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Guest Occupation: Homeopathic Ophthalmologist, Eye Disease Specialist, Doctor, Author, Radio Show Host, Wellness Advocate
Guest Biography:

Edward C. Kondrot, M.D.

Dr. Kondrot is the world’s leading Homeopathic Ophthalmologist who devotes his practice to traditional and alternative therapies for the treatment of eye disease. His extensive research has taken him around the world and places him in a unique position to share this knowledge. Dr. Kondrot’s two  best selling books, Healing the Eye the Natural Way and Microcurrent Stimulation: Miracle Eye Cure, share this knowledge. Both books are solid introductions into his philosophy and practice. His latest book is the 10 Essentials to Save Your Sight has received rave reviews.

He is the host of the weekly radio show Healthy Vision Talk Radio broadcasted on KFNX Talk Radio

His prestigious center for Healing the Eye promotes wellness of sight, body, mind and spirit is located in Phoenix, Arizona The center treats patients who seek holistic non-invasive therapies for eye problems that include macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, eyestrain and other eye disorders. Dr. Kondrot has a worldwide following because of these successful therapies.

    Has practiced ophthalmology for over 20 years and classical homeopathy for over 15 years.
    Received his MD in 1977 from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Completed his residency in Ophthalmology at the Scheie Eye Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and at St. Francis General Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, becoming a board certified Ophthalmologist in 1981
    Received his diploma from the Hahnemann Homeopathic College in Albany, California in 1995
    Became certified by the Council of Homeopathic Certification in 2000
    Became Doctor of Homeopathic therapeutics (DHt) in 2002
    Dr. Kondrot has an active medical license in Arizona, California, Florida  and Pennsylvania

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Homeopathy, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Healer, Psychologist, Child Development Doctor, Reiki Master, Teacher
Guest Biography:

Maureen Dawn Healy is a well-known author, speaker and healer working directly with parents and children. She specializes in helping highly sensitive and intuitive kids thrive. You may have seen her work at Psychology Today, PBS or her books: Growing Happy Kids (HCI Books, 2012) and The Energetic Keys to Indigo Kids (New Page, 2013).

Unique about Maureen is that she has worked with children in the US, Europe and Asia. In 2007, she taught Tibetan refugee children in Dharamsala, India and was fortunate enough to attend classes with His Holiness the fourteenth Dalai Lama. Maureen continues to be an avid learner, charismatic teacher and light-hearted spirit. Currently, she lives in Southern California and works out of her Los Angeles office.

Along with Maureen’s 15+ years of global experience, she also holds traditional credentials with a BA in psychology and MBA from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. She then has completed her doctoral coursework in child development at Fielding in Santa Barbara, California and is a Reiki Master in the USUI lineage of energy medicine. Dr. Oz has stated, “energy medicine is the future of all medicine” and Maureen strongly agrees.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Kids & Family, Medicine, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Medical Clairvoyant, Teacher, Healer, Seer, Sacred Biologist, Consciousness Researcher, Workshop Facilitator, Energy Healer, Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Madalyn Suzzo, Medical Clairvoyant, Teacher, Healer, Seer — The closest definition I’ve come up with for myself is “Sacred Biologist.” I’ve spent my life trying to understand the emanations of energy and signals I see in people and all life around me. This led to being a lifetime professional Seer able to pierce the veil of separation most people seem to live with; allowing me to access mind-body wisdom and to become a Vibrational Medicine expert. My 30 years researcher of states of consciousness, the brain and how the body regenerates has led me to some very interesting and revealing trails. This unique ability to intuitively see inside the cellf™, as I call it,  and create healing resonance has led me to discovering practical and scientific uses of quantum physics. I am continually having uncanny insights into the naturally occurring wave particle, cellular and subtle body dimensions of life. By understanding there is no separation between self and cell, mind and body, science and spirit, much more information about the true you can be revealed and utilized for your benefit. With energy medicine, transformation practices, deep nutrition, atomic physics, your intentions and awareness, many imbalances can be and have been ‘miraculously’ corrected. My work, often astoundingly, catalyzes positive change and has been mentioned in the books “Montauk Revisited: A Look at Synchronicity in Time” by Peter Moon, “Contagious Optimism” by Dave Mezzapelle and “Fifty Algae Stories of Hope, Health and Freedom” by Lisa C. Moore, DC. I  teach workshops and practiced energy healing techniques across the United States and Canada, for those who see beyond the surface, like I do.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Biology & Chemistry, Self Help, Spiritual, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Metaphysical Researcher, Expert of Occult, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Philosphy, Psychologist, Counseler, Humanitarian, Author
Guest Biography:


The author, Dr. Marilou McIntyre has investigated metaphysical concepts and the occult for decades in her search for God and spiritual guidance and wisdom after raising four children. She traveled the world testing and verifying principles of truth and experimenting with their uses to discover how to create longevity, happiness and opulence in ones’ life.

