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Guest Occupation: Uluki King of the Waa Wurrung (raven tribe) of the upper Yarra valley Australia
Guest Biography:

I am Uluki king of the Waa Wurrung (raven tribe) of the upper Yarra valley North east of so called melbourne of so called Australia. My bloodline are the keepers of the creation dreaming (genesis dreaming) and the secret of our first Father and Mother who they are and where they come from which soon shall be revealed.

The corporate government of so called Australia has listed my people and language as extinct and allowed false claimants called wurrundjeri; which translates to ‘deceased people’ in our language to claim our land, therefore claiming our past, present and future.

We need help exposing these people and their exploits and are now putting a call out for solidarity and unity. We currently occupy land near the Healesville sanctuary which is the gateway to the Toolangi forest and have been threatened to be removed as trespassers on our own country, I can not fight this alone we have no where else to go and my family need a home and need your help.

All peoples, I ask you to join us in our struggle.


Sincerely yours,

Uluki Brendan Murray

King of the Waa Wurrung (raven tribe)

Upper yarra valley.

Boori Biami(children of creator)

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Cosmology, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Early Interventionist Specialist and Teacher
Guest Biography:

Tracy Leigh Arneau, Ed.S. is a third generation educator. She has worked in public education since 2000 and with DPS (Detroit Public Schools) since 2002. She has taught both general education and special education.

For the last eight years she has worked as an early intervention specialist for children ages three to six years of age diagnosed with autism. As an advocate for children, she found her passion in supporting a public education system which works diligently to educate ALL children.

Her greatest belief is that children are our future and that has spurred her on to become an activist fighting to preserve and maintain quality public education in our country by working with the TRUE (Taxpayers, Residents United for Public Education) group that can be found on Facebook.

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: Web & IT Director for Tourism For Peace, Information Systems Specialist, Cognitive Neuroscientist, Psycholinguist, Multilingual
Guest Biography:
Taylor Brooks is Web & IT Director for Tourism For Peace. He is working with WordPress websites, Apps, e-books and Scrivener research. In his day job, Taylor works as an Information Systems Specialist. He is fluent in Spanish, French and English, and has degrees in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psycholinguistics.
Taylor researches how the brain represents language in both the physical brain and the cognitive space. He has traveled the world to many countries: has smoked cigars in Cuba, explored the underground in France, train-hopped in Germany, and seen fur fashion shows in Turkey. His personal journey towards health (losing over 100 pounds) has led him to explore healing herbs and the power of what we allow to come in contact with our bodies. He is currently developing a company to distribute sustainably herbs that relieve pain gently and safely.  Taylor believes that the world is one human family, connected intimately with Nature and its cycles/systems.
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Researcher
Guest Biography: 


Author, speaker, researcher

After having travelled around the world as 

a backpacker, Dutchman Gerard Aartsen 

settled in Amsterdam as a translator in 

1985. In the late 1990s he decided it was 

time to change tack and eventually earned 

his Master of Education degree from the 

Amsterdam University of Applied 

Sciences, where he has held a teaching 

position in the department of secondary 

education since 2001. 

He has also been a student of the Ageless 

Wisdom teaching for over 35 years and his 

many years of study and research into the 

Wisdom teachings resulted in the online 

reference Our Elder Brothers Return – A 

History in Books(2008). 

Having acquired and studied some of the 

more obscure writings by contactee 

George Adamski, he wrote George Adamski 

– A Herald for the Space Brothers(2010), 

which critics acclaimed as a refreshing, 

scholarly treatment of his subject. His 

second book, Here to Help: UFOs and the 

Space Brothers(2011), shows how the 

messages from the pre-disinformation 

contactees all agree on the spiritual 

realities and the Oneness of Life. In 

Priorities for a Planet in Transition – The 

Space Brothers’ Case for Justice and Freedom

(2015), Gerard compiles what the Space 

Brothers have shared since the 1950s in 

terms of alternative, saner ways of 

organizing society to tackle the crises that 

have brought our civilization to its knees. 

