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Guest Occupation: Teacher, Parent, Education Activist
Guest Biography:

Kate Shands Haq has been a professional educator in the field of elementary school teaching since 1985. She is a graduate of Buffalo State College and the State University of Buffalo, where she received a Masters degree in Early Childhood Education in 1991. Kate has taught grades Kindergarten, second, third, fourth, and fifth. She has worked as a reading specialist and as the Response to Intervention coordinator and coach for her district.

The majority of her years have been spent in a rural school district on the outskirts of Buffalo, but she is a long time city of Buffalo resident. Kate and her husband have three sons, two of whom graduated from Buffalo Public Schools, and their youngest is presently in tenth grade at a criterion school in Buffalo.

Kate has been politically active since college and represented her local teachers' union in Albany for many years. She is currently the secretary of the Buffalo Parent Teacher Organization. Kate resigned her position as a fifth grade teacher in June of 2014 and is pursuing her PhD in Critical Literacy at SUNY Buffalo as a full-time student

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: USS Liberty Veteran Activist
Guest Biography:


The mission of the Liberty Foundation is to raise donations in order to purchase newspaper space to tell the USS Liberty story. The USS Liberty Veterans Association (LVA) has tried for over 37 years to expose the true story of the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty to the American people through books, news media, movies, and letters to the President of the United States and congressmen. While we have encountered politicians and news media personnel who were willing to help, they have been unable to interest their superiors or others in supporting our cause. Many people believe it is just too politically risky or politically incorrect to confront the Israeli lobbyists and support groups. Please read on.


The Israelis do not want the truth to be told. It is obvious that they fear that America may be less of a supportive ally if the truth were known. The truth of their deeds and the Johnson Administration needs to be fully investigated. Congress has never officially investigated the attack and so the attack continues to be a cover-up of the worse magnitude. We believe the operational plans were FRONTLET 615 and Operation Cyanide. We have discovered that the USS Liberty was part of these plans. These documents should be declassified immediately and released to the American public for historic analytical purposes. The complicity of the Israelis and the Johnson Administration in starting the Six Day War alarmed the Soviet Union. The United States and the Soviet Union came closer to a nuclear confrontation than any other incident in history including the Cuban Missile crises. When the Soviets discovered that the U.S. was planning to enter the war militarily, they challenged President Johnson with a nuclear confrontation and President Johnson wisely backed down from any further military activities.

Note: Everything written heretofore and the remaining details are accurate and can be proven by corroborated individual witness testimony, logical deduction, and documentation.


On June 8, 1967, the Israeli Defense Forces murdered 34 Americans on the high seas (31 sailors, 2 marines, and a NSA civilian). Out of a total compliment of 294 men, 70% of the crew became casualties as 172 were wounded in addition to the 34 killed.

For 6 hours the morning before the attack, the ship was subjected to intense scrutiny by Israeli photo-reconnaissance aircraft flying as low as 200 feet. The USS Liberty had traditional American markings on her bow (GTR-5) and stern (USS LIBERTY) flying a large American Flag, which stood out in the breeze, and sailing in international waters on a clear and sunny day. The ship was a WWII victory hull cargo ship modified to monitor and record ambient radio transmission and lightly armed with four 50 caliber machine guns.

The Israelis began the attack with 3 fighter jets which strafed, rocketed, and bombed the Liberty. This was followed with 3 torpedo boats that fired 30mm canons and torpedoes. Since the Liberty was a virtually unarmed vessel and not a military threat, at no time did the torpedo boats request the Liberty to surrender as did the North Koreans regarding the USS Pueblo in 1968. Responding to our SOS which was about 15 minutes into the Israeli attack, the USS Saratoga launched conventionally armed fighter aircraft to assist the USS Liberty and the USS America launched nuclear armed jet aircraft to bomb Cairo. Why Cairo? Our SOS did not identify the attacker at the time as the identity of the attacker was unknown. Within minutes after the launch, the White House recalled all aircraft abandoning the USS Liberty subjecting us to an additional 2 hours of an Israeli turkey shoot. In disbelief, RADM Geis, Sixth Fleet Carrier Division Commander, challenged the order (as was his right and responsibility in this situation). Unbelievably, the White House again reaffirmed the order to recall all aircraft despite our plea for help. Israelis destroyed one of the most advanced intelligence ships.