During this time she achieved a Doctor of Divinity degree and because of her love for people and desire to help those in need or who are striving for a better life-style, she studied for years and finally achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, a Master of Arts in Sociology, and a PhD in Philosophy with minors in Psychology and Counseling. She has lectured across the United States and other countries for over thirty years sharing her concepts on how to assure one’s life is most fulfilling and achieving the highest potential.

In 2011 she published two non-fiction books about her search for God and developing the ability to help people heal phobias and addictions. Life Is Forever-Get Used to It reveals thirty years of research in psychic phenomena and provides scientific proof of survival after physical death. Fast Road To Happiness details steps she used through conscious past-life regression to release irrational behavior and problems carried over from past lives, with affidavit attesting to the benefits. These books are sold internationally and serve as How To manuals to improve and control the quality of life here and here-after. They can be acquired through Amazon or an autographed copy through her Website.

Her next book to be released soon is a fun rendition of her communications with a spirit guide who reveals her concepts of life here and hereafter. ‘Forever’ has been one of her spirit guides for decades. Their ability to communicate developed over time and now from this expanded level of consciousness she can share what angels think and do. This book is thought provoking and fun to read. You decide if situations are true or not and how it can help you.

She is now retired and living very comfortably but she continues to serve others by giving past-life readings via the telephone to those who request one and radio or internet interviews. She wishes all to be free, think big, and serve others to be fulfilled. Life is beautiful and forever, her books provide road maps to help anyone achieve health, wealth and happiness. Dr. M presents how to enjoy your life forever.

Guest Category: Near Death Experiences, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Alternative Health Practitioner, Founder of Jurak World Wide Inc.
Guest Biography:

The health of America and the world in general is deteriorating faster than our good doctors can handle, and so just maybe, the only thing we can count on is our body itself...that marvelous machine that is so complicated that all our best scientists still cannot seem to stop it from breaking down...I think we refer to that as "getting old"!

So what to do??? Well here I am at 75 years of age, never having been to a doctor for any illness...never having taken any prescription drug...never getting a cold...never having a poor sleep pattern...never having stomach upset...never lacking energy...never whatever else you can think of!!!


This family company bears the names of my Dad, CARL JURAK, (pictured here in the 1940’s when he began to commercialize his preparation) who developed the extraordinary formula, JURAK CLASSIC WHOLE BODY TONIC, fondly known as JC TONIC®, The Youth Solution® and that of my Mom, HELENA JURAK in whose honor we named another extraordinary formula, HELENA® WHOLE BODY SKIN REJUVENATOR.

Was my Dad a genius??? He sure must have been pretty smart to have developed such formulae...or was it that he just NEVER GAVE UP?? You see, he worked on the JC TONIC® formula for about 20 years during the 1920’s and 1930’s to achieve his unbelievable molecular chain and was finally ready to commercialize that miracle in 1943.

So this "preparation", as he called it until he began to market it, when it was given the name MATONOL, is as DANIEL B. MOWREY, PhD referred to it, "a TRUE Whole Body Tonic".

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Ordained Minister with His Own Ministry and works closely with ABCRM youth ministry, Ministry and Mission Coach, Conflict Resolution Specialist, Author of "The Olive Tree Prophecy"
Guest Biography:

Rev. Mike Oldham has been in the Rocky Mountain Region since September 2001. Mike received a B.A. from Eastern New Mexico University in 1985 with a major in Religious Studies. He then received his M. Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1990. While in seminary, Mike served as Associate Pastor at the First Christian Church (Disciples) of Jeffersonville, IN.

After seminary, Mike served a yoked ministry, FBC of Pt. Marion and Oak Hill Baptist Church of Smithfield, PA for five years. Mike continued to serve as pastor of Oak Hill Baptist Church until August of 2001. In September 2001, Mike began his ministry in our Region as a church planter. Then he served as the Manager for Black Forest Camp and Conference Center.

Mike began as a Ministry and Mission Coach on September 1, 2005. He works with two of our Ministry and Mission Clusters, the churches on the Western Slope of Colorado and Moab, Utah and the churches of Southeastern Colorado and New Mexico. Mike also works closely with ABCRM youth ministry programs including Impact and camping. He is also working to develop a partnership with the Mayan Intercultural Seminary in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, MX in the areas of pastoral training and economic development.

