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Guest Occupation: Group of Beings who speak as One through the Channel Ginger Metraux, Ph.D
Guest Biography:

Galexis is a group of beings who speak as One through the channel Ginger Metraux, Ph.D. Thesebeings come from various levels, planes, dimensions, and planetary systems. Most members of Galexis have been physical on earth, so they have direct knowledge of physical body experiences and have tremendous compassion for all of us beings who are having a physical plane experience.

The members of Galexis have no competition with each other and can merge into one entity/soul while still retaining their individuality. Occasionally, an individual spokes-being for the group can be distinguished by a change of accent or body posture of the channel.

While many people are curious about the membership of Galexis, Galexis is very private about who their members are. Perhaps that is to keep from distracting their clients and seminar attendees from focusing on personalities. Some of Galexis’ members are well-known and frequent guests with other channels across the country.

But it may also be because the group as Galexis can range in number from as few as the core group of seven to several hundred when speaking to a group. Members include Ascended Masters, Angels, Spirit Helpers, ET's, the channel's private guides, and spirit specialists who assist in various topics. They are joined by the personal guides who come with the individual(s) being channeled for.

Galexis is also private about giving out the names and identities of individual’s guides. According to Galexis, the process of connecting with one's own guides and learning their names is an important part of the relationship and shouldn't be shortcut by a third party. Also, Galexis encourages individuals to develop real, in-depth, non-physical relationships with their spirit helpers as well as their Higher Selves. This keeps some people from using the information too casually as entertainment or for ego-validation.

Galexis chose Ginger as their channel due to the extensive personal emotional healing work she done, and also that she uses Lazaris’clear and well-defined map of the human psyche (for information on Lazaris, see the Links section).

Guest Category: Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic
Guest Occupation: Psychotherapist,
Guest Biography:

I grew up a self-conscious bookworm in a tense, glamour-oriented household where I worried so early about my relational deficits that by 3rd grade you couldn’t get me to play Old Maid. By 5th grade, I was planning my face-saving lifeplan: “Someday I’ll write for The New York Times and no one will notice there’s something wrong with me.”

This mindset got me into The Columbia School of Journalism and turned me into a prize-winning reporter managing her own sense of invisibility crusading for the disadvantaged. I actually was offered a job at The Times when I was 25…..about the same time The Universe offered a competing option: An assignment to write an exposé of a spiritual group gave me an unexpected glimpse of feeling whole--independent of any achievement or anyone’s particular affection. When an important editor told me I had written something “incredibly mediocre,” and astonishingly, I felt no familiar diminishment, I promptly left journalism and decided to spend the rest of my life exploring ways to access and sustain the identity that made that possible.

A psychotherapist now for over 25 years, I see myself as a kind of transpersonal scout, helping people let go of external structures that no longer fit and orienting them to what it means to live a life based on their own insides. A phrase I like in this regard is “Trust in Being,” and while the phrase is probably not unique to them, I really heard it from some wonderful teachers in a group called Waking Down in Mutuality.

While I was learning psychoanalytic theory at Hahnemann Medical College, I was also studying Buddhism and secretly teaching clients to meditate. The tension between solid developmental approaches and my draw to the Mystical has been part of my journey. For years I taught Law of Attraction classes to Main Line moms, but understood enough about unconscious programming to consider The Secret as not telling the whole story. Personal growth, to me, examines the interplay between family-of-origin conditioning and one’s understanding of how The Universe operates. Many of us operate as if we are living in an Unfriendly Universe-, and my hope is that Talk To Me Like I’m Someone You Love will show you how—right in the messiness of life—to feel both discomfort and Something Friendlier in the wings.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Visual Arts, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Lynne Stewart Defense Committee
Guest Biography:

Born in Pennsylvania, 1934, son of a union orgainzer when Pittsburg was steel capital. Remained true to principles of unionism as a founding member of the UFT. Continued same, when the United Federation of Teachers joined management supporting a rascist New York City Board of Education against the communities. After leaving jail, as Chairman - Inmates Improvement Council - Riker's Island 1969, continued the struggle for justice as a private investigator. I support Lynne Stewart's struggle against double standard in the U.S. injustice system.

Former defense attorney Lynne Stewart's offense came in 2000 while defending Omar Abdel Rahman, an Egyptian cleric who in 1995 was convicted of "seditious conspiracy" for encouraging his followers to commit terrorist acts in and around New York City. She violated what were at the time a novel set of security requirements known as Special Administrative Measures, or SAMs. The measures included a communications ban on Rahman, which Stewart defied by issuing a news release to Reuters on the sheik's behalf that urged his supporters to reconsider their participation in a cease-fire with the Egyptian government.