The Liberty was riddled with 821 holes, sustained 2 napalm bombs, and a torpedo blowing a 22 by 39 foot hole in her starboard side killing 25 of the 34 murdered. Miraculously, the Liberty refused to sink and was able to get underway under her own power. The Israelis were observed machine gunning 3 life rafts. It was obvious to the Liberty crew that survivors were not to be taken. When hostilities ceased, helicopters were observed overhead with Israeli commandos at the ready to finish us off. Fortuitously, the Israelis picked up an invalid message that U.S. help was on the way. Israel was reluctantly forced to terminate its ongoing attack. Ironically help did not arrive until 18 hours after the attack when the Liberty was only 15 minutes away from USS Saratoga and USS America fighter jets.

The US Naval official inquiry was deliberately falsified to compliment the Israeli story (as testified by retired Navy Lawyer, Captain Ward Boston). Details acquired were either changed or dropped so that the Israeli version which became public was that the attack was a tragic mistake. The orders to falsify came directly from President Johnson for political reasons. The survivors of the USS Liberty were told never to talk about the incident under penalty of fine and/or imprisonment. Military orders that followed were in line with the White House which was not to indicate on any monuments and the like that Israel was the attacker. The USS Liberty skipper, Captain William McGonagle was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions to keep the ship afloat and operational. His award was given to him not by President Johnson at the White House. There is no other explanation to believe other than the President did not want to jeopardize the Jewish vote in an upcoming presidential election. The Captain’s medal was presented to him by the Secretary of the Navy at a low level Washington Navy Yard ceremony.


What a crime it would be for historical reasons if the US Government continues to lie about details of the Six Day War. In the end, truth always wins out. What a shame for elected officials who will not stand up to be counted. For the sake of our fallen 34 shipmates, we will not give up.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: President of Harris/Ragan, Public Policy Consultant, Author, University Lecturer, U.S. Army intelligence officer, U.S. foreign service officer with the Department of State, an organizational specialist in President Lyndon Johnson’s Executive Office
Guest Biography:

Godfrey Harris has been President of Harris/Ragan Management Group, a Los Angeles-based public policy consulting firm, since 1968. The firm deals in governmental policy analysis, development and advocacy as well as electoral politics, proposal presentations, and product development.

Harris has participated in all of the firms consulting assignments for such clients as the U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, and Housing and Urban Development, the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, the Govern­ment of Panama, the Government of St. Kitts-Nevis, the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Society of International Travel Representatives, the Foreign Policy Association of Panama, International Publishers Alliance, Friends Assisting Friends, the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association, the Beverly Hills International Music Festival, the Da Vinci Exhibit, Voter Issue Alliance, High School America, the International Ivory Society, the Ivory Education Institute, and many others.

Prior to founding the company, Mr. Harris was an Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Army; a U.S. Foreign Service Officer with diplomatic assignments in Washington, Bonn, and London; served as the State Department's Public Briefing Officer, as a Management Analyst in the President’s Executive Office with responsibility for management and organizational matters in the foreign affairs and commercial sectors of the U.S. Federal government. He was Special Assistant to the President of the IOS Development Company in Geneva in 1967 and 1968.

Mr. Harris has also taught political science at UCLA and Rutgers; conducted negotiation training for the US Corps of Engineers; presented tourism seminars at the American Embassy in London, Clemson University, and the University of Hawaii; and written or co-authored some 76 books on public policy issues and business topics. Mr. Harris holds degrees from Stanford University where he graduated Summa Cum Laude, and the University of California, Los Angeles, where he was designated a Distinguished Military Graduate. He has been honored with the US Army Commendation Medal, election to Phi Beta Kappa, selection for the First Lifetime Achievement Award of Southern California publishers, and has had multiple listings in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World.


