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Guest Occupation: Public Affairs Practitioner and Political Strategist
Guest Biography:

I am a civically-impassioned public policy and public affairs practitioner and political strategist and analyst that aspires to be a lobbyist, work on political campaigns, work for legislators and ultimately run for office myself.

I am a 25 years old American citizen. I was born and raised in the Castro district of San Francisco, California, epicenter for the LGBT civil rights movement. From a very young age, I was exposed to a vastly diverse society. I began my academic career at a bilingual public elementary school called Alvarado and to this day, am completely fluent in Spanish. I was in part raised by a Peruvian babysitter who taught me Spanish at a very young age and enabled me to be the bilingual and multicultural individual I am today.

I developed an interest in law, government and politics during high school after seeing The West Wing, Aaron Sorkin’s television series. I excelled in my civics course that year, winning an honors award, and from then on I was completely hooked on public service. I went on to college and graduated from Whittier College in Southern California with a BA in both Political Science and Spanish, after completing my final semester abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

After college, I moved to Washington D.C. to complete an internship with the International Conservation Caucus Foundation and from then I moved to Central New York and matriculated into the Public Diplomacy program at Syracuse University, which will earn me a MS in Public Relations and a MA in International Relations upon graduating in May of 2017.

Over the past summer, I completed a communications internship with the Human Rights Watch in Brussels, Belgium. I have served as a Legislative & Public Policy Intern for U.S. Senator of DC Paul Strauss. I am currently working as a lobbyist for Mintwood Strategies. I aspire to be a full time lobbyist, work on political campaigns and ultimately run for office as a liberal progressive myself.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: international speaker
Guest Biography:

Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Success through Kindness, Radical Influence, Publicity, Networking, and Referrals. Her 3 national bestsellers include: Get Noticed...Get Referrals (McGraw Hill); and the co-authored books, Guerrilla Publicity and Networking Magic. Jill is a master publicity strategist who has worked with over 100,000 business owners, authors, and other professionals to help them position their businesses, services and products for more profitability and more visibility. She is the CEO of a strategic consulting firm with more than 20 years of experience and she is well-known by ABC, NBC and every conceivable major media outlet nationally, as well as many internationally. In addition to her private consultations for executives, business owners, and authors, Jill teaches Publicity Crash Courses and Masterminds as both live events and live webinars. 

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Marketing, Management, Philosophy, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Molecular Biologist, author, researcher, database developer
Guest Biography:

Sandra Goodman PhD, Co-founder and Editor of Positive Health PH Online, trained as a Molecular Biology scientist in Agricultural Biotechnology in Canada and the USA. Sandra was born and grew up in Montreal, Canada, a highly cosmopolitan city in Quebec, subject to the political tensions of the Canadian French and English divide. In addition to focusing upon her academic studies in the arts and sciences, Sandra was also a talented pianist and athlete, particularly in gymnastics. Having qualified as a Red Cross swimming instructor and Royal Lifesaving Society lifeguard, she greatly enjoyed teaching young adults and children to swim and overcome their fear of the water.

Sandra graduated with her PhD in Molecular Biology from McGill University with her Thesis: Expression of host genes in soybean root nodules, research attempting to identify nitrogen fixation genes in a legume, with an ultimate goal of being able to transfer such genes to non-legumes and reduce the requirement for fertilizer. Dr Goodman worked for a Multi-National Corporation in the USA as a Biotechnology Scientist until the mid-1980s, eventually traveling and settling in the UK focusing upon health issues. Author of 4 books regarding the role of Nutrition in empowering optimum health, including Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art, Vitamin C – The Master Nutrient, Germanium: The Health and Life Enhancer and numerous articles, Dr Goodman was the lead author of the Consensus Document: Nutritional and LifeStyle Guidelines for People with Cancer and compiled the Cancer and Nutrition Database for the Bristol Cancer Help Centre in 1993.