A long-standing co-worker in the 

worldwide network of groups affiliated 

with British esotericist Benjamin Creme, 

the author writes regular contributions to 

Share Internationalmagazine about the 

extraterrestrial presence on Earth, is a 

frequent guest on international radio and 

TV shows about UFOs and related 

subjects, and has lectured in America, 

Europe and Asia. His books have been 

translated and published in multiple 



Guest Category: Education, History, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Christianity, Buddhism, Access Consciousness, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Internationally known permaculture designer and educator
Guest Biography:

What is Permaculture ?

Implement, integrate and expand regenerative design solutions as broadly and deeply as possible, so as to create a higher quality of life and abundance for all living things.

Koreen Brennan is an internationally known permaculture designer and educator, focused on creating regenerative designs that address a number of key problems the world is facing today.

She has a wide range of experience, including master planning, growing hundreds of species of edibles in a variety of conditions and climates, running an edible nursery, business incubation and holistic economics, whole systems strategy and design, community development and facilitation, organizing events, and life coaching, so finds herself taking on diverse projects at times.

She organized permaculture style disaster relief for thousands of Haitians living in camps after the earthquake in 2010, has planted thousands of trees in different locations in the US, created dozens of gardens, coordinated the formation of the Sustainable Urban Agriculture Coalition St Petersburg, has organized natural building projects (straw bale, earth berm walipini) at Pine Ridge Lakota reservation and is a founding co-organizer for the North American Permaculture Convergence.

She has advised on public projects at schools, universities and on the Florida House "Green Home" project in Sarasota and is currently working on the strategy project "The Next Big Step" for the upcoming International Permaculture Convergence. 

For larger design projects, she is a partner with Permaculture Design International, a full service design and installation firm.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Pets and Animals, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Intentional music master, composer, contemporary spiritual teacher, harmonic therapist, author, sound designer and Creative Director of TheraSound
Guest Biography:

David Ison is an internationally recognized intentional music master, composer, contemporary spiritual teacher, harmonic therapist, author, sound designer and Creative Director of TheraSound. His work integrates the essence of the great wisdom traditions, modern scientific understanding and his own personal path.

During his long career Ison has released over 40 sound healing programs, produced dozens of CDs, pioneered today’s interactive technologies and developed a powerful transformational practice: Meraki, The Science Of Creative Consciousness.Through the application of his intentional music and the practice of Meraki, he hopes to inspire the understanding that by transforming our basic inner programming and embracing our Essential Selves, we can truly begin to make a difference—individually, locally, and globally.

“What if I told you there was a way to unlock the power of your imagination and open the doors to your creative essence? An essence so powerful, so pure, that by accessing this Essential part of yourself, you would have the power to create wondrous things, sing amazing songs, tell moving, meaningful stories, build incredible buildings, bring forward harmonious inventions of all shapes and sizes and dance with the Gods themselves—all with the power of your imagination, all with the essential power of YOU.

There is such a way. It’s called Meraki. A practice so simple, so elegant, so natural that once you learn it, you’ll be bringing forward beauty and love, all through the understanding of how to step into the stream of the unfolding universe.” – David Ison

A lifelong interest in the nature of consciousness, the mechanics of personal choice and the Science of Sound, has inspired David to create dozens of intentional musical offerings. His critically acclaimed programs: The Musical Body Program, The Harmonizer, and Balance, just to name a few, are recognized by the medical community as being some the most clinically effective harmonic programs ever produced.

Imbued with his deep knowledge of the sacred Universal Laws, David’s programs are harmonic experiences that express his passion for personal transformation, deep healing and developing enlightened choice—a more conscious way of thinking that enhances our creative abilities and brings forward sustainable, results.

Years of study and meditation have made David’s work possible. A pivotal, life changing moment came in 1980 when a car accident left him with severe spinal injuries.

In order to avoid spinal fusion surgery and to recover full mobility of his legs and torso, David joined his musical skills with his extensive knowledge of meditation practices.

During his long recovery at home, David continued using the same breathing and meditation techniques and made another life-changing discovery. He found that when he focused his intention on the injured area while he was in this receptive state of mind, he not only relieved his physical symptoms, but he also experienced profound mental and spiritual benefits.

