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Guest Name
Phillip Elton Collins
Phillip Elton Collins
Guest Occupation
Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Channeler, Public Speaker
Guest Biography

Phillip Elton Collins is a teacher, healing arts therapist, conscious channel, former journalist, ad man, author/poet, and cofounder of the Angel News Network in Fort Lauderdale, New York City, and Los Angeles, and Modern Day Mystery School. His books include: Coming Home to Lemuria: An Ascension Adventure Story (being adapted into a stage play and screenplay), Sacred Poetry and Mystical Messages: To Change Your Life and the World (116 original poems and twenty Inner Earth messages), Man Power God Power (a volume of higher-realm teachings), The Happiness Handbook: Being Present Is the Present Phrases of Presence to Set Us Free to Be…Happy, Activate Your Soul Plan: Angel Answers & Actions, and God’s Glossary: A Divine Dictionary (definitions directly received from whence we all came). These books define author through words.