The catastrophic but flawed research paper in The Lancet in the early 1990s alleging that women with breast cancer attending the Bristol Cancer Help Centre (BCHC) were more likely to die than those undergoing conventional treatment almost led to the closure of BCHC. Having authored a scholarly article Nutritional and Lifestyle Guidelines for People with Cancer, Dr Goodman was then commissioned in the early 1990s to set up a Cancer and Nutrition database which would identify the published research papers in this field.

During the compilation of this database, drawn from some 5000 peer-reviewed research papers, it was suggested by Sandra’s long-term partner Mike Howell that there was a lack of communication of this type of research both to health professionals and the serious general reader of health information. Thus was born Positive Health magazine PH Online, which has now published over 237 issues (the print magazine ceased after Issue 150); the entire archive is exclusively online

Dr Goodman has worked for the past 22+ years as a co-founder and Editor of Positive Health PH Online in attempting to show that there is no divide between different types of healthcare, just different approaches, i.e. Integrated Medicine. She is passionate about making available to all people, particularly those with cancer,  research information and clinical expertise in the areas of Nutrition and Complementary Therapies. She has been a member of the Therapy Advisory Panel of the Penny Brohn Cancer Care, Scientific Expert Committee member of the Alliance for Natural Health and a Patron of the Avalon Complementary Medicine Trust in Wells, Somerset. Her recent (Oct 2014) Research Proposal: Cancer Patients’ Outcomes: Comparing Integrated Alternative Therapies and Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy Treatment reviews the scientific literature regarding chemotherapy toxicity.

Dr Goodman and her long-term partner Mike Howell seek individuals with the resources, structural organization and interest to continue and expand the legacy of Positive Health PH Online forward into the 21st century, adding facilities to conduct online seminars, fundraising for alternative cancer research, as well as to promote leading holistic organizations and businesses internationally. Follow her Blog and purchase Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art. Dr S Goodman may be contacted privately for Research, Lectures and Editorial services

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Conspiracy Analyst
Guest Biography:

Jordan Sather

Jordan Sather, author, speaker and freelance journalist, hosts his own YouTube show, Destroying The Illusion.  Other current projects include copy/content editor for the book, “The Case for a Secret Space Program," which is being co-authored by Dr. Robert Wood, Dr. Michael Salla, William Tompkins, and Corey Goode (to be released in July 2017).
Sather grew up around the ocean breeze and mountain trees of Washington State. After a year of college his passion for his studies waned, as he realized he was following a path that was not for him. He started working at a local health food business, and was exposed to the realities behind the US healthcare system. He began to unlock his passion for research, and threw himself into understanding the truth behind topics such as fluoride, GMO’s, and vaccines. These first rabbit holes catalyzed him to search for the truth about everything else going on with our reality. Now he presents his knowledge and findings to the world to assist them in seeing through the illusion. 
Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Reiki, Life Coaching
Guest Biography:

Janie Lin is a Business Alchemist and a Wealth Consciousness Revolutionary. She is certified in 13 different healing modalities, including Reiki and Life Coaching, and has 17 years’ experience in practicing energy healing. Janie is intuitive, empathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, extrasensory and psychic. Janie Lin has the gift of alchemy, which means she can literally create something from nothing. She does this by what she calls energy tuning.

Janie Lin has a deep understanding of how the energetics of things work and function. From 20 years’ experience in business and creating businesses, she also has a deep understanding of how things work in the physical world as well, and the programming and beliefs that society has determined how business works and doesn’t.

When people work with Janie Lin, they show immediate results in money flows. Her clients have gone from not knowing what their Soul Gift is to uncovering it and increasing their income by 500 - 800%. Janie Lin works with Business owners, Coaches, Healers, and Entrepreneurs. Her practice is now globally online.

Janie Lin is the voice and the catalyst of your Million Dollar Muse.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Author, Business Coach, Relationship Expert
Guest Biography:

Dealing with Divas and Other Difficult Personalities: A Mindful Approach to Improving Relationships in Your Business or Organization!


