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Guest Occupation: Owner/Operator Remote Scalar Energy Healing
Guest Biography:

Was it Medicine or Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing That Healed the Infected U.S. Ebola Victims?

Can People Be Rid of Their Virus’, Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoans Via a Remote Process Using a Photograph?

Tom Paladino Picks Up Where Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymus Left Off Their Scalar Energy Research, Creating an Instrument that Can Disassemble 40,000+ Harmful Pathogens in the Body

Was it medicine or really Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing that healed the infected U.S. Ebola victims? While doctors and hospitals were celebrating in the nation’s headlines their eradication of Ebola in the U.S. patients, Paladino knew differently. He had been quietly disassembling the Ebola cells in their bodies, using his Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing instruments.

And why is he convinced that his protocol was the cure? Because thousands of others since 2012 have been reporting remarkable recoveries for everything from Lyme Disease, HIV symptoms, hepatitis, herpes, MRSA, Epstein -Barr, psoriasis, chronic sinusitis and parasites, among others. And a variety of his medically-diagnosed clients have the proof —Viral Load Tests showing the elimination of the pathogen after exposure to the Scalar Energy Healing Sessions.

Paladino’s life’s work has been the pursuit of a device to concentrate and direct Scalar Energy, work that was initiated by scientists Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymous. Scalar Energy is often called prana, chi, zero point energy, qi or orgone —an unseen and unmeasurable quantum energy in the body and throughout the physical world. It was when Hieronymus’ widow Sara revealed to Paladino private notes from the world - renowned scientist and allowed him to seethe inner workings of their initial instruments that the foundation was laid for the Paladino’s acclaimed new system that was first brought online in 2012.

Paladino’s Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing, which took nearly 20 years to perfect, requires only a photo of an individual —a focal point — to work it’s extraordinary treatment process, whereby Paladino administers the scalar energy reverse - phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. There are no side effects when these bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoan cells disassemble as they simply transmute into elemental carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, phosphorous, calcium, etc. Once the causative agent has been eradicated, the symptoms disappear...and that’s precisely what his clients have been raving about.

Individuals register on in a simple process that can be for one or recurring months, and email their photo. Plus they receive free 15 treatments!  They are then notified each day by email when the protocol has been completed. People who may be suffering from some type of bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoan infection or condition are encouraged to participate in his Body of Proof Study. He encourages them to secure a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test –a viral load test — before and after they register for treatment, and provide those findings, so they can be counted among the scientifically-proven Scalar Energy success stories.

Paladino’s mission is no less than to heal the world — to eliminate pathogens in everyone’s bodies globally. And he believes it can be done! He has passionately pursued his quest to harness Scalar Energy since he was a child first reading about Tesla and today, through his diligent study, development, research trial and error, he has the revolutionary breakthrough that does, in fact, control and direct the remarkable quantum energetic force of Scalar Energy.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Technology
Guest Occupation: Intuitive Coach
Guest Biography:

Zach Loeb is an intuitive coach with skills in psychic, mediumship, channeling, past life readings, and animal communication. Growing up in San Francisco, he always had a fascination with metaphysics, but didn't became aware of his abilities until adulthood.

He then studied with Medium Fleur and Colby Rebel to rapidly develop his gifts. In his coaching business he merges spirituality with business, using his psychic gifts and drawing from his background in executive recruiting and career coaching. He provides insights to individual and business clients that help them see the missing pieces that have been hindering their progress, make choices faster, and be more confident in those decisions. After sessions with Zach, clients report feelings of ease, empowerment, inspiration and relief. He also delivers workshops on intuitive development, helping people to listen, see, hear, and feel in new ways, and develop their own gifts.

He prides himself on being a regular guy who happens to have a strong connection to the spirit world, and is grateful to be of service.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Personal Development, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Animal & Plant Communications, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Life Coach
Guest Biography:

With a straight-forward, personable style, Scott has been guiding individuals and couples to greater self-awareness, joy and success for over three decades.

As CFO or CEO in various large entities (primarily in Corporate Agribusiness) for over 20 years, he learned that employees' personal lives, including factors such as their personal challenges, life balance and happiness level, were as important to their career success (or failure) as their work-related strengths and skills.