          Given the recent destruction of a Russian airliner over Sinai, the suicide bombings in Beirut and the horrific November 13 attack on Paris, no one can think that ISIS is done. They are going to come here just as surely as they have murdered Christians, beheaded Americans and accepted Boko Haram’s kidnappers into their terror network.

          If nothing else, ISIS will want to prove to its worldwide followers that neither the French retaliatory bombing of targets in Raqqa nor American drone strikes against its leaders has deterred them in their ultimate mission to destroy democracy and establish a worldwide caliphate.

          A few other things seem clear. Concern over whether comments could be interpreted as tarring an entire religion with the acts of its fanatical fringe is tantamount to taking an inventory of the table linens as the Andrea Dorea sinks. Arguing over whether we should refer to this vicious enemy as ISIL, ISIS, the Islamic State or Daesh seems to offer comfort to those who don’t want to deal with the reality of our safety; seeing this threat to America as part of an overall discussion of immigration policy only panders to the bumper sticker set. None of these matters bear on the security we seek or the truth we face:

          The Islamic State believes that only Allah has the wisdom and power to make laws governing man’s behavior. ISIS followers see all forms of democracy as a presumptuous interference in God’s work.

          In light of this, we need to stop thinking that the methods used in the Middle East and Europe are necessarily the same tools that would be used to strike the American homeland. We need to start thinking about defending our democratic institutions from assault in the same way we are protecting our physical sites from attack. Given the way ISIS has used television and social media to rally and recruit its followers, are we still prepared to do nothing to restrict the use of First Amendment rights to those who are committed to trying to extinguish their use by the rest of us?

          The Supreme Court has generally held that freedom of speech means virtually no prior restraint. While it is well accepted that free speech does not extend to falsely shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater, the restriction is enforced and punishment administered only after someone actually does it.

          So the worrisome dilemma for Americans is that if we do nothing until serious harm befalls us, it could be too late to act in any meaningful way to reverse the damage. In fact, given the horrors already inflicted by ISIS on populations abroad, the initial destruction could be so severe, the havoc so widespread and the terror so pervasive that we might have difficulty recovering from it.

          Surely there must be a better way to protect our society and preserve the Bill of Rights than simply waiting for a calamity to occur before a ponderous judicial system moves to deal with the matter. Since the Founding Fathers were able to create a dazzling array of constitutional checks and balances to permit change while protecting minority positions, shouldn’t we be able to find the same kind of balance in terms of the First Amendment?

          One idea might be to create a mechanism called the Freedom Forum — a demographically representative, 15-member, Congressionally established, federal regulatory board to rule whether any imminent use of Bill of Rights freedoms could threaten society. While courts take time to receive, certify and hear an issue after the fact, Freedom Forum members serving staggered nine-year terms and connected by secure Internet applications would be specifically mandated to render quick determinations before an event occurs.

          Here are two examples from history where a Freedom Forum might have answered a key question quickly and fairly for all sides:

          • Was Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus an appropriate way to stop agitation by Confederate sympathizers living in the North?

          • Was FDR’s interment of citizens of Japanese descent an acceptable precaution against a perceived threat?

          Of course, the Freedom Forum would be radical, different and at the edge of current Constitutional boundaries. But surely we need to have a conversation, given recent events, on how to establish a reliable and adaptive mechanism to preserve our most cherished rights from those who would use those rights to end them forever. Need we repeat the experiences of Russia at the end of World War I, Germany in the 1930s or Czechoslovakia in the late ‘40s when the machinery of their democratic systems was used to crush their further use?

          Let’s start talking before our institutions are crippled.

Godfrey Harris is a public policy consultant in Los Angeles and taught American and comparative government at UCLA and Rutgers before becoming a U.S. foreign service officer.

Guest Category: Arts, History, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Researcher
Guest Biography:


My name is Arjan Schrikkema and I have a background in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and environmental technology. In 2004 I did research in vegetable gardens near railroad tracks to investigate how heavy materials were spread in the soil and how they came there.

I have made several discoveries since 2010 with the creationlightship and other beings as well:

  • In 2010 I discovered an implant in my physical body declining the physical life very fast. The implant was at least 6000 years old.
  • In 2012 I discovered more than 50 barcodes in my physical body that can copy life altering event from another parallel life to this (current) life.
  • In 2015 I successfully brought gold with an orgone blanket into the hologram which is absorbable for the human body and this can be used as a vitamin. Gold in this case will ground the body and clears the acidification in the body.

Nowadays, I want to market the orgone blanket with several metals such as gold, zinc and copper. The blankets can be custom made and they can be used by the hour. I can also sell Receptor’s and Quantum Nuclear Heart Receptor with an appropriate crystal which can affect the wearer in a positive way. Arcturian Healings are clearings done through a medium which are very advanced and suitable for clearing out any issue known- and unknown to mankind.

This week I am validating the working between the Nuvision and creationlightship healings. The Nuvision (or scalin) is holographic software which allows the operator to see what a person is going through and the creationlightship is source energy with many lightbeings that are able to assist people to have very advanced healings. Using the data from the Nuvision I want to setup more advanced and in-depth healings with the creationlightship.

In my crowdfunding project called ‘’project timelinecrash’’ I want to crowdfund €55000. When I have raised this amount of money, I can buy and use holographic software (=Nuvision) and provide useful information how to proceed with the online clearings and the timeline crashes with the creationlightship. This includes clearing out the emotions, feelings, trauma’s, abductions, fear, anxieties, pain, alien parasitic lifeforms, alien race attacks, barcodes, implants and much more.

Contact Information:

Arjan Schrikkema

Waterhuizen 3

9609PA Waterhuizen



Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Medicine, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Biology & Chemistry, Climate Change, Theory & Conspiracy, Variety
Guest Occupation: Writer, artist, professional counselor, lively guest on cable TV, and former host of the inspirational radio show Intuitive Carol and Healers
Guest Biography:

Carol Olivia Adams-inspirational writer, professional intuitive counselor, lively guest on cable TV, and who had hosted the inspirational radio show Intuitive Carol and Healers-gives us insight into spiritual and humanistic principles in The Awakening of Friendship. The radio host revealed the wisdom of each practitioner to provide listeners with guidance on how to elevate their consciousness, magnify their spirit, liberate themselves, and attain their calling. Carol Olivia has learned throughout her many intuitive sessions with clients the spiritual value of her patient ear, kindness, and sincerity, blending with each session her wisdom of spirituality, her background in psychology, and plain common sense. Many universal principles of humanity became apparent to her healing profession and these principles inspired Carol Olivia to delve and recognize the human connection of friendship with greater understanding and deep appreciation. This self-realization became the catalyst for The Awakening of Friendshipthe acknowledgement of the human and spiritual connection of friendship enhancing the golden thread of dignity, respect , and compassion.

The nine awakenings in The Awakening of Friendship offer a calling for every human being to look within their psyche, uncover the human principles of friendship, and embrace the universal tapestry of mankind. We are challenged to rebuild a formula for a family of friends, flow with the creative process, and engage with the human experience of friendship. Some of these awakenings which she became aware of during healing sessions with clients are courage (the ability to fearlessly speak the truth in friendship), presence of listening (honoring the spoken word of a friend), compassion (the heart is willing to understand the commonality of mankind), and the wisdom of patience (allowing the developmental steps in friendship to unfold like the petals of a blossoming flower). Carol Olivia Adams, inspirational writer, radio host, and intuitive counselor has coached numerous clients who have confided their baffling confusions, fears, deep-rooted insecurities and precious hopes. Carol Olivia has learned that a good intuitive counselor is a kind, sympathetic friend, more healing than any prescribed medication. The Awakening of Friendship will challenge you to reflect on the human principles of friendship, search within your heart, and open yourself up to the world of human beings.