This miraculous experience inspired David to create transformational musical tools that would create the same kind of deep benefits he experienced while he was meditating.

After his accident, David began using his compositional and production skills to develop and clinically test the therapeutic uses of music and sound. He began to utilize the breathing techniques together with certain musical structures to relieve both the physical and mental pain brought on by the stress of the accident. His success in both removing his pain and improving his condition showed him how music and the breath could play a substantial role in the therapeutic, personal transformational process.

Slowly, David discovered how to join meditation techniques, modern harmonic theory, ancient musical traditions, and the art of recording with various therapeutic methodologies. By blending Ayurvedic, Chinese and the best of Western healing practices, the sciences of endocrinology and neurobiology, the energetic system of the body with the Science of Sound, a bridge between the worlds of art and science was created, TheraSound and the Ison Method were born. Out of this experience, he developed the compositional and psychological techniques that are the backbone of the music and meditation practices he offers.

Today, David Ison is internationally recognized as a pioneer in extending the healing effectiveness of sound, meditation and self-realization.

His extensive musical catalogue of intentional music and the Ison Method are used daily by health care professionals as well as interested individuals. David’s music is the medical profession’s consistent choice when they need stress reducing, transformational music.

David’s work has been extensively researched by some of the most prestigious medical institutions around the country and the world.  In 1999 the National Institutes of Health published a three year study on his music, which clinically validated the music's capability to bring about the relaxation response within the listener-- as well as demonstrating that the music led to a significant reduction of a wide variety of symptoms.

As a meditator and teacher, David has a lifelong interest in the evolution of consciousness and the mechanics of personal choice. He teaches meditation both privately and to groups, concentrating on bringing self-actualization techniques into drug rehabilitation and domestic violence facilities.

David has chosen to dedicate his life to bringing forward a multidisciplinary transformational practice that encourages the development of self-love and personal responsibility. Through the application of his intentional music and meditation techniques, he hopes to inspire the understanding that by transforming our basic inner programming and embracing our Essential Selves, we can truly begin to make a difference—individually, locally, and globally.

David lives on a thirty-three acre estate in beautiful Ojai, California. An accomplished organic chef, he gratefully celebrates his incarnation by feeding the body, mind, and spirit and continues to expand the boundaries of consciousness through music, meditation, and conversation...and delicious food.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Internal Researcher for our Organic Earth
Guest Biography:

Lily Earthling is an Internal Researcher for our Organic Earth and Organic Sun, the current Matrix System and the return to the Original Earth Timeline.

"On my path of self-discovery and through a process of disintegrating the programs and belief systems I found in my own spirit."

Working with the Planet, nature and animals, Lily has found a way to harmonize her own spirit with Earth, creating a strong connection with our Mother-Planet. Through this connection, she has learned that Our Planet has a plan for Humanity all All Life On It! This plan is absolutely brilliant and it will take the Organic Earth and the Organic Sun out ot the Matrix System and back to the Original Earth Timeline.

Lily continues a journey of discovery and an unfolding of the Earth Human Plan where she shares many of her tools and information through her teachings on You Tube.

For More Information, please visit:

Earth Soul Group You Tube Channel:


Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Spiritual, Akashic Records, Shamanism, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Channeler, Public Speaker
Guest Biography:

Phillip Elton Collins is a teacher, healing arts therapist, conscious channel, former journalist, ad man, author/poet, and cofounder of the Angel News Network in Fort Lauderdale, New York City, and Los Angeles, and Modern Day Mystery School. His books include: Coming Home to Lemuria: An Ascension Adventure Story (being adapted into a stage play and screenplay), Sacred Poetry and Mystical Messages: To Change Your Life and the World (116 original poems and twenty Inner Earth messages), Man Power God Power (a volume of higher-realm teachings), The Happiness Handbook: Being Present Is the Present Phrases of Presence to Set Us Free to Be…Happy, Activate Your Soul Plan: Angel Answers & Actions, and God’s Glossary: A Divine Dictionary (definitions directly received from whence we all came). These books define author through words.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy