to Africa, India, America and all across Europe. They had powerful ties with the Ancient Egyptians and their civilization shows remarkable similarities to the lost civilization known as Atlantis. After more than two decades of groundbreaking studies, Gavin Menzies continues to expand the seafaring capabilities of our ancestors.

Guest Category: History, Technology
Guest Occupation: Guitarist, Flamenco, Latin and Jazz Musician, Lecturer, Sovereignty Law Researcher, Astrotheology Researcher, World Corruption Explorer
Guest Biography:

Santos Bonacci is a Melbourne Based Flamenco/Latin/Jazz guitarist. His music is original guitar music with a hint of Santana and Gypsy Kings. With Darryl Wood in the Duo ‘Bonacci & Wood’, Santos has sold thousands of copies of the duo’s ‘Moorea’ and ‘Nuevo Mundo’ CD’s.

Santos started playing the Beatles and Cat Stephens at age 9 in 1972. Since then he has dabbled in Rock 'n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Classical, Baroque, Flamenco & Contemporary. From this diverse background, Santos has developed a highly refined and original style, fusing Flamenco, Latin, and Jazz. This genre of music is mostly associated with the Gypsies of southern France and Spain, and was made popular on a global scale by the Gypsy Kings through the Eighties and Nineties.

Santos’ music has an engaging intensity but is easy to listen to. With the Duo Bonacci & Wood, Santos was the opening act for Bill Gates’ keynote speech at the Comdex IT Expo 2001, (MGM Grand, Las Vegas), playing to 17,000 people. Other career highlights include opening for Leo Sayer at The Show Room, Crown Casino, Melbourne, Australia and performances at the Riviera Casino, and 5 days at Comdex 2001 Las Vegas.

Santos uses a hand built Spanish Flamenco Guitar, and has a playing technique based on Flamenco Classical and Baroque training. His album ‘Angelica’ was produced with the best Australian sound engineers (Andy Shanahan - Co-Producer, Steve Scanlon - Mastering). Together they have achieved a very high quality sounding ‘acoustic’ album.


Santo Bonacci deals with the subject of Reclaiming Dominion. Breaking the fictions of Law, Religion and Science.

The Holy Science, the ancient science based on the workings of the solar system, which is the science of, 'as above so bellow', enables one to develop wisdom and enlightenment far beyond what this world has on offer.

This ancient fascinating wisdom which he is disseminating and teaching will have a profound spiritual effect on your life! This knowledge will enable you to remember that which you already know.

Santo's studies span over 30 years, recently he has put together many things that will help so many make sense of so much that is going on in today's world, and the future that we all face.

Santo's research busts wide open the world of corruption that is all around us, the world in which most live out each day of their lives.

Santos currently lectures in Australia and on Global Radio on Astrotheology and Sovereignty Law. he offers a perspective which brings some of our beliefs back into context by joining some of the dots that have otherwise made this information highly subjective, controversial and used as a major historical source of humanity's exploitation.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Music, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Psychology, Science
Guest Occupation: Mass Communications Expert, Speaker, Media Trainer, Author, Motivational Rebel, Inspiration Facilitator, Mentor, Personal Development Trainer, Spokesperson, Music Prodcuer, Non-Profit Volunteer, Hypnotherapist
Guest Biography:

Since 1989, “Topher,” as he is known to his friends, has trained tens of thousands of people worldwide, and is acclaimed as an expert in mass communication.

Dr. Morrison is internationally recognized for his columns on leadership through speaking, keynotes, and media training. Topher is the author of the best-selling book, “Stop Chasing Perfection and SETTLE FOR EXCELLENCE” which is being hailed as the self-help book for people who are tired of self-help books.