Carol Olivia Adams has been seen on cable television and other radio programs and will continue media interviews, public speaking, and lecturing.

Guest Category: Arts, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Biography:

Guy Needler MBA, MSc, CEng, MIET, MCMA initially trained as a mechanical engineer and quickly progressed on to be a chartered electrical and electronics engineer. However, throughout this earthly training he was always aware of the greater reality being around him, catching glimpses of the worlds of spirit. This resulted in a period from his teenage to early twenties where he reveled in the spiritual texts of the day and meditated intensively. Being subsequently told by his guides to focus on his earthly contribution for a period he scaled back the intensity of spiritual work until his late thirties where he was re-awakened to his spiritual roles. The next six years saw him gaining his Reiki Master and a four year commitment to learn energy and vibrational therapy techniques from a direct student of the Barbara Brennan School of HealingTM, which also included a personal development undertaking (including psychotherapy) as a course prerequisite using the PathworkTM methodology described by Susan Thesenga with further methodologies by Donovan Thesenga, John and Eva Pierrakos. His training and experience in energy based therapies have resulted in him being a member of the Complementary Medical Association (MCMA). 

Along with his healing abilities his spiritual associations include being able to channel information from spirit including constant contact with other entities within our multi-verse and his higher self and guides. It is the channeling that has resulted in "The History of God" and is producing further work.

As a method of grounding Guy practices and teaches Aikido. He is a 5th Dan National Coach with 28 years experience and is currently working on the use of spiritual energy within the physical side of the art.

Guy welcomes questions on the subject of spiritual physics and who and what God is. 

Guest Category: History, Physics & Metaphysics, Access Consciousness, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Teacher, Parent, Education Activist
Guest Biography:

Eve Shippens is a parent, teacher and alumni of the Buffalo Public Schools. She is fighting for the children's right to an equitable, quality, enriching public education. Buffalo has a child poverty rate of close to 50% and is one of the most segregated cities in the country. Eve became active in the fight when the state of New York declared her school, along with three others, out of time and decided to shut them down. She fought with hundreds of students, teachers, families and other activists to keep the schools open and public!

Guest Category: Education
Guest Occupation: Author, Entreprenuer, Executive Business Advisor, Connector, Small Business Legal Benefits Provider, Motivational Speaker, Trainer
Guest Biography:


Tanisha Morgan was born in the suburbs of Chicago and relocated to Phoenix in the late 1980s.  Studying law and business management at the University of New Mexico, she put herself through school by working part time for several attorneys.  In 1993 she returned to Phoenix, continued to work in the legal field until her passion shifted to a new industry.  She delved into the beauty industry in 1994 and after 3 short years, opened Krazy Nails Salon.

As a salon owner, she was often privy to the conversations her clientele shared about their lives regarding personal or legal issues, stories, lessons and mistakes to avoid all contributing to the writing of her first book "Memoirs of a Nail Tech." 

After selling her salon to work with LegalShield, which rekindled her love for the law coupled with the opportunity to help people, she wrote her book revealing some of her memories of fun, laughter, pain, love and heartache.

Being an entrepreneur and business owner has created opportunities acquiring positions as a corporate trainer, invited speaker at the NBCC National Conference and motivational speaker at nationwide seminars. 

She just completed her 6th Annual Ladies Event empowering women in business and has appeared on several radio talk shows including the Good Morning Scottsdale show with Mayor Mary Manross.

Tanisha Morgan is an inspiration to everyone who has the desire to take their personal and business lives to the "Next Level". Her smile alone will light up any room. Once you meet her, she has left in imprint in your heart. Should you be lucky enough to have her take you under her wing, and have her mentor and train you, your income levels and your personal value system will change forever. Not to mention your "style" Because this woman, will transform you personally, and professionally, from the inside, out!! Tune in on November 25th at 6PM PST, I have the exclusive honor to showcase Tanisha Morgan TDAC LIVE with Michele Marie.

Guest Category: Business, Legal, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help, Travel & Leisure