Scott left his full-time corporate career in 2000. He is now a life coach, acting as a powerful guide to individuals, business leaders and their employees. His passion is assisting folks to live in joy, believing that you cannot create a happy, fulfilling relationship with another until you've created a happy relationship with yourself. He specializes in the tough stuff... helping clients live free of the larger emotional issues at the root of physical challenges such as chronic pain and chronic illnesses, as well as mental challenges such as Bi-Polar Disorder, PTSD, even Borderline Disorder (a mental health challenge previously believed to be almost impossible to treat with any permanent success.

Guest Category: Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Seer, alchemist, author and Facilitator of Awakening
Guest Biography:

Jennifer Hough is a Best-Selling Author, Seer, and Lover of Life. In her 30’s she experienced a profound transformation and now sees life, people, and the world as an energy holograph. This gift allows her to find incongruent patterns that stop us. She sees the quantum leap solutions for harmony, which allows her to show you the codes for your superpowers so you can further become your own guru. She engages metaphysical tools that bypass the need to constantly analyze by going direct with consciousness. Jennifer’s work is for those that know “it’s time” to be the change.

Guest Occupation: Research and Policy Analyst at 'Blue Star Families' and Air Force spouse for 19 years
Guest Biography:

Jennifer Hurwitz is a Research and Policy Analyst at Blue Star Families, where she works on the annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey. An Air Force spouse for the past 19 years, she has volunteered and worked in a variety of roles that help to support military families.

Blue Star Families is a non-profit that supports military families and helps them with deal with having a member of the family in the service. Blue Star Families provides free resources, services, and opportunities to more than 1.5 million military family members—making military life more sustainable.

Military spouse underemployment is an issue that she has experienced first-hand due to the 10 military moves she, her husband and daughter have made. After years of reinventing herself at each duty station –working as a speech-language pathologist, teacher, university professor and researcher – she joined Blue Star Families, an organization that fully understands these challenges.

Jennifer has a master’s degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences from Eastern Illinois University and a doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

To learn more, go to

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, History, Kids & Family, Military, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: speaker, author, radio and television host
Guest Biography:

My second guest, Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos was born to a military family, raised in Europe, graduated from Munich International High School in Germany, has a degree in Special Education from Keene Teacher’s College in Keene, NH, taught Special Education for 10 years and Psychology at the University of South Florida.

She is a Keynote speaker and presenter on the topics of Health, Healing and Prophetic Dreams. Her International Bestseller Surviving Cancerland message on dreams is lovingly weaved into the topic of her talks.

She is the host of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ TV and Radio and host and co-producer of New Earth International Media and The Kat Kanavos Internet TV Show to promote Healing and Dreams.

She “gives back” for all her healing as an R.A. BLOCH Cancer Foundation HOTLINE phone counselor. Kat teaches Dream Classes, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Publicity Courses as both live events and live webinars. She is a Patheos Blogger, Internationally Syndicated Columnist for Women’s Voices Magazine, and BIZANALYTICS360.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Religion
Guest Occupation: natural physician., best selling author, international speaker
Guest Biography:

Fred Pescatore, MD, is one of the most sought-after natural physicians in the country, specializing in making you feel like the best version of you! He will be the first guest on the Holistic Health Show on Saturday.

You may have already met Dr. Pescatore on The O’Reilly Factor, Rachael Ray, The Today Show, Extra, The View, and many more – sharing the latest breakthroughs in integrative and nutritional medicine.

Dr. Pescatore is the author of the New York Times best-selling book, The Hamptons Diet and the No. 1 best-selling children’s health book, Feed Your Kids Well, among others. Dr. Pescatore’s other books include: Thin For Good, The Allergy and Asthma Cure, The Hamptons Diet Cookbook, Boost Your Health with Bacteria and most recently the A-List Diet. 

Dr. Pescatore has his finger on the pulse of natural medicine’s most cutting-edge cures. As a result, everyone from normal hardworking Americans to international royalty are traveling hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of miles to visit at his renowned clinic in New York City.

He’s spent over 3 decades studying, researching and practicing medicine around the world alongside some of today’s most well respected physicians.

Through his non-stop research and unique medical connections across the globe he hears about the most groundbreaking natural discoveries and healing techniques as they happen…sometimes decades before they trickle out to the mainstream.