In contrast to most professional speakers, Topher’s shockingly honest and irresistibly down-to-earth approach is surprisingly infectious. His personality and straightforward manner are endearing to audiences who are tired of fleeting success in “self-help sinkholes.” He is not afraid to tell it like it is and shatter the myth of achieving perfection. Instead, Topher reaches people across all aspects of an organization and shares with them well grounded, easy-to-implement strategies to stay focused and inspired on their company goal no matter what the economy may be serving up. He’s not so much a motivational speaker, as he his a motivational rebel!

Topher isn’t just a ‘one-trick pony’ speaker. He has committed his career to understanding all facets of speaking – from motivational keynotes, to hosting events, and endorsing products as a spokesperson, when you hire Topher, you don’t just get a speaker, you get an expert who can communicate your message to the masses.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Marketing, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur, Technical Advisor, Finance Degree, Mergers and Acquisitions Expert
Guest Biography:

Mike Harris has over thirty years experience in manufacturing, finance and technology development. A participant in domestic and international start-ups, acquisitions and mergers, Mr. Harris founded Harris Technical Sales Inc. that became Motorola’s vendor of choice, placing over $1.2 billion of capital equipment worldwide. As Chairman of the Board of Eclipse Technology, improvements in logistics decreased Motorola downtime by 60% and decreased mean time between failures by 90%. As Chairman and CEO of TFG Acquisition Corporation, he drove an additional $300 million of value to Motorola shareholders. Mr. Harris then became the Arizona Managing Director of AMT Capital Partners LLC.

In 2006 Mr. Harris accepted a position with Support Resources International (SRI). Within 14 months, as President/COO, SRI’s annual revenue grew from $10.4 million to $27 million, transforming a $3 million loss to a $4.5 million profit. After four years of applied physics at the University of Arizona and two years of economics at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Mr. Harris received an MBA in Finance from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Harris served as a technical advisor to the Committee on Science and Technology of the U.S. Congress.

Guest Category: Business, News, Investing and Finance, Marketing, Management, History, Politics & Government, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Astral Projection Expert, OBE Expert, Out-of-Body Traveloer, OBE Facilitator, Hypnotherapist, Lecturer, Teacher, Media Producer
Guest Biography:

William Buhlman, Author of, Adventures Beyond the Body and The Secret of the Soul.

William is an expert in numerous but simple Astral Projection and Out of Body (OBE) techniques from the shamanistic to the modern.

Follow William William Buhlman is America's leading expert on out-of-body experiences. The author's four decades of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures beyond the Body chronicles his personal spiritual journey of self-discovery through out-of-body travel, and provides the reader with the preparation and techniques that can be used for their own adventure.

During the last ten years he has conducted an international out-of-body experience survey that includes over 18,000 participants from forty-two countries. The provocative results of this survey are presented in his book, The Secret of the Soul. This cutting edge book explores the unique opportunities for personal growth and profound spiritual awakenings that are experienced during out-of-body travel.

Over the past two decades William has developed a proven, effective system to experience safe, self initiated out-of-body adventures. He conducts an in-depth workshop with the Monroe Institute titled, Out-of-Body Exploration Intensive. This unique workshop provides the steps, intention and techniques designed for controlled out-of-body exploration. Each participant will experience a comprehensive array of proven OBE methods including the target technique, inner motion, visualization, chakra and energy body activation. In addition, hypnotic, shamanic and early morning methods will be practiced.

As a certified hypnotherapist, William incorporates various methods in his workshops to explore the profound nature of out-of-body experiences and the benefits of accelerated personal development. Through lectures, workshops and his books the author teaches the preparation and techniques of astral projection and spiritual exploration.

The author brings a refreshing look to how we can use out-of-body experiences to explore our spiritual identity and enhance our intellectual and physical lives. William is best known for his ability to teach people how to have profound spiritual adventures through the use of out-of-body experiences. In addition, he has developed an extensive series of audio and video programs that are designed to expand awareness and assist in the exploration of consciousness. William has appeared on numerous television and radio shows worldwide. William's books are currently available in ten languages.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Freelance Writer, Author, Writer, Historian
Guest Biography:

Lamont Wood has been a freelance writer for nearly three decades, largely covering the high-tech industry. He has sold more than 500 articles to various magazines ranging from Scientific American to trade journals in Hong Kong, and has written more than eight books. He also is a history buff, and has written for history magazines.

Guest Category: History, Paranormal, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Lawyer, Juris Doctorate, Editor In Chief, Writer, NHL President, Legal Columnist, Health Freedoms Activist, Speaker, Author
Guest Biography:

A Brief Biography of Scott Tips, JD - Editor of Health Freedom News - President and Legal Counsel for NHF

Born and reared in Texas, Scott Tips moved to California when he was 21.  It was there that he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of California at Los Angeles, while working at three jobs in order to put himself through school.

Having read an article about how another student had lived and studied in France very inexpensively, Scott then packed his bags and, knowing but three words of French, went to Paris to study French and history at the Sorbonne (Paris I & Paris IV).  After one school year there, he then returned to the United States, where he spent the Summer building houses to earn money for law school.

Scott then moved to Berkeley, California, where he attended the University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall).  At Boalt Hall, he was accepted onto the California Law Review, where he became its Managing Editor and helped to bring that journal back on schedule.  After three years of study, Scott obtained his Juris Doctorate degree from Boalt Hall and then quickly took and passed the California Bar Exam.

A California-licensed attorney, he has specialized in food-and-drug law and trademark law, but also engages in business litigation, general business law, and nonprofit organizations, with an international clientele.  Since 1989, Scott has been the General Counsel for the National Health Federation, the World's oldest health-freedom organization for consumers, as well as the Editor In Chief of its magazine, Health Freedom News.  In 2007, he became NHF President, and has been a frequent speaker for the organization and for health freedom on several continents.

A legal columnist, Scott writes a monthly column for Whole Foods Magazine called "Legal Tips," a column he started many years ago.  Currently, he is primarily occupied with health-freedom issues arising from national governments’ and such international organizations as the Codex Alimentarius Commission’s attempts to limit individual freedom of choice in health matters.  In that capacity, he has compiled, edited, and published a book on the subject entitled Codex Alimentarius - Global Food Imperialism. He also attends Codex meetings worldwide and has attended more Codex meetings than any other health-freedom activist.

Guest Category: Legal, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Fashion Editor, Writer, Columnist, Author, Mediaval Historian, Linguist, Journalist, Editor-at-Large, Artist Advisor, Speaker, Artistic Administrator
Guest Biography:

Helena Matheopoulos was born in Athens and has lived in London most of her life.

She was educated at Pierce College, the American school in Athens, holds a Bachelor's and a Master's Degree in Mediaeval History from University College, London and is fluent in six languages.

Upon graduation she began her journalistic career as Fashion Editor of The Tatler (3 years) and The Daily Express (2 years) before joining the Arts Page of The Evening News with a weekly column dedicated to interviews with famous personalities in the Arts. She was also a regular contributor to The Sunday Times, Gramophone and Opera Now and a regular columnist for the Saturday magazine of The Times for a year (1992-93). Currently she is International Editor-at-Large of Greek Vogue.

Her first book, MAESTRO: ENCOUNTERS WITH CONDUCTORS OF TODAY, published in Britain (Hutchinsons) and the US (Harper & Row), was named "Music Book of the Year 1983" by the magazine Stereo Review.

It was followed by BRAVO: TODAY'S TENORS, BARITONES AND BASSES DISCUSS THEIR ROLES, published in both countries (by Weidenfeld and Harper & Row respectively) and translated into several languages, including Chinese. It was also chosen as THE book offered as The 1986 Season Prize to the winner of the weekly interval quiz of the hugely popular Saturday radio relay of Metropolitan Opera performances, "Live from the Met."