As a result, Stewart was disbarred and sentenced to 28 months in prison. Citing the "deadly serious nature of her terrorist crimes," the Justice Department sought a far higher penalty: 15 to 30 years. The outcome of that effort culminated in November when an appellate court upheld the verdict against Stewart, revoked her bond and ordered the original trial judge, U.S. District Judge John G. Koetl, to reconsider his "breathtakingly low" sentence. Koetl's revised sentence is expected at a hearing in federal court in New York on Thursday.

Ever since her indictment in 2002, Stewart's case has captured the attention of defense attorneys and the support of groups such as the National Assn. of Criminal Defense Lawyers, which filed amicus briefs on her behalf, and George Soros' Open Society Institute, which donated $20,000 to her defense. Supporters believe the government's dogged pursuit of Stewart - whose legal odyssey has now spanned three presidents and five attorneys general - is meant to have a chilling effect. The Center for Constitutional Rights said the case represents "an attack on attorneys who defend controversial figures and an attempt to deprive these clients of the zealous representation that may be required."

Guest Category: Business, Legal, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Quantum Field Psychologist, Teacher, Energy Healer, Writer, Public Speaker
Guest Biography:

Dr. Landrith a cutting-edge Quantum Field Psychologist/Healer has had incredible success teaching his clients how to heal themselves by "re-wiring" their brains, so they can manifest more love and abundance in their lives.

Dr. Landrith has proven thru his ground breaking published research studies that our consciousness is Quantum based. This means that our inner thoughts are connected with, and can influence the outside world. Dr Landrith's techniques are completely unique because he combines this Quantum Technology with tapping on Acupuncture points with ones fingers (EFT). This will not only remove blocks so your energy flows and you feel like you are high on life, but even more, his Quantum Tapping techniques will enable you to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams.

Dr. Landrith is a cutting-edge quantum field psychologist and energy healer, whose research was cited in the highly-acclaimed film, "What the Bleep Do You Know?," which combines quantum field technology with tapping on acupuncture points to teach people how to create the life of their dreams.

Dr. Landrith was among the first to scientifically document that "what we think inside, can have a profound influence on the outer world." In his pioneering peer-reviewed published research studies in 1981, 1982 and 1988, it was found that the inner thoughts of groups of individuals can actually improve the quality of life in the cities they live-by lowering crimes, auto accidents and suicides. In short, we can create miracles in our outer worlds with our own minds.

His scientific studies have been published in numerous journals, including, "International Journal of Neuroscience," "Journal of Crime and Justice," and "The Journal of Mind and Behavior". In addition, his research has been cited by numerous authors, including: Deepak Chopra, Md., Neale Donald Walsh, and Dr. Dean Radin.

Dr. Landrith's techniques were so well thought of that he was invited to teach a training class at Fort Carson Military Base in Colorado for the Therapists and Psychologists, on how to use this technology to help the soldiers returning from the war.

He has been a featured speaker at numerous conferences including most recently: The Psychic Studies Institute (2007), The Institute for Noetic Sciences (Tucson 2008), The Unity Church Convention (2009). The Psychic Studies Institute (2007, 2011), The Institute for Noetic Sciences (Tucson 2008, 2011), The Unity Church Convention (2009).

In a recent demonstration project of his Quantum Tapping Technology, Dr Landrith was able to help reduce the crime rates in Dallas by over 23% over an 18-month period. Over 1000 people were participating in this demonstration project, proving that these energy techniques done on our body, enhance the power of our mind and thoughts.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Psychology, Science
Guest Occupation: Globally Renowned Physician-turned-Master Healer, International Bestselling Hay House Author, Workshop and Retreat Leader, International Teacher and Public Speaker
Guest Biography:

Guiding People To Find the Harmony in Themselves, Their Relationships and The World

His Process Takes Them on a Healing Journey of Self-Inquiry that Leads to "Radical Aliveness," Unconditional Love, and Real Inner Peace

There cannot be true change-real lasting transformation-- without DEEP WORK.

And that is why Richard Moss, the Maestro of "DEEP WORK," has given his life over teaching people how to delve deeply into their inner core so they can achieve a life of "Radical Aliveness," Unconditional Love, and Real Inner Peace.

