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Guest Occupation: Director of Media Studies at Cardiff Academy, President of ASSAP (The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena), President of BUFORA (the British UFO Research Association), Singer/Songwriter, Author of over 250 books
Guest Biography:

Lionel was born in Dereham, Norfolk, England and worked as a Journalist in Cromer, before training as a Teacher. He was Further Education Tutor at Gamlingay Village College in Cambridgeshire until he was head-hunted to become the Chief Training Executive for the Phoenix Timber Group in Essex.

For over ten years he was Headmaster (Principal) of a big Comprehensive High School in Cardiff.

Lionel is President of ASSAP (The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena) and Patricia is First Lady. Lionel is also the President of BUFORA (the British UFO Research Association) His showbiz career started with Anglia TV and BBC Look East way back in the 'fifties.

He's now a popular TV and Radio presenter and celebrity guest on chat shows. He's also a singer-songwriter with a CD album of Unsolved Mystery songs for Voice Print Records: Lionel's lead singer for John Downes and the Amphibians. He's also the author of over 250 books -- several of which I co-authored with him.

Lionel and Patricia
His qualifications include a Government Teaching Certificate from Cambridge University's Institute of Education with an Advanced Main Subject Distinction, an Upper Second Class BA Honours Degree, Fellowship of the College of Preceptors (equivalent to a Masters degree) and Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Management (equivalent to an MBA or an M.Sc in Management Science).

He's currently Director of Media Studies at Cardiff Academy.

He's a member of the Ghost Club, Mensa and the Welsh Academy.

Lionel, President of Jumbo GB, the bikers' charity which helps children with special needs.

As a former Harley Davidson owner currently riding a big Kawasaki 1500 Drifter, he's President of a Bikers' Charity called Jumbo, who take kids with special needs and their parents for fun days out. He's also a fully ordained Anglican Priest. He's a qualified weight-training instructor and a Dan Grade martial arts instructor.

He often works an eighteen hour day seven days a week - and he loves every minute of it!

I've been married to him since 1957, and I'm his agent, manager, business partner and PR exec as well! ~ PATRICIA FANTHORPE

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Literature, Music, Paranormal, UFOs, Ghosts, Psychic & Intuitive, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Co-Founder of Center of Enlightenment, Liaison to the Indigenous Peoples for Belvaspata
Guest Biography:

Living in the Sacred Land of the Heart

It is the intention of the Center of Enlightenment to cultivate and nurture the perceptions of what is real. To create within the world of joyful participation in the perfection of the One Life

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Spiritual, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Co-Founder of Center of Enlightenment, Liaison to the Indigenous Peoples for Belvaspata, Ambassador for the White Buffalo
Guest Biography:

Living in the Sacred Land of the Heart

It is the intention of the Center of Enlightenment to cultivate and nurture the perceptions of what is real. To create within the world of joyful participation in the perfection of the One Life

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Spiritual, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Co-Founder of Center of Enlightenment, Liaison to the Indigenous Peoples for Belvaspata, Ambassador for the White Buffalo
Guest Biography:

Living in the Sacred Land of the Heart

It is the intention of the Center of Enlightenment to cultivate and nurture the perceptions of what is real. To create within the world of joyful participation in the perfection of the One Life

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Spiritual, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: Channel, Lecturer, Teacher, Reiki Master
Guest Biography:

Nora Herold has been has been channeling, lecturing, and doing healing work for over 20 years. She channels a multitude of high vibrational beings, including The Pleiadian Collective, Yeshua, Enara, The Lyrans/Lemurians, The Faeries, & The Angelics. In 2007 she began receiving transmissions specific to the integration of the fifth dimensional identity and the re-ascension process and has incorporated that information into her work. Nora offers private sessions, teaches, lectures, is a reiki master, has appeared on radio & tv, and has channeled for people all over the world.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Founder of JURISDICTIONARY, Attorney and Teacher
Guest Biography:

Dr, Graves is the founder of JURISDICTIONARY, through which he teaches people how to win cases in court without the help of lawyers and how to overcome corrupt judges. His courses are amazing and very easy to follow and you will get a great education and also learn how to save a lot of money.

I've been an attorney since 1986, winning cases in state and federal courts by applying the same tools, tactics, and simple procedures explained in our popular step-by-step self-help course.

I started Jurisdictionary® in 1997, because I know how easily you can be injured in court, whether you're struggling on your own or paying your hard-earned money to a lawyer who may not do everything that should be done.

You need to know what should be done to win ... whether you have a lawyer or not. Protect yourself from other members of my profession! My tutorials make it easy!

Bachelor of Science, Florida State Univ., 1965
Juris Doctor, Stetson College of Law, 1985
Admitted to Florida Bar and Federal Courts, 1986
Licensed to the Gospel Ministry, 1989
U.S. Ocean Master's License
Merchant Marine First Mate's Certificate
Private Pilot's License
Radiotelegraph Operator's License
Radio/TV Engineer's License
Radio Amateur Extra Class License - W4AH
Happily Married to Kathryn since 1 Nov. 2003

Guest Category: Business, Legal, Health & Lifestyle, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Brigham Young University, Current Memeber of the Sunday School General Board, Author, Writer
Guest Biography:

Brad Wilcox is a professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Brigham Young University where he also enjoys working with such programs as Especially for Youth, Women’s Conference, and Campus Education Week. He is the author of the book, The Continuous Atonement, and the BYU devotional, “His Grace is Sufficient.” Brad grew up in Provo, Utah except for childhood years spent in Ethiopia, Africa. He served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Chile and later returned to that country to preside over the Chile Santiago East Mission from 2003-2006. He and his family have also lived for a time in New Zealand where he directed a Study Abroad Program for Brigham Young University. Brad currently serves as a member of the Sunday School General Board. He and his wife, Debi, have four children and three grandchildren. Reading, writing, teaching, and traveling are some of his favorite things. He loves Peanut M&M's and pepperoni pizza, but he realizes that doesn't sound too healthy so he is really trying hard to learn to love salads.

Guest Category: Arts, Literature, Education, Courses & Training, Religion, Christianity
Guest Occupation: National Talk-Show Host, Newspaper Columnist and Editor, Writer, Rock Concert Producer, Actor
Guest Biography:

Mike Malloy came to talk radio by serendipity. Writing for CNN in 1987, a friend at an Atlanta radio station told him there was an opening for a weekend talk show host, if working for no pay was acceptable. Malloy gave it a try and decided it was more fun than getting a paycheck. He was hooked. Even better, within a few months he was being paid enough to cover basic necessities like rent, food and beer. But that was a long time ago.

Mike's radio experience includes two 50,000 watt blow-torches: WSB-AM in Atlanta and WLS-AM in Chicago, and he was one of the original hosts on Air America Radio; a two-year-long association that ended in a massive train wreck. Mike's nationally-syndicated program can now be heard weeknights from 9PM - midnight ET on affiliates from coast-to-coast, border to border, across the fruited plain; and on XM Satellite and Sirius Satellite Radio as well as on live Internet streaming.

In addition to writing and producing for CNN (1984-87) and CNN-International (2000), his professional experience includes newspaper columnist and editor, writer, rock concert producer and actor. He is the only radio talk show host in America to have received the A.I.R (Achievement in Radio) Award in both Chicago and New York City, the number three and number one radio markets in the country.

It is not difficult to pigeon-hole Malloy politically. Generally speaking, he is a traditional Liberal Democrat doing his part to return the Democratic Party to its Liberal roots.

He is married to Kathy Bay (who also produces the radio show) with whom he has a daughter born in July, 2004. He has an additional five children, all grown, and five grandchildren.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Literature, Music, News, Local News, World News, TV & Film