Dr. Pescatore has spoken on hundreds of radio shows across America. And for years, he was heard daily as the host of the No. 1 health radio show in New York City called, The Logical Alternative. He is currently on the editorial board of Us Weekly magazine and is a regular contributor to In Touch, First for Women and Women’s World magazines.

With over 30 years of knowledge in his back pocket, Dr. Pescatore is putting the research, techniques, and in-depth healing protocols right in your hands–and not in clunky medical textbook fashion. Dr. Pescatore makes good health easy to understand and attainable for any age, at any fitness level. His natural approach to healing confronts the modern day cure-all obsession for drugs and surgery that come with countless side effects. And it’s not just his patients that are reaping the benefits. Dr. Pescatore features it all in one of the most exclusive health newsletters available, Logical Health Alternatives. A direct pipeline to one of the most respected minds in natural medicine, written by Dr. Pescatore himself. These cutting-edge cures and simple healing miracles are also shared daily with his loyal readers in his free e-letter Reality Health Check.

Behind all the glitz and glamour, Dr. Pescatore is also deeply involved in the philanthropic community, devoting time to working in hospitals in Tanzania, as well as helping to support local organizations for the youth in this country. If he’s not lecturing across America or head deep in clinical research, he often travels around the world lecturing in such exotic locales as India and Japan – usually returning with new medical techniques to share with his patients.

After graduating medical school at Columbia University, Dr. Pescatore studied in Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Africa, and Europe. The techniques he gathered have become part of his broad knowledge of healing.

His passion for traveling and education has given Dr. Pescatore vast opportunity to research and create some of the best nutritional supplements available today. Coming out with his own line in 2012, NuLogic Nutritionals, Dr. Pescatore has had hands-on experience formulating only the highest quality ingredients derived from ideal climates around the world.

Because of the respect Dr. Pescatore has earned in the nutritional supplement industry, he is a consultant for many firms and has been instrumental in developing and clinically testing many of the leading nutritional products. He is the President of the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists, a member of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, and belongs to many other professional organizations.

Prior to opening his own practice, for five years, Dr. Pescatore was the Associate Medical Director of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine working as the right-hand-man to the late, great Dr. Robert C. Atkins

Grounded in the latest cutting-edge science, the A-List Diet is a foolproof approach to eating healthy that will make your body feel good on the inside, which makes you look younger, slimmer, and better than ever—the natural way.

With a unique dieting innovation known as amino boosting, the A-List Diet goes beyond Atkins, beyond The Whole 30, beyond Eat Fat, Get Thin, and way beyond Paleo. By combining the benefits of amino boosting, protein rotation, inflammation busting, alkalization, and genetics, this diet maximizes your ability to drop weight.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Radio Host/Animal Rights/Environmental and Health activist
Guest Biography:

Bob Linden, vegan for 29 years, animal lover and dog-spoiler, is the host and executive producer of the listener-supported non-profit production GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN – the first-ever mainstream-media vegan animal liberation, health, and environmental program, now broadcasting for 12 years, having been heard on the Air America radio network, CBS and Clear Channel radio stations, XM, iTunes, TalkStreamLive, stitcher/GOVEGAN), with archives at GoVeganRadio and syndication starting soon on the Genesis Communications Network, the fastest growing radio talk network in the world – where Bob’s program will become its first “food” show.

Prior to vegan animal liberation activism, Bob was Program Director and on-air at many successful rock, jazz, and world music radio stations around the country including CD-101 New York, JAZZY 100 Washington D.C., KIFM San Diego, LOVE 94 Miami, The Sound in Seattle, KKLZ Las Vegas, STAR 106 San Antonio, and z-92 Omaha.

Bob’s activism, community involvement, and promotional and marketing efforts have been featured on the CBS Evening News, CNN, in the New York Times, AP, UPI, and elsewhere. He was named Program Director of the Week by Billboard Magazine and received ADDY awards for writing the best radio commercial in Nebraska one year, as well as for TV spots and billboard campaigns.

Bob was honored to receive the “Shining World Hero Award” d from the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.

He is a graduate of Queens College of the City University of New York and Stuyvesant High School and PS 152 in Manhattan.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, News, Politics & Government