For 37 years, this globally renowned physician-turned-master healer, international bestselling Hay House author, and workshop leader has been guiding people on profound journeys of self-inquiry and self-discovery that have transformed their relationship with themselves, with their loved ones and with the world. "To join me in Deep Work means that you want to become the most balanced, awake, alive, and loving person you can be. It means you want your whole life - and most importantly every relationship - to be lived as an expression of your spiritual path," says Moss. "This means that you want and are willing to do the deep work of seeing and rooting out everything in you that has limited your ability to love and celebrate life."

Moss' work is centered in helping people achieve present moment awareness-and to clear away the beliefs, habits and thinking patterns that prevent them from living in a hyper-alive, joyful and loving state of being nearly all of the time. In Moss' bestselling books Inside-Out Healing and The Mandala of Being, he outlines his methodology for achieving this mastery. But while people can do this work on their own, it is often in the workshops, lovingly coached by Moss, that many achieve their most profound transformations.

People seek out Moss for many reasons: resolving or coping with a health crisis; feeling stuck in old patterns; experiencing an emotional malaise; yearning to deepen their life path; seeking to reignite, improve or save a relationship, and desiring to catalyze new creative energy to achieve or accomplish a desired goal.

And what they experience in either the 10-day Radical Aliveness Retreats, the 3 or 4-day Deep Work Workshops or the Couples Deep Work Intensive Programs, is nothing short of seeing the world through new eyes-the eyes of their true selves. And experiencing it with the full embodiment of their feeling sense-and especially their heart.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Philosophy, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Educator, Nutritionist
Guest Biography:

Jennifer Cornbleet is a firm believer that raw food - the complete opposite of the fast food that fills so many American's diets these days - can benefit people. But she is more inclined towards a gentle approach than a doctrinaire one. Being preachy is not her thing; talking openly to people is. So, she delivers her message through easily-digeted - sorry for the pun - books like How To Go Raw for a Day. And she has found a very receptive audience.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Urban Shaman
Guest Biography:

Donna Henes is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, popular speaker, and award-winning writer specializing in multi-cultural ritual celebrations of the cycles of the seasons and the seasons of our lives. Her joyful celebration of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than one hundred cities for thirty-three years.

Queen Mama Donna is the author of four books, The Queen of My Self (Monarch 2005), The Moon Watcher's Companion (Marlowe & Co. 2004), Celestially Auspicious Occasions: Seasons, Cycles & Celebrations (Perigee: Penguin/Putnam 1996) and Dressing Our Wounds In Warm Clothes (Astro Artz 1982) a CD,Reverence To Her: Part One: Mythology, the Matriarchy, & Me (Io Productions 1998) as well as an acclaimed quarterly journal, Always In Season: Living in Sync with the Cycles.

Guest Category: Arts, Paranormal, Spiritual, Divination
Guest Occupation: Prominent UFO Abduction Researcher, Author and Lecturer; MUFON’s Director of Abduction Research and Recipient of MUFON’s “Researcher of the Year” award in 2012
Guest Biography:

Kathleen Marden is a prominent UFO abduction researcher, author and lecturer with 23 years experience in the field. She is MUFON’s Director of Abduction Research. For ten years Kathy volunteered as MUFON’s Director of Field Investigator Training. In 2012, she was the recipient of MUFON’s “Researcher of the Year” award.

She earned a B.A. degree in social work, with honors, from the University of New Hampshire in 1971, and participated in graduate studies in education while working as a teacher and education services coordinator. She is also a certified hypnotherapist. Her interest in UFOs dates back to September 20, 1961, when her aunt, Betty Hill phoned her nearby home to report that she and Barney had encountered a flying saucer in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. A primary witness to the evidence of the UFO encounter and the aftermath, Kathleen has intimate knowledge of the Hill’s biographical histories, personalities, and the previously unpublished historical files pertaining to their sensational story.

She is the author of three books, Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, Science was Wrong, with nuclear physicist/scientific ufologist Stanton T. Friedman, and The Alien Abduction Files, with Denise Stoner (May 2013 release). Her chapter on alien abduction appears UFOs and Aliens: Is There Anybody Out There? and Children of the Greys.. Her articles have been published in the MUFON UFO Journal, Open Minds magazine and on several websites. Kathy has appeared in television and radio programs in the US, Canada and the UK, and has lectured throughout the United States. She is recognized as the world’s leading expert on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Paranormal, UFOs