DIVA: TODAY'S SOPRANOS AND MEZZOS DISCUSS THEIR ART (Gollancz, 1991) had three hardback editions within a year and two paperback editions in the UK as well as the US and was followed by a second volume on the same subject: DIVA: THE NEW GENERATION (Little, Brown)

In 1996 she published a biography of King Juan Carlos of Spain, JUAN CARLOS I: A KING FOR TODAY, with His Majesty's collaboration This was followed by a biography of Placido Domingo: PLACIDO DOMINGO: MY ROLES IN OPERA (Little Brown, 2000), which has been published in eight countries including, of course, the US (Baskerville Publishers).

In autumn 2011 “Fashion Designers at the Opera” (an illustrated coffee table volume), is being published by Thames & Hudson in both the UK and the US .

Parallel to her writing activities, Helena Matheopoulos was Artistic Advisor to the Athens Megaron from its opening in 1991 to the end of 1995.

From 1996-2004, she was Special Adviser for Vocal Projects of London's Philharmonia Orchestra and, after making it Resident at the Athens Megaron, also Director of its Athens Residency.

Since 2000, she has also been a regular speaker at several venues in the US and the UK on subjects related to her books, (e.g., “Callas, the Sacred Flame”, “Greek Gods, Myths and Heroes at the Opera”, “The Art of the Tenor”, The Search for Don Giovanni”, “The Rise and Rise of the American Diva”, “The Art of Placido Domingo” etc).

In autumn 2011, she was invited to speak at the Cheltenham Literary Festival, following which she has been invited to the Oxford Literary Festival in March 2012 and the Buxton Music festival in July 2012.

In 2005, she became Artistic Administrator of Apollonian Enterprises, a company specializing in the organization of musical Events, including, in 2005, a concert titled “Greece at the Opera” at the Teatro dal Verme in Milan with 6 soloists and the Orchestra of La Scala, which was repeated in 2006 at London’s, Cadogan Hall with the Royal Philharmonic.

Guest Category: Arts, Design, Performing Arts, Literature, Visual Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Neuropsychologist, Author, Teacher, Authority on Self Directed Neuroplasticity, Editor, Writer, Meditator, Rock Climber
Guest Biography:

Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a neuropsychologist and Affiliate of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. He’s the author of the bestselling Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom (with Rick Mendius, M.D.; Foreword by Dan Siegel, M.D. and Preface by Jack Kornfield, Ph.D.), published in 21 languages, and Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time (New Harbinger, 2011). He is the founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, he's taught at Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard, and in meditation centers in Europe, North America, and Australia.

The companion to his bestselling book, Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time (New Harbinger, Nov 2011), presents over 50 quick yet profoundly powerful simple practices to change the neurocircuitry in our brains to lead to greater happiness, love and wisdom. As an expert in neuroscience and positive psychology, Dr. Hanson guides the reader through the contemplative practices and offers additional material for deeper understanding of the exercise.

Sample practices include:
  1. Take in the Good
  2. Notice You're Alright Right Now
  3. Don't take it personally
  4. See the Good in Yourself
  5. Enjoy Your Hands
  6. Fill the Hole in Your Heart

An authority on self-directed neuroplasticity, Dr. Hanson’s work has been featured on the BBC, NPR, Consumer Reports Health, and U.S. News and World Report. He edits the Wise Brain Bulletin, and his weekly e-newsletter - Just One Thing – has over 26,000 subscribers, and also appears on Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and other major websites. He has several audio programs with Sounds True, and his first book was Mother Nurture: A Mother's Guide to Health in Body, Mind, and Intimate Relationships (Penguin, 2002).

A summa cum laude graduate of UCLA, Dr. Hanson is a trustee of Saybrook University. He also served on the board of Spirit Rock Meditation Center for nine years, and was President of the Board of FamilyWorks, a community agency. He began meditating in 1974, trained in several traditions, and leads a weekly meditation gathering in San Rafael, CA. He enjoys rock-climbing and taking a break from emails. He and his wife have two adult children.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Buddhism, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation