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Guest Name
Marilou McIntyre
Dr. Marilou McIntyre, Ph.D.
Guest Occupation
Metaphysical Researcher, Expert of Occult, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Philosphy, Psychologist, Counseler, Humanitarian, Author
Guest Biography


The author, Dr. Marilou McIntyre has investigated metaphysical concepts and the occult for decades in her search for God and spiritual guidance and wisdom after raising four children. She traveled the world testing and verifying principles of truth and experimenting with their uses to discover how to create longevity, happiness and opulence in ones’ life.

During this time she achieved a Doctor of Divinity degree and because of her love for people and desire to help those in need or who are striving for a better life-style, she studied for years and finally achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, a Master of Arts in Sociology, and a PhD in Philosophy with minors in Psychology and Counseling. She has lectured across the United States and other countries for over thirty years sharing her concepts on how to assure one’s life is most fulfilling and achieving the highest potential.

In 2011 she published two non-fiction books about her search for God and developing the ability to help people heal phobias and addictions. Life Is Forever-Get Used to It reveals thirty years of research in psychic phenomena and provides scientific proof of survival after physical death. Fast Road To Happiness details steps she used through conscious past-life regression to release irrational behavior and problems carried over from past lives, with affidavit attesting to the benefits. These books are sold internationally and serve as How To manuals to improve and control the quality of life here and here-after. They can be acquired through Amazon or an autographed copy through her Website.

Her next book to be released soon is a fun rendition of her communications with a spirit guide who reveals her concepts of life here and hereafter. ‘Forever’ has been one of her spirit guides for decades. Their ability to communicate developed over time and now from this expanded level of consciousness she can share what angels think and do. This book is thought provoking and fun to read. You decide if situations are true or not and how it can help you.

She is now retired and living very comfortably but she continues to serve others by giving past-life readings via the telephone to those who request one and radio or internet interviews. She wishes all to be free, think big, and serve others to be fulfilled. Life is beautiful and forever, her books provide road maps to help anyone achieve health, wealth and happiness. Dr. M presents how to enjoy your life forever.