In working with local churches, Mike desires to see churches move from the status quo to a place of growing health. He sees leadership development, conflict transformation, spiritual formation, and developing a missional focus as the keys to this transition. He is trained in the Bridge Builder program developed by Peter Steinke. This program helps churches address the areas of conflict and move towards a clear focus on mission. He is also trained as conflict resolution specialist. He is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry degree at Denver Seminary in Leadership Development.

Mike is married to Chris Oldham. Chris is a Human Resources Consultant with Mountain States Employers Council in Colorado Springs.

Mike is also the author of the book, THE OLIVE TREE PROPHECY.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Religion, Christianity, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: An Accomplished Physician in Allopathic Medicine, Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Owns His Own Dedicated Practice of Integrative and Functional Medicine
Guest Biography:

Dr. Joseph Edward Kaye trained in Mind-Body Medicine through Harvard - and uses Meditation, Biofeedback, and Stress Management in his practice

From an early age, Dr. Kaye knew he would become a physician. He has had a lifelong fascination with how the body functions and how we can use diet, medicine, and the natural substances all around us to enhance our health. These substances may be bioidentical hormones, natural medicines derived from plants, vitamins, or nutrients. Joseph Kaye, M.D. was raised on an organic farm, which instilled in him awareness of the importance of healthy, locally grown food and a proper diet. Today, he has a strong emphasis on diet in his practice and operates a highly successful weight-loss program.

In addition, Dr. Kaye has trained extensively in traditional allopathic medicine, completing residencies in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine and has cared for over 15,000 patients in his career thus far.

At his current Integrative and Functional Medicine practice, Dr. Kaye merges natural and traditional medicine, with a focus on weight loss, bioidentical hormone replacement, sports nutrition, mood and neurological disorders, reversal of chronic disease, anti-aging medicine, preconception medicine, and detoxification. Dr. Kaye dedicates his practice to guiding his patients through the process of healthy aging and helping them to alleviate or reverse chronic illness.

Dr. Kaye has affiliated his practice with BodyLogicMD, the nation's largest group of physicians dedicated to bioidentical hormone replacement and functional medicine. In this role, he helps women and men find relief from symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as low libido, weight gain, irritability, depression, hot flashes and loss of muscle mass. Dr. Kaye offers his patients bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) and customized nutrition, supplement, and fitness programs as well as standard and complementary medical treatment.

Using advanced laboratory, genomic, and physical testing that is not available to most physicians, Dr. Kaye and his associates attempt to identify unsuspected causes of chronic conditions, which can then be corrected, returning his patients to a state of wellness and vitality.

Dr. Kaye has trained in Mind-Body Medicine through Harvard and uses Meditation, Biofeedback, and Stress Management in his practice. Dr. Kaye practices what he advocates to his patients and can discuss his programs from his experience as a patient. He exercises daily, follows a prudent low-stress/nontoxic lifestyle, eats a healthy diet with appropriate supplementation and has been treated with BHRT since 2005.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Medicine, Science, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Owner/Creator/Founder of Adizes - a worldwide consulting organization, Founded the Adizes Methodology™, International Bestselling Author and Speaker,
Guest Biography:

Dr. Adizes is one of the world's leading experts on organizational performance and change. Over the past 35 years, he has worked with some of the world's largest corporations and consulted with many heads of state. Dr Adizes is also a noted author and has lectured in in more than 40 countries.

Adizes is a worldwide consulting organization serving clients who are involved in many diverse industries, and range in size from start-ups to members of the Global 100. At the heart of the organization is the Adizes Institute where research, licensing and training in the Adizes Methodology™ is conducted. The Institute is also associated with the Adizes Graduate School, which offers master and doctoral degree programs in organizational transformation.

Since 1973, Adizes has provided thousands of organizations with a powerful and comprehensive change program that unlocks their hidden value and enables them to achieve leadership positions in their industries.

Adizes specializes in aiding CEOs, top management teams, boards and owners of companies to quickly and effectively resolve issues such as:

- Difficulties in making the transition from entrepreneurship to professional management.
- Bureaucratization which leads an organization that is out of touch with its markets and losing entrepreneurial vitality.
- Conflicts between founders, owners, board members, partners and family members.
- Internal conflicts and politics that escalate to the extent that they inhibit the success of the business.
- Growing pains.
- Culture clashes between companies undergoing mergers or acquisitions.

We are experts at enabling an enterprise to make fundamental improvements without the destructive conflicts that plague many major change efforts. Our goal is to help our clients dramatically improve the performance of their organizations, achieve sustainable revenue and profitability targets, enjoy ìPrimeî conditions of operations, and improve the quality of their work lives.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Business, Careers, Management, Education, Courses & Training, Education Technology