Laura Baxter, opera singer and performance coach, has studied the effects of the voice and body on non-verbal communication and leadership for over 25 years with a focus on Presence. She brings this experience together to help her clients perform and communicate better. In addition to her many stage performances, Laura was the singing voice of Faye Dunaway in the feature film The Handmade’s Tale. 

A recipient of the prestigious Louis Sudler Award for the Arts at Emory University, Laura is co-author of several German books, and her new book Dealing with Divas and other Difficult Personalities: A Mindful Approach to Improving Relationships in Your Business or Organization will be released June 2017!

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Courses & Training, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Relationship Counseling, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Reverend, Author, Speaker, Tour Guide
Guest Biography:

Rev. Steph is a recovering non-denominational reverend who likes to walk a little on the wild side of God. The title of her latest book, recently released on Amazon, says it all: “The Miss-Adventures of an Irreverent Reverend: A Spirit-ed Guide for Rebels and Renegades.”

Born in London, England, she came to South Africa for the first time in 1985 on a 2-month holiday to see her mum, fell in love with South Africa, found the Science of Mind teaching and emigrated!

In 1987, she had a vision of starting a multi-racial ministry which would heal the wounds of Apartheid and, in 1989, moved to America where she studied for the ministry at Agape in Los Angeles under Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith of “The Secret” fame.

Rev. Steph founded and led the vibrant Soul Home metaphysical, multi-racial community in Johannesburg from 2000 till 2005 then handed the baton to her top students who successfully ran the ministry in her absence.

From 2005 – 2015, Stephanie indulged her itchy feet and her desire to write. She lived and worked in Europe, Egypt and Japan, mostly in language education, but still teaching metaphysics on the side in Russia, Canada, Egypt and Central Europe.

The directions to write her first book “Down Dirty and Divine: a spiritual ride through London’s underground” were given to her in a dream in 2011. She was also told that the book had to be published before the London Olympics in 2012. She was then interviewed on BBC4 in January 2013 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the London Tube.

In August 2015, Stephanie quit her marketing job in Europe and returned to South Africa to care for her elderly mother and her step-dad, who has Alzheimers.

She speaks at her church, Soul Home, 2 x per month and facilitates non-denominational sacred ceremonies – memorials, weddings and baby blessings. She also helps her clients to create their own ceremonies which are personal and unique and spiritual rather than traditionally religious. (Her new website will be launched soon.)

Currently, Rev. Steph is busy writing her 3rd book: “Tears of the Goddess: Isis and the Amber Road.”

To prevent boredom, Stephanie recently trained as a bilingual (English and German) tourist guide in Cape Town, South Africa. Her unique spiritual tour “From Slavery to Freedom” covers South Africa’s journey of transformation from slavery and Apartheid to the new Democracy which began in 1994 under the leadership of Nelson Mandela.

Stephanie is a typical Gemini which makes her a lover of traveling, languages, words and giggling. She is an accomplished linguist speaking German, Russian, Dutch and some French with a smattering of Italian and Arabic. She loves to translate the language of Heaven into the dialect of Earth.


Skype: Stephanie.clarke.eia1


Guest Category: Literature, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Religion, Motivational, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Mother of war veteran Drew Winkler who took his life due to PTSD
Guest Biography:

Rebecca Winkler will talk about the impact of PTSD on veterans and their families and the tragedy of veterans who take their own lives because of PTSD, as her son Drew did.

Drew Winkler, age 26, of Crestview, Florida, died Monday, May 30, 2016, Memorial Day, after losing his long 5 year battle with PTSD. He took his life after being unable to continue fighting "these demons in my head every day and they are winning." He was just 1 of 22 Veterans suffering from PTSD each day who take their own lives when they can fight no more. Most importantly, he was a loving father, caring son, loyal and trusted brother, and selfless friend. His was a life lost far too soon.
Guest Category: Military